The Beachhouse (Sign-up)


Netherworld Overlord
For info on the Beachhouse:

Character Sheet


Age: (13-25)





Name: Lillia Cross

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Lillia is a short girl at 5'1" and is pretty skinny as well. She has fair skin that tans easily and has a splash of freckles that run across her nose. Her hair is a tangled, black curly mess. She has sea green eyes. Her ears are pierced and it seems that she has one earring on the top of her left ear too.

History: Lillia had a normal life in a small town. Her parents were loving, but a bit protective of her as a kid. Lillia had bad asthma as a kid and they wanted to be sure that she would have no problems. As an only child, Lillia was spoiled as well, but not too much. She went through elementary school and middle school without too many issues. She had two big attacks, one that put her in the hospital. Lillia believes that she has asthma no more, but she still has her inhaler on her, saying it's to shut her parents up. She found the beachhouse and thought it'd be a good place to escape from her parents to and they had no problems in paying for it for her. Lillia is unsure of sharing it, but she won't let it ruin her summer.

Other: She is an excellent swimmer and also brought her guitar that she is learning to play. Also a laptop too.

Name: Taylor Culkin

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: Taylor is of average height around 5'6" and is a little muscular. He has olive colored skin. His hair is cut short and is a sandy blonde. His eyes are a dark blue color. Taylor has a tattoo on his upper right arm of a snake wrapped around his arm, biting it's own tail. He also wears a silver chain.

History: Taylor was the middle child in his all boy family. He was picked on by his older brother who he also looked up to and helped tease his younger one who he was close with also. Taylor was a jock type in middle and high school, but he wasn't a jerk or stupid like most people might assume. He loved the way it felt when he was playing sports and he still exercises now. He went to college on a sport scholarship and is working towards being a trainer for altheletes. Taylor wanted a break from college life and he thought that going to the beachhouse would be fun. He is bothered by the others when he thought he would be alone, but he also doesn't mind the company and is ready to flirt and have fun with them.

Other: n/a
Name: Jay parkers

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Blue eyes, Tall about 5'11

History: Jay grew up with 4 brothers and her dad, her mother died in a house fire when she was 2. Her house was, and still is ALWAYS crazy! Most people woudn't be able to spend 1 hour in her house but she didn't care. When she went to college she had too much pressure put on her so she came here. She's a little shy around people she doesn't know but she's willing to cope.

Other: She used to get bullied when she was younger so she's very sensitive.

Name: Daniel Jhonson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

About 5'4

History: Daniel had a strange life. His parents died when he was 10 so he went to live with his uncle, He wasn't very popular in middle school until he tried out for drama. Now everyone sees him as the joker. Once he got into highschool he turned out to be really popular. He became too annoyed with it so he came on vacation. He's ok with sharing, as long as they keep to thier own buisness

Other: N/a
Name: Flower Full Moon

Age: 19

Gender: Female


History: She was born into a normal family it seems but her older sister was a bit wild in her ways. She bared most of the chores in her kind heartness towards her sister. She learned to cook and clean and was pretty much able to take care of herself by age 12. Luckily for her she was able to keep the house so clean her parents didn't notice that her sister was smoking. She protected her older sister up till everything went wrong. Her parents were killed in a car crash and her sister got even worse. Going to bars every night and coming home with strange men, everytime she did come home with a guy she sent him out of the house. A few times she had to use a gun to get them out. She became very scornful of her sister. She hated that she was out leaving Flower all alone a lot. She left her sister and was pretty happy to find that the beach house had other people.

Other: She was born with that white hair and is pretty shy around new people.
You guys are both accepted. I'll wait until Saturday and if no one else joins, I won't mind starting it.
Name: Dahlia "Doll" Olette Avalon

Age: 18

Gender: Female


She's short (5'2") with dark blondish/brown hair. Dark green eyes. She has snakebites, a nose piercing and an industrial. She is shy around new people but opens up quickly. She plays bass, and she loves to sing and write music, but she would never admit that she's really good at it. Her parents are super rich but don't spend a lot of time with her. Her style of dress is kind of preppy but she's always up for wearing flip flops or a hoodie too. She's really loving and protective of friends and just generally fun to be around.

((Sorry I kind of put appearance, history and other all in one paragraph lol. Any other info you need feel free to ask and I'll be sure to post it :3 ))
I can make one if you'd like. I've never RPed as a guy so I might be awkward at first and I will have to take some time creating it but it shouldn't be a problem :3
If you want to you can. And playing guys isn't too different from playing girls. I sometimes prefer rping as guys for I am weird.
Haha okay. Well give me a bit and I'll post one :D

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Name: Zach Evans

Age: 19

Gender: Male


(I can't put an actual pic or my comp. freezes >_<)

History: Zach has always been somewhat of a loner. He was adopted and has never been fond of his adoptive parents, but was very close with his grandmother. His parents were very poor until recently when his grandmother died and left his parents everything. Seeing how upset he was, they sent him on a vacation to the beach house with their inheritance. He was upset to find that there were others there. He is really sweet but can come off as stand-offish or even a jerk because it takes him a long time to open up to people, if ever. He plays guitar and drums, and brought his guitar with him to the beach house. He went to the same high school as Dahlia, so they are acquaintances but nothing more.


(Sorry it took so long, tried to upload a pic and my pc froze and I had to redo it all >_<)

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I also added the photo to my other charry, hopefully the link works.
Name: Kayla Reynolds

Age: (13-25) 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'4, slender build, Native haritage, long, stick straight black hair, dark eyes that appear nearly black

History: Kayla grew up in a pretty normal family, a mother, father, and younger brother. She is usually pretty easy going, but tends to be very guarded with new people. She got burnt out working two part time jobs, plus caring for her brother full time, as her parents travel a lot. In an attempt to regain her sanity, she came to the beach house, planning on some peace and relaxation. She's annoyed to find others here, intrudng on what should have been the perfect vacation, but on the ther hand, a summer romance would be fun...

Other: Crushing on Taylor? That okay?

Name: Eric Lawrence

Age: (13-25)


Tall, 6'2, lean, runner's body. Blonde hair, blue eyes, cute smile

Eric is charming. Sweet. Handsome. Everything you would think would make the perfect guy. But he has a dark past. He's been in jail fr the past two years, only released six months ago. The crime? Who knows, he refuses to talk about it. He's got a few tattoos, each with a meaning known only to him. His history is largely a mystery, no mention of a family, no talking of loved ones. He's completely closed off from the outside world. Some speculate he's been hurt so badly by someone, he's hiding within himself, afraid to be hurt again. Some think he's just an arrogant oaf with a superiority complex. Who knows? Maybe he's both. He's downright peeved to find other people here. He needed this vacation, the alone time. Granted, it appears there are some good looking women here...

Name: James Gamer

Age: 21 years old

Gender: Male


View attachment 2598

History: James had also been outgoing and friendly to everyone he meet. But screw him or anyone he loved and you might as well be dead. His parents died in a car accident when he was 11 years old. After that he bounced from one foster home to another. James would always get in trouble for fighting kids that picked on his friends. When he turned 16 he got emancipated at an early age. By then he knew inside and out of a car and how to drive it, and to defend himself. When he turned 18 he knew he was going to do what he always loved, street racing. He went on vacation to the beach house to find a surprise, other people. The first thing he thought was, "This is going to be fun."

Other: N/A
This sounds really fun. I understand if its to late though. :)

Name: Heather Hading

Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance:View attachment 2575

History: Very normal in a way. Has a mom, dad, and two sisters. Not popular but not a loser. Quiet, yet very flirtatious and know for a slender body. Good singer and artist. Friendly and loves nature and the ocean. Always wanted to go to Japan.

Other: Be nice to her. She may seem nice but you don't want to see her bad side.
Only if you guys are willing to be lesbians because we have so many girls. ;)

I will accept you both, but I am closing the sign-ups now. No more people.
I'm happy to create a guy character instead, but I've never RP as one, unless the other person wants to. Or I can just be single, doesn't matter to me.
My character can be bi-sexual. I hope that helps.

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My character can be bi sexual. I hope that helps.
There I re-created my character. Just let us know when you want us to start Legendless, and could you give us a short summaray of what's happening?

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