==> Wake up.

You repeat the same process; except this time, off a bed.
Excitedly, you immediately look out the window and to your planet--

Trees everywhere, like someone shitted every type of tree. Jungle-esque trees, evergreen...

You wanted to scream.
==> Get over your hissy fit, and get to alchemizing!

Fine, fine. You get over to your house. The fish sprite is nowhere to be seen. The bastard...!!
Anyhow, you CAPTCHALOGUE a few random items, and then PUNCH a few more.
Blah blah blah, you end up with a totem based off a doublelapping FISH and BUTCHER KNIFE.
...How the hell will this turn out?

(Are you asking if its overlapping or double-punched? If it's that, it's overlapping. Sorry!!!)
==> Be.....Be...??????
Autumn stares at her creation. Sushi. Are you kidding? Sushi?!


Hold on a damn second. You aren't doing THIS again. Not over food.....
You promptly eat the SUSHI.
==> Go do it again.

You repeat the entire process, over again.
....This time, you try the other option. Double punch? Sounds like a good type of Hawaiian punch.
==> Equip that insane motherfucker.

By god, the weapon..sounds damn amazing? Anyways, thank god you took those cooking classes. You take the knifeKind Abstrasus, and equip the weapon. Time to try this badboy out...
Where are the imps, anyways?
==> ...Meh. Go back to axKind.

Actually, you realize how stupid you look swinging around a serrated slicer.
...Wait, how DO you make an axe anyways?!

You sincerely help Dues Ex Machina-- you meant John Doe came in!


Annyyy minute now.
A captchalogue card containing a hatchet appearifies on the ground. More cards are starting to accumulate.
==> Kick some imp ass!!!

You add it to your Strife Deck, and then go to equip it. You set off from your house, and take off on a path to your awesome and totally not-dangerous mission.

==> Skip to present-time.

Hollyy shitttt swinging a hatchet so many times is hard. How do the others players even fight?? Umbrellas...?? Yoyos?????
How does that even work, you mindlessly ponder as you swing your axe even more mindlessly. You don't know how much grist you need, or how much whatever-whatever you need. You just pile it all up, until you decide to go home...which was now, after a loonngg streak of STRIFE with imps.

(and I'm back!!!)
==> Fucking. Tree. Imps.

In the meanwhile of waiting for ?? to finish up his not-romance session with Nova (as you ARE her Host client), you deal with the various fucking imps JUMPING at you from the treetops. It only takes a whack with the axe, sending them flying down from the trees. Ah, yes. You forget to mention;

Your house is perched on top of a goddamn tree itself like some fancy-ass treehouse that GOD decided to shit out.
You hate fucking trees.

But on the bright side, the first..gate, or whatever, was closer than usual. No clue what that meant. You'll have to ask on pesterchum.

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