The Beachhouse


Netherworld Overlord
Warm sands and blue skies.

That was how it was as soon as Lillia's feet fit the sand. She waved goodbye to the man who brought them here. Yes them. Lillia was surprised to see others with her. She had assumed this would be a private vacation. Then again why would her parents allow her to be anywhere by herself? She felt silly that she thought otherwise. Still it was nice to know she wouldn't be alone. And land was only half a day away.

Lillia looked up at the house she would be staying in from now, June 22th to August 24th. She wished it would be longer, but that was when the owners said it would be open and of course she had school. Maybe she'd come back if this summer went well.

She hefted her stuff, wondering if she could convince one of the guys around to help her bring them in. She decided against it and headed over to get rid of her stuff and pick a room.

Taylor stretched further down the beach. He had arrived earlier than some of the others which was fine for him. It was weird to think he'd be staying in some house with strangers, but it was okay. He wasn't going to back out after what he had paid. He thought the amount was generous enough. He bet the owners had tons of places, why worry about one dinky little island house off the coast of Miami?

He had already put his things away and now he was stretching, ready to get in a work out before lunch. Lunch. It would be interesting to see how things turned out with everyone. After all not everyone would get along right? He could hope that they would and that things would flow nice and smooth, but he didn't want to kid himself. He wondered how much food was stocked though.

Jace got off the boat and grinned ear from ear. Oh yes this was going to be fun. He looked around at his new housemates. He couldn't wait to get to know them, especially some of them. A good looking crew of people for sure. He was lucky. He winked at a girl passing by and smiled to himself.

Oh yes this was going to be good.
Flower had arrived just a few minutes ago. She slowly made her way to the beach house. She had saw others were here. Flower found it a bit unnerving. She was shy and she wasn't expecting people. She moved through the house and put her things in a room. She slowly unpacked and then crossed her arms over her stomach. Her long white hair was odd and hoped people wouldn't mention it. As a strand fell in her face she did nothing. She looked out the window and then took a deep breath. She made her way down and hen shyly outside observing the others. She swallowed. This might be a long vacation.
"The chest goes here and the bag goes in the wardrobe. Oh, and careful with Mr. Jellybum!" She exclaimed in her sweet almost school-girl sounding British accent. The uniformed chauffeur scurried frantically here and there in order to fulfill all that she needed. She watched, clearly amused from her new, satisfying four-poster bed as her things were being put into place.

"Anything else, Miss Victoria?" The driver asked, panting.

She got up, putting her hands on her hips and inspected the room.
"No, this is perfect, Charleton. You may now go.... Oh, and please say thank you to dear mumsy and daddy for me.

The driver nodded and bid her a good vacation before leaving. Upon hearing him click the door shut, Tori squealed and jumped onto the bed. This is going to be the best summer ever! Her thought were already running madly trying to think of what she could possibly do and who she could possibly meet. Then, after a quick snuggle with her stuffed unicorn, she changed into a blue tank top and pink hibiscus-printed shorts and ran downstairs, sliding down the banister hoping to get some company... or at least a snack
Lillia was making her way to go and make a claim on a room, she was busy in her thoughts as well. She was going to be a senior come the fall and she had to start thinking college, right? She sighed. She had the summer to have fun. She would worry about her future at another time.

But she was busy with her thoughts that she almost crashed into Victoria. She stumbled back a bit, almost dropping all of her things and flashed the girl a nervous smile. "Oh sorry." She moved a bit and heard a clang. She looked down to see her inhaler had dropped. She looked from Victoria to it and slowly picked it back up. "I didn't see you"


Jace stretched after putting his things away. He could get more organized later tonight. He had time. He nodded and slipped out the door. He made his way back downstairs ready to mingle. He notice a girl with white hair. Huh well that was surely interesting. He moved over to her and flashed her a wide grin.

"Why hello there. I am Jace Lewis? And what beautiful name do you have to match your beauty?"

Flower looks at the guy and then blinks looking down. She grabbed her left arm. "" she glanced at him and then forced herself to look at him. "I'm flower." she said and then pushed her hair back. She sighed and continued. "moon....flower moon." she said and then rubbed her arm. She was shy but she was goig to be here a while. However the beautiful part really only made things worse for her. Her light blush showed that.
Heidi smiled as she walked into the big mansion, originally she thought it was just going to be her, but apparently not so. However, she had seen a few of the others from a distance and had already made up her mind that these new additions to her holiday plans were going to be good additions not bad ones. She headed straight towards the bedrooms and found an empty one, it was close to the stair case, actually, it was right next to the stair case which was fine with her. She walked into the bedroom and smiled, looking out the window, it was over looking the beach and she knew she would enjoy waking up everyday, checking the weather and if it was good going for a walk or swim. Actually, the weather looked pretty good already and she decided a quick swim would be alright, there weren't any rules or regulations in this house, no they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Of course, meals had to be cooked and things had to be cleaned, but they had butlers for that, right? The money that had paid had certainly been enough to get maids and chefs in. But if they hadn't then something would be worked out, it would simply be interesting to see how everyone got along.

Heidi started putting her things away and when she finished she shut her door, took out some swimmers and changed into them before grabbing a towel that was sitting on her bed. She headed down stairs looking around to see some of the others, of course she loved socializing but the beach was just so inviting, but if she saw someone who she wanted to befriend then she would definitely stop and chat. As it was, there was no one inside she thought of talking to so she just walked out and headed for the beach. Once she was on the sand she smiled again and started walking along the beach before she dropped her towel near the shore as she walked towards the water up to her ankles, the water was a little chilly but not too bad, rather, it was quite refreshing.

Joel had gotten out of the bus and dropped his stuff into an empty room, not really caring about unpacking. The trip had been too long for him and he needed to stretch his legs for a while, but more then less he just wanted to see who he would be living with for the next few months and make some friends with these people. Walking into the hallway he saw a girl bump into another girl with almost perfect white hair. He chuckled at the two as he walked towards the girl who was carrying all of her things, "Hey, I'm Joel, do you need some help?" He asked as he gestured to her full arms that carried her things. He usually would have taken her things but since he didn't know her he didn't want to take any liberties, she might not want a stranger helping her, but they were going to be living in the same house for the next three or so months so why not?
Deliah made her way to the beach house, hauling her things with her. She tried to be careful with her camera and equipment, but there was only so much she could hold. Warm sand kept getting in her sandals, while the hot air made her want to just lie in an air conditioned room. Finally, she got there, only to see that she wasn't alone. It wasn't a problem, but she had been told that there would be no one else there. Oh well,she thought. It would be fun to meet some meet some new people. Deliah went up to her room and put all of her bags on the floor. From there, she started to unpack, saving her bikini and an extra pair of clothes for that day.

When she was all done, she changed into what she had set aside earlier. Deliah went downstairs to get to know everyone better. She would have gone to the beach, but she was just so tired from the three hour long drive. Deliah had always hated long car rides. Upon going down the stairs, she saw that a few girls and a guy were already downstairs. "Hi guys!"

(Didn't abandoned technically. I left the site again but I am back. We can continue if you guys want)

Jace smiled at Flower, trying to be charming. She really was pretty, but she seemed so shy. Well that was going to have to change.

"Flower Moon? Truly a name fit for someone like you. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Jace Lewis." He extended a hand to her to shake. He had noticed some other people as well. One of them, another guy came over.

"Joel. I am Jace. It's nice to meet you too Joel."
Flower looked up at him and then slowly reached out and shook his hand. " meet you too." She said and then looked as a few more people suddenly appeared. Flower tried to straighten up and look up but she continued to look down.
Scott stepped of the boat. He took his pack and started walking to his room. As he walked into the house he saw people already arrived. He thought it would be just him. But this could be fun. He walked to his room and started unpack. He were really careful about his guitar, longboard and surfing board. When he were done he went downstairs to the others. He went to the fridge took a coke and then leaned to the counter to look around. Just to check in the others before talking to someone. But he was still very shy.
Flower glanced at Joel and then looked at Jace. She sighed deeply and then stood up straight and tucked her pure white hair behind her ear. She watched as yet another boy passed and went into the kitchen. She glanced down unable to help herself and then rubbed the back of her head. There's so many people here already....maybe...I could...get use to it...

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