The Beachhouse


Netherworld Overlord
So I decided to try and save this rp. I had it in the Private rp section but decided to move it here instead. Here was the story idea/plot. You can tell me if I was right in trying to save it.

You were told it would be a summer to remember. You would going to a nice tropical island off the coast of Florida. You were going to have a huge beachhouse and a private beach all to yourself. It was going to be relaxing. It was going to be fun. There was food, games, tv, internet, surfing, swimming and other activities to do this summer. All by yourself.

Or so you thought. You didn't expect to find others at the beachhouse, but now it appears that you are all going to be sharing the place. Logically there is room and food for all, but then again you thought this was just going to be
yours. And now you have to deal with others on your vacation.

But it's only three months of putting up with strangers, both teenagers and young adults. It can't be that bad right? And there is now the possibility of a summer romance or making new friendships.

But it's clear that whatever may come, you're pretty sure that it will be unlike any summer before. At least for most of you.


  • No godmodding. It's rude.
  • This is T. You can imply things but keep it as clean as possible.
  • You cannot leave the island. Without permission of course. If you want your character(s) to leave the beachhouse pm me first. This also goes if randomly I throw in something dangerous and character(s) die or get hurt.
  • Let's have fun. No OOC fighting. You may have in character fighting too. Drama is fun especially when they have to share a house abliet a big one.
  • You can have up to three characters. This may change.
  • No one-liners. We all have our off days, but try and get at least a paragraph (five to seven sentences) in per post. No really long wall of text posts. You're not writing a novel here.
Hey people! So I finally got the maps done. They are...well crappy, but someone I know is making better ones, so bear with mine for now. I want people to get a general idea of the place. I will add more description to rooms later.

I also want people to claim bedrooms so I can see how many people we have so I know if I had the numbers right. The rooms are all the same size and for now room 5 has a porch, but that will change. Colors of places don't mean anything. I just wanted to add some color to it, but you can ask for a room to be a certain color. If there are more people than rooms we can all pick new ones, but for now choose a room. My friend is crazy and also asks if you want something in your room to say what you want.

Overall View/Bird's Eye of Island


First Floor


Second Floor


Room 1- Jason (MagicPocket)

Room 2- James (AGProject7374)

Room 3-

Room 4- Flower (Fire of Hearts)

Room 5- Taylor (Legendless)

Room 6- Eva (AGProject7374)

Room 7-
Lillia (Legendless)

Room 8-

Room 9- Carter (AGProject7374)

Room 10- Skylar (Ash Autopsy)

(Room 11)-Do not claim yet

(Room 12)-Do not claim yet



NOTE I changed a few rules if anyone cared.
[MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] Room 1 for Jason. I was thinking about the map, you could use the Sims to create it. I know in Sims 3 you can download the World Creator and make even small islands and stuff, it would be super easy and everything to personalize it the way you want too. It would be flippin awesome...
Okay. For those yet to choose I will end up picking for you. And there is now going to be 12 rooms eventually.

Also do you mean Sims for the computer?
Sims for the computer yes, I had the Sims 2 for PS2 a long time ago, but it wasn't as fun, plus I wouldn't think it would be easy to take a screen shot or something--but I have no idea, my family's not big into consoles cept Wii. *shruggs* I'll probably play around with worlds this weekend, the idea intrigues me for personal pursuits as i have never made a world before and i like building.
Wazzzaaaap? Now look. I understand most people don't appreciate my kind, but this looks pretty fun. If my being a perv hinders anyone's fun please tell me off the bat. I know where I'm not wanted :P Even if I WANT to be in a girls pants xD Sorry guys, but I'm gonna give it shot! Oh and trust me. Just because I'm pervy and a newb, does NOT mean Im a bad Roleplayer. I've made a quite a name for myself on some sites. Decided I'd come and join the big leagues ^_^

Name:Isaac Watson



Appearance: Well built, tanned bleach blonde with long hair, normally tied back. Not very intimidating though, being pretty short and 5'7 (laugh and you die O.o ), normally wears a graphic tee depicting his favorite stuff at the moment and a hat of some sort, and just your average cargo shorts :P Incredibly brawny due to his street upbringing and constant training for roles. NEVER caught dead without his shades, but had pretty nice emerald eyes when their not on.

History:Isaac's been alone since day 1, never had a family, simply grew up on the streets, made quite a name for himself as Gigawattson in NYC (born and raised!) He fought and scrapped his way to the top of street fighting. And was finally found by a company who cast him as an actor in many movies, including "Street Fists" and "SK8R Boy" He finally got to stop fighting for what he wanted, and finally found out what really liked,

GIRLS. Yes, young 10 year old Isaac found that girls (and their voluptuous bodies) interested him most. While he really is a nice funny guy, he never tries to hide the fact he's a pervert. He's incredibly proud of it actually, and due to his movie star status, has NO shame. He grew up to 19 and made his mark and money and decided to go to the beach house for three months, hoping to get away for a while. And finally learn to surf instead of skate. Plus all the babes! He's not thrilled he's got to share the house...but maybe some good could come out of it?

Other:Loves skating, skilled at parkour and other acrobatics, a great bartender can make the best of anything you desire, also spoiler alert (HE'S HUNG LIKE A HORSE) (Im so sorry, I just had to say that xD )

Well. I gave it my best shot, here goes nothing.

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