The Barrier between Dimensions (Marvel, DC, Capcom, Mortal Kombat, Nintendo, SEGA, etc)

Zack DeAngelis

Junior Member
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Name: Deadpool (Wade Wilson)


Universe: Marvel

Age: 35 due to healing factor age is meaningless

Personality: Insane. Entirely. Has three different Wade Wilsons inside his mind.

History:Wade Wilson's early life is mostly unknown. His mother died of cancer while he was young and his father (who was in the military) was physically abusive. Wade was a deliquent in his teenage years, possibly to spite his father. However one night while drinking with his friends his father attempt to take him out of the club one of his friends stole Wade's Fathers handgun and killed him. Following a brief stint of military service, Wade began his mercenary career while still in his late teens. Accepting assassination jobs only against those whom he felt deserved death, he made a habit of using plastic surgery and technology to take on a new identity whenever he failed an assignment. Many years later Deadpool's nemesis T-Ray accused Deadpool of killing his wife and stealing his identity after a failed mission, but Deadpool's restored memories revealed this to be a lie; in T-Ray's account Wade was wearing his Deadpool costume, which he didn't have in till after he joined Weapon X.

Little is known of Wilson’s subsequent mercenary activities. At one point he was active in Tangier, Morocco, where he romanced a woman named Francie. When this relationship soured, he traveled throughout Asia, and was hired in Japan by a crimelord, the Boss, to infiltrate a sumo-wrestling ring owned by a rival criminal, the Oyakata. Wilson spent three years as a wrestler under the Oyakata’s tutelage and became romantically involved with his mentor’s daughter, Sazae. When the Boss finally ordered the Oyakata’s murder, Wilson refused to complete his assignment, allegedly the first time he had ever done so, and relocated to the United States.

In America, Wilson met and fell in love with teenage prostitute Vanessa Carlysle, with whom he shared dreams of a better life. Wilson was subsequently hired by Middle Eastern interests to assassinate a blind British government operative named Althea, also known as Blind Al, but upon arrival at the Zaire base where she was stationed, he killed everyone except for Al who had fled. Wilson’s employers sought vengeance for his failure by targeting Vanessa, who was rescued by Zoe Culloden, an employee of the interdimensional firm Landau, Luckman, Lake, and LeQuare. Culloden was keeping Wilson under surveillance, believing he was destined to play a vital part in a potential threat to the world.

Learning that he had contracted cancer, Wilson broke up with Vanessa rather than force her to remain with a terminally ill man. In Canada, he was offered hope in the form of Department K, a special weapons development branch of the Canadian government. Wilson became a test subject in Department K’s branch of the joint U.S./Canadian superhuman enhancement project, the Weapon X Program; his cancer was temporarily arrested via the implantation of a healing factor derived from another Department K agent, the mutant adventurer Wolverine. Wilson was active in a covert field unit alongside the near-invulnerable Sluggo and the cyborgs Kane andSlayback. Vanessa herself was later affiliated with the team after having manifested mutant shapeshifting abilities, calling herself Copycat.

During one mission, Wilson killed his teammate Slayback. As a result, he was rejected from the Weapon X Program and sent to the Hospice, allegedly a government facility where failed superhuman operatives were treated. However, unknown to the Canadian government, the Hospice’s patients served as experimental subjects for Doctor Killebrew and his sadistic assistant Ajax, with the patients placing bets in a "deadpool" as to how long each subject would live. Killebrew subjected Wilson to various torturous experiments for his own deranged satisfaction. In due course, Wilson formed a semi-romantic relationship with the cosmic entity Death, who regarded him as a kindred spirit. Wilson’s emotional strength during his trials earned him the respect of his fellow Hospice patients. Then Ajax, angered by Wilson’s taunts, lobotomized one of Wilson’s friends. At Death’s prompting, Wilson killed his friend to end his suffering. However, under Killebrew’s rules any patient who killed another was to be executed; Ajax subsequently tore out Wilson’s heart and left him for dead, but Wilson’s thirst for vengeance was so strong that it jumpstarted his healing factor, regenerating his heart, although not curing his scarred body. Wilson then attacked Ajax, leaving him for dead in turn, and, taking the name Deadpool, escaped from the Hospice with his fellow patients.

Following his escape, Deadpool served for a time as an enforcer alongside the surgically altered criminalHammerhead. He soon returned to his freelance mercenary activities, donning a costume in keeping with his new identity. At some point during his mercenary career he was employed as an assassin by Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of crime. He also clashed with Wolverine, at that time a spy for the Canadian government. Also, at some point during these years, Deadpool caught up with Blind Al and kept her a prisoner in his home. Al’s attempts to escape only resulted in death for those whose help she sought, leaving her no choice but to resign herself to captivity.

Some years after escaping the Hospice, Deadpool, perhaps seeking compensation for the injuries inflicted upon him by Killebrew, returned to the Canadian government and was treated by Doctor Walter Langkowski, the bestialSasquatch of Canada’s super-team Alpha Flight. Deadpool soon found government work unsuited to his temperament, and he abandoned this endeavor. Hired by the criminal genius known as the Wizard, Deadpool at first went to the wrong address and received a job impersonating the criminal Hobgoblin. When again contacted by the Wizard, he joined with fellow criminals the Taskmaster and the Constrictor in a short-lived version of theFrightful Four. When this plan also failed, Deadpool sought to reclaim his position as the Kingpin’s assassin, only to be challenged by fellow assassin Bullseye. Deadpool began frequenting the mercenary hangout called the Hellhouse, where the diminutive Patch issued assignments. There he clashed with T-Ray, a sorcerer and assassin to whom he took an immediate dislike. He subsequently found employment with the time-traveling arms merchant Tolliver, in whose service he was reunited with Sluggo and Copycat. Unbeknownst to Deadpool, Tolliver subsequently sent Copycat to impersonate another mutant mercenary, Domino. Deadpool also recruited a man named Weasel to act as his weapon supplier, and the two became fast friends.

After some time in Tolliver’s service, Deadpool was sent to kill Cable, the mutant soldier from the future who was in fact Tolliver’s father and in whose company Copycat was impersonating Domino. However, Deadpool met defeat at the hands of Cable and his new charges, the young mutants in training known as the New Mutants. When Cable reorganized the New Mutants as X-Force, Tolliver was seemingly slain in battle with them, setting off a search by his various mercenaries for the advanced technology he had left behind. Deadpool’s participation in the search was interrupted by the surprising interference of Slayback, who had cybernetically reconstituted himself after being slain by Deadpool and was eager for revenge. In the course of the ensuing battle, Copycat was gravely injured, and Deadpool sacrificed part of his healing ability to save her life.

Deadpool subsequently helped X-Force member Siryn against the unstoppable Juggernaut and her uncle, Black Tom Cassidy, who had forced Killebrew into their service. Deadpool developed a strong attachment to Siryn, who only partially returned his feelings. Unsure of his worthiness, Deadpool sought out Copycat, only to find she was now dating Kane. Deadpool fought both Kane and Wolverine, who had been sent to check on Kane by a mutual friend. Deadpool was subsequently abducted by information brokers seeking a cure for the Legacy Virus but was rescued by Wolverine and the mutant mercenary Maverick.

Soon afterward, Deadpool was approached by Zoe Culloden of the rechristened Landau, Luckman, and Lake who believed he was destined to be the Mithras, one who would help usher in a golden age for Earth. Skeptical, Deadpool turned her away, only to be hit with a string of personal failures, including the alienation of Weasel and Blind Al. Hoping to turn over a new leaf, he found that killing was not so easily left behind when, at the behest of the ghosts of his former Weapon X inmates, he killed Ajax. He hoped to move forward by accepting Culloden’s offer, only to be dismayed when he learned that his destined role was to kill Tiamat, a potential threat to the arriving “Messiah.” Deadpool instead killed the Messiah when he learned that it brought not true peace but mindless bliss instead.

Having lost his optimism about bettering himself, Deadpool returned to his mercenary life. Troubled by recent events, he sought the counsel of deranged psychiatrist Doctor Bong, who advised him to work out his difficulties in a fight with Wolverine. The fight indeed cleared Deadpool’s mind, but his psyche was dealt a stunning blow by the resurrection of Mercedes Wilson whom Deadpool still believed to be his wife. T-Ray revealed himself not only as the one responsible for her resurrection, but also as the true Wade Wilson. The revelation did not break Deadpool’s spirit as T-Ray had hoped, for the mercenary still harbored hopes of bettering himself. Swearing vengeance, T-Ray departed with Mercedes Wilson.

Later, in the course of an assassination assignment against author Duncan Vess, Deadpool again clashed with Wolverine who had sensed something strange about Vess. The pair found themselves battling Vess’s vengeful kinsmen after the author was revealed to be a werewolf, and they parted on good terms. Weeks later, Deadpool sought medical treatment for Siryn, who had been injured in a mission with X-Force. Allying himself with the mysterious Watchtower group, Deadpool captured Wolverine in exchange for Siryn’s treatment. Siryn was cured, while Wolverine easily outfought his captors.

Seeking a new place for himself, Deadpool briefly shared an apartment with fellow mercenaries Titania and the Constrictor. However, Titania proved to be Copycat in disguise, and the apartment was destroyed by the Wizard and the Taskmaster, both seeking revenge on Deadpool. He next established a secret warehouse headquarters and took on a young sidekick who called himself Kid Deadpool, but the youth, also seeking vengeance for Deadpool’s part in his father’s death, blew up the warehouse.

Deadpool was then tracked down by the feral mutant Sabretooth and invited to join the new Weapon X Program. Impressed by Weapon X’s upgrade of his healing factor, he agreed to join, but soon found the organization’s methods to be too bloody even for him. After the death of Copycat at the hands of Sabretooth, he confronted the Director, only to have his healing factor reversed to the point where he again lost physical cohesion and died. The lingering effects of Deadpool’s healing factor upgrade resurrected him, leaving him amnesiac. A chance encounter with Weasel restored his memory, and he discovered that four other individuals had laid claim to the Deadpool name. These impostors were aspects of his own personality given form by a device called the Gemini Star, wielded by his nemesis T-Ray who had been hired by the intergalactic villain Thanos, himself enamored ofDeath and jealous of Deadpool’s relationship with her. T-Ray intended to manifest and extinguish every aspect of Deadpool’s personality, leaving him an empty shell; however Deadpool damaged the Gemini Star, causing his personality fragments to be absorbed into T-Ray, rendering him comatose. The better to confuse his enemy, Deadpool mocked him by claiming to be the true Wade Wilson after all.

Following an assignment against the Four Winds crime family, Deadpool gained great status as a mercenary and formed a company called DP, Inc., aided by business partner Sandi Brandenberg. His success was short-lived, however, when the Black Swan, a fellow assassin who had actually slain the Four Winds himself, and sought vengeance for Deadpool’s wrongful claim. Both men were believed dead after an explosive confrontation in the Swan’s German castle, but the Swan used his telepathic powers to merge the memories and skills of both himself and Deadpool and he merged their skills into the corpse of his underling Nijo. Deadpool’s healing factor resurrected Nijo, who arose badly injured and amnesiac. Nijo found his way to Sandi’s apartment. Sandi believing Nijo to be Deadpool nursed him back to health. Having no knowledge of his past Nijo took the name of Alex Hayden, and joined Sandi and the Taskmaster in a new mercenary endeavor, Agency X.

The Black Swan soon resurfaced, with Deadpool in tow, intending to restore all three men to their previous states. During the transfer, the Swan betrayed both Deadpool and Nijo, absorbing all of their abilities and achieving great power. With the help of his friends, Nijo broke through the Swan’s telepathic shield and defeated him, reversing the transfer. Deadpool declined an offer to join Agency X, returning to his solo career.

Deadpool was then hired by the One World Church to steal the Façade Virus from Sunic Pharmacopeia in Germany. The Church sought to use the virus to transform everyone into blue-skinned beings like themselves, but their plans were foiled by Cable. Deadpool ultimately worked alongside Cable in this endeavor, but it seems certain that the two adventurers will again find themselves at odds.

Abilities: Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human. As such, he can regrow severed limbs or vital organs. The speed at which this healing factor works varies in direct proportion to the severity of the damage Deadpool suffers. This healing factor also affords Deadpool a virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases and an extended life span. Unlike Wolverine’s natural healing factor, Deadpool’s is mentally driven to a partial extent. Due to the presence of this superhuman healing ability, many of Deadpool's natural physical attributes have been enhanced. Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. His natural strength, agility and reflexes have been enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural limits of the human body. Deadpool's agility and reaction time are superior to those of even the finest human athlete. Deadpool is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is skilled in multiple unarmed combat techniques. He is a master of assassination techniques, is an excellent marksman, and is highly skilled with bladed weapons (frequently carrying two swords strapped to his back). He is fluent in Japanese, German, Spanish, amongst other languages. Deadpool employs any number of weapons depending on his current assignment. Most often he will utilize a combination of guns and blades. 
Name: Solid Snake



Universe: Konami (Metal Gear Solid)

Age: 42

Solid Snake, a hardened career soldier, often displayed a calm and collected demeanor, rarely showing any signs of fear in extreme circumstances. He buried his emotions deep inside himself, causing some to see him as cold and uncaring. Despite this perceived attitude, Snake occasionally showed a more human side, expressing great concern for allies' well being during dangerous operations, and even demonstrating compassion towards fallen enemies. During the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, Snake claimed to be different from Big Boss, and that he loved life. Unlike his clone brothers, Snake never displayed anger over his origins and accepted who he was.

Though mostly reserved, Snake showed some prominent change in his outlook towards life throughout the years. Big Boss' betrayal in 1995 and his battle to the death with Gray Fox and again with Big Boss in 1999 left a deep seeded emotional pain leading to PTSD, alcoholism, and cynicism. His reunion with Gray Fox at Shadow Moses and new found love towards Meryl invigorated his desire to live. With Philanthropy, Snake aspired towards building a better future for the world by eradicating Metal Gears and liberating humanity from digital subjugation. His accelerated aging, however, would create a morbid willingness to accept death as he was no longer exuberant in his words or actions in 2014. It was only by Big Boss's dying fatherly words that Snake was finally able to absolve himself of all guilt and torment and accept peace.

Though he was born with what were known as Big Boss's "flawed recessive genes," he defeated Liquid Snake, the son with the "dominant genes" on multiple confrontations in 2005. Solidus Snake, the perfect clone of Big Boss, expressed a mixed sense of admiration and envy towards his older brother as well in 2009. Perhaps it was because of the fact that Snake somehow managed to kill Big Boss when all odds favored the contrary that garnered such respect among the Snakes. Unlike Liquid and Solidus who spent their lives under the pressure of Big Boss's legend, Snake did not burden himself with the weight of his father's name since he defiantly sought out a life of his own. In the end, his indomitable will for justice made him the final survivor and victor among the clones because he lived through Naomi Hunter's theory spoken in Shadow Moses: not "to be chained to fate."

Of all the relationships he has had, his connection to Big Boss would have the biggest impact. He constantly struggled between respect and anger towards his former commander. Snake truly respected Big Boss. When Snake found out that Big Boss was actually the leader of Outer Heaven, he thought that this was unacceptable. Because of this, he refrained from using CQC for years. Moreover, he suffered greatly with the fact that he commited "patricide" despite being forced to save the world from a disaster. Before Snake faced off with Liquid at Shadow Moses, he described Liquid's desire for re-creating Outer Heaven insane and pointless, calling it out as "Big Boss's fantasy." Snake struggled to understand Big Boss' true motive for two decades believing that his betrayal was based on foul intentions. Nevertheless, he could never truly give up his respect to the legendary soldier as he visited his grave and chose to end his life right then and there after destroying the Patriots. When Big Boss explained his reasons for his uprising in the 1990s, Snake was finally able to find closure between their fates as old enemies. Not only that, Snake briefly, but finally, spent time as a son with his father.

Due to his extensive military background, Snake found his calling on the battlefield, having spent most of his life there, and believed it was the only place where he felt truly alive. Because of this, he was often accused of enjoying the killing in warfare, by both allies and enemies. Although Snake refused to admit to such views, his clone brother Liquid believed that he was in self denial, while Psycho Mantis remarked that he was even "worse" in this regard than Liquid himself. Despite conceding that he was "heartless," Snake showed himself to be self-sacrificing and with a strong belief that even on a battlefield friendship and love can flourish, and that violence is not glorious. Even so, Snake rejected any idea that he was a hero, in the face of praise and admiration from fellow operatives.Though willing to take on the mission to Shadow Moses, Snake showed no sign of longing for the army or the country he was part of. Snake also had a disdain for politicians.

While Snake was often flirtatious towards his female team members,and expressed interest in intimate relationships on occasion, he did not like getting involved with other people's lives and was a loner by nature. However, during the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake developed a powerful bond with Meryl, displaying uncharacteristic concern and care for her. Although he was often blunt and logical with Meryl as he was with everybody else, he did show her a softer side of his personality, stating the beauty of Alaska and Meryl herself before leaving Shadow Moses. Snake apparently was not too keen of younger-older relationships. When he found out about Colonel Campbell's "marriage" to Rose, Snake noted that she was young enough to be his daughter.

Following the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake developed a good friendship with Hal "Otacon" Emmerich, even developing their own personal handshake with one another. In regards to their anti-Metal Gear sabotage efforts, Snake did not consider himself a terrorist, though he admitted that Philanthropy's actions might be perceived differently by others.

Just as Gray Fox did for him during Outer Heaven, Snake "showed the ropes" to Raiden, acting as a de facto mentor to the "rookie" and teaching him about his supplies and how to become a better soldier. Despite this, Snake was willing to use Raiden to further his mission, allowing him to infiltrate Arsenal Gear more easily during the Big Shell Incident by having enemy forces capture him temporarily.

During the events of Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, Snake calmly accepted the inevitability of his impending death. Because of this, he was more willing to risk his life, as demonstrated during the Missouri debriefing. However, he would often become annoyed upon being reminded of his accelerated age, once telling Otacon to "cut the senior citizen crap" and his psyche dropping at occasional moments when called "Old Snake." When Raiden offered to head to the microwave-protected server room on Outer Haven, Snake refused, saying that Raiden shouldn't "waste [his] youth." Through sheer willpower, Snake survived passing through the corridor, and went on to defeat Liquid Ocelot in hand-to-hand combat. Big Boss noted that Snake had always fought for something more than himself, and that if Snake had been in his place then the mistakes the latter made may not have come to pass. By this time, Snake had also developed an apprehension to nanomachine injections, due to Naomi's betrayal at Shadow Moses, and initially refused to allow Drebin 893 to administer a shot to him.

Through years of training and experience, he developed heightened levels of endurance and reflexes, surviving prolonged periods of pain, torture, and narrowly evading numerous near-fatal incidents.

Snake was a heavy cigarette smoker. During Operations Intrude N313 and F014, he smoked an unfiltered version of "Lucky Strikes." During the Shadow Moses Incident, he smoked "Moslems," designed to reduce second-hand smoke. During Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, he smoked a brand called "The Boss," which were unfiltered hand-rolled cigarettes, each containing 16mg of tar. Snake didn't like being lectured on the dangers of smoking. During the same time, he often ignored the no-smoking policy onboard the Nomad, often resulting in Sunny telling him off when she found out or caught him in the act. After sharing one last smoke with his father Big Boss, Snake decided to quit smoking.

Snake disliked wearing hats, preferring his bandana, despite "Master Miller" warning him that 70% of body heat dissipates from the head. Snake likewise was not too keen with using bladed weapons, informing Raiden as much during the Big Shell Incident. He did nonetheless have knowledge on how to use them, and in 2014, he also utilized a stun knife during his operations.

Snake did not possess any qualms for doing things that are normally considered unacceptable social behavior if it meant completing a mission. For example, Snake entered the women's bathroom in both the Zanzibar Land and the Shadow Moses facilities in order to find a disguised female contact (Gustava Heffner and Meryl Silverburgh, respectively). In the former instance, after Snake made contact with Dr. Marv, Dr. Madnar told Snake to look for Gustava there due to her disguise. In the latter, even though Colonel Campbell and Otacon had no problems about it, Nastasha complained to Snake about being in there, while Mei Ling was angry at him. He even encouraged Raiden to do the same thing during the Big Shell Incident.

Snake was fluent in six languages, including French. Although he was unfamiliar with Czech during the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, he was able to recognize the term "Matka Pluku," when Raiden told him of Big Mama's alias during Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection. Conversely, his knowledge of computer programming was somewhat limited, often relying on more technical-minded allies to deal with such matters during missions. Unlike his father, Snake was somewhat knowledgeable about popular media, having partially named an alias from the character Snake Plissken from Escape from New York, and once referenced Star Wars by describing Outer Haven as Liquid Ocelot's "very own Death Star."

Snake seems not to believe in the supernatural; when Otacon explained the technology to attach to walls, he asked if Vamp could have used it during the Big Shell Incident. Otacon said it was possible, but Snake assured Otacon that he was not supernatural and despite the visual evidence, believed that Vamp was not actually immortal.


In 1970, Solid Snake was foreseen in a prophetic vision by Elisa and Ursula as the son of Big Boss that would "save the world."

In 1972, David and his twin brother were born as a result of the secret "Les Enfants Terribles" government project designed to create the perfect soldier, using the genes of the "Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century" Big Boss.

Using the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer, eight clone embryos were created by inserting Big Boss's DNA into enucleated egg cells, donated by a healthy Japanese woman. By utilizing the Super Baby Method, the embryos were then implanted into the womb of a surrogate mother with six of the babies eventually being aborted to promote growth in the remaining two.

The two clones were also modified on the genetic level, with one clone expressing Big Boss's dominant genetic traits and the other expressing Big Boss's recessive traits. Nine months later, the twins were born and would later receive the codenames of Solid Snake and Liquid Snake. Being a somatic cell clone of Big Boss, Solid Snake inherited mitochondrial DNA from the Japanese egg donor of "Les Enfants Terribles," later demonstrating some awareness of this heritage. A third clonewas created afterwards.

Early life and career

Following his birth, Solid Snake was given the name David and spent his early life being raised and taught by a variety of foster parents. In 1974, Cipher decided to use Solid Snake and Liquid Snake as an insurance policy, should the organization fail to either convince Big Boss to return to them, or frame his mercenary company, the Militaires Sans Frontières, for launching a nuclear attack on the United States.

Making his way into the military, David was inducted into the Green Berets as a teen and took part in a mission to infiltrate western Iraq in 1991, during the Gulf War. Later, he joined Big Boss's special forces unit FOXHOUND, during which time he received the codename "Solid Snake." While undergoing FOXHOUND's training regimen, he became an expert of high-altitude skydiving, linguistics, closed-circuit open-circuit combat diving, and free climbing. Big Boss personally trained him in the use of CQC and taught him the importance of having the will to survive on the battlefield. It was at FOXHOUND's training camp that he also met survival instructor Master Miller. During this time, Snake's real name and origins were classified under National Security.

Outer Heaven Uprising

Snake's first mission for FOXHOUND came in 1995. He was tasked with infiltrating Outer Heaven; a military nation deep within South Africa, led by a feared and legendary mercenary. Snake was tasked with rescuing Gray Fox, a FOXHOUND agent who was captured earlier, and shed light on Metal Gear, which Fox mentioned in a broken radio message sometime before his capture. Shortly after arriving in the general vicinity of Outer Heaven, he was contacted by Big Boss via his wireless radio and was reminded that what he was to experience would not be an exercise, as this would be his first real mission for FOXHOUND.

After infiltrating the fortress via an underwater insertion, he learned from some of the hostages after freeing them that Fox was held in a high level prison cell in the basement, and the only way to find him was to get himself captured. After locating Gray Fox, he learned from him that Metal Gear was a bipedal nuclear-armed tank that can launch a nuclear warhead anywhere in the world. He was then told to locate Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar to find a way to destroy it. After a few delays, he succeeded in rescuing Dr. Madnar as well as his daughter Ellen and destroyed TX-55 Metal Gear with the aid of Fox. Big Boss, his mission commander, then revealed himself to be the leader behind the Outer Heaven Uprising, but he was promptly dispatched by Snake.


Despite his success in Outer Heaven, Snake departed from FOXHOUND and entered early retirement. He also chose to abandon the CQC techniques taught to him by Big Boss, due to its association with the man who had betrayed his unit. To compensate, Snake instead relied on his knowledge of CQB.

Snake was later scouted by the CIA and spent six months as an undercover agent before he became dissatisfied with the organization and left. He then became a mercenary for hire, and after earning enough money, he went into semi-retirement in the Canadian wilderness. During this time, he found himself constantly having nightmares about Outer Heaven and Big Boss over the next four years due to PTSD.

Zanzibar Land Disturbance

In December 1999, Snake was called upon by FOXHOUND’s new commander, Roy Campbell, for an operation into Central Asia. Apparently, a new highly militarized nation called Zanzibar Land had kidnapped Dr. Kio Marv, inventor of the oil refining microbe, OILIX. Not only that, but a new Metal Gear was believed to be under development in Zanzibar Land. Snake accepted the mission, in part to end the nightmares that he had endured since Operation Intrude N313.

Snake's mission objectives were to infiltrate the seemingly impenetrable wall that surrounded Zanzibar Land, and to recover Dr. Marv and the OILIX formula, as part of Operation Intrude F014. His radio support team consisted of Colonel Campbell, former FOXHOUND instructor Master Miller, and mercenary adviserGeorge Kasler. Snake succeeded in the first task, but complications arose when one of his allies in the mission, a CIA war coverage spy named Holly White blew her cover, and required rescuing. After freeing Holly, Snake learned how to contact Dr. Marv by radio, but after discovering that he could only speak Czech and Slovakian, was forced to locate his STB bodyguard Gustava Heffner. However, the two were attacked by Snake's former comrade Gray Fox while attempting a rescue, after being betrayed by his supposed ally Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar, resulting in both Gustava and Dr. Marv's death. Despite these events, Snake succeeded in recovering the OILIX formula, utilizing the polymimetic nature of a special brooch key, bequeathed to him by Gustava on her deathbed.

Deep in the heart of Zanzibar Land, Snake destroyed Metal Gear D and defeated Gray Fox, successfully thwarting the ambitions of Big Boss. As the man behind Zanzibar Land's rise to power, Big Boss returned for a final battle against his former subordinate, the former also having expected that Snake would return ever since he was defeated in Outer Heaven. Snake ultimately defeated Big Boss with a makeshift flamethrower, consisting of a lighter andlacquer spray. Snake and Holly then escaped the fortress, fending off enemy troops in the jungle until they were extracted by helicopter. During the mission debriefing, Snake declined Campbell's request to rejoin FOXHOUND, stating that his nightmares were now over. Likewise, Snake also confirmed to Holly and Campbell that the cartridge he retrieved was indeed the one Marv used to store the OILIX plans, citing that Marv's signature was written backwards on the MSX loading screen when used. Despite promising to have Christmas dinner with Holly following the mission, Snake stood her up and disappeared shortly afterwards. Campbell also implied that this was not the first time Snake disappeared without warning.


Following the conclusion of Operation Intrude F014, Snake returned to North America and retired to an Alaskan wilderness retreat, Twin Lakes. By this time, the military had deemed that Snake had committed several acts of misconduct during his career, enough for him to serve a lengthy prison sentence, should he be brought to account. Through his retirement, Snake attempted to try and forget his war-torn past and recover from post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as come to terms with the fact that he had "killed" his own father. During this time, he began heavily drinking. He later became a dogsled racer, taking care of over 50 huskies, and competed in theIditarod.

Shadow Moses Incident

Snake was called back to the U.S. military in February 2005 when he was deployed by his former commander Roy Campbell to Shadow Moses Island. However, he wasn't too happy with Campbell for how he decided to call him back into service, since he sent armed soldiers to his doorstep in a manner that seemed like they wanted to capture him and also they strip searched him as well taking all his weapons away from him. Here, a rebellion had taken place by the members of FOXHOUND, his former unit, who were threatening the U.S. with a nuclear strike. The task fell on Snake, a former operative and expert, to stop them. Although he wasn't willing to get out of retirement, he ultimately accepted the mission under two conditions: That he be given full disclosure from Campbell on what is going on in the mission, and that he answer to no one besides Campbell, with no cutoffs involved.

In charge of the renegade group was Liquid Snake, who had demanded that the remains of Big Boss be turned over to him. Due to his resemblance to the terrorist leader, Solid Snake had his hair cut shortly before departing to Shadow Moses, to avoid being mistaken for him. Snake was charged with ascertaining their nuclear capability and rescuing their hostages: president of ArmsTech weapons manufacturer Kenneth Baker, and the DARPA Chief Donald Anderson.

Snake infiltrated the base alone, but quickly gained help in the form of Metal Gear REX developer Hal Emmerich and new FOXHOUND recruit Meryl Silverburgh, Campbell's legal niece. Metal Gear REX was a nuclear-armed bipedal walking tank developed in secret by the U.S. Army and ArmsTech. Although he largely was in shape for the mission, he did end up exhausted after climbing the flight of stairs up to Tower A's roof, causing Campbell to briefly joke that Snake's mushing had him get out of shape. However, he ended up being tricked into activating Metal Gear due to misinformation supplied by Liquid Snake (who had infiltrated Snake's support group by posing as Master Miller, having had him murdered three days prior). With the help of the two aforementioned, as well as his former comrade Gray Fox (now the Cyborg Ninja), Snake succeeded in destroying REX and defeating the members of FOXHOUND, including Liquid.

His mission, however, was a cleverly woven plot, prepared by the Pentagon. Through the secret, Pentagon-guided efforts of genetic engineer Naomi Hunter, Snake's body became host to the artificial virus FOXDIE. Snake was outraged to hear that his mission was a government conspiracy, and that he was merely sent as a carrier of the virus, which was programmed to kill Baker (for knowing too much about the project), and the FOXHOUND operatives just to ensure that the bodies of the Genome Soldiers and Metal Gear REX could be recovered undamaged. He was also reminded of the possibility that he had willingly returned to the battlefield because he enjoyed war, as commented upon by Meryl, Psycho Mantis, and Liquid Snake, and echoing Big Boss's words in Zanzibar Land.

Throughout the incident, Snake suspected that Campbell was concealing important information regarding the mission's true nature, although he later forgave the Colonel, after learning that the Pentagon had used Meryl as leverage in order to force him to cooperate with them (they had deliberately sent Meryl to Shadow Moses the same day as the revolt). Snake also discovered that Naomi was the foster sister of Gray Fox, who desired revenge for what Snake had done to her brother and had modified the FOXDIE virus so that it would kill him in addition to FOXHOUND. However, she set the virus to a "wildcard" value, leaving him vulnerable at a later time.

Post-Shadow Moses

Following the Shadow Moses Incident, Snake and Meryl disappeared after leaving the base, after Campbell faked their deaths by claiming that they had died after their jeep crashed into the ocean. Sometime later, Snake lost contact with Meryl. Because of his exploits at Shadow Moses, he also became a hero to the public, which greatly concerned the Patriots.

Revolver Ocelot, the sole surviving member of FOXHOUND, reported the events on Shadow Moses to U.S. PresidentGeorge Sears, for whom he had acted as a spy throughout the entire incident. He informed Sears, that it was the inferior clone Solid Snake, who had survived, stating that Liquid had wrongly believed himself to be inferior right until his death. Ocelot also reported in the phone call that FOXDIE was set to activate soon, indicating that Snake being a target for FOXDIE was intended from the start by Ocelot and Solidus. Three weeks after the Shadow Moses Incident, Naomi escaped from confinement at a high-security facility during debriefing due to someone breaking her out. As Nastasha Romanenko and the U.S. Government believed Snake to have been the one who broke her out (in actuality, it was Liquid Ocelot who did the deed), the U.S. military also added Snake's supposed involvement in her escape to his rap sheet.

Ocelot later sold REX's plans onto the black market, prompting Snake and Otacon to found the anti-Metal Gear NGO, Philanthropy. With the goal of eradicating all Metal Gear technology, Snake participated in investigating its development across the world, often by illegal means, which Philanthropy then exposed to the public via the Internet. During one of these operations in a facility, Snake, along with Otacon, also stole Liquid Snake's corpse, which was kept in cold storage. Around 2007, Snake also began suffering the effects of accelerated aging.

The Manhattan Incident

In August 2007, Otacon received a tip from his estranged stepsister Emma Emmerich that a new Metal Gear was being developed by the United States Marine Corps, and was being transported via a Marine vessel disguised as an oil tanker.[31] Solid Snake would later reminisce that the intelligence had been suspicious, but Philanthropy had grown complacent due to its previous successes in sabotage. Snake boarded the tanker while en route to its destination, and quickly discovered that a group of Russian mercenaries led by Sergei Gurlukovich had their own plans for Metal Gear RAY, arriving shortly thereafter to takeover the vessel. Snake soon encountered Olga Gurlukovich (Sergei’s daughter) on board the tanker, and proceeded to defeat her in a gunfight, knocking her unconscious with his modified M9 tranquilizer pistol.

Snake quickly made his way into the tanker's holds and, as per his mission objectives, secured photographic evidence of the new Metal Gear. Neither he nor Otacon could have predicted the reappearance of Revolver Ocelot on the tanker, who proceeded to detonate Semtex explosives onboard the ship in order to sink it. While attempting to stop Ocelot, Snake was confronted by the spirit of his deceased brother Liquid Snake, who had apparently taken over the mind of Ocelot through an arm transplant (Liquid's arm having been grafted onto Ocelot, to replace the hand he lost at Shadow Moses). Snake's presence had seemingly released Liquid's personality, who went on to comment that he had evaded the accelerated aging that Snake was now undergoing. After Liquid escaped in the stolen RAY, Snake successfully escaped the sinking tanker and made his way the surface of the river, where he was rescued by Otacon on a small boat. The two also rescued Olga, and, taking advantage of the situation, decided to fake Snake's death by using the corpse of Liquid Snake as a decoy.

Thanks to the photographs taken by a U.S. Army Cypher, the Patriots framed Solid Snake and Philanthropy in a smear campaign for the tanker sinking, simultaneously exposing them to the public and destroying their reputation. It was widely believed that Snake had been killed in the incident, after Liquid's body was retrieved from the New York Harbor, its genetic similarity to Snake's providing apparent confirmation.

In April 2009, Snake infiltrated the Big Shell offshore facility, which was occupied by the Sons of Liberty, who entered by cutting a hole in the surrounding oil fence. He later knocked out several Gurlukovich sentries in the deep sea dock, and ascended to the roof of Strut A by elevator; Raiden, who had infiltrated shortly after Snake, briefly saw him, though his back was turned. Snake later disguised himself as a Navy SEALS Alpha squad member namedIroquois Pliskin; a reference to "Snake Plissken" of Escape from New York, and the name of a confederacy of Native American tribes headquartered in New York (also a Huron word meaning "Black Snake"). He encountered Raiden in a transformer room after the two were attacked by Vamp, and they later teamed up to disarm enemy C4s planted around the facility.

Snake eventually met his genetic brother, the terrorist leader Solidus Snake, though he refused to acknowledge him as such. He also once again met Olga and explained to her that it was in fact Revolver Ocelot who had killed her father Sergei. Snake later helped Raiden, Otacon and Emma install the reprogrammed computer virus, a digital counterpart of FOXDIE, into GW (Arsenal Gear's AI system), shortly before Emma died after being stabbed by Vamp. Snake worked together with Olga, using Raiden in order to gain access to Arsenal Gear and to acquire a disc that contained information on the true identities of the Patriots’s Wisemen's Committee. Once aboard Arsenal Gear, Snake gave Raiden Olga's H.F. Blade, and despite not being "a big fan of blades," he instructed Raiden on how to use it. He and Raiden then fought their way through an army of Arsenal Tengu soldiers. They were both eventually split up from one another, with Snake being captured by Fortune and brought to the top of Arsenal.

Atop Arsenal, Ocelot revealed his true colors to Solidus, Fortune, Snake and Raiden. But before he could kill them, Ocelot's right arm began to twitch, and Liquid Snake possessed him once more, revealing that he had leaked the information about Arsenal Gear to lure Snake out to the Big Shell so that Snake could "free him [Liquid]." Liquid (in Ocelot's body) then set off in RAY to kill the Patriots via his host, with Snake in pursuit. Although Snake failed to stop RAY, he placed a tracker on the Metal Gear and explained later to Raiden that his plan was for him to find the Patriots by deciphering the source code of Emma's worm cluster, admitting that the disc they gave Raiden was a decoy. He also declined Raiden's request to help Snake in Philanthropy and save Olga's child, as he suspected that even after the S3 Plan was complete, the Patriots would still monitor Raiden's vital signs and thus place Sunny in further danger of being killed should he try to help, and also hinted that Rosemary did indeed exist and that he should maintain his relationship to her before joining. He then slipped away unnoticed to Otacon's car and left, being long gone by the time Raiden remembered about Snake.[33] However, the data recovered from Arsenal showed that all 12 members had been dead for over a hundred years, and Philanthropy had lost their only lead. However, Snake eventually deduced that the information was a fake lead (or as he put it, five years later, "a load of crap").

Accelerated aging and CQC

After the Big Shell Incident, Snake's Werner syndrome like symptoms gradually grew worse. His body began to age rapidly, with no doctors being able diagnose the cause. In addition, in 2011, although Snake had earlier promised Raiden that he would rescue Sunny from the Patriots, he wasn't able to get that chance, and ended up receiving Sunny via Raiden (albeit covertly on the latter's part). By 2014, Otacon and the various doctors who treated Snake estimated that Snake's life span would be a year at best.

Sometime prior to 2014, the Pentagon declassified documents relating to Big Boss's exploits during the 1960s, which evidently contributed greatly to his legend to the populace, and his CQC was also being taught in the military. After the army decided to implement CQC in an attempt to mimic Big Boss, he lifted his self imposed ban on CQC in order keep himself ahead of the other users (who had been using, as he called it, "cookie cutter imitations"), and adopted the use of a stun knife.

Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection

It was not until 2014 that Snake, now occasionally referred to as Old Snake, resurfaced for a final time. Liquid Ocelot (a fusion of Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot) was the leader of a new Outer Heaven, this time acting as a single mother company to five of the largest PMCs on the planet. With PMCs now taking over the world's armies in terms of firepower, Liquid was finally on the verge of world domination. With the world once again in crisis, Snake was dispatched to the Middle East as a personal favor to Campbell to assassinate Liquid. In addition, he was to meet up with a PMC investigation group, and was also given the cover job of inspecting PMCs.

Failed assassination attempt

Snake successfully made it to the PMC base that Liquid was using as his headquarters by disguising himself as a militia instructor for the militia in the region fighting off the Praying Mantis PMC, although he briefly lost the disguise after an ambush by several Gekko units, escaping with the use of his new OctoCamo suit. Snake once again met Meryl, who was now in command of the CID unit Rat Patrol Team 01. He also briefly witnessed the Beauty and the Beast unit when they wiped out a Middle Eastern militia platoon. However, he failed to assassinate Liquid in time due to the latter's sudden deactivation of the Sons of the Patriots system, which resulted in all the soldiers in the vicinity to experience mass convulsions from the sudden release of emotions, including Snake himself, although he was affected to a lesser degree. SOP was run by the Patriots with the purpose of monitoring and controlling every soldier engaged in combat action. Liquid's plan was to remove the system altogether, though his initial attempt had unforeseen consequences, when it caused the PMC's Middle Eastern base to descend into chaos (although the chaos unknowingly saved him from Snake's mission to kill him).

Infiltrating South America

Later, Otacon received a message from Naomi Hunter, who had been there in the Middle East to save Snake when the SOP System went haywire. The message contained a distress call as well as an encrypted map of Liquid's South American base in Soliton Radar format (a sign from Naomi that it was truly from her), the location of which Olga's daughter Sunny was able to trace. In addition, he was able to arrive at Liquid's base, located in a mountainous region (implied to be the Andes) surrounded by forests, by landing at the El Dorado International Airport with the cover job of a UN inspector as well as gaining a 4x4 vehicle, driving it as close to the security perimeter as he could before sneaking into the region, due to Roy Campbell's influence. Although Snake initially was to meet up with a rebel group to aid him in getting into Liquid Ocelot's primary base, the Vista Mansion, he was forced to change plans afterLaughing Octopus murdered some rebel soldiers and spared one under the condition that he not forget "his" face (Laughing Octopus having disguised herself as Old Snake via FaceCamoat that time).

Snake made it to the base where Naomi was held, and she gave him a thorough medical examination. It was during this that Snake discovered the harsh truth: his aging was not part of any external source, but the way he was designed as a clone, and also that the FOXDIE that Naomi injected him with almost a decade earlier will finally claim his life within six months. This was because the FOXDIE was also starting to mutate due to Snake's rapid aging, and would eventually lose its ability to kill by specific DNA patterns and indiscriminately infect anyone and everyone, effectively turning Snake into a walking biological weapon who could cause the deaths of millions. Because of this, he asked if killing himself would have any impact on stopping FOXDIE. Naomi confirmed this, stating that FOXDIE will also die with its host. Snake also learned from Naomi that he had a new FOXDIE strand that was injected into him recently, and immediately deduced that Drebin 893 was the one who injected it into him.

After defeating Laughing Octopus of the Beauty and the Beast Unit, as well as procuring her FaceCamo, Snake escaped with Naomi with the help of Drebin 893, a "gun launderer" he had met in the Middle East. They also picked up Raiden, who was now a Cyborg Ninja. He also learned from Naomi that, despite what he and anyone else believed earlier, Solid Snake was neither a perfect clone of Big Boss nor was he genetically identical to Liquid Snake, which also explained why the previous FOXDIE virus was not able to kill him earlier.

In Eastern Europe

Raiden explained that he was acting under the orders of Big Mama, the leader of a small resistance group in Eastern Europe. He then disguised himself as a civilian in Eastern Europe, also putting his FaceCamo to good use by giving himself a younger look, and was tasked to meet up with a contact that Campbell supplied. However, Raven Sword anticipated this move and made sure to blacklist him if he carried the same nanomachines, which nearly resulted in his cover being blown before his contact, Meryl, managed to get him through. However, Snake and Meryl ended up getting into an argument regarding Liquid's threat level, as well as some of Snake's decisions. Snake, stalking a member of the resistance group, Paradise Lost, eventually found Big Mama, discovering she was the former Chinese spy who Big Boss had known, back when his codename was Naked Snake, as EVA. Due to her ties with Big Boss, she was able to explain most of the Patriots' history to him. She also revealed that she had Big Boss's body in her possession. After escaping an onslaught of Haven Troopers and defeating a second BB Corps member, Raging Raven, Snake found Liquid, who was in the midst of implementing the now perfected version of his plan. Taking control of the SOP system, Liquid used his now unbeatable army to kill every last soldier there, including Big Mama, save for Old Snake and the members of Rat Patrol. Luckily, in the chaos, Otacon was able to stow the Mk. II away with Naomi (who had returned to Liquid), and discovered Liquid's plan: to destroy JD and use GW to take over the Patriots AI system. As a result of the chaos in the final legs of the mission, he also received severe burns to the left side of his face.

Return to Shadow Moses and infiltrating Outer Haven

Knowing Liquid was planning to do this by using the only non-Patriot controlled weapon in existence - the rail gun from Metal Gear REX - Snake followed Liquid back to Shadow Moses Island. There Snake managed to defeat Vamp, BB Corps member Crying Wolf, and a Metal Gear RAY piloted by Liquid, with Snake himself piloting REX against the latter. However, he was unable to kill Liquid or stop him from stealing the rail gun in time, a prize which Liquid quickly equipped to his own recreation of Arsenal Gear, Outer Haven. Snake, Meryl and Rat Patrol team member Johnny "Akiba" Sasakiinfiltrated Outer Haven, where Snake defeated the last of the BB members,Screaming Mantis, as well as finally destroying GW, the Patriots' former AI which Liquid had managed to reassemble. Unbeknownst to Snake, theFOXALIVE worm cluster that he had uploaded to GW, spread to JD and the rest of the Patriots' AIs. Atop Outer Haven, Liquid revealed to Snake that he had wanted him to succeed in uploading the worm, and thus eliminate the Patriots' control, though he was unaware that the societal collapse, which he anticipated would come about, had been averted. Snake faced his "brother" in hand-to-hand combat one last time, where it was revealed that Liquid Ocelot no longer possessed the right arm of Liquid Snake, but rather a cybernetic prosthetic instead. Snake ultimately defeated Liquid, with Ocelot's former personality temporarily reasserting control prior to his death. After performing his signature hand gesture and commenting, "You're pretty good," he passed away, having succumbed to the new FOXDIE virus within Snake's body.

Final encounter with Big Boss

Some time later, Snake prepared to commit suicide to prevent the spread of the mutated strain of FOXDIE. He sat in front of Big Boss's grave with his gun in his mouth, but ultimately was unable to end his own life. Big Boss then appeared, returning the Patriot to the grave of The Boss and explained the full history of the Patriots from his point of view, and euthanized the now-vegetative Zero himself. He also revealed to Snake that Revolver Ocelot was never truly possessed by Liquid, but had put himself through hypnotherapy and implanted himself with nanomachines in order to make himself "believe" that he was Liquid Snake. This was done to throw off the Patriots who, being a computer program, could only repeat the same processes and would send Snake in to take down Liquid if they thought he was alive. Big Boss also revealed that when Drebin injected Snake with modern nanomachines in order to make him compatible with SOP weaponry, he also injected him with a second strain of FOXDIE, which was programmed to kill Big Mama, Liquid Ocelot, and Big Boss himself, but also cancelled out the original mutating FOXDIE; thus, Snake was no longer in danger of becoming a biological weapon. Snake and his father, who calmly accepted the fact that he was dying, finally made amends, and Big Boss, before dying, made Snake promise to live however much time he had left "not as a snake, but as a man." Determined to fulfill this promise, Snake decides to quit smoking and retreated with Otacon and Sunny, this time for good, to live out the remainder of his life in peace, resolving to live long enough to see what the future held for the new world he helped to create.

Abilities: Guns


Beretta M92F

Handgun (Beretta M92F)

A semi-automatic pistol that would later be seen in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty as the tranquilizer gun used by both Solid Snake and Raiden. It is the standard-issue sidearm of the United States Army. Can be equipped with a suppressor.


Ingram MAC-11

Submachine Gun (Ingram MAC-11)

An American submachine pistol. Can be equipped with a suppressor.


Grenade (M68)

Impact-detonating shrapnel grenade that explodes upon hitting any surface.

Gas Grenade (ABC M25A2)

Normally used to control riots, these grenades emit CN1 gas upon exploding. They should not be used if the wind direction is against the user.

RKG-3 antitank grenade

An antitank hand grenade used by the former Soviet Union. This grenade was the preferred choice of Zanzibar Landmercenary Red Blaster.




Anti-Aircraft Missile (FIM-92 Stinger)

A man-portable surface-to-air missile launcher that is used in the battle against the Hind D. The targeting sight can be manually positioned within range of the radar . The user must remain stationary while firing. After launching, the sight automatically re-positions itself to the center of the radar.

Remote-Control Missile (M47 Dragon)

A man-portable anti-tank missile. While the standard M47 Dragon missiles are wire-guided and have a maximum range of 1000-1500 meters, this version has been adapted for radio-guidance and use at short range, between 10-25 meters. A preferred weapon since the events of Operation Intrude N313, the radio-guided control system allows for manual adjustment of the missile's path after launch. However, like the Stinger, the user cannot move while firing this missile.


Plastic Explosive (M5A1 C4)

These can be placed on the ground or on walls and is remote detonated by the player.

Anti-Personnel Mine (M78)

Mines that are set off by a proximity sensor. They can only be collected by being crawled over, as they explode if the player walks too close to them. Equipping a mine detector, will make them appear on the radar as white dots. Up to 16 can be set within range of the radar.

Other Equipment

Mouse (Jerry 2)

A robot that resembles a computer mouse. It acts like a decoy to enemies and is primarily used to search out for traps and sensors.

Camouflage Mat (Phantom 07)

A camouflage mat compatible with any terrain. After setting it down, the user can crawl underneath to hide. It can be reused but it is limited to level terrain only.

Lighter (Zippo)

A lighter handcrafted with the finest silver. Can be fashioned with a certain flammable spray to create a makeshift flamethrower.

Cigarettes (Lucky Strikes)

One of Snake's favorite brands of filterless cigarettes. It can be used to relax before doing a stressful activity, as well as to search out infrared traps.

Infrared Googles

Used to detect infrared alarm sensors.

Body Armor (Silent Partner Special)

Body armor which halves the damage received from enemy weapons, it is protective against bullets only.

Gas Mask

Doubles the O2 gauge in gassed areas and slows the rate of decrease. Also useful against the user's CN1 gas grenades.

Mine Detector

Identifies the location of mines and displays them on the radar as white dots. Also displays mines the user has set.

Oxygen Tank

Doubles the O2 gauge when Snake is underwater. Simply surface to refill.

Binoculars (NIKOS F500)

Allows surveillance of the surrounding area. Used to look out at distant terrain and check enemy positions. Cannot be used in small spaces.

Cardboard Box

A normal cardboard box with a label "TO ZANZIBAR COMPLEX." Snake needs this to infiltrate the Tower Building.


A metal bucket used to wash lavatories, it provides a similar use to the cardboard box.

Hang Glider

A hang glider covered with camouflage patterns. Useless in the battlefield. It can be used to cross the crevice north of the Tower Building after the Bridge of Sorrow is destroyed.

"Hang Glider

Completely worthless in battle. Its use is unknown.

— Hang Glider description in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Night Vision Goggles

Used to see in dark environments.


Found in the bio lab, one egg hatches into the Zanzibar Boa, and the other into a Zanzibar Wood Owl.


Flu medicine for nasal symptoms. Works well against symptoms such as sneezing, runny or congested nose.

Zanzibar Land brooch

A brooch belonging to Gustava Heffner, the design is the mark of Zanzibar Land. It is actually made of a polymimetic memory metal, which changes shape according to the temperature it is exposed to.

Spray (Mrs. Spray)

A highly flammable lacquer spray with LP gas contained within the container. It can be used with a certain flame source to create a makeshift flamethrower.

Cassette Tape

"Cassette Tape

The cassette tape found in Gustava's locker. Contains a recording of Zanzibar Land's national anthem.

— Cassette Tape description in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

A cassette tape that contains a recording of Zanzibar Land's national anthem. It was found within Gustava's locker, and can be used to distract the guards in salute. However, overuse will eventually cause the tape to wear out. A similar tape was presumably used within the central command room of Zanzibar Building's first floor.

Card Keys 1-9

"An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land"

— Card Key description in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

IC Cards used throughout the Zanzibar Land fortress. Used to open security doors of the level that the card number indicates.

Red Card

"Red Card

A master card that replaces cards 1 through 3.

— Red Card description in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

Master card compatible with cards 1 to 3. After finding this, cards 1 to 3 are discarded.

Blue Card

Master card compatible with cards 4 to 6. After finding this, cards 4 to 6 are discarded.

Green Card

Master card compatible with cards 7 to 9. After finding this, cards 7 to 9 are discarded.

Combat Rations (MCI)

Emergency food supplies that replenish the user’s health. If it is equipped, and the life gauge reached "0", it will automatically be consumed.

1) B1 Unit - Contains beef, pork, ham and eggs, tuna fish, chocolate and crackers.

2) B2 Unit - Contains beans and meatballs, beans and franks, and beef and potatoes.

3) B3 Unit - Contains sliced ham, chicken and turkey, spaghetti, cheese and coffee.


Reduces the noise generated by firing a gun. Can be attached to the handgun and the submachine gun. Snake will immediately attach this item when obtained.

Ammo Box

Contains bullets for handguns and submachine guns. The maximum amount that Snake can equip depends on his level of endurance.
Name: Kakashi Hatake

Usual, non combat apearance.

Click here if picture doesnt show.

Fighting appearance (Sharingan Activated)

Click here if picture doesnt show.

Universe: Shonen Jump (Naruto)

Age: 30

Personality: Calm and collected, with a fierce demeanor in battle.

History: Kakashi Hatake is one of the main characters of the series, a jōnin-level shinobi fromKonohagakure and the leader of Team 7. He is known worldwide for his use of the Sharingan, earning him the moniker Copy Ninja Kakashi and Kakashi of the Sharingan.

Kakashi is the son ofSakumo Hatake, a genius renowned as "Konoha's White Fang". Not much is known of his mother other than that she died at a young age. Sakumo fell into disgrace after choosing to save his comrades rather than complete an important mission, which caused the nation and the village to suffer a great loss. Dishonoured, Sakumo took his own life after suffering a deep depression and drop in his skills; this experience made Kakashi determined to lead his life strictly by the ninja code. Hailed as a prodigy, because of his great intelligence, skill, and aptitude, at five years old he graduated from theAcademy in a single year at the top of his class, eventually joining a team alongside Obito Uchiha and Rin Noharaunder Minato Namikaze's command.

He later became part of a one-sided rivalry with Might Guy. In the anime, Guy first approached Kakashi while he was reading and quickly announced his desire to challenge him. While initially Kakashi was completely indifferent to the overzealous Guy's request, Guy continued to follow Kakashi around and challenge him. Eventually, Kakashi gave in to Guy's request, beating Guy in every challenge, including various forms of marksmanship, taijutsu combat, and even physical comparison. Despite these losses, Guy became only more determined to defeat Kakashi. Seemingly warming up to Guy, he continued to accept Guy's various challenges (including eating contests and Rock, Paper, Scissors), ultimately giving Kakashi a record of 49 wins and 50 losses.

A year later, Kakashi became chūnin after facing and defeating Might Guy during the third stage of the Chūnin Exams.

Third Shinobi World War

Soon after becoming a jōnin, Kakashi was assigned to lead his team-mates Obito and Rin on a mission that would benefit Konoha in the ongoing Third Shinobi World War. They were to destroy Kannabi Bridge, which was being used by Iwagakureforces to move into Kusagakure. This would also be Konoha's first huge offensive move in the war. On their way to the bridge, Rin was kidnapped by two Iwagakure ninja named Kakkō and Taiseki. Obito immediately suggested that they rescue her, but Kakashi disagreed on the basis that they needed to complete their mission, opting not to make the same mistake his father did in his mission.

Obito would not hear of it and stubbornly left to save Rin, but not before mentioning that he believed Kakashi's father, the White Fang, was a true hero. Shortly after parting ways, Kakashi reflected on Obito's words and Rin's prior kindness. He realised that his father was not wrong after all, which prompted him to join Obito in the rescue effort. Kakashi arrived in time to save Obito from Taiseki, using his father's blade to combat him. Despite the two-to-one disadvantage, the more experienced Taiseki was able to attack and damage Kakashi's left eye, who took the blow that was intended for Obito, giving him a permanent scar and blinding his left eye.

Obito's will to protect his comrades caused his Sharingan to awaken, and he used it to kill Taiseki. After finding Rin and defeating Kakkō with Obito's help, Kakashi freed Rin from the genjutsu before their opponent attempted to trap them in a cave-in. While trying to escape, Kakashi was hit by a rock, which he didn't notice because of his bandaged eye, causing him to fall. Obito pushed Kakashi out of the path of a falling boulder, he himself getting crushed beneath it instead. Knowing he was dying, Obito requested his Sharingan be a belated present to Kakashi and instructed Rin to implant his left Sharingan into Kakashi's damaged eye. Rin complied, and as soon as the surgery was completed Kakashi used his new Sharingan to perfect his Chidori and kill Kakkō. He then returned to Obito to see if there was anything he could do for him, but alongside Rin was forced to leave him. With the help of Minato, they ultimately completed their mission, allowing them to mourn Obito's supposed death.

Later, in the anime, Kakashi and Rin's team was given Might Guy as a replacement. It was during this mission that Kakashi and Guy found true trust and teamwork with each other, and where Kakashi famously split a lightning bolt with his Chidori, giving birth to its new name Lightning Cutter. Later, during another mission, Kakashi met a young girl named Hanare of the Jōmae Village who was lost. He taught her about how the clouds can help her find her way and find her teacher.

Sometime after the events at Kannabi Bridge, Rin was taken captive byKirigakure. Kakashi was able to rescue her, but not before she was forcibly made the jinchūriki of the Three-Tails. While returning to the village, they were ambushed by jōnin and ANBU-level Kiri shinobi. Rin, who knew about Kirigakure's plan to unleash the beast on Konoha, begged Kakashi to kill her. After he refused, Rin waited for Kakashi to attack, and intentionally got in Kakashi's path, culminating in a tearful Kakashi piercing through Rin's chest with his Lightning Cutter. Shortly afterwards, Kakashi and Obito — who witnessed it from behind the scenes — developed their fully-matured Sharingan and subsequently awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan at precisely the same time. Exhausted and overwhelmed with sorrow, Kakashi lost consciousness as Obito took his rage out on the Kirigakure ninja, slaughtering them all. Though Kakashi technically was the one who killed Rin, Obito left him alive, and he was later found by Konoha reinforcements.


After the conclusion of the war, Kakashi would often visit Rin and Obito's respective graves in the Konoha Cemetery and the Memorial Stone. On one such occasion, he visited Rin's grave and told her that their sensei's son would be born soon and left to go to the stone, unaware that Obito overheard him from afar and used that information to free the Nine-Tailsand have the tailed beast ravage their village. During the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha, Kakashi and the rest of his peers were barred from participating in defending the village by Kurenai Yūhi's father and other senior shinobi for their own safety as the younger generation.

Over the years, Kakashi became well-known amongst all the Five Great Shinobi Countries for the extensive use of his Sharingan, gaining him a reputation as "the man who has copied over a thousand techniques", hence his nickname. Kakashi eventually joined the Konoha ANBU, and also served as a mentor to Yamato whose codename was "Tenzō" at that time.

He later left for unknown reasons, but maintained strong connections with the ANBU. Kakashi eventually became a team leader, and tested many genin. As the Third Hokage told Iruka Umino, Kakashi had never passed any of them due to their inability to live up to his expectations of working as a team.

In the anime, he once had a mission where Iruka, his team-mate at the time, was injured and became an instructor at the Academy. When Iruka was having doubts at being assigned to be the home room teacher ofNaruto Uzumaki, Kakashi served to remind him of his real reasons for wanting the post in the first place.


Kakashi became more stern and serious after his father's death, following all the rules to the letter and chastising any who disobeyed them, like his team-mate Obito Uchiha. He was also very aloof and apathetic to others especially his team-mate Obito who was always late for their missions and would come in tow with a grand excuse. This caused Obito to resent Kakashi; the dynamics between the two would soon change after Obito was mortally wounded during the Third Shinobi World War, with Kakashi and Obito becoming closer friends after Rin was abducted.

Obito's supposed death had a huge impact on Kakashi's personality, adopting many of his friend's cheerful mannerisms such as having greater concern for his team-mates and students over the successful completion of a mission, as well as believing that teamwork is essential to overall success as a team. He has also developed a somewhat carefree personality and is regularly late for appointments, making obvious excuses just like Obito before him. This is often because he loses track of time during his frequent visits to the memorial stone where Obito's name is engraved. However, Kakashi is still just as apathetic as he was during his youth, often speaking bluntly about sensitive topics.

Though his childhood was riddled with numerous despairs that took those dear away from him, one being the death of Rin by his own hand, Kakashi is on the best terms with his childhood friends: Guy,Asuma, and Kurenai, his students and generally with everyone in Konoha to a lesser extent. His devotion to his friends and the rest of Konoha were the motivation to perfect both the Chidori, and its enhanced version Lightning Cutter. After the formation of Team 7, Kakashi begins taking a special interest in his students' development, especially in the case of Naruto and Sasuke whose rivalry reminded him of his relation to Obito. Like Hiruzen, Kakashi loved all of his students deeply, turning down a mission in order to stop Naruto and Sasuke from killing each other. Despite Sasuke allying with Orochimaru, Kakashi shared Naruto's hope that they could save him. However, Kakashi became originally distraught about having to kill Sasuke after he became an enemy of Konoha, especially since he felt that it was his shortcomings as their teacher that attributed to this and Naruto and Sakura's temporary falling out, but then furiously discarding his hesitation, only after Sasuke attempted to kill Sakura without a second thought.

Kakashi has a rather solitary, and matter-of-fact attitude. His calm and detached demeanour has been called "cool, hip, and trendy" many times by Might Guy. Despite his increasingly growing reputation and prowess as a ninja, Kakashi has shown no signs of arrogance, and is rather modest about his abilities, as shown when he readily praises others for leaps in their combat abilities and stating on more than one occasion that Naruto has surpassed him in power. When suggested by many for him to become Hokage, Kakashi openly admitted to feeling unworthy but would accept the post for the sake of the village's well-being. His naturally calm attitude is used to his advantage in battle, as it becomes easier for him to maintain his composure and stay focused on the situation at hand, and notice everything around him. As a result, he can quickly adjust to any situation to make keen and thought-out decisions, allowing him to stay steps ahead of his opponents.

Despite his usually stoic demeanour, Kakashi does have an emotional side, as he noted during the Fourth Shinobi World War that it took a lot to get him worked up, but when he did, he would go on a merciless rampage against the enemy. He was later horrified at the fact that Tobi was actually his thought to be deceased comrade Obito, to the point that he became momentarily depressed and was no longer reacting to what was occurring on the battlefield. Despite this, Kakashi was eventually able to snap out of this state with new found resolve, and showed Obito no mercy on the battlefield despite their past friendship. Later on this turned out to only extend to non-lethal attacks, as Obito noted that Kakashi has been hesitating to kill him the entire time they've been fighting. Indeed, when Kakashi was given the upper hand in the fight, he stopped his Lightning Cutter before hitting Obito, showing that he still cares deeply about his friend and continues his attempts to reason with him. But soon, Kakashi comes to the realisation that in order to protect Naruto and preserve the memories of how Obito was, he would have to kill the current one.

Kakashi has an ongoing, albeit one-sided, somewhat childish rivalry with Guy. In trying to prove himself superior to Kakashi, Guy regularly challenges him to competitions of questionable value. Kakashi, on the other hand, shows very little interest in their competitions, which only further inspires Guy to defeat Kakashi and his "coolness". However, Kakashi did show disappointment when he learned that Guy taught Lee how to open the dangerous Eight Gates, which turned to sympathy when Guy shows how much his student meant to him. Nevertheless, both men are great friends and also have the utmost faith in each other seen during the Fourth Shinobi World War when they entrusted the protection of their blind spots to each other. This was also expanded on in the anime, where Kakashi told Tsunade that he would need a second-in-command during the war and wanted Guy to serve that purpose.

Kakashi is an avid fan of the Icha Icha series of novels by Jiraiya, revealing a perverted side. He is typically seen reading one of the books in his spare time, making it the only one of his reportedly several hobbies that is ever seen in the series. He even went and read it during his first bell testwith the newly formed Team 7 as he deemed Naruto too weak of a threat. However, during the second bell test with Naruto and Sakura, Kakashi lost to his students when his love for the book series was used against him and he was forced into covering his ears and closing his eyes to avoid being told the ending of the latest instalment he had yet to read at the time. Despite his fondness for the books, Kakashi is uncomfortable about reading passages to others (even around his ninken), presumably embarrassed by the adult content (as noted when they were decoding Jiraiya's last message).

Kakashi also appears to carry about a pair of bells attached to a red thread. These same bells are used in his genin survival test when testing Team 7. He's often seen with them and while remembering Obito's words and lessons taught by his sensei.

Abilities: Kakashi is hailed as a natural genius, evidenced by his meteoric rise through the ninja ranks; graduating from the Academy top of his class at age 5, becoming a chūnin at age 6, a jōnin while still a child, and his high status in ANBU. Naruto notes that much of Kakashi's battle prowess and skills is greater than his friends who showed exceptional might in their own specific skills. A match for seemingly any opponent, it was also noted by Tsunade that Kakashi is easily one of Konoha's strongest ninja. His various accomplishments have earned him much renown, and praise by his fellow Konoha ninja and he holds a position of great influence amongst them. He is frequently given responsibility for important tasks, such as watching Naruto in case the seal of the Nine-Tails begins to fail as well as being considered an ideal and one of the most suitable candidates for the position of Hokage by many.

Pain, the most powerful member of Akatsuki, saw Kakashi as a threat that needed to be eradicated to allow his plans to progress. This was later validated in the Fourth Shinobi World War. Kakashi's extensive and varied skill-set allow him to effectively fight or provide invaluable support against opponents of any level. He could fend off powerful missing-nin in Akatsuki or the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist and later several "Version 2" state jinchūriki. He also single-handedly defeated in battle the adult Obito Uchiha, a wielder of various famous kekkei genkai and whose tutelage under Madara Uchiha gained him comparable prowess to the legendary Uchiha. He could even handle himself against the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path in addition to the Ten-Tails itself.


Kakashi is very adept in taijutsu. In the anime, as a child, he was skilled enough to hold his own against his sensei, Minato Namikaze, in his bell test, managing to touch one of the bells while engaging the more experienced shinobi unarmed. As an adult, his skills improved considerably. Even when greatly outnumbered by hundreds of shadow clones, he is easily able to defeat them, using well-coordinated attack patterns to handle the multiple enemy strikes. Kakashi is also able to fight on par with Might Guy, a rival and taijutsu master, even since childhood.

He is also noted to have impressive speed; being able to intercept an opponent even from a distance as seen during the very start of the bell test. His battle prowess and speed allow him to effectively catch his opponents off-guard to quickly strike them down and easily evade attacks. Even against highly experience assassins, Kakashi can silently sneak-up on them, making him prime to strike. His speed increased considerably in Part II; before the timeskip he had difficulty keeping up with Itachi Uchiha, but outmanoeuvred him after the timeskip. His hand seal prowess has also been noted as being very great, able to perform them at highly difficult speeds to follow.

He is also able to open at least one of the Eight Gates, a feat that very few ninja are able to achieve. In the anime, he can also utilise advanced techniques derived from it while showing no signs of even fatigue afterwards. His raw strength is also noticeably high, as shown in Part I, he was able to clash with the likes of enemies like Zabuza, who possesses great physical strength himself, simultaneously throw both Naruto and Sasuke a large distance, and in Part II easily lift and wield the Kubikiribōchō with a single hand despite its considerable size and weight.


While used less often, he has also shown proficient skill in genjutsu, which he can use as a set-up for stronger attacks. His skill in its usage is able to easily deceive most opponents with well-timed diversions, giving his opponents little chance to counter. During the bell test for Team 7, Kakashi was able to use low-level techniques to easily subdue a keen-minded and natural genjutsu-type like Sakura. Against most high-level techniques, he has advanced knowledge of their working, and is able to dispel genjutsu as well.


Kakashi primarily relies on his mastery of ninjutsu, of which he has a vast arsenal due in part to his Sharingan; being noted to have copied over a thousand techniques, the number has continually been growing through his many battles. With this arsenal, he can attack or defend against his opponents in numerous manners. While a student under Minato Namikaze, Kakashi learned how to use the Rasengan, though he was unable to add his own nature transformation and complete the technique, instead relying on his Lightning Cutter. Kakashi has also developed considerable prowess infūinjutsu, something that Orochimaru found impressive given Kakashi's age.

Nature Transformation

In addition to the sheer number of techniques he is purported to know, he is also proficient in several nature transformations. He has a natural affinity for Lightning Release, which he mastered before even becoming a jōnin. It became so advanced that it is an attribute enemy ninja identify him by. His prowess with Water Release techniques is such that he can match specialists like Zabuza Momochi and perform them without a nearby water source. He has used Earth Release techniques, able to move fast and unnoticed underground or produce large and intricate earthen walls rather quickly. In the anime, he has also shown considerable skill in Fire Release techniques, able to produce a massive fireball able to cause much damage to the area. In addition, he is otherwise at least knowledgeable enough to train others in Wind Release.

When Kakashi learned how to use the Rasengan, he attempted to infuse it with lightning-chakra as it was originally intended to be combined with element chakra, but ultimately failed. However, he used the same theoretical principle to create the Chidori, which he later refined into the far stronger Lightning Cutter. He can also enlist the aid of a shadow clone, to create a lightning chain able to cut through even a jinchūriki's chakra arms in a "Version 2" state. He can also create a lightning-infused clone,and hound via his manipulation of lightning chakra.



Kakashi wielding the Kubikiribōchō.

Kakashi is a highly-skilled user in a large variety of weapons such as bows and arrows, kusarigama, chains, wire strings and others. Since early childhood, Kakashi had highly proficient skill in kenjutsu, able to wield his father's signature tantō effectively enough to be mistaken for Sakumo. Due to his ANBU background, Kakashi's sword skill was especially improved. His weapon-skills are also very adaptable, even able to effectively use Kubikiribōchō, a blade of unique shape with noticeable size and weight, to defeat kenjutsu specialists like the Seven Mist Swordsmen after just gaining possession of it. He can also enhance his physical tools, channellinglightning-nature chakra through them.

Summoning Technique

Kakashi is also able to summon a pack of ninja hounds of various breeds. Much like all of his combat skills, Kakashi's use of these summons is highly versatile, ranging from attacking and restraining his opponents. Uniquely he can combine his Summoning Technique and his Earth Release skills to have his hounds burrow and erupt from the ground in order to help subdue his enemies.Aside from offensive purposes, Kakashi's pack is also highly skilled in tracking down targets.



Kakashi's most distinguishing ability is the Sharingan in his left eye-socket that was given to him by Obito Uchiha. Since the eye got transplanted into him, Kakashi's ability to copy nearly any technique used against him gave him the moniker Copy Ninja Kakashi while utilising many of the Sharingan abilities including genjutsu, seeing through deception, and predicting his opponent's next move.This was seen in action twice, once against Zabuza Momochi and then against on Root members sent to watch Naruto. This eye also gives Kakashi a heightened visual perception to his surroundings, enabling him to perfect his Chidori and its later version, the Lightning Cutter.

When he first received the Sharingan it had only two tomoe. Some time after this, the traumatic loss of his dear friend Rin caused Kakashi's Sharingan to fully mature. In addition, Kakashi has extended the duration of time he can sustain using the Sharingan. While fighting Obito, a potent genjutsu user, Kakashi was able to go toe to toe with his enemy in an illusionary fight until he himself asked that genjutsu fighting be abandoned due to the constant stalemates of it.

However, because he is not an Uchiha, Kakashi is unable to deactivate this dōjutsu and is forced to keep it covered when not in combat as it consumes a massive amount of chakra, which forces him into extensive periods of bed rest. Because of this, Kakashi only relies on it when he feels it is an absolute necessity. In Part I, he could only handle using it for a short while in battle while suffering somewhat crippling effects such as severe fatigue. In Part II, he is seen using it for seemingly a day while testing Naruto and Sakura without any adverse effects. Regardless, he is very skilled to the point that Itachi Uchiha acknowledges Kakashi's greater proficiency to most true Sharingan wielders.

Mangekyō Sharingan

Kakashi awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan after unintentionally killing Rin Nohara, though seemed unaware of its awakening until years later. With it he can perform Kamui: a technique that creates a space-time barrier in the form of a swirling void that sucks any target he focuses his eye on to another dimension and also bring them back; even transporting them to a new location. Originally, Kakashi lacked proper control to accurately hit his target. His skill and aim later improved greatly, able to successfully warp small, fast-moving, or multiple targets in rapid succession as seen against Pain, and Sasuke respectively.Even Obito, who mastered his variation of Kamui, openly acknowledged Kakashi's great skill with the technique. While battling Obito, Kakashi attempted to use Kamui to behead the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path: an object of significant size and mass, failing only because of Obito's intervention. His finesse allows him to safely warp chakra-based techniques, like the Rasengan, or even shadow cloneswithout disrupting them, at such speed that Obito himself was fooled into believing Kakashi failed and dispelled the technique instead. While originally demonstrating only long-range use, Kakashi is also able to use Kamui at a short-range. With this new proficiency, Kakashi can teleport himself at will, able to precisely choose his destination for an attack.

Kamui's chakra requirements are considerably high, such that initially he had to be hospitalised for a week after using it three times in one day. By his battle against Obito, his mastery of this technique improved further, able to use it at least five times, three of which in quick succession (along with multiple other chakra-taxing techniques) and still had enough strength left to act. Afterwards, though tired, he remarked that he retained enough chakra to use the technique a few more times, and only after the fourth use did he start experiencing the immediate side effects, which he soon recovered somewhat from. He is also knowledgeable of other Mangekyō Sharingan techniques as well as the risks the dōjutsu poses to the user's eyesight.


Repeatedly, Kakashi has proven himself to be a very shrewd and resourceful man, regularly having his opinion asked for by Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage. By a quite young age, Kakashi had enough experience on the battlefield to detect a hiding enemy's presence, impressing his sensei, Minato. Kakashi has even been noted to be smarter than Shikamaru Nara in Part I: a ninja well-known for his insightful, and calculating nature. His instincts also allow him to calmly effectively perceive and react to any incoming danger. Yamato notes that Kakashi has his way with words and can be a persuasive speaker, though his arguments are more of a logical nature than of emotional one like those of Naruto Uzumaki. He is also good at discerning what emotional nature of people and determine its source as demonstrated in his thoughts about Obito. Kakashi's intellect has proven itself against various S-rank ninja, including members of Akatsuki, showing undeniable perceptive and analytical skills, able to quickly and single-handedly deduce the workings of the most mysterious enemy techniques and plot successful diversions in order to verify his theories (most of the time proving them correct). He is aided in this regard by his calm personality, which allows him to handle a given situation with some detachment.

His long career as a jōnin, and formerly as an ANBU, have only expanded his knowledge, allowing him to handle virtually any situation. For these reasons Kakashi has been assigned to a variety of teams — always as the leader — and he is always able to work well with his team-mates. Chōza Akimichiattributes Kakashi's success to his approach to battles: he avoids direct combat by using misdirection and clones until he can determine the opponent's skills, at which point he modifies his tactics to fit the situation. Kakashi has also shown repeatedly to be a highly capable teacher. He has come up with various unorthodox methods to help his students produce impressive leaps in their abilities in weeks what would normally take months if not years of intense training.

Chakra Prowess and Control

Originally, Kakashi's primary weakness was his average reserves of chakra and stamina. He could only maintain his Sharingan for a short time, quickly tiring out from overusing it and ultimately collapsing, followed by great difficulty to even stand for days. He also claimed he could only use his signature technique, Lightning Cutter, four times in a single day before it wouldn't work. To compensate for this, Kakashi possesses very refined chakra control, allowing him to use multiple techniques quickly with the minimum necessary chakra and to their highest level. Kakashi's control also allows him to perform various techniques, usually lightning-based, with few to no hand seals.

Over the course of the series, his reserves improved considerably to extend his timespan and versatility to fight multiple high-level opponents. By Part II, he can maintain his Sharingan for an entire day and utilise several chakra-taxing techniques in quick succession unfazed, including his Lightning Cutter at least six times. His chakra reserves development is best seen with his Mangekyō Sharingan technique,Kamui. Originally, a single use tired him greatly. Using it more than twice in a single day would leave him crippled for over a week. By the time of the Fourth Shinobi World War, he was able to fight throughout an entire day right before going to fight against Tobi and his Six Paths of Pain which comprised of reincarnated jinchūriki. Once arriving, he was able to use Kamui several times in quick succession before finally collapsing as his eye started bleeding. Shortly afterwards, he recovered enough to stand up on his own and soon leapt back into action, using Kamui yet again, along with several other chakra-taxing techniques.

Other Skills

A man who epitomises versatility, Kakashi's expertise is not limited to the three major ninja skill sets; he is renowned for his tracking abilities and has otherwise displayed proficiency with trap-making, medical, survival, stealth, and assassination. Kakashi is also noted to have a better sense of smell than Kiba Inuzuka did in Part I, a noteworthy member of a clan with canine-like senses. Even without sight, Kakashi is still a highly formidable fighter, able to use his other senses and knowledge of his surroundings, allies, and enemies to perceive the situation and overwhelm his opponents. 
Name: Sub-Zero


Universe: Midway (Mortal Kombat)

Age: Unknown

Personality: Cold (haha pun intended)

History: Sub-Zero, also known as Kuai Liang , and formerly known as Tundra, is a Lin Kuei assassin in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series and one of the few original characters. He is the younger brother of Noob Saibot, who was the original Sub-Zero in the first Mortal Kombat game. The younger Sub-Zero made his debut in Mortal Kombat II.

Sub-Zero is one of the most popular characters in the Mortal Kombat series. In one form or another, Sub-Zero has appeared in every generation of Mortal Kombat games as a playable character.

About Sub-Zero

Sub-Zero is one of the most popular characters in the Mortal Kombat series along with his arch-nemesis, Scorpion. There are in fact two incarnations of Sub-Zero, and they are siblings: the older brother Bi-Han and younger brother Kuai Liang. Both are blue garbed warriors that have served the Lin Kuei. Both descended from Cryomancers, anOutworld race possessing the ability to generate and control the powers of ice. However, they were born inEarthrealm and only the younger Sub-Zero would discover his heritage. Kuai Liang bears a scar on his right eye which he received between the events of MK3. However, as seen in Deception, the scar has faded away. This may have been caused by the Dragon Medallion's power.

In their biography, both Sub-Zero brothers were sons of a Chinese Cryomancer father and a human mother. It is known that the father of both brothers was a secret operative for the Lin Kuei in the United States. He married an American woman and together they had two sons. Against the will of their mother, the father took the sons with him to move back to China, and as such both brothers were trained as Lin Kuei assassins. This was later retconned as both brothers being kidnapped by the Lin Kuei (this was revealed in Sub-Zero's trailer inMortal Kombat 2011).

Bi-Han appeared as Sub-Zero in the first Mortal Kombat, while Kuai Liang went by the codename "Tundra". After Bi-Han was murdered by Scorpionduring the tournament, Kuai Liang swore revenge. He mastered the art of Ice and Cold, and took his brother's former code name: Sub-Zero. Driven by anger, Kuai Liang entered The Mortal Kombat Tournament with one goal: To destroy his brother's killer, and anyone else that gets in the way.

Kuai Liang replaced him as Sub Zero for the rest of the games - Bi Han later was resurrected by Quan Chi and became the undead Netherrealm wraith Noob Saibot. The younger Sub-Zero clearly shares many traits with his older brother, and was perhaps too similar to his brother upon his introduction. Like the elder, the younger Sub-Zero gives the impression of being a stern, distant and cold man who goes about his business silently, without attracting unwanted attention. However, as time progressed, Sub-Zero evolved - from what fans labeled a "carbon copy" of his brother - into a man of great integrity and self-discipline. The disparities between the brothers, who were once neutral and almost indistinct from each other, have now grown so large that one could speak of the evil twin syndrome.

While the younger Sub-Zero was depicted as a young Lin Kuei warrior who was living in the shadow of his older brother, he has since changed and grown into a warrior who has progressed towards the more humane sides of moral issues. This change in characteristics has not only strengthened him as a man, but has also set him apart from his former Lin Kuei counterparts. This included leaving his clan in disgust and breaking the sacred codes of honor, joining the rebellion against Shao Kahnand assisting Raiden and Liu Kang (along with Earthrealm's other chosen warriors). More recently, he defeated the cyborg assassin known as Sektor after the events of Mortal Kombat Gold to gain the leadership of the Lin Kuei and become the Grandmaster, where he has grown even stronger and more powerful. He is a dependable ally of Earthrealm who is willing to assist when needed, especially when Raiden gives the call. He is without question one of the greatest and most powerful warriors that Earthrealm has to offer. He, like much of the MK cast, also follows a character archetype, in his case the enigmatic hero that shows up to aid the main hero(es) when needed.


Sub-Zero dresses in the familiar blue-garbed ninja-like uniform. Originally, Sub-Zero was depicted with Asian facial features as revealed in the ending when unmasked, due to a Chinese-American heritage.

Around Mortal Kombat 3, Sub-Zero was given a scar over his right eye to help differentiate himself from his older brother. Sub-Zero was the first ninja-like character in the series to go on without a mask and wore a less-concealing version of his outfit. In MK4 he wore the traditional uniform his brother wore, but again wears an updated version of his MK3 outfit in Deadly Alliance featuring Chinese characters. His alternate costume from Deadly Alliance and beyond is more of a stream-lined version of his original costume featuring the Dragon Medallion on the right side of his chest. InDeception, Sub-Zero dons an ancient armor once worn by his Cryomancer ancestors.

Interestingly, Sub-Zero is one of the few characters in the series to show signs of natural aging. Around Deadly Alliance, he is depicted with slight wrinkles and graying hair, which has begun to bald around the time ofDeception. His scar also changes blue, and eventually fades from his face entirely.

In sporadic appearances beginning with MK4, Sub-Zero bears a flexible ice sheet on his forearms, a sign of his growing power of cryomancy.


Powers and abilities

Having descended from a race of Outworld inhabitants known as Cryomancers, Sub-Zero has the innate ability to control ice in many forms. Throughout the span of the series, Sub-Zero's powers have continued to evolve. Aside from flash-freezing opponents, Sub-Zero also has the ability to instantly conjure up an ice statue of himself to act as both a scapegoat and a 'landmine' of sorts as any who touch it instantly flash freeze. Since having taken possession of the Dragon Medallion, the scope of Sub-Zero's powers and abilities has increased significantly. As a member of the Lin Kuei, Sub-Zero has attained a great degree of skill in many forms of hand-to-hand combat. The Dragon Medallion and his ancestral armor increased and amplified his martial arts and ice-related abilities, as shown in his Deception Arcade ending. Throughout the Mortal Kombat series, Sub-Zero's abilities have grown more powerful; he can even transform his body into a liquefied state, solid state or transform his body into solid ice at will. Raiden has commented that Sub-Zero is more powerful than his brother.

Signature moves

  • Sub-Zero's Ice Blast
    Ice Blast: Sub-Zero sends a blast of ice directly towards the opponent to temporarily freeze them in place for a free hit. He could also freeze opponents in midair, if timed correctly. In the earlier Mortal Kombat games, if Sub-Zero were to freeze the opponent twice, the second ice ball would defrost the opponent and freeze Sub-Zero, setting him up for a free hit. Like Scorpion's Spear, it has had different depictions. In MK, it is depicted as frozen liquid while in MKII to MKT, it is depicted a series of ice shards; From MK4 onward it is an energy blast of ice condensed into a spherical form, but inArmageddon, it is depicted as a strong beam of energy. In Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, the Ice Freeze can also perform a small bit of damage, even to enemies who are immune to being frozen by the move. In MK 2011 this is called Iceball. (MKII, MK3, UMK3, MKT, MK4, MKG,MK:DA, MK:D, MK:U, MK:SM, MK:A, MKvsDCU, MK 2011)
    The enhanced version is called Ice Beam. Instead of a single ball of ice, Sub-Zero will shoot a beam of ice, making it easier to hit opponents in the air. The opponent is also frozen for a longer amount of time.

  • Sub-Zero's Slide
    Slide: Sub-Zero slides across the floor, knocking the opponent off their feet. It is assumed Sub-Zero slides by freezing the soles of his feet. This move was later given to Frost. In Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Sub-Zero can perform an uppercut or throw a snowball-like projectile after executing the Slide. In MK 2011, he leaves a trail of ice behind. (MKII, MK3, UMK3, MKT,MK4, MKG, MK:SM, MK:DA, MKvsDCU, MK 2011)
    The enhanced version is called Power Slide. After Sub-Zero hits the opponent, he will follow up with an additional attack (twin palms).

  • Sub-Zero's Ground Freeze.
    Ground Ice: Sub-Zero freezes the floor and whoever steps on the circle of ice will temporarily slip all over the place, setting the opponent up for a free hit. Since it aims for the opponent's feet, it cannot be blocked. This move was also later adapted for Frost. In Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, the Ground Ice maneuver can be upgraded to allow Sub-Zero to freeze the ground around him in a radius affecting multiple enemies or even create chunks of ice to pop opponents into the air. In MK (2011), the opponent is frozen to the ground, and the move is called Ice Puddle. (MKII, MK:SM, MK 2011)
    The enhanced version is called Ground Freeze and it freezes the entire arena floor that is in front of him.

  • Sub-Zero's Ice Clone.
    Ice Clone: Sub-Zero creates an ice clone of himself anywhere he chooses, and anyone who touches it will freeze. (MK3, UMK3, MKT, MK4, MKG, MK:D, MK:U,MK:A, MK 2011)
    The enhanced version is called Ice Statue. The clone will stay for a longer period of time.

  • Ice Shaker: Sub-Zero emits a wave of cold air from his body freezing anyone or anything near him. (MK:DA)

  • Ice Shower: Sub-Zero shoots ice straight overhead which falls back down atop his opponent. He can shoot it close, mid way, or far away to freeze the opponent. In Armageddon, it is known as Ice Pillar and instead of falling on the opponent, the ice comes up underneath them like a frozen geyser, freezing and suspending them in the air. (MK3, UMK3, MKT, MK:A)

  • Cold Shoulder: Sub-Zero rushes the opponent with his shoulder, leaving a trail of ice behind him on the ground. This is the replacement of his Ice Slide in these games. (MK:DA, MK:D, MK:U,MK:A)

  • Tombstone Teleport: Sub-Zero's body becomes ice, falls backward into the ground, and reappears behind his opponent. (MKvsDCU)

  • Icy Counter: Sub-Zero quickly covers himself in a sheet of ice. If an opponent attacks him physically whilst in this state, they will automatically be flash-frozen as Sub-Zero disappears and reappears behind the opponent with his Kori Blade in hand to strike them down. A low or sweep attack from the opponent does not trigger this ability. (MKvsDCU)

  • Ice Nugget: Sub-Zero makes a nugget out of ice above his opponent, which comes crashing down onto the opponent. It is unblockable. (MKvsDCU)

  • Sub-Zero X-Ray Move(00:19)
    X-Ray Move - Deep Freeze: Sub-Zero charges at the opponent with a cold shoulder then punches into the stomach, freezing the opponent's liver inside their abdomen and crushes it. He then headbutt his opponent, breaking their skull. This can be delayed. (MK 2011)

Other moves

  • Free-Fall Super Move: Sub-Zero freezes his opponent solid, before slamming them to the ground with a powerful axe-handle punch, shattering their icy restraint in the process. (MKvsDCU)

  • Icy Skateboard: Sub-Zero freezes his opponent and skateboards with the frozen opponent's body. (MK:DA)

  • Suplex Throw: Sub-Zero grabs his foe, proceeds to roll backwards, brings up a leg as in a monkey flip and launches the foe halfway across the area. He then does a kip-up. Almost allmale ninjas share the Suplex Throw pre-MK4. (MKII)


  • Snowball Grenade: Sub-Zero creates a small orb of ice and launches it at the opponent. It lodges within their chest and detonates, causing them to explode from within. In MK:SM, Sub-Zero freezes the opponent first, and then launches a snowball that causes the opponent to explode. (MKII, MK:SM)
  • Ice Shatter: Sub-Zero deep-freezes his opponent, then uppercuts their upper body, shattering it in the process. (MKII, MK4, MKG, MK:SM)
  • Overhead Ice Smash: Sub-Zero grabs the opponent and presses them over his head. After freezing the opponent, Sub-Zero breaks them into pieces with his own hands. In MKvsDCU, it is called Freeze Slam and Sub-Zero throws the opponent on the ground, shattering them. (MK3,UMK3, MKvsDCU)
  • Frosty!: Sub-Zero breathes icy breath at his opponent, who falls back and shatters upon contact with the floor. (MK3, UMK3)
  • Spine Rip: Sub-Zero grabs the opponent's neck, and tears out their spine and skull. This Fatality was taken directly from his older brother. This was later used as a finisher inArmageddon. (MK4, MKG, MK:SM, MK 2011)
    In MK (2011), this Fatality is unlocked via a DLC code. Sub-Zero can use this in any costume.

[*]Skeleton Rip: Sub-Zero rips the whole skeleton out of his opponent's body, pulling it from the spine. (MK:DA)

[*]Freeze and Throw: Sub-Zero does the first part of the Deep Freeze Uppercut, only now he rips the head off, slides away, then throws the head at the opponent, shattering the body and head. (MK:D)

[*]Below Freezing: Sub-Zero freezes the legs of his foe and shatters them, then stomps on his opponents body causing their head to explode. (MK:D)

[*]Freeze Kick: Sub-Zero freezes his opponent and kicks them. The opponent is smashed to pieces after the kick. (MKvsDCU)

[*]Have an Ice Day: Sub-Zero freezes his opponent from the feet up to the waist. He then rips the opponent's torso off. (MK 2011)

[*]Spinal Smash: Sub-Zero rips the opponent's spine and skull out through his/her chest. He then freezes the opponent's body and smashes it with the spine. (MK 2011)

Other finishers

  • Friendship #1: Sub-Zero takes out a Sub-Zero doll and text appears onscreen saying "Buy a Sub-Zero Doll." (MKII)
  • Friendship #2: Sub-Zero covers himself up with a snowman. (MK3, UMK3, MKT)
  • Animality: Sub-Zero turns into a polar bear and mauls his opponent. (MK3, UMK3, MKT)
  • Multality: Ice Stomp: Sub-Zero leaps up and comes back down, stomps on the ground and then freezes and shatters all opponents. (MK:SM)
  • Brutality: Frostbite Rage: Sub-Zero covers himself up in ice, sliding toward the opponent, mercilessly pounding them until they shatter. (MK:SM)
  • Hara-Kiri: Meltdown: Sub-Zero covers himself with ice, falls over and shatters, leaving him as a mess of ice and bones. (MK:D)
  • Babality: Sub-Zero urinates on the floor and accidentally freezes it with his feet, making him slip and hit his head on the ground, causing him to cry. (MK 2011)
Name: Shadow the Hedgehog

Universe: SEGA

Age: unknown

Personality: Shadow is a loner, to put it bluntly. He is rarely seen with others for an extended period of time, and distances himself from essentially everyone. He is usually soft-spoken, and only says what he needs to before a fight. If Shadow makes a threat, he has every intention of carrying it out. Shadow constantly refers to himself as the Ultimate Lifeform and thus belittles others as well as insulting their lack of strength. He has a ruthless edge in combat that all other characters in the series lack, and displays a natural "killer instinct". At times, Shadow is the most violent and merciless character in the series.

Shadow's infamous ruthlessness and aggression leads to fear and a nervousness that inhibits characters from his unshakable intent or sheer power in combat. Numerous characters from the Sonic series have shown absolute dread from encountering Shadow. Shadow's enemies never treat him lightly; he is one of the very few people Sonic takes seriously and acts hostile towards.

Alongside his dark and violent demeanor, Shadow can be smug and stubborn. He treats others in a very callous manner, throwing in his opinion no matter how cold-hearted it is and not caring for whatever the response is. He is shown to be highly arrogant and self absorbed; one of many examples is in Sonic the Hedgehog, he (as Super Shadow) states that their battle against Solaris may actually be "a fair fight." He is also consistently serious, even when not on a mission and he has no regard for silliness.

On occasion, Shadow appears to have some degree of mental instability. This is proven by his frequent hallucinations about Maria's face and his numerous threatening speeches. In most games Shadow is featured in, he pursues his foes with disturbing determination. The canon ending of Shadow the Hedgehog showed Shadow willing to destroy anything in his way to get to Black Doom.

Shadow also possesses a strong sense of identity, as evidenced when after falsely being told that he isn't the Ultimate Lifeform due to a lab report. He states to Rouge that even if his memories were fake, he is still Shadow the Hedgehog. Similarly in Sonic Heroes, during the Egg Fleet level, he mentions that even without his memories, he is still the Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog. These qualities make him rarely susceptible to being manipulated by other forces.

Shadow is not without sentimental emotions and has shown a small sense of compassion from time to time. When Omega begins his attack in Sonic Heroes, Shadow could have easily forgotten about Rouge and engaged Omega without defending her. Instead, Shadow saves her from Omega, despite having absolutely no memory of her. He was also shown to be legitimately shocked when he learned that his goal of gaining the Chaos Emeralds to restore his memories was actually manipulated by Black Doom in order to wipe out humanity. Likewise, when the GUN Commander finally confronts him with his own memories of Shadow's nightmarish creation, Shadow agrees to face judgement if he was indeed responsible for the ARK massacre 50 years ago.

Shadow brushes off any kindness or sympathy that is sent his way. This is shown in Sonic Heroes, when Rouge showed concern for Shadow when he saw a broken android, Shadow curtly brushed her concern away. Also inShadow the Hedgehog after Sonic suggested some "friendly competition," Shadow turned his back to Sonic and said, "Don't waste my time".

Despite Shadow being considered neutral in terms of alignment, he is considered an anti-hero by the most part with his overall motivation, which is dedicating his life to protecting mankind. He has also been selfless, such as nearly giving his life at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 to save Earth. Regardless, Shadow is still neutral, because he does whatever is necessary to get what he wants.


Shadow debuted in the game Sonic Adventure 2 as one of three playable "dark" characters, alongside Rouge the Bat (who also debuted in this game), and Doctor Eggman. Dr. Eggman set Shadow free from a G.U.N. base on Prison Island, where he had spent approximately 50 years in suspended animation. In exchange, Shadow agreed to aid the doctor in his plans to take over the world; holding to himself his true intentions as wishing to get revenge for the death of his friend, Maria Robotnik, as he thought she wanted; it is strongly implied that his belief that Maria's final wish was revenge against humanity stemmed from Gerald Robotnik modifying Shadow's memories between Maria's death and Shadow's encapsulation. To achieve this, Shadow revealed the Eclipse Cannonto Dr. Eggman, who later destroyed half of the moon in a demonstration to the populace. Beforehand, he also stole the greenChaos Emerald from a bank, unknowingly also framing Sonic the Hedgehog for the deed.

He later participated in the second heist alongside Dr. Eggman and Rouge the Bat against Prison Island, where he would plant explosives throughout the island as part of their getaway, although his resemblance to Sonic also resulted in Amy Rose mistaking him for the latter. However, because Tails came to Amy's rescue from Dr. Eggman, he was forced to act fast due to the unexpected delay. In addition, after Rouge ended up getting caught and stranded in the containment area while recovering the four Chaos Emeralds, Shadow, largely because he realized that his plans of avenging Maria Robotnik would be for naught if Rouge perished in the explosion, rushed to get to Rouge and by extension the Chaos Emeralds.

After meeting Sonic for a second time, Shadow also believed that Sonic was trying to copy him. They fought to a stalemate before Shadow was forced to leave to rescue Rouge (with Sonic also learning from Eggman via Shadow's radio that the island was about to blow up), and just barely arrived at Rouge's location and used Chaos Control to warp himself, Rouge, the four Chaos Emeralds and presumably Eggman out at the last possible second. After the demonstration, needing the final Chaos Emerald to fulfill their plans, Shadow pursued Tails' plane at a canyon. Although he was unable to stop them, he nonetheless reported to Eggman that they are headed his way. When Eggman discovered the presence of two apparent emerald readings, and thus deduced Tails' plan of placing a fake Chaos Emerald into the cannon, Shadow departed, apparently to confront Sonic and Tails to stop them for interfering, although Eggman stopped him, wanting to deal with them personally. After Sonic was seemingly killed by Dr. Eggman via a rigged escape capsule, Shadow, witnessing the explosion, guessed that Sonic was only an ordinary hedgehog.

Afterwards, Shadow stumbled upon Rouge's plan to steal the Chaos Emeralds, and deduced that she was in fact a spy for the President of the United Federations, although Rouge then unveiled a report from Gerald Robotnik regarding the Biolizard, claiming, it, not Shadow, was the actual Shadow. However, Shadow was forced to depart after Eggman mentioned an anonymous figure (Sonic) heading towards the Eclipse Cannon, although not before stating that he's still Shadow despite his memories possibly being fake, and that "the fake emerald is good enough for Rouge." He then discovers Sonic the Hedgehog at the area. Shadow, impressed at Sonic's capability of using Chaos Control despite using a fake Chaos Emerald, nonetheless stated that he cannot allow him to live before fighting on a collapsing bridgeway. In the last story, Eggman inserted the final Chaos Emerald, only to initiate a destabilization program on theARK. Professor Gerald Robotnik then revealed that he had made this function to have revenge for Maria, and that the ARK would destroy the Earth. Sonic, Eggman, Rouge, Tails and Knuckles took a shortcut to the cannon's core so they could stop the Professor's mad plan.

Amy Rose then helped Shadow realize Maria's true wish. In a twist of fate, Shadow ultimately aided Sonic when realizing, with Amy's help, Maria's true wish, which was to save humanity. Meanwhile, Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles had reached the central core, where they reactivated the Biolizard. Notably, a scene from Gerald Robotnik's diary appeared again. After Shadow defeated the Biolizard, Knuckles used the Master Emerald to stop the Chaos Emeralds. But the Biolizard, being the prototype of Project Shadow, used Chaos Control to fuse with the ARK, continuing its fall. Then, Sonic and Shadow, in their Super States, destroyed the Biolizard. The Ultimate Lifeform prototype became a monster, codenamed Finalhazard. Using their pooled energies to destroy the earth, but Shadow and Sonic defeated him and executed an enhanced Chaos Control which stopped the fall, and warped the ARK. Afterward, Shadow fell to the Earth and was presumed dead.

Sonic Heroes

In Sonic Heroes, Rouge discovers Shadow in a stasis tube located in the deepest part of one of Dr. Eggman's bases, after he was believed to be dead. As she activates the capsule, E-123 Omega begins to attack the newly awakened Shadow, believing him to be a creation of Eggman. Rouge steps in to break them up, quickly ending the skirmish. Shadow discovers that he has amnesia and cannot remember anything before his release, aside from his name and brief images of Maria Robotnik's death. He joins forces with Rouge the Bat and the robot, E-123 Omega, to form Team Darkand find Eggman. In large part because of his amnesia, he also doesn't rememberSonic the Hedgehog when they encountered each other, and thus believed Sonic to be copying him. When confronting the Egg Fleet, Rouge's remark about their being close to the edge of outer space unlocked a part of Shadow's memories. It is later revealed that Eggman had made robotic android versions of Shadow, and the question is raised as to whether or not Shadow himself is one of these androids. Shadow himself also briefly bore witness to a broken Shadow Android earlier, shortly after Team Dark destroyed the Egg Albatross. When rendezvousing with Rouge shortly afterwards, Shadow remarked that some things "never change" when Rouge considered stealing the Master Emerald again due to Knuckles' presence. Ultimately, when Metal Sonictransformed into Metal Overlord, Shadow worked with everyone else to help defeat him. Shadow is last seen with E-123 Omega holding the defeated Metal Sonic.

Sonic Battle

In Sonic Battle, Rouge the Bat saves Shadow while they are investigating Dr. Eggman's secret base and takes him back to her home. Shadow talks about how the people of Earth must destroy him and Emerl if they ever want peace, still believing that he is a weapon. It is revealed, however, that he ultimately has the heart and soul of Maria Robotnik, implying he could not be the enemy of humanity. However, Gerald Robotnik's journal entries in this game contradicts truths found in Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog.

Shadow the Hedgehog

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow is revealed to be the dual creation of the evil alien overlord Black Doom andProfessor Gerald Robotnik. Gerald could not finish the project on his own, so he contacted the Black Comet and used Black Doom's blood and his DNA to create Shadow. Shadow eventually gathers all of the Chaos Emeralds, which Black Doom takes and uses to warp the Black Comet to Earth. Shadow regains the Chaos Emeralds and transforms into Super Shadow to confront Devil Doom, Black Doom's powered-up form. It is worth noting that, if the battle timer passes seven minutes, Eggman reveals to Shadow that he sent one of his robots to save him after the incident in Sonic Adventure 2, and that he is the actual Shadow and not a Shadow Android. After the fight, Shadow destroys the Black Comet with the Eclipse Cannon. In the end, Shadow puts his past behind him and chooses to move forward.

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

In the 2006 game entitled Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow is a playable character and has his own storyline, which intertwines with those of Sonic and a new character,Silver the Hedgehog. In this role, Shadow, now a GUN agent, is dispatched to Dr. Eggman's base at White Acropolis to rescue their agent (Rouge), whose last contact had been conducted 26 hours prior. After storming the base and taking out the robots in the outer perimeter, he started the mission upon being briefed. However, by the time he arrived at the main gate, he encountered Rouge who at the same time opened the gate, to which he explained to a surprised Rouge that he had orders directly from the President to rescue her. Afterwards, when asked by Rouge whether he wanted to know what she was sent to retrieve, Shadow dismissed it, as he was only sent to rescue her, but then they were ambushed by several Eggman Robots, including the Egg Cerberus.

Shadow later was transported from Eggman's base to Soleanna, and upon learning some details about the location, was requested by Rouge to escort her to the GUN rendezvous point located at Soleanna Castle at Kingdom Valley. Upon arrival, he also learned the history of Kingdom Valley, including the Solaris Project. However, they were ambushed by Eggman's forces. He and Rouge encountered the new villain, Mephiles the Dark, when the Scepter of Darkness falls and shatters (as Shadow rescued Rouge from freefall when she and the scepter were knocked away by Eggman). Mephiles was sealed inside the Scepter of Darkness and was subsequently released with the relic's destruction, adopting Shadow's appearance due to absorbing his shadow. Shadow and Rouge is sent to the future as part of Mephiles' "one way ticket to oblivion," and shortly after their discovery, encountered Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, who had themselves been transported to the future. Shadow then told Sonic that the only way to return to the present is to find two Chaos Emeralds and then perform Chaos Control on each other. Shadow and Rouge then found a Green Chaos emerald, but then discovered Omega's husk. Shadow then discovers that Omega's on standby mode. As they are unable to do a thing for him, Shadow and Rouge reluctantly leave Omega behind. They then rendezvous with Sonic's group. Upon discovering that another Chaos Emerald was near the volcano, Shadow and Sonic proposed to locate it. Upon finding the Chaos Emerald, they then fought Iblis, a fiery monster within the volcano. After dispatching of the monster, Shadow then proceeded to use Chaos Control with Sonic, opening a time hole to their present. Before Shadow could rejoin Rouge and the others, he noticed Mephiles' presence nearby and pursued him. He then found Mephiles on a volcanic platform and questioned the demon whether he was responsible for the world's destruction. Mephiles then revealed that in the aftermath of Iblis' destruction of the world, Shadow had been labelled as the enemy of mankind, due to his perceived role in the disaster and due to their fear of his power. However, despite the shock of this revelation, Shadow refused to join Mephiles, informing him that he "controlled his own destiny." He then fought Mephiles to a stalemate, with Mephiles preparing to finish Shadow off when Omega intervened (having been earlier dispatched by Rouge to undergo the directive that he and Rouge witnessed earlier), and aided Shadow in defeating Mephiles. They then proceeded to pursue Mephiles, but he escaped from their presence.

He then tried to search for Rouge near the warehouse docks due to her disappearing from GUN's contact. After briefly talking to her, he then left, determined to find Dr. Eggman and find out who Mephiles was (as Eggman's robots were hunting Mephiles down and mistook Shadow for him). Upon meeting the doctor, Shadow learned a vital clue to Mephiles' possible origins: that it pertained to the accident during the Solaris Project, and was offered more information on the project in exchange for capturing Mephiles. Shadow later interfered with Silver's ambush of Sonic and fought him. Due largely to his use of Chaos Control, he managed to overpower Silver. However, when Silver's use of Chaos Control interfered with his, he informed Silver (who had been trying to kill Sonic to prevent his bad future from occurring due to Mephiles' suggestions) that Mephiles had in fact been trying to eliminate the past, and beckoned that he accompany him to the past if they are to discover the truth of what happened ten years prior. Shadow then entered the area just as the accident occurred, and checked on the Duke's body, although he soon witnessed the birth of both Iblis and Solaris. Shadow then pursued Mephiles, although not before being handed by the Scepter of Darkness by the Duke to seal Mephiles, while Silver went after Iblis, rendezvousing briefly to get by a switch in their paths. Shadow then proceeded to use Chaos Control when cornering Mephiles, and then sealed him in the scepter, although not before the latter threatened that he will die in the future. He then returned to the future, informing Silver that he's leaving the scepter behind because he already knows its fate.

He then requested that Rouge contact GUN to see what the scepter was made out of, hoping to recreate it. However, as GUN was unable to find anything in the database regarding the scepter, they instead had to find someone with archaeological knowledge on the object. They then rescued an archaeologist, who informed them that it would appear at a priests fountain by lighting black flames, which Shadow accomplished via his Chaos powers. He then rendezvoused with Omega upon learning that the latter had cornered Mephiles. By the time he and Rouge arrived, however, Shadow discovered that Omega had furiously driven Mephiles off. Omega then admitted that Shadow, in the future, is sealed away by the reprogrammed Omega, and explained to Rouge why he did so. Shadow then returned to Soleanna, also taking out several of Iblis's and Mephiles' henchmen that had invaded the city from the desert. In gratitude, Lord Regis, acting under temporary authority after Eggman had kidnapped Elise a third time, opened the way to the desert. Deducing that Mephiles needed at least one Chaos Emerald to reform with Iblis into Solaris and devour time, Shadow headed to some ruins that Mephiles was headed to, most likely because a Chaos Emerald was nearby. However, he found Mephiles getting the Emerald in the ruins' inner sanctum. When asked once more to join Mephiles, Shadow exposed what Mephiles' true plans were, to which they then fought in an intense battle.

Although Shadow, Rouge and Omega ultimately won, Shadow's attempt to seal him failed due to Mephiles time traveling to his encapsulation and absorbing Shadow's power via his Shadow, alongside his gaining a Chaos Emerald. Undeterred, Shadow, upon declaring to the newly created Mephiles clones that he will fight as he always had even if the world declares him to be his enemy, and proceeded, alongside his allies, to mow through the Mephiles clones with his full power backing him. Ultimately it was for naught, as Mephiles nonetheless gained hold of the seven Chaos Emeralds (an event Shadow briefly witnessed immediately after slaughtering the clones when the yellow and green Chaos Emeralds glowed intensely) and merges with Iblis, becoming Solaris. Shadow also discovered that Mephiles had killed Sonic to ensure Iblis' release (due to her sealment of Iblis inside of her weakening due to crying), and then proceeded to find the Chaos Emeralds to revive Sonic. Afterwards, with Super Sonic's help, he turns into Super Shadow and joins him along with Super Silver to defeat Solaris. The events of the game are then reset and do not occur, possibly leaving his future open.


Basic physical traits between Shadow and Sonic are virtually identical. As such, Shadow possesses many of the same skills and abilities as Sonic has, along with greater raw power than Sonic, making Shadow one of the most powerful characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.

Although he is not nearly as strong as Power characters like Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow is quite physically strong: with effort, he is capable of overturning large objects, such as trucks, buses and large slabs of rock/broken concrete.

Like most other characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, Shadow is able to run at super speeds. With hisHover Shoes, Shadow can hover-skate at supersonic speeds, even nearing that of hypersonic speeds, and is fast enough to nearly equal the speeds that Sonic can run at, making him one of the fastest characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. While most games places Sonic and Shadow as equals in speed, character profiles in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic Rivals claim that Sonic is faster. Also, in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Shadow personally admitted that he was not faster than Sonic. While it is unknown how fast Shadow actually is without using his Hover Shoes, it has been hinted that Shadow can still move at speeds rivaling that of Sonic's, but he simply prefers not to.

Due to Shadow's natural high speeds, Shadow is highly acrobatic, agile and an experienced athlete, capable of gracefully leaping over many obstacles that comes in his way and performing various forms of nimble movements. He has as well radical reaction time to match his movements, being able to react to danger within a split second.

Shadow possesses incredibly high physical durability and is capable of surviving things that would normally be fatal to others, even by the standards in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, making him nearly indestructible. As seen inShadow the Hedgehog, Shadow is completely bulletproof while becoming Dark Shadow, being able to brush off all the gun shots from G.U.N. Soldiers as if they were not even there, and he can take a lot of major punishment in battle before he starts to wear down. The most prominent testament to Shadow's durability was during the events following Sonic Adventure 2, where Shadow fell down to Earth and through re-entry in the atmosphere and still survived long enough for one of Dr. Eggman's robots to rescue him. However, he did still receive some injury, as evidenced by the amnesia he got from his fall towards the Earth. Even after receiving major damage, Shadow displays a remarkably fast recovery rate from damage, allowing him to quickly re-enter a battle after just a few moments.

As shown in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), Shadow is able to release tremendous amounts of energy if he takes off the rings that are on his wrists. This gives Shadow a drastic increase in overall power, reaching the point where he can plow through what appears to be hundreds of perfect copies of Mephiles the Dark, who can be regarded as one of the more powerful foes in the series. While most of the media state that Shadow's increase in power through this method comes at the expense of reducing his stamina, causing him to become exhausted after its use, Shadow has shown no sign of fatigue in the video game series when restoring to this method.

Additionally, being the end-product of Project Shadow, which was meant to create an immortal life-form, Shadow is immortal and does not physically age. Also, given that Project Shadow was partially to develop cures for various kinds of illnesses, Shadow may be completely immune to disease. Because he also possesses Black Doom's blood, Shadow is immune to the paralysis gas that was being leaked upon the Black Comet's descent onto Earth.

Shadow is naturally able to tap into the arcane powers of any nearby Chaos Emeralds and utilize their Chaos Energy to empower himself and use a wide variety of Chaos Powers, such as Chaos Control, Chaos Spear, and Chaos Blast. Shadow can specifically harness both positive and negative Chaos Energy, depending on his state of mind.

Shadow's trademark move and most frequently used Chaos Power is Chaos Control, which can warp space and time around him to his will - such as slowing down time or teleporting various distances. Shadow is perhaps the most adept user of Chaos Control in the series, since he makes the most extensive use of it and can be considered a master of this technique; he can shape Chaos Control into a variety of offensive and defensive attacks, and can even use it delicately enough to distort space in small centralized areas, such as around his fists, or use it to heal himself. It is currently unknown as to what extent Shadow can specifically use Chaos Control, as he has never been seen using it on another object without warping himself along with it, but it has been shown that he can warp objects and people with him, such as transporting the Black Comet off of Earth. Aside from its final usage in Sonic Adventure 2 andShadow the Hedgehog, Shadow has used Chaos Control with three Emeralds at most, using Chaos Control to save Rouge from Prison Island. It is often stated that Shadow can only perform Chaos Control while in possession of a Chaos Emerald[2], however there have been multiple instances in cutscenes and gameplay in which he has performed the ability without one in his possession.

As described in Shadow the Hedgehog, all of Shadow's Chaos powers increase in power with the number of Chaos Emeralds he posesses.

Weaponry and Vehicle Skills

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow has shown that he can also skillfully use a wide range of firearms, semi-automatics, heavy assault, and close-combat weapons. He can also improvise with debris, and drive a wide range of vehicles, as shown inShadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Riders, and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

Combat Skills

In combat, Shadow is dangerous and fierce force that few can defeat directly. Extremely powerful, Shadow has never been seen holding back on his immense strength making him a powerful, brutal and deadly fighter with a distinct killer instinct. Shadow's skills are more than a match for even the strongest characters in the series, and has been able to take down some of the most fearsome foes seen in the Sonic the Hedgehog series on his own, such as Black Doom. To best put his skills in perspective, as seen in some of the scenarios in Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow is only person so far who has been able to utterly defeat Sonic in combat.

Fighting Style

Shadow's fighting style focuses on direct, brutal, unrestrained and powerful hand-to-hand combat, with heavy reliance on his Chaos Powers. In line with his nature and potent abilities, Shadow has adopted a fighting style where he fights his opponents using powerful blows, such as karate chops and roundhouse kicks, to which of his attacks have a significant amount of force behind them. With the speeds Shadow can move at, he can disable the opponent through the force of his blows alone, while leaving them at the mercy at his incoming attacks.

Shadow's fighting style revolves around making heavy use of his Chaos Powers, especially Chaos Control. Using Chaos Control, Shadow can teleport up in front or behind his opponents in battle to launch surprise attacks. Also, Shadow can use Chaos Control to increase the damage he deals to his opponent when striking them, often resulting in significant forces being released and blowing the opponent a certain distance away. To give himself the advantage over his opponents, Shadow will use powerful Chaos attacks involving Chaos Energy, such as energy bolts or evenintense explosions.

Techniques and Moves

Like Sonic, Shadow's basic combat moves revolves around the various forms of the Spin Attack, which is a variation on the tendency for hedgehogs to roll into tight balls for protection. The Homing Attack allows Shadow to jump and home in on an enemy to get over large gaps he cannot normally reach, the Spin Jump lets him curl into a ball attack opponent by landing on them, and the Spin Dash lets him shoot himself forward as an acceleration roll at high speeds to break barriers or mow down enemies. For more direct combat, Shadow can use his Chaos Attack to deal a barrage of Chaos Energy-fueled strikes to his opponents, and his Spin Kick lets him create a small tornado that can suck enemies in and damage them.

Many of Shadow's signature techniques are Chaos Powers. Shadow's trademark move is Chaos Control, which allows him to manipulate time and space to either warp across space or slow down time. His second most used Chaos Power is his Chaos Spear technique, where he throws bolts of Chaos Energy at his opponent. His most powerful and potent technique, however, is the Chaos Blast, which is literally a shockwave of Chaos Energy that eliminates anything and everything in a circular radius range. Shadow can, however, only use this attack when he is immersed in Chaos Energy.

Another special Chaos Power Shadow uses is his Chaos Boost technique. When using the Chaos Boost, Shadow covers himself in Chaos Energy. While in Chaos Boost form, Shadow gains more destructive power and is immune to some enemy attacks. It also enables Shadow to utilize more Chaos Powers, such as Chaos Blast,Chaos Snap, and Chaos Lance. In Sonic Generations, Shadow can also use the Chaos Boost to give himself a boost of speed, which is similar in function to theSonic Boost. Rather than skating like usual, Shadow uses the fire from his Air Shoes to propel himself forward.

Miscellaneous Skills

As seen in Sonic Free Riders, Shadow has proven himself to be an expert Extreme Gear rider, as seen in the tournament where he was able to put up quite a fight and even defeat some of the world's best Extreme Gear riders. When riding on an Extreme Gear, Shadow is skillful enough to ride on rails, execute complex tricks while in midair, and even perform his Chaos Powers and combat moves with ease.


Super Shadow

Like Sonic and Silver, by harnessing the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, Shadow is able to use super transformation to enter a Super State that transform him into Super Shadow. In this form, he is bestowed with the new abilities of flight and near invulnerability. Also, like other super transformations, his normal abilities regarding speed, strength, and power are greatly enhanced as well, and his skills withChaos Powers are increased to their full limit. During his first use of this transformation, Shadow found it difficult to stay in this state, due to his inexperience with it, but has since mastered it.

Hero Shadow

Main article: Hero Shadow

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow is able to transform into Hero Shadow with the use of positive Chaos Energy, whenever his mind is fueled by thoughts of justice. In this state, Shadow is temporarily invincible and can perform a large scale use of Chaos Control. This form, however, only lasts for a limited time.

Dark Shadow

Main article: Dark Shadow

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow is able to transform into Dark Shadow with the use of negative Chaos Energy, whenever his mind is fueled by thoughts of evil. In this state, Shadow is temporarily invincible and can perform Chaos Blast. Like Hero Shadow, however, this form also only lasts for a limited time.


Name: Darth Vader



Universe: Star Wars universe

Age: Late 30s/early 40s

Personality: Tyrannical, brutal Sith Lord but there is some goodness deep within him he hasn't discovered yet

Weapons: Lightsaber (seen in photos above)

Abilities: Extremely powerful in the dark side of the force, as well as advanced combat training and leadership/strategy and piloting skills. Force abilities include:

Force choke

Force lightning

Force push

History: Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 41.9 BBY, Anakin was concieved by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt. They soon ended up as the property of the Toydarian Watto, and Skywalker exhibited exceptional pilotingskills and a reputation for being able to build and repair anything even at a young age. In 32 BBY, Skywalker encountered the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Amidala, and he helped them secure the parts they needed for their starship by winning the Boonta Eve Classic podracingevent—only to learn that he had also won his freedom in doing so.

Reluctantly leaving his mother behind, Skywalker accompanied Jinn and his group to the Republic's capital of Coruscant and participated in the Battle of Naboo, helping to free Amidala's homeworld from thearmies of the Trade Federation. While Jinn was killed during the battle, Jinn's student Obi-Wan Kenobi followed Jinn's wishes and took on Skywalker as his Padawan, and much of the Jedi Council believed that Skywalker was the Chosen One of Jedi prophecy: one who would bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith Order. Skywalker and Kenobi had a number of adventures during the Padawan's decade of training to become a Jedi, but as the Separatist Crisis threatened to tear the Republic apart in 22 BBY, Skywalker was reunited Amidala when he was assigned to protect her from assassins. The two grew close during the course of the assignment, though they were caught up in the Battle of Geonosis and the beginning of the Clone Warsbetween the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Losing an arm during the fighting, Skywalker received a cyberneticreplacement, and he and Amidala were secretly married in the days after the battle despite the Jedi Code's restrictions on attachments.

During the Clone Wars, which raged for the next three years, Skywalker was granted the rank of Jedi Knight and became known to the public as the "Hero with No Fear." Taking on the Togruta Ahsoka Tano as his apprentice, Skywalker fought alongside Kenobi and his fellow Jedi in scores of battles, and his friendship with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine deepened despite the Jedi Order's wariness of Palpatine's rapid acquisition of further powers during the Clone Wars. Throughout the Clone Wars, Skywalker's anger and sense of loss pushed him ever closer to the dark side of the Force, and his visions of Amidala dying in childbirth in 19 BBY made him desperate for a way to save his wife. Palpatine, who was in fact the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, manipulated Skywalker into becoming his apprentice with the promise of saving Amidala, and Skywalker became the Sith Lord Darth Vader as Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire anddecimated the Jedi Order.

Vader and Kenobi clashed on Mustafar after Vader attacked his wife in the belief that she had betrayed him, and Vader was left limbless and ravaged by fire at the end of their battle. Encased in a suit of life-sustaining black armor and believing his wife to be dead, Vader embraced his role as the Emperor's right hand and enforcer, hunting down Jedi survivors and enforcing the will of the Empire for years to come. The Sith Lord trained a number of secret apprentices and Dark Jedi, though his plans to overthrow his master had not advanced far when the Galactic Civil War erupted between the Empire and theAlliance to Restore the Republic in 2 BBY. In 0 BBY, the Death Star—the Empire's greatest superweapon—was destroyed by a young Rebel pilot despite Vader's efforts, and Vader became obsessed with discovering the pilot's identity, only to learn that it was Luke Skywalker: his own son, born before Amidala's death.

Vader continued to pursue both Skywalker and the Alliance over the next three years, finally luring his son into a trap on the mining colony of Cloud City in 3 BBY where the two dueled. Vader revealed his identity to Skywalker, though his son refused to join him and escaped. When Darth Sidious learned of Skywalker's existence, he set in motion his own plans to recruit Skywalker and thereby replace Vader, but Skywalker surrendered himself to Imperial forces on the forest moon of Endor in 4 ABY in hopes of redeeming his father and turning him back to the light side. In a final duel on the second Death Star as the Battle of Endor raged around them, Skywalker and Vader fought each other, and Vader refused his son's attempts to redeem him, learning that Skywalker had a twin sister namedLeia in the process. Skywalker defeated his father but refused to kill him, and when Sidious attempted to kill the young man, Vader—moved by his son's love—abandoned the dark side and sacrificed himself to destroy the Emperor, fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen One. Mortally wounded, Anakin made peace with his son and became one with the Force, though his reputation, his legacy, and his family endured for decades afterwards.

NOTE: These events would be set inbetween A New Hope and The Empire Strikes back in Vader's life 
Name: The Doctor (10/11th incarnation)



Universe: Doctor Who universe

Age: 903 years old

Personality: Humorous, has a "thing" for pop culture (ect) but underneath all of that is an extremely dark side. Is also known to have romantic relationships with companions (most notably Rose Tyler)

Equipment: Sonic screwdriver, TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space)



- TARDIS interior

Abilities: Regeneration (can repair body if mortally wounded but changes his looks and personality in the process), extreme

intelligence, superb negotiation skills


"The Doctor" is the primary alias of a renegade Time Lord from Gallifrey who traveled through time and space with various companions in his obsolete and "borrowed"Type 40 TARDIS. He was the universe's "greatest defender", having saved the cosmos thousands of times throughout his long life, becoming a great legend across the whole universe.

Though largely a believer in non-violent conflict resolution, he was, when absolutely necessary, a great warrior. Indeed, some civilizations in the universe (e.g. the denizens of the Gamma Forests) translated the word doctor as warrior, (TV: A Good Man Goes to War) whilst others saw him as a compassionate benefactor, worthy of their admiration and compassion. (TV: Last of the Time Lords, The Wedding of River Song)

Although he had saved millions on his travels, he was thought to have caused the deaths of billions at his conclusion to the Last Great Time War. (TV: Dalek) Though most of the Daleks were killed in the crossfire, Gallifrey — disappearing, rather than being burned — was hidden thanks to the efforts of all thirteen of his incarnations, ten of these incarnations whose memories of this event were lost. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) Several individuals, including Jabe, (TV: The End of the World) Brother Lassar, (TV: School Reunion) the Beast(TV: The Satan Pit) and the Doctor himself prior to the eleventh incarnation to go by that name, (TV: The End of the World, The Day of the Doctor) considered the Time Lords to be extinct as well.

However, the Daleks kept returning despite his actions. (TV: The Parting of the Ways, Doomsday, Daleks in Manhattan, The Stolen Earth, Victory of the Daleks)

From the latter years of his first incarnation onward, he had a pronounced affinity for Earth and the human race. After departing Gallifrey, he voluntarily chose to spend time on the planet, (TV: An Unearthly Child, AUDIO: Summer, The Haunting of Thomas Brewster) choosing it as the place of his exile during most of his third incarnation, (TV: Spearhead from Space - The Three Doctors) and even owning property in Kent (COMIC: Fellow Travellers, PROSE: Verdigris, Warlock,Warchild, The Dying Days, Mad Dogs and Englishmen) and New York City. (PROSE:The Forgotten Army) He favored Great Britain as a frequently visited location, taking most of his companions from there. (TV: An Unearthly Child, Spearhead from Space, The Time Monster, Rose, Smith and Jones, Partners in Crime, etc.) Even before the disappearance of Gallifrey, the Doctor spent much more time on Earth than on his homeworld.

More can be found here: 
Name: (Professor) Mordin Solus



Universe: Mass Effect

Age: Mid-30s

Personality: Mordin has a moral character best described as consequentialistic, believing the ends justify the means, though he dislikes taking life without good cause. His actions are often guided by an impersonal logic, refusing to let his conscience, personal, and emotional connections cloud his judgment of what he believes is truly best in the big picture. Though he is affable, quick-talking and friendly, Mordin bears physical scars of his time in the STG and is still handling the consequences of his past.

Weapons: M-12 Locust (submachine gun)


M-6 Carnifex (heavy pistol)


Equipment: Omni-tool (used for scanning, a communications device and also used to launch tech attacks. It can also be used as an omni-blade)

Abilities: Tech attacks: incinerate, cryo blast, neutral shock.

Highly intelligent and skilled in combat

Singing and acting skills

History: Born sometime in the 2150s, Mordin Solus is an expert geneticist, doctor, scientist and a former member of the salarian Special Tasks Group. His last mission in the STG before retiring involved the study of the krogan genophage.

Originally, Mordin's team was merely studying population growths to see if the genophage was still effective and designing possible pre-emptive strategies should the krogan regain their numbers. The study soon changed when the STG team discovered the krogan were naturally overcoming the genophage. The only option the team could agree upon was to design and implement a new genophage that, as Mordin maintains, would limit reproduction to a viable level for the krogan to survive; otherwise, a war could result that would likely end in the complete genocide of the krogan. Not everything went as planned, though; one botched mission to disperse the modified genophage in an area of Tuchanka resulted in injuries to his face and right cranial horn.

Despite the hardship, Mordin would remember those days fondly, devoting his time to endless scientific research and discovery with people he respected and admired. But by the time the mission was complete, the team had gone their separate ways. Mordin himself, despite defending his decision as the only option, found the ethics of the project disturbing and even turned to religion to find some peace. The differing, sometimes contradictory, nature of religion led him to have a crisis of faith and left his worries unresolved.

After this experience, Mordin devoted his time to building a clinic on Omega, finding it easier to just heal people. He found himself unnaturally suited to life there, as he pulled strings in the STG to have some military-grade mechs defend his clinic. Generally, he found it simpler to deal with problems himself, easily killing any Blue Suns or vorcha attempting to intimidate him. His reputation soon grew and the Blue Suns learned to stay away from him. Even Aria T'Loak would grow to like him for his casual ruthlessness. He only returned to Tuchanka to do follow-up work, ensuring the genophage was effective. Though others could have done it for him, Mordin felt he should see the damage he inflicted, finding it cowardly to simply walk away.

Shepard first meets the fast-talking salarian on Omega, where he is working on a cure for a bioengineered plague affecting the station, which Mordin identifies is of Collector origin. The plague has wiped out much of the Blue Suns forces, who maintained order in the district, allowing the resident vorcha, who themselves work distributing the plague for the Collectors, to make a push against them.

When the vorcha deactivate environmental systems for the district in which they are located, Mordin gives Shepard a cure for the plague as well as a weapon taken off of a dead Blue Suns mercenary as a "bonus, in good faith" and tasks the Commander with reactivating the power to the environmental systems. He also requests that Shepard find Dr. Daniel Abrams, one of his assistants who entered vorcha territory searching for plague victims but hasn't returned.

Once aboard the Normandy Mordin runs the tech labs, overseeing research projects to improve weapons, armor and abilities using resources collected during the mission. He spends a lot of time investigating Collector biology as part of the mission, but can also take time to demonstrate his excellent singing voice. He reveals he used to perform Gilbert and Sullivan, and demonstrates his skill in front of Shepard when the Commander's curiosity is piqued:

“I am the very model of a scientist salarian, I've studied species turian, asari, and batarian.

I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).

My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a scientist salarian.”

If Shepard is pursuing a relationship, Mordin gives medical or personal advice, depending on who the Commander is consorting with. If Shepard has no romantic interests aboard the Normandy but frequently speaks to Mordin, the doctor teases Shepard by asking if the Commander is attracted to him. Mordin then declines entering into a relationship. If Shepard accepts this refusal, regardless of the human's gender Mordin's reply is thus: "If wanted to try human, would try you."


“Have killed many, Shepard. Many methods. Gunfire, knives, drugs, tech attacks, once with farming equipment. But not with medicine.”

Sometime during his stay aboard the Normandy, Mordin hears that his old assistant, Maelon, has apparently been captured onTuchanka, the krogan homeworld. Fearing for Maelon's safety if the krogan discover he helped to modify the genophage, Mordin is anxious for them to find Maelon and help him. He learns from the Chief Scout of Clan Urdnot that Maelon was captured by Clan Weyrloc and is being held in a hospital converted into a fortress.

He fights alongside Shepard inside the Weyrloc base and soon discovers that the clan needed Maelon's work so that they could create a cure for the genophage and conquer the galaxy. This entailed brutal experimentation on kidnapped subjects.

One of the test subjects, however, was a female krogan who voluntarily underwent the tests in the hopes of becoming fertile. Her corpse is found by Mordin in a lab and serves as a grim reminder of the lives he shattered through the genophage modification project.

After killing Chief Weyrloc Guld, he and Shepard find Maelon alive and completely unharmed and learn that Maelon was deliberately helping the clan out of guilt. Mordin can kill Maelon because of his betrayal or be stopped by Shepard. As per Shepard's choice, Mordin saves or destroys Maelon's work.

Mass Effect 3

“Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.”

Mordin is first encountered on the salarian homeworld of Sur'Kesh, when Shepard is sent there to assist in the evacuation of the remaining fertile female krogan. There, he reveals he returned to STG as a special consultant after defeating the Collectors, whilst also working for Clan Urdnot as their inside source. If Maelon's research data was saved by Shepard, Mordin used the data to aid in the treatment of Eve, the only surviving female krogan from Maelon's experiments. As Shepard is preparing to evacuate Eve, the base is attacked by Cerberus forces seeking to kill or capture the female. Once Eve is secured, the Urdnot leader, Eve, and Mordin join Shepard on the Normandy and discuss the plan for curing the genophage.

Mordin commandeers the Med-bay during his stay, requiring the space for his research into the genophage cure and as quarters for Eve. He mails Shepard inquiring where his lab is, initially confused with the new layout owing to the Alliance retrofit. He quickly acclimatizes to the situation, wasting no time in asking for tissue "samples" from the Urdnot leader.

Mordin gets along with the krogan onboard the Normandy regardless of who it is. Mordin deduces Wrex's fear of needles when the krogan puts up needless bravado around him and Eve, gives his word to take care of his patient when Wrex demands it, and confides to Shepard he claims to prefer working with krogan females after his discussion with Wrex. In contrast, Mordin personally finds Wreav abrasive and unpleasant, resolving to help the species regardless and claiming "no promises" regarding the painlessness of the tissue "sample" extraction procedure.

As Mordin describes himself as an auditory learner, he occasionally vocalizes his ideas out loud to the distress of his krogan patient. Eve complains about this, and while Mordin tries to be considerate by toning it down the missing words somehow manage to sound even worse to Eve's ears.

If the situation presents it, Mordin plays matchmaker among prospective pairings aboard the Normandy. Joker seeks him out asking for sexual advice regarding EDI, and in the middle of one such intercom conversation Shepard overhears Mordin advising the use of "strengthening exercises", cushions, pillows, and gel packs in preparation for EDI's inflexible body. He even offers to forward "charts" and relevant videos to EDI, though Joker prevents him from doing so. The pilot understandably wants to keep the conversation a secret and Mordin even guarantees Shepard won't learn about it from him.

Mordin also tries pairing Garrus with Eve, reasoning that the turian is loyal, reasonably intelligent and almost krogan-like, although she's not interested. The female krogan, in turn, tries badgering Mordin into singing for her, and the salarian may be overheard complying in true Gilbert and Sullivan fashion:

“Oh, better to die to a thresher maw, with shotgun-blasting-roaring-raw, than to play ambassadorial games, with the blood of Shiagur in her veins...

Off to fight, since turians can't, with diplomats instead of a krantt. But she'll be true to Tuchanka's dream, and live and die a krogan queen!

For... she is the krogan queen! Hurrah, hurrah for the krogan queen! And it is, it is a glorious thing to be the krogan queen!”

Once Mordin verifies that he can synthesize the genophage cure for universal krogan immunity, by process of impromptu elimination of unsuitable transmission vectors he proposes using the Shroud, a salarian facility used in repairing Tuchanka's atmosphere, as it also contains the original genophage strain. He plans to use the strain as the cure carrier and the facility itself to infect the entire planet at once, and excuses himself to the med bay until Shepard decides it's time.

Shepard can ask the doctor why the seeming change of heart as he always defended the notion the krogan were better off with the genophage. Mordin says it's because of the changed situation, and in his own words: "Reaper invasion. Turians doomed without krogan support. Krogan need unified threat, outlet for aggression. Cooperative symbiosis." If Shepard looks for deeper reasons, Mordin confesses that he's getting old but is still the best candidate for the project. Not many salarian scientists are interested in the genophage, he reasons, and he feels it's his job to get things right as the stakes are too high for inexperience and failure.

Shepard asks him if he plans to stick around when the war is over, and Mordin replies he's unsure what to do next as he reflects on the impact his work has made on the galaxy. He settles for going someplace sunny, a beach, and start collecting seashells. Shepard teases he'd go restless in an hour, and Mordin quips he may have to run tests on the seashells.

Mordin eventually reports Eve ready for travel to Tuchanka. Once in orbit, he alerts Shepard about the new form of Reaper guarding the Shroud, and agrees with the proposed distraction the military minds around him come up with. Down on the planet, he faces hostility from the local krogan, although Shepard and company quickly assert their authority and dissuade the krogan from making rash moves.

Mordin rides along with Eve and the Urdnot leader in a tomkah en route to the Shroud, later relaying his observations about the colossal thresher maw chasing them: metal in truck an excellent iron supplement in the thresher maw's diet when Wrex sarcastically asks the salarian for something he doesn't yet know, or insinuating krogan halitosis may be the reason the thresher maw is chasing them instead of "salarian meat" that Wreav puts forth as a jab.

Earlier on the Normandy, the salarian Dalatrass Linron covertly offered Shepard a deal: sabotage of the genophage cure in return for salarian support. The salarians anticipated use of the Shroud and sabotaged it years earlier, and the dalatrass wanted the Commander to ensure the salarian doctor wouldn't try and fix the issue. If Shepard confesses this fact early, Mordin assures everyone he's familiar with STG work and can easily adjust for the damage. If not, he learns about it much later.

While Shepard and company attempt to summon Kalros the thresher maw to bring down the Reaper Destroyer, Mordin and Eve sneak in a lab at the Shroud facility to finalize the cure. Mordin succeeds, either pleased at Eve's survival or guilty at her death owing to traumatic stress sampling and her insistence to continue despite Mordin's wishes to stop.

At the base of the Shroud after the Reaper has been dealt with, Mordin reports the cure is loaded for dispersal, but with problems afoot. If Shepard didn't yet divulge the sabotage, Mordin detects temperature malfunction at the lab, necessitating the need for manual adjustments at the top of the Shroud. Shepard can come clean, or continue deceiving the doctor. Whichever the case Mordin accurately deduces Shepard's complicity, and resolves to finish the job he started.

If Shepard comes clean at this juncture, Mordin understands the position the Commander is in, but deems it unacceptable. Shepard once more asks why he reversed his position on the genophage, and finally Mordin shouts that he made a mistake. He admits on focusing too much on the big picture, coming to the realization he can't hide behind statistics or ignore new data. He insists curing the genophage is his responsibility and is resolute on doing so even if it means Shepard has to put him down for it, even daring the Commander to do so.

Explosions appear throughout the massive structure, and it is now in Shepard's hands whether Mordin fixes the sabotage or not. If Shepard shoots him to prevent the fix, the doctor manages to bring the elevator up, crawling with determination towards the control console once he's there but ultimately failing to reach it in time. If Shepard allows Mordin to go up, he expresses gratitude at being able to do so, reiterating that it had to be him or someone else might have gotten it wrong. If they had a particular discussion earlier, he mentions he would've liked to run tests on the seashells. His life is snuffed by a direct explosion in the control room.

If he sang for Shepard during their adventure stopping the Collectors, Mordin dies singing his favorite tune, "Scientist Salarian", finally at peace with his work on the genophage modification project. If Wrex and Eve are both alive, Eve insists on naming their first child "Mordin" in honor of his sacrifice.

Name: Erza Scarlett



Universe: Fairy Tail

Age: 19-20

Personality: Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. She is also very impatient, disliking people who don't answer her questions quickly enough. This, coupled with her own tragic childhood, caused many of her guildmates to avoid her due to her social awkwardness. However, she has a great sense of justice and pride in being a member of Fairy Tail.

Weapons: 200+ Swords, Axes, Staffs, and other weapons


Requip: The Knight (換装 ザ・ナイト Kansō Za Naito): Requip is Erza's signature form of Magic, over which she possesses great mastery. It is a type of Magic that allows her to swap weapons, armor and clothes at will. Her particular form of Requip is called The Knight. She is noted for her ability to Requip extremely fast and is the only sword Mage known to be capable of Requipping weapons and armor while fighting, something which made her and her immense strength well known throughout her place of residence, Magnolia Town, and throughout the entire Kingdom of Fiore, earning her the epithet "Titania".

Sword Magic (剣の魔法 Ken no Mahō): In addition to her signature Magic, Requip, Erza is also an extremely talented user of Sword Magic. As the name implies, this is a type of Magic which revolves around the use of swords. Through the use of this Magic, Erza is capable of using her swords to perform different Magical attacks. This is usually done in combination with specific armors of hers, which can make her deadlier in close melee combat or, when combined with her. It is also shown in the anime that she can also combine different armors with other swords from other armors to either block or attack using deadlier force and mixing different elements together. Telekinesis, allows her to target opponents which are out of her physical range.

Demon Blade Crimson Sakura (妖刀紅桜 Yōtō Benisakura): A sword spell where Erza focuses all her Magic Power into the blade for maximum offense.

Telekinesis (テレキネシス Terekineshisu): Erza is also a skilled user of Telekinesis. The first time she used this Magic, however, was accidental. When she was a child in the Tower of Heaven she used this Magic to levitate discarded weapons from the ground and launch them at her enemies, something which she did inadvertently, due to the shock caused by Rob's death. Erza's most common use of Telekinesis comes with her Sword Magic, in which she can perform different attacks by controlling her swords remotely.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Erza possesses great mastery in swordsmanship and her skills in swordsmanship are of the highest caliber. Her offensive capabilities mainly come from her swordplay, which enables her to effectively utilize the weapons that her Requip provides, which includes swords, short swords, axes, lances and staffs (among others). Erza has shown great skill in utilizing the reverse-grip of swordsmanship as well as the normal grip. She is even capable of employing her swords effectively using her feet, by wielding their hilts between her hallux and second toe. Her swordsmanship is enough for her to slash through Aria's presumably intangible airspaces, and to deflecthundreds of needles which were shot at her by Evergreen with relative ease. In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from the swings.

Keen Intellect: Erza has proven herself to be clever and to possess a thorough knowledge of the Magic world: she was able to figure out why the people of Galuna Island were changing into Demons (or thought they were) after only a brief period on the island, and could work out the mechanics behind Midnight’s Reflector Magic after being struck by it only few times, something which got her praise from Jellal Fernandes.

Expert Hand to Hand Combatant: Despite favoring the use of her various weapons, Erza has proven herself to be a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Despite her being bound to a wall, she was able to easily knock Shôunconscious with a single kick. She was also able to engage Erza Knightwalker in an unarmed fight after all of their weapons were shattered in their previous battle, attacking her counterpart with powerful punches and performing throws and takedowns to push her away. She is also able to mix hand to hand combat with her swordsmanship while in the midst of battle.

Enhanced Strength: In stark contrast with her slim and womanly figure, Erza possesses a very large amount of physical strength, having been repeatedly shown capable of lifting and dragging around objects many times her own size and weight, most prominently due to her habit of carrying around vast amounts of luggage. She was also able to send Midnight flying against a wall, several meters away from both of them, with a flick of her wrist. In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from the swings.

Immense Endurance: Erza has been shown to possess a vast amount of physical endurance. After using up all of her Magic Power during her fight with Azuma by focusing it all in a single slash, she was still able to join the battle against Hades, Requipping different armors and performing combo attacks with her teammates. She was also able to fight and hold her own against a Mage of Jellal Fernandes's caliber after having fought and defeated Ikaruga, a very powerful assassin from Death's Head Caucus.

Immense Durability: Erza has also proven herself to have a vast amount of physical durability: with the aid of her Adamantine Armor, she was able to take the brunt of the Magical Convergent Cannon - Jupiter on herself, and then go on to easily defeat Aria, an S-Class Mage, and stand up against Jose Porla, the Phantom Lord Guild Master and a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, after receiving only a very brief amount of time for rest. While clad in her Heaven's Wheel Armor, she was capable of taking on the counter effect of 200 Lacrima orbs from Laxus'Thunder Palace even though the effect of one of the orbs is enough to endanger someone's life. and she was also able to survive the highly-damaging Terra Clamare twice, and still manage to continue to fight and defeatAzuma. When Ultear Milkovich used her Arc of Time to open up Erza's "Second Origin", Erza showed no signs of being bothered at all, unlike her teammates, including Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, and Juvia Lockser, who couldn't walk and writhed around on the floor in pain. In addition, during the third day of the Grand Magic Gamesof X791, Erza was able to fight and defeat 100 powerful monsters, and, despite being heavily injured and bruised, she left the fight without showing any signs of fatigue, something which garnered her praise from hundreds of people including quite a few powerful Mages. Even though one of the monsters was said to be so powerful that even a Ten Wizard Saint might not be able to defeat it. Erza was also able to withstand Minerva's extremely destructive Yagdo Rigora spell with only slight damage.

Immense Reflexes: Erza possesses extremely sharp reflexes, and a high degree agility and speed. Despite her being severely battle worn, she was able to dodge a blast from Jose Porla while balancing herself on one hand.

She was also able to skillfully and acrobatically dodge a barrage of Darkness Magic Spells from Jellal Fernandes, and when he knocked her through the walls of the Tower of Heaven she launched herself off of a few small falling rocks back into the tower with ease. When Evergreen shot a few rays at her as a surprise attack, Erza easily dodged the rays with a side jump.

Immense Magic Power: As an S-Class Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, Erza possesses a tremendous amount of Magic Power. Throughout many difficult battles Erza was able to Requip powerful armors in rapid succession without showing any signs of fatigue. She was also able to Requip her Heaven's Wheel Armor and over 200 swords after Requipping her Lightning Empress Armor without running out of Magic Power. When exerted, her Magic Power is red in color.


Erza grew up in Rosemary Village, the same place where Kagura and Simon lived as children. When Rosemary Village was attacked by a Zeref-following cult, Erza managed to save Kagura from capture by hiding her inside a crate, but got caught herself as a result. She was enslaved by the cult and forced to build the Tower of Heaven, a structure developed for the purpose of resurrecting the Dark Mage, Zeref. She was imprisoned together with several other slaves, most of them were children. Among these children were Jellal Fernandes, Shô, Simon, Wally Buchanan, and Millianna. While they were asking each other for their names, she said that her name was just "Erza", so Jellal decided to give her the surname "Scarlet" after her scarlet hair so they would never forget it. Despite the harsh conditions of her enslavement and labor, Erza became close friends with the other children. She also formed a strong bond with Rob, an elderly Mage from the Fairy Tail Guild, who taught her about Magic and his guild.

One day in X776, Shô came up with a plan for the eleven-year-old Erza and all their friends to escape from the tower. They were unfortunately caught by the guards, who decided to send the escape's mastermind to the tower's disciplinary chamber, while the rest would be deprived of food for three days. Seeing how fearful Shô was, Erza prepared to take the blame herself, but Jellal announced himself as the mastermind instead. However, the guards reasoned that Erza was the one responsible and sent her to the disciplinary chamber, where she was tortured to the brink of death and lost her right eye. Jellal rescued her, but was captured soon after. Finally fed up with their torment, Erza staged a revolt against their captors so they could escape and save Jellal.

The revolt appeared to be successful at its inception until the tower's Mages arrived to repress the slaves, causing most of the other slaves to retreat. During the attack, Erza watched in horror as her friend Simon's lower jaw was blasted off by a Magical attack, while Rob sacrificed himself to defend Erza from another Mage's attack. In her rage, Erza's latent Magic Power was activated for the first time, and she used it to turn all of the discarded weapons and tools around her against the guards, finishing the revolt.

As the other slaves boarded ships meant to ensure their freedom, she reunited with Jellal, but discovered that he had changed; the kind and compassionate boy she knew him to be was suddenly twisted and violent, using Magic to slaughter the defenseless guards around them. Jellal had been possessed by what he claimed to be the spirit of Zeref, and decided that the only way for them to attain true freedom was to complete the Tower of Heaven and revive Zeref. Erza refused to help him, prompting Jellal to cast her out of the tower by herself, only letting her live because she helped take care of all the guards who would have opposed him. Before letting her escape, Jellal told Erza to keep the Tower of Heaven a secret from the government, as well as to never return to the tower, threatening to destroy the tower and kill everyone in it, including their friends, if she disobeyed.

After washing up on the shores of Fiore, Erza made her way to and joined the Fairy Tail Guild. She habitually began to wear armor and acted distant from the other members. After Gray, who tried picking fights with the reclusive Erza, saw her crying by herself and questioned why, she began to open up to her guildmates more. Around this time, Fairy Tail's masterMakarov brought Erza to see Porlyusica, who gave her an artificial eye to replace the one she lost. With her eye healed Erza shed tears of joy, which only came out of her real, left eye, though Erza didn't mind as she said she had already shed half of her tears.

As the years passed, Erza became more and more strict until she could be called the guild's disciplinarian. She took responsibility for breaking up fights between Gray and Natsu. At the same time, however, she was driven to constantly fight and bicker with fellow member Mirajane, which eventually ended after Mirajane greatly mellowed out in the wake of her younger sister Lisanna's apparent death in X782. In the year X780, Erza passed Fairy Tail's annually held S-Class Mage Promotion Trial, becoming the youngest member of the guild to do so at fifteen years of age.

Name: Commander Video

Universe: BIT.TRIP

Age: Unknown

Personality: Very friendly and very wise. Likes to make friends and is very eager to go out in the world and explore. He is full of rhythm and likes to contribute to music. He learns from the past and understands it.


BEAT - CV is born as a concept. A concept that, "From life comes rhythm and from rhythm comes life." As he heads towards being born, his body starts to transition from concept to physical. As he is being brought to the physical world, CV gives us his very first words. "I am only a man."

CORE - CV is born into the physical world and starts to observe his surroundings. He is aided by his parents until he is able to go out on his own. But he has to be mindful of what he does. At this point, he's come to a simple realization. "I am not alone."

VOID - CV gets a first taste of social interaction. He is new to it at this point so he is a little bit more than rude. As he finally knows humility, CV decides that he isn't the center of the universe. It's time to make friends. "I. Am. Ready!"

RUNNER - CV heads into the world. As he goes along, he makes a new enemy, the Timbletot. This makes CV realize that the world isn't what it seems. He makes 4 new friends as he goes along. Radbot, Junior Melchkin, Meat Boy, and Commandgirl Video. CV (the he CV) confronts the Timbletot again and tries to get him to understand that hate isn't the answer. The only reply CV gets is, "You. Are. Not. A. MAN!"

Runner2 - The Timbletot zaps CV into an un-fused reality full of things no one has seen before. But, he is able to beat the Timbletot and gets re-fused. That's it. That's all there is for Runner2's description.

FATE - CV has had enough with the Timbletot. He puts his life on the line (literally) and makes a final pursuit. As he goes, he realizes that love can only get him so far. He starts descending into madness. At the end of the line, CV fights the Timbletot for the last time. He goes to the kill without self control with a suicide attack. Both CV and the Timbletot die.

FLUX - CV isn't gone. He's now a spirit in the Etherial. He has a homeward journey to take so he can finally rest in peace. As he goes he reflects on his past, faces his anger, and realizes that the past is one big lesson to learn from. But the big thing to learn is that life is. Simply. There is no death. There is no before. There is no after. All is in flux. Simply.

In this world, Commander Video gets a second chance at life.

Abilities: Rainbow trail - With enough rhythm and/or cores (3d red pluses), CV will be able to run around leaving behind a trail of a 5 colored rainbow: yellow, orange, teal, pink, and purple.

Modes - HYPER, MEGA, SUPER, ULTRA, EXTRA, GIGA, and META. HYPER is the base mode. If you give him enough cores, he'll mode up. But, in this world, there aren't any cores. So he'll have to gain RHYTHM.

Rhythm - CV runs to the beat of the music. The more he runs and jumps and ducks and blocks beats in sync to the music, the more RHYTHM he gains.

Flight - He is able to fly but only when his mode is ULTRA or higher.

Paddle - He uses his paddle to block beats. Beats add on to his RHYTHM.

Transition - Ability to switch from game self to human self.

(HUMAN SELF ONLY)The Visor - Human!CV has a visor that doesn't show his eyes or eyebrows at all. So the only way to tell CV's emotions is through his simulated light grey eyebrows.




Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Universe: Naruto

Age: 16


As time passed on with this new path of revenge and with further corruption by Tobi and the Uchiha curse, Sasuke had grown much more cruel and ruthless, with the remaining morality he showed during his time with Orochimaru fading rapidly; by the time he launched an attack against the Kage Summit, he killed anyone who stood in his way, not caring about his team,[20] and after cornering Danzō, Sasuke turned to sacrificing Karin who got taken hostage to accomplish his goals of vengeance,[21] and attempted to kill Karin and his former team-mates and teacher whilst experiencing neither shame, guilt, nor remorse for any of his actions.

Initially, Sasuke still held onto the notion of sparing the innocent and cooperation, witnessed in his creation of a new group of shinobi.[22] Though, as he became more consumed by his thirst for vengeance, he showed that he cared for them as no more than tools to achieve his hatred-fueled goals, quickly discarding them when they were no longer necessary. This is seen at the Kage Summit where he leaves Jūgo and Suigetsu behind, taking only Karin with him who could lead him to where Danzō was, as well as killing many samurai who stood in his way. He would later discard Karin as well, unhesitatingly piercing her just to kill Danzō and then attempted to finish her off to prevent her from being a burden in the future.[23][24] Even when Sakura's childish crush turned into more serious affection, Sasuke still did not return the feelings, though before he left the village, he gave Sakura a genuine thank you.[25] But would later, after that same battle with Danzō, when he had to fight with Team Kakashi, where he attempted to kill Sakura twice despite her showing obvious hesitancy to do the same.[26][27] Despite his arrogance and brutality, Sasuke is not above giving praise (albeit in a grudging, if not sarcastic, way) to his enemies as he commended Gaara for the strength and speed of his absolute defence and admitted that Kakashi was very skilled at using the Sharingan for someone who wasn't an Uchiha.

After expressing a feeling of exhilaration that he had never before felt upon killing Danzō and even declaring that he sees that killing the members of Konoha as a high priority and satisfaction, Karin, Kakashi, Sakura, and the rest of Konoha 11 completely lost all hope for him. Upon receiving his "Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan", Sasuke's cruelty seemingly reached a new level when he killed White Zetsu simply to test out his new powers.[28] He's also grown to be an impatient individual and reckless in battle. Despite Obito's influence being one of the main sources of Sasuke's corruption and their same path of hatred and revenge, as well as Obito being a fellow Uchiha survivor, Sasuke refused to acknowledge him as his ally, and even speaks rudely to him at times. Due to being further overwhelmed by his clan's curse, he has also grown to show great homicidal rage whenever someone mentions Itachi in a negative way, even if it's indirect and remote as shown when Kakashi tries to make him understand that there's more to his life than just his clan and his love for blood-soaked loathing only to angrily reply by saying that he wants to hear their screams and moans for laughing at Itachi's sacrifice, crushing Danzō with his Susanoo for speaking ill of his brother and ready to murder a team of ignorant Konoha shinobi for doing the same.[29] Sasuke's inherited Uchiha hatred has also twisted any of his potentially happy memories of Konoha into negative ones in order to fuel his vengeance.


Upon the formation of Team 7, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were forced to mingle. Sasuke tried to avoid both of them, but he kept getting drawn into Sakura and Naruto's antics. Accordingly, Kakashi gave them a bell test, the three of them being tasked with taking the two bells he kept on his person. Sasuke tried to take a bell by himself, ignoring his team-mates in the process, failing regardless of having a better success rate. Regrouping with his team, they all realised that the true goal of the test was to learn to place teamwork above the single-handed completion of the mission, and, in doing so, were allowed to pass.

Land of Waves Arc

Sasuke's first major mission was escorting the bridge builder, Tazuna, to his home in the poverty-stricken Land of Waves. Soon after setting out, Sasuke showed exceptional skill when attacked by the Demon Brothers, even taunting Naruto for being shocked and useless during this encounter. When they later had a tree-climbing exercise to improve chakra control, he managed to stay ahead of Naruto for a good length of time, but as Naruto began to catch up, they started to push each other's limits. His skills improved, Sasuke was almost able to compete with Haku, who was extremely dangerous because of his extreme speed and dexterity. It was during this battle that Sasuke reawakened the legacy of his clan, the Sharingan, and even selflessly put himself in the way of Haku's attack on Naruto to protect him. Although he claimed his body had moved on its own, his actions showed that he was willing to put himself in mortal danger for Naruto's sake. Although it appeared that Sasuke had died in the process, it was later revealed that he was merely put in a temporary death state.

Chūnin Exam Arc

Before the Chūnin Exams started, Sasuke fought Rock Lee, who uses his speed to defeat him with histaijutsu prowess. However, before the finishing blow could be given, Might Guy interrupted the match and punished his beloved student for using a forbidden technique in a normal fight. In the first part of the exam, Sasuke realised that, to succeed in the written test, it is required to cheat without getting caught, using his Sharingan to copy the pencil movements of a student in front of him, effectively copying the answers.

In the second test of the Chūnin Exams in the Forest of Death, Sasuke was attacked by who he thought was Kusagakure genin Shiore. However, with Naruto urging him not to surrender to the stronger ninja, Sasuke defeats who he learns is actually the missing-nin Orochimaru who implants his cursed seal on Sasuke's neck as a reward. Losing conscious from the immense pain of the seal as it attunes to his body, Sasuke suffers horrific nightmares before awakening under its influence as he mercilessly defeats Otogakure genin and breaks Zaku's arms. It took Sakura's hug and pleas to snap him back to normal. In a flashback detailed Part II, Sasuke is revealed to have met Karin while saving her from a bear, letting her be as he didn't need her scroll.

Sasuke's match up in the preliminaries was against Yoroi Akadō. Before the fight started, Kakashi warned Sasuke that, if his cursed seal got out of control, which would happen if he used any chakra, he would need to be removed from the competition. The match started with Yoroi absorbing what little chakra Sasuke had left through his hands, and with Sasuke being in constant pain from his cursed seal. Having only one option, and remembering his previous encounter with Rock Lee, Sasuke used the Lion Combo. Yoroi was knocked out, and Sasuke advanced to the next round.

Following his win, Kakashi took Sasuke away to seal the cursed seal, but made it a point to tell him that the seal would only remain active as long as Sasuke wanted it to. Not convinced that his words would deter Sasuke from using the cursed seal, and turning to Orochimaru, Kakashi used the month leading up to the final rounds to teach him the Chidori. At the same time, knowing Sasuke would be facing Gaara, he helped Sasuke to emulate some of Lee's speed. After showing up late for his match with Gaara, Sasuke demonstrated the fruits of his training, even managing to break through Gaara's defences and injure him. Before the match could finish, however, it was interrupted by the start of Orochimaru's attack on Konoha.

Invasion of Konoha Arc

With the start of the invasion, Gaara fled the village with his siblings, and Sasuke was sent after them byGenma. Sasuke chased them and, after short battles with Kankurō and Temari, caught up with Gaara before fighting him again. However, Gaara utilises his jinchūriki powers to overpower Sasuke before Naruto arrives and takes the fight in Sasuke's place and defeats Gaara. Later attending the Third Hokage's funeral, witnessing Naruto's strength injured Sasuke's pride as he becomes envious of him.

Search for Tsunade Arc

After the failed invasion, Sasuke went to see Kakashi, and later was seen reading the stone tablet in the Naka Shrine. When he arrived at Kakashi's house to see him again, he found his teacher in a coma. Although nobody in the room was willing to tell Sasuke of what had happened,Aoba Yamashiro soon arrived and let slip that Itachi had returned to the village in search of Naruto. Determined to find Itachi, Sasuke tracks Naruto down and finds his brother there. Despite his best efforts, including the use of Chidori, none of his attacks were able to hit Itachi. Itachi tormented Sasuke physically and mentally, belittling him for still being too weak, eventually leaving Sasuke with a broken wrist and mind. Sasuke then fell into the same Tsukuyomi-induced coma as Kakashi. Guy appeared to take Sasuke back to Konoha, however, it was not until Tsunade returned to Konoha that he recovered.

Land of Tea Arc

Team 7, excluding Kakashi, was assigned the mission of protecting runner Idate Morino, who was representing the Wasabi Family, during an annual race against the Wagarashi Family. During the mission, Sasuke and his team were reunited with Team Oboro from the Chūnin Exams, who were protecting the Wagarashi family's runner, and battled against them in order to protect Idate. During the final leg of the race Team 7 was confronted by Aoi Rokushō, who mocked Sasuke about his inability to defeat Itachi. After clashing against Aoi, who used the Second Hokage's Sword of The Thunder GodSasuke, who used Chidori, was no match and was ultimately defeated. Sasuke's bitterness towards Naruto increased severely when he learned that his teammate defeated Aoi with his new technique.

Sasuke Retrieval Arc

Motivated by anger over Itachi still being stronger, and his jealously to his team-mate for becoming stronger in a short period of time, Sasuke forces Naruto into fighting him before Kakashi stops the two as they use their strongest attacks on each other. Although thinking his Chidori did the most damage to a nearby water tower, Sasuke is shocked to find Naruto's Rasengan obliterated one whole side of it without the structure being compromised. After being lectured by Kakashi over not using Chidori on his own friends, Sasuke was confronted by Orochimaru'sSound Four, who have been sent to bring to him to Otogakure. Revealing himself and his comrades being branded with cursed seals with full mastery over them, Sakon leaves Sasuke with the offer to come with them if he wishes to use his cursed seal's true potential. Deciding to take Orochimaru up on his offer, Sasuke is confronted by a shocked Sakura as he sneaks out of Konoha. Despite Sakura's desperate pleas, Sasuke thanks her before knocking her out and joining up with the Sound Four, who soon afterwards advanced his cursed seal to its second level, a process that left him unconscious for most of their battle with the Sasuke Retrieval Team.

Soon after Sasuke woke up, he ran his way towards the Valley of the Endwhere he is found by Naruto, who had learned Orochimaru's intent toturn Sasuke into his next host. Seeing Naruto, Sasuke reveals his intents to kill him to obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan. Naruto refused to accept that Sasuke would do this or his other reasons for pursuing Orochimaru, choosing instead to drag Sasuke back to the village by force if needed. With Sasuke gloating that Naruto can not even make a scratch on his forehead protector, he initially having the upper hand thanks to his cursed seal and Sharingan. When he managed to pierce Naruto's right shoulder with his Chidori, however, the Nine-Tails' chakra surfaces to protect Naruto, giving him a massive power increase as he attempts to knock some sense into him. Sasuke merely retorted that Naruto could never understand losing a family as he had never had one to begin with, despite Naruto feeling that Sasuke is like a brother to him and refuses to let him sever that bond. Sasuke's Sharingan evolved to its final stage at that point, tipping the battle in Sasuke's favour with Sasuke now being able to predict Naruto's movements. However, Naruto's Nine-Tails' chakra envelops him in a fox-shaped shield of chakra.

In response, Sasuke activated the second stage of his cursed seal as both he and Naruto clash with their respective empowered attacks. Clashing with the dome produced from the conflicting energies, Sasuke defeats Naruto with a punch to the chest rather than what remained of Chidori. But before the dome dissipates while losing consciousness, Naruto managed to scratch Sasuke's forehead protector as it falls off of him. Though considering to kill Naruto then and now, Sasuke begins to have second thoughts and resolves to find his own way to surpass Itachi. Leaving behind his scratched forehead protector, which had fallen off after Naruto's last attack, Sasuke made his way to Orochimaru, who decides to train Sasuke until the time to make the youth his new host comes.

Part II

Sasuke and Sai Arc

Almost three years after leaving Konoha, Sasuke meets his replacement in the renamed Team Kakashi, Sai. Despite a lack of interest in Sai, Sasuke is inadvertently provoked and subjects Sai to a genjutsu exuding a large amount of killing intent. Sai is amazed that even an emotionless person such as himself was affected by Sasuke's gaze, channelling through his Sharingan. When Sai comments on how Naruto and Sakura have been searching for him, Sasuke once again regards him with indifference in attitude. Later, when Team Kakashi infiltrates one of Orochimaru's hideouts successfully under the leadership of Yamato, Sai, acting on his own, locates and enters Sasuke's room while he was resting in a bid to assassinate him as ordered by his superior in Konoha's Root faction, Danzō Shimura.

However, after spending quality time in Team Kakashi, especially with Naruto, Sai comes to understand the meaning of bonds of friendship, and decides to help Naruto save him. However, enraged on being disturbed, Sasuke destroys the room, drawing Naruto, Sakura and Yamato to their location. Despite this being the first time in nearly three years that they had seen each other, Sasuke expresses his usual indifference towards his former team. Unperturbed of Orochimaru's intentions for him and the prospect going home to Konoha with his former friends, Sasuke engages them in battle, showing off his increase in speed and improved abilities.

Team Kakashi are ultimately outmatched against Sasuke, mostly due to the team's exhaustion with Naruto's four-tailed form (that he had previously used to battle Orochimaru), causing Naruto to begin struggling with Kurama in his mind. To the surprise of both Naruto and Kurama, Sasuke uses his heightened prowess of his Sharingan to enter Naruto's subconscious to meet the Nine-Tails itself, finally discovering the true source of Naruto's strength. Kurama appears to be impressed with Sasuke's growth and ability as it states his chakra being as "sinister" as Madara Uchiha's. Sasuke coldly dismisses knowing such a person and uses his Sharingan to suppress Kurama back into its sealed cage. Kurama concludes that this would probably be its last meeting with Sasuke, so it warns him not to kill Naruto, for he would only end up regretting it. Back outside, Sasuke decides to finish off his former team-mates, starting with Naruto, only to be stopped by Orochimaru as the prospect of them and other Konoha shinobi thinning out the Akatsuki would make his revenge easier. Accepting the notion, Sasuke leaves with Orochimaru and Kabuto.

Three-Tails Arc

While training at a waterfall, Sasuke met a young boy named Yūkimaru, who asked Sasuke where he should go home to. Sasuke tells the boy to go leave, while Kabuto quickly collects the boy, peeking Sasuke's curiosity. Later, while Naruto is trapped within the Three-Tails, he suffers from the effects of the Illusionary Mist and encounters a vision of Sasuke. The two shinobi briefly battle, Naruto clearly losing, before he is saved by Guren, as the illusion of Sasuke fades into nothingness.

Itachi Pursuit Arc

Some time later, Orochimaru tests Sasuke's abilities by having him battle hundreds of Otogakure ninja with no compassion or mercy, a task he completes without taking a scratch and without killing any of them. When inquired about the latter part of the scenario, Sasuke remarks that the only person he wants to kill is his brother, Itachi, and leaves to his training room. Soon afterwards, as Orochimaru reaches the limit of hispresent "vessel" containing his soul, which starts degrading his health, he is notified by Kabuto that the time for his ritual to take over Sasuke's body is near. As Kabuto leaves to get some medicine, a vulnerable Orochimaru is unexpectedly attacked by Sasuke, who deems Orochimaru too weak to be worthy of having his body or the Sharingan. Although Sasuke appears victorious after a brief scuffle with Orochimaru's true snake-form, he is nevertheless brought to Orochimaru's subconscious for his Living Corpse Reincarnation. Having severely underestimated Sasuke, it is Orochimaru, in turn, who is absorbed to a dormant state within Sasuke, who is able to reverse the process using his Sharingan and hence, gains access to all of Orochimaru's abilities.

With Orochimaru gone, Sasuke goes ahead with his plan to locate and kill Itachi, by first recruiting some of Orochimaru's former test subjects —Suigetsu Hōzuki, Karin, and Jūgo — on the pretext of granting them virtues for their themselves after the success of their mission (Suigetsu wants to obtain Samehada by killing Itachi's Akatsuki partner, Kisame Hoshigaki; Karin wants to be with Sasuke due to her massive crush on him since their meeting; and, Jūgo wants to see if Sasuke was indeed worth of his dear friend, Kimimaro's sacrifice), and dubs their team Hebi. And immediately afterwards, Sasuke had his team split up and learn of Itachi's potential whereabouts. While searching alone, Sasuke is found by Akatsuki members, Deidaraand Tobi, with the former wanting to kill him for defeating Orochimaru himself. Using his Sharingan and lightning-based techniques, Sasuke manages to counter most of Deidara's attacks, which results in Deidara producing his C2 Dragon. Though the C2 Dragon manages to overwhelm Sasuke for a short period of time, he eventually defeats it with the second level of Cursed Seal of Heaven and Chidori Sharp Spear. Sasuke's actions anger Deidara severely, fueling his pre-existing hatred for the Sharingan, stemming from his past encounter with Itachi, even further, which to him could not see or admire his "art".

Deidara, revealing this to be his trump card, uses C4 in order to finally kill Sasuke. However, Sasuke pierced himself with Chidori to cancel out the tiny, nano-sized explosives within his bloodstream. Shocking Deidara, Sasuke appears behind him and punches him with extreme force, effectively defeating the Akatsuki member, who has depleted his chakra supply. As a last ditch effort, Deidara uses C0 to try blowing himself up along with Sasuke in a titanic explosion, which obliterates everything in the nearby vicinity. Sasuke, however, summons Manda in time and uses his Sharingan to have the great serpent shield him from the explosion, at the cost of his life, later admitting to Karin that he only defeated Orochimaru because he was already weakened after the latter shows disbelief that he could have. After recovering from his wounds, Hebi continues onto one of Akatsuki's lairs, where Sasuke finds a crow clone of Itachi which expresses admiration over Sasuke's growth in power and tells him they will have their battle at the Uchiha Hideout, leaving the rest of Hebi behind to deal with Kisame.

Once inside the Hideout, Itachi asks Sasuke what his eyes see, which Sasuke then replies that he saw Itachi "dead at his feet." The two brothers then immediately begin a brief taijutsu battle, during which Itachi tells Sasuke the cursed history of their clan, of "Madara Uchiha" being still alive as another Uchiha besides themselves, and his desire to obtain the flawless Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan by taking Sasuke's eyes. Once he finishes, the brothers first fight in a battle of genjutsu, where Sasuke demands the location of Madara so that he can kill him too, but after Itachi declares him to be "immortal", he ensnares Sasuke in a Tsukuyomi, during which Itachi gauges out Sasuke's eye. Sasuke breaks free, much to Itachi's surprise, due to his immense mastery of the Sharingan. With Zetsuwitnessing (and "recording") the battle, the two Uchiha begin a battle of ninjutsu. Sasuke and Itachi begin rapidly firing Shuriken at one another, which results in a stale mate. Sasuke launched a Fuma Shuriken at Itachi, an attack which should be easy dodge, however, Itachi was wounded and even coughs blood. Notwithstanding Itachi's condition, Sasuke unleashes a fireball, provoking Itachi to jump to the ceiling, where Sasuke then forces him outside with Chidori to do the same. Once outside, the two brothers produce two clashing fireballs. As Sasuke's fire gains on Itachi's, the latter resorts to using hisMangekyō Sharingan technique, Amaterasu, which ignites the area in the undying black flames, and almost burns Sasuke.

Sasuke survives using one of Orochimaru's techniques, and in his cursed seal second state, launches Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique, which creates an artificial weather condition around them, perfectly suitable for Sasuke to attack Itachi with his final lightning technique that uses the power of natural lightning itself: Kirin. But Itachi barely survives, only by his use of the third and final Mangekyō technique, Susanoo. Having used the last of chakra on Kirin, Orochimaru, who has been absorbed and suppressed by Sasuke's chakra, uses this opportunity to reappear in the outer world through one of his eight giant snakes in a last attempt to take Sasuke's body for his own. However, before this could happen, Itachi has Susanoo use the Sword of Totsuka to seal him permanently in a genjutsu realm, thereby removing every tint of Orochimaru's being from Sasuke, including the Cursed Seal of Heaven. Cornered by an incoming Itachi, Sasuke watches in horror his brother inevitably aiming for his eyes, but is flabbergasted when, instead, Itachi says a few words and collapses to his death, after poking him in the forehead- something Itachi would regularly do to Sasuke when they were younger. Shocked and exhausted, Sasuke too passes out, albeit with a smile due to the accomplishment of his lifelong mission.

Sasuke wakes up in a cave in the care of Tobi, who quickly reveals himself to be Madara Uchiha. As Tobi tries to befriend Sasuke by removing his mask and revealing his Sharingan, Sasuke's left eye reacts to Tobi's Sharingan and triggers Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan which castes Amaterasu, setting the masked man on fire, causing him to retreat into the darkness of the cave. After dispelling the black flames with ease, an unscathed and masked Tobi appears again and begins to muse about how Itachi never ceased to amaze him. As Sasuke asks what he was talking about, Tobi reveals that Itachi had most likely implanted a one-shot Amaterasu in Sasuke's eye to attack if and when he saw Tobi's Sharingan. As Sasuke complains that he is making no sense, Tobi makes startling revelations that it had been to protect him, and, when Sasuke still didn't believe him, Tobi said how it must all sound crazy, but assured him that he was telling the truth, and introduced himself as the man who had helped Itachi to slaughter the entire Uchiha clan.

Tobi reveals to Sasuke the "truth" of Itachi: that he killed his clan by orders from Konoha, how he joined Akatsuki to keep an eye on the organisation from the inside to keep his village and his brother safe, and that everything he had done was to make sure Sasuke grew strong. Remembering his childhood of how Itachi really was a kind, good brother, Sasuke developed his own Mangekyō Sharingan. He renamed Hebi toTaka and vowed he would destroy Konoha after crying over the memories of his beloved older brother.

Invasion of Pain Arc

Before Hebi, now renamed Taka, could attack Konoha, Tobi convinced them to start working with Akatsuki. He sent them to the Land of Lightning to capture the Eight-Tails, where they found its host, Killer B. The capture attempt got off to a bad start, as Killer B swiftly overpowered both Suigetsu and Jūgo, prompting Sasuke to face B one on one. Sasuke was unable to read Killer B's unique kenjutsu and B ultimately stabbed Sasuke with six swords. Sasuke was rescued and healed by Karin, and the team decided to all attack at once. While they had more success, Killer B released a great deal of the Eight-Tails' chakra and created a chakra cloak. When Sasuke attempted to use a genjutsu to knock B out, the Eight-Tails broke him out of it and B retaliated on the unaware Sasuke with great force, using the Eight-Tails' power to blow Sasuke's neck and chest open.

While Sasuke was down, Killer B fully transformed into the beast sealed within him, leaving Taka outclassed. Jūgo healed Sasuke by fusing some of his own flesh with Sasuke's body and Suigetsu allowed the team to flee and protected them from Killer B's Tailed Beast Ball. Fearing the deaths of he and his team-mates, Sasuke unleashed his new Mangekyō Sharingan and Amaterasu to capture Killer B.

Sasuke delivered Killer B to Tobi before regrouping with Taka. While resting, they dealt with J, who had been following them. However, when Sasuke tipped over a glass of water, he learned that his eyesight was already starting to deteriorate. He opted to keep this revelation from the team. Sasuke and Jūgo later caught J spying on their hideout and presumably killed him before abandoning the hideout.

Konoha History Arc

Main article: Konoha History Arc

Five Kage Summit Arc

Once Taka recovered from their battle with Killer B, they headed for Konoha, but are intercepted by Tobi. He informed Taka about the destruction of Konoha and their failure in capturing the Eight-Tails which had been revealed to be nothing more than a transformed tentacle. He also told them aboutDanzō Shimura becoming Hokage and the Kage Summit. Taka was led to the Land of Iron, where the summit was held, by White Zetsu.

Taka managed to infiltrate the summit without being detected, but their cover was blown by Zetsu, on orders from Tobi. Forced out of hiding, Sasuke engaged the samurai guards and slaughtered them despite his previous strict no-kill policy, due to having fallen into the Curse of Hatred. The Fourth Raikage, or A, still under the impression that Sasuke has killed his younger brother Killer B, confronted Taka together with his escorts. While Suigetsu and Jūgo encountered the Raikage and Darui, Sasuke managed to take out C with his Genjutsu: Sharingan. With C incapacitated and Jūgo defeated, Sasuke then faced off against the Raikage. During the ensuing clash, Sasuke dodged A's Elbow and managed to pierce A with Chidori, despite A's Lightning Release Armour. Despite Sasuke's efforts, A responded with Liger Bomb, though Sasuke managed to protect himself with the ribcage of theSusanoo. Sasuke covered his Susanoo with Amaterasu flames, which resulted in A losing an arm.

As the Raikage was about to deliver the final blow, Sasuke manipulatedthe black flames to attack A, though he continued to attack. However, A was saved by the Fifth Kazekage, or Gaara, and his escorts. After seeing how dark Sasuke had become, the Kazekage attempted to convince Sasuke to give himself up, though Sasuke replied that there is nothing that could stop him from achieving his vengeance. Shedding a tear for his former rival, Gaara collaborated with Kankurō, Temari, and Darui to attack Sasuke. However, Sasuke used his incomplete Susanoo to defend himself, create a distraction and escape with Karin, leaving Suigetsu and Jūgo to fend for themselves.

Karin guided Sasuke to the room where the summit was held, but before he could engage Danzō, Sasuke was confronted by Mifune. In the meanwhile, Danzō managed to escape, but the Fifth Mizukageprevented Sasuke from pursuing him. Though he was exhausted due to the previous battles, Sasuke managed to gather enough strength to briefly fight against the Mizukage. Sasuke was ready to pass out, but was reinvigorated by Zetsu's Spore Technique. He escaped from the Mizukage, only to be confronted by the Third Tsuchikage. He was just barely saved by Tobi, who pulled him and Karin into another dimension using his Sharingan, where Karin nursed Sasuke back to health.

Tobi brought Sasuke out in front of Danzō, who immediately attacked the young Uchiha. Sasuke grabbed Danzō with the arm of his Susanoo and interrogated him about the truth of Itachi. Once he realised that Danzō had in fact ordered Itachi to slaughter the Uchiha clan, he immediately crushed the elder to death. However, Danzō appears behind him completely unharmed and ready to fight. Sasuke managed to kill Danzō with a variety of methods, although every time, Danzō was revived unharmed.

Sasuke, overtaken by his lust for revenge, advances his Susanoo to it's complete form, which is able to fire arrows. Tobi realises that Danzō is using Izanagi, which allowed him to avoid fatal injury and rewrite history as he saw fit. Danzō summoned Baku in order to stop Sasuke, however Sasuke managed to defeat the summoning monster with Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique. Sasuke managed to kill Danzō a few more times with different methods before coming to a stale mate. Each determined to kill the other, they clash again, Danzō, with Wind Release: Vacuum Blade and Sasuke with Chidori, as well as Danzō relying on Izanagi to save him. Sasuke, however, had used a genjutsu to only create the illusion that Izanagi was still active, allowing him to mortally wound Danzō. Danzō takes Karin hostage in an attempt to buy time, but Sasuke had no hesitations in fatally wounding Karin in order to finish off Danzō.

With his revenge against Danzō fulfilled, Sasuke declared his plans to go to Konoha. However, Tobi pointed out that Sasuke was exhausted and near blindness. He also told Sasuke to kill Karin if she was no longer of any use, before leaving himself. As Sasuke was about to kill Karin, Sakura suddenly appeared and interrupted him. She told him that she was willing to follow him, even if it meant abandoning and even destroying Konoha. Sasuke was sceptical and told Sakura to kill Karin to prove she was sincere. However, as Sakura hesitated, Sasuke attempted to kill her with his Chidori, only to be stopped by Kakashi. Sasuke laughs at their continued attempts to convince him to return to Konoha and attacks Kakashi, with the intention of killing him. Taking Kakashi's attempt to remind him about his former comrades in Konoha as an insult to Itachi, Sasuke's Susanoo gained a layer of armour. However, this form was short-lived, as much to Sasuke's horror, his eyesight deteriorates instantly, to the point of seeing a blurred haze at most, and Sakura uses the opportunity to try and strike him down.

Sakura ultimately cannot bring herself to kill Sasuke. Though near-blind, Sasuke senses her and nearly killed her, but she is saved by Naruto. Naruto sympathises with Sasuke's motives, to which Sasuke cynically counters with his pleasure of revenge, as well as revealing his crime of murdering Danzō. When Naruto restrains Kakashi to keep him from killing Sasuke, Sasuke uses this opportunity to try once more to kill Kakashi with Chidori, but Naruto counters with Rasengan. As the two collide, he tells Naruto that his only options are to kill him or die. Naruto rejects both, stating he has a third option. As their clash sends two flying back, one of White Zetsu's clones appears and cushions Sasuke's fall. Tobi then appears and prepares to take Sasuke away, but he tells him to wait so he can hear what Naruto has to say, which is that if they fight again, they will both die together. Sasuke then becomes angry and demands Naruto to answer why he cares about him so much, to which Naruto replies he is doing it because he is his friend, leaving Sasuke shocked. Despite this unperceived event, Sasuke firmly states he refuses to go back on the path he walks. So, before leaving away with Tobi, Sasuke says that they must have a talk.

At their hideout, Sasuke asks Tobi to replace his eyes with Itachi's eyes, as his vision is almost faded due to his reckless overuse of his Mangekyō Sharingan from battling Killer B, A, Danzō Shimura and Team 7as he wants to defeat Naruto with his full power. After transplanting Itachi's eyes, Tobi claimed that Sasuke would need time to recuperate from the operation and adjust to the new Mangekyō. Sasuke however remarked that it felt perfect and that he could feel Itachi's power flowing into him.


While still officially being ranked as a genin, Sasuke is hailed as a brilliant ninja, even by the battle-adept Uchiha clan's standards, showing an undeniable prodigious talent and keen intellect to excel at all that he does from early childhood. From this, he finds little difficulty in more challenging tasks as seen during his time in the Academy.[34] Scoring the highest in the performance tests and one of the highest in written tests,[35] he easily graduated at the top of his Academy class. Sasuke has great knowledge if not proficiency in many of his clan's techniques, despite his lack of formal training by relying solely on his innate talent and determination. His abilities have been compared to various remarkable individuals like Kakashi Hatake, who was also hailed as a genius since childhood. Various powerful shinobi have commented on Sasuke's potential, stating that he can with time surpass the likes of Itachi Uchiha,[36] Nagato,[37] and even Madara Uchiha.[38] Orochimaru also noted that Sasuke is far stronger than he was at the same age when he was training Sasuke in Part II.[39]

Throughout Part I, he steadily develops his abilities under Kakashi's tutelage, becoming capable of holding his own against skilled shinobi such as Haku, Gaara and even Orochimaru for a short time. After his acquisition and development of the Cursed Seal of Heaven, Sasuke's growth was heightened, allowing him to fight the entire Sound Four for a while and eventually defeat his Team 7 comrade Naruto, who had shown a similar development throughout Part I and was empowered by Kurama's chakra in a very difficult battle. By Part II, he develops much of his potential, becoming strong enough to fight on even terms with several highly skilled and extremely powerful shinobi. He was able to defeat Orochimaru, though he downplays his victory and attributes it to the Sannin's weakened state.[40]Sasuke was able to clash with Deidara — a powerful and dangerous S-rank Akatsuki member, decipher the mechanisms behind his abilities, and survive their battle without any handicaps. As Tobi noted, Itachi had already determined the outcome of their fight, as he was plagued with an unknown illness and was using medicine to prolong his life.[41] This didn't prevent Itachi from praising Sasuke during their battle, displaying surprise on a few occasions over Sasuke's improved skills and tactics and ultimately noting that if he didn't use Susanoo he would have been killed by Kirin.[42]

After awakening his Mangekyō Sharingan (despite not being fully healed from the battle against Itachi), Sasuke proved able to stand against Killer B, Gyūki's jinchūriki and an extremely powerful ninja, who praised Sasuke as one of the strongest ninja he has ever faced, despite Sasuke's inability to defeat him.[43] After fully healing and further adjusting to his Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke proved able to hold his own against at least two Kage, their respective bodyguards and various samurai warriors. He also fought on even grounds with Danzō, another Kage-level opponent, while generally controlling the pace of the fight, and ultimately defeated him, even surviving against the elder's repeated use of Izanagi — a feat that later earned him praise from Itachi.[44] After adapting to Itachi's eyes, Sasuke was able to match his older brother in various fields of combat when working together with him against the extremely dangerous Kabuto, who had greatly modified his body and gained numerous abilities.[45][46]


Although not his most used combat tactic, Sasuke's taijutsu was at a very high level since the start of the series. During Team 7's first bell test withKakashi, the elite ninja was shocked that he couldn't read Icha-Icha while fighting him as he needed both hands.[47] He was also able to outmanoeuvre two chūnin-level Kirigakure missing-nin.[48] His skills improved drastically after his encounter with Rock Lee. With his Sharingan, he was able to copy some of Lee's moves and from it create the Lion Combo. Under Kakashi's tutelage, he improved his taijutsu further by copying more of Lee's Strong Fist-style, roughly matching Lee's basic combat skills and speed in one month.[49] With this, he overwhelmed Gaara during their initial fight. He was also able to hold his own against the entire Sound Four for a brief period of time. During his battle against Naruto, he managed to dominate his Team 7 comrade in hand-to-hand combat for most of the fight, even when Naruto started using Kurama's chakra. In Part II, Sasuke further improved his taijutsu under Orochimaru's guidance. During his battle with Itachi, Sasuke managed to hold his own in a taijustu fight against his older brother. In the anime, Sasuke managed to use taijutsu to fight off Deidara's Explosive Clay Minions, who appeared to be surprisingly proficient in taijustu. Also in the anime, he was also able to hold his own against Kakashi in a taijutsu fight despite being in a physically debilitated state.[50]

Since the start of the series, Sasuke showed a high level of speed and reflexes as he was the first of his fellow genin to react to the Demon Brothers' ambush and effectively counter them. After training in chakra control, his speed was on a near-equal level to that of Haku. He later increased his speed further to outrun Gaara's sand and move faster than unaided eyes could follow in Part I.[51] After his Sharingan fully develops, he was also able to follow the speed of both Naruto's initial jinchūriki form and one-tailed form during their fight, though couldn't completely dodge the latter's demon shroud. In Part II, due to Orochimaru's training, Sasuke's already impressive speed saw a huge leap, able to evade both Deidara's clay explosions at point-blank range on multiple occasions, and attacks from the extremely fast Killer B and A, though he credited the last to his Sharingan's ability to read their linear moves. He also greatly increased his hand speed, able to do many hand seals in a blur and launch an enormous amount of weapons just as quickly, as seen during his fight with Itachi. His speed and proficiency with the Body Flicker Technique have also grown considerably, able to easily cut his opponents down without them noticing. When first facing Team Kakashi in Part II, he showed himself able to cover wide gaps in the blink of an eye, giving his former allies no time to react.

Sasuke has shown a high level of stamina and endurance; at the Five Kage Summit, he was able to endure a consistent string of battles against the samurai, two Kage and their bodyguards before finally collapsing from exhaustion. In a near-blind, battered, and visibly exhausted state from his latter fight with Danzō and overusing the Mangekyō Sharingan, he still had enough stamina to fight against Kakashi, restrain and disarm Sakura and later match Naruto's Rasengan with his Chidori. His raw strength has also become noticeably greater, being able to lift Sakura by her throat into the air with a single hand even while exhausted. His overall improvements were so great that Sakura even suspected that he had been given drugs to improve his physical capabilities.

Cursed Seal

An important aspect of Sasuke's growth as a shinobi in Part I was his acquisition of the Cursed Seal of Heaven. Orochimaru, recognising his potential, bestowed the seal on him as a gift in order to grant him greater strength, and to entice him to seek Orochimaru for further power. Initially, the seal would activate and overwhelm Sasuke if he used his chakra or became too excited, and he was only able to control it with extreme focus. As a result, Kakashi suppressed the seal and advised Sasuke to not rely on it, however, Sasuke's frustration with what he believed to be his inadequate strength caused him to use it in battle. When activated, the cursed seal forcefully absorbed Sasuke's chakra, while replacing it with Orochimaru's senjutsu chakra which covered his body with a flame-like pattern and granted him a number of benefits such as an enhanced chakra capacity, as well as increased strength, speed, and endurance.

After defecting from Konoha, with the help of the Sound Four, Sasuke advanced his Cursed Seal to Level Two, allowing it to cover his entire body at will. When fully transformed, the second level of the cursed seal turned Sasuke's skin dark grey with a black four-point star-mark between his eyes and across the bridge of his nose, his sclerae turn black, his irides turn yellow (except when using his Sharingan), and his lips turn blue. He also grows claw-like nails and his hair grows to waist-length without losing its style. At any time, he is able to grow large webbed hand-shaped wings on his back that gave him the ability to fly and hover. In this form, not only were his physical attributes further increased, but his techniques were also enhanced by the cursed seal's chakra. This granted him power comparable to Naruto's one-tailed form. In Part II, Sasuke gained complete control and mastery over the cursed seal, and could even access its power without fully activating it and even perform partial transformations at will.

However, the seal carried some disadvantages. The most notable one was that using the seal for longer periods of time, corroded Sasuke's body and caused him some pain. The other disadvantage was that the presence of Orochimaru's chakra twisted and darkened Sasuke's personality somewhat and made him susceptible to the Sannin's influence. However with additional training, Sasuke greatly extended the time he could maintain his cursed seal active.

Since Itachi sealed Orochimaru, the seal was removed from Sasuke. Despite this, Sasuke's being still proved compatible with the cursed seal's source, Jūgo. Since allying himself with Jūgo, Sasuke has benefited from Jūgo's power via taking advantage of the senjutsu imbued healing by infusing some of Jūgo's flesh into his own. Alternatively, Sasuke himself can be imbued with some of Jūgo's chakra to augment the Uchiha's various techniques, like his Susanoo, producing a "Senjutsu Susanoo".



Since early childhood, Sasuke has displayed great skill and use of various ninja tools which has grown and diversified over time. Sasuke was trained in archery during his childhood.[52] He is also skilled in the use of wire strings, using them for a variety of purposes ranging from rappelling, to manipulating the path of his shurikens, to ensnaring an opponent and setting them on fire. His level with both trap and weapon-based tactics even surprised Kakashi during their first bell test.[53] In the manga, during his first battle against Orochimaru, Sasuke displayed the ability to infuse one of his kunai with chakra.[54] In the anime, he also used a set of chains to ensnare foes.[55]


During his time with Orochimaru, Sasuke was trained in kenjutsu, and became a skilled swordsman. He also acquired a chokutō, and the use of kenjutsu has become a major part of his fighting style. With these skills in swordplay, he was able to incapacitate hundreds of Oto-nin during his training without killing them.[14] His skills with a sword were better shown during the Kage Summit, where he was able to effortlessly outfight and kill multiple samurai, and even deflect their barrage of chakra blasts.[56] He even skilfully blocked an attack from Mifune, a famous master swordsman, who acknowledged Sasuke's ability with this combat form.[57] During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke was able to fight off one of the Ten-Tails' mini clones with kenjutsu.[58]

Sasuke's lethal swordsmanship is shown to be very versatile, using impressive speed and precision behind his attacks, leaving little time for enemies to dodge or counter. He can effectively use it in either a normal or reverse grip, giving him various attack styles and the ability to attack or defend from various angles, allowing him to easily change his attack type to suit the situation. He can use his blade as a mid-range projectile with great precision as seen during the battle against Kabuto. Sasuke is also able to adapt his swordsmanship with equal proficiency to his makeshift Chidori blade. As part of his Kagutsuchi technique, Sasuke can also produce a flexible sword that can fire spikes of black flames in an arc.[59]


Sasuke is also well-versed in weapons use such as kunai and shuriken. At the start of the series, he could use techniques like Shadow Shuriken Technique in which he could hide one shuriken in the shadow of another and the Manipulated Shuriken Technique, which allows him to control the path of giant shuriken using wire strings. Due to his Sharingan, he can use an advanced version of the latter technique, the Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades which allows him to control a larger number of shuriken and even use them to ensnare an opponent with the strings.

Since his battle with Itachi, Sasuke started using a pair of bracelets with a special seal that allowed him to instantly summon shuriken, thus increasing the amount he carries at any one time and launch speed. He has also demonstrated the ability to increase the lethal properties of the Fūma Shuriken by rigging it to disconnect its four blades and launch them into separate directions. Sasuke has also shown the ability to match his shuriken and Fire Release skills for techniques like Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique or he can infuse a fūma shuriken with lightning chakra for increased cutting power.

Summoning Techniques

During his training under Orochimaru, Sasuke learned many of the Sannin's snake-oriented techniques. He became able to summon various-sized snakes to aid him in battle, even hidden from his sleeves tostrike or bind his opponents with little time to react. He was also able to summon snakes from any part of his body. He was not seen using snakes again until the Fourth Shinobi World War, when he summons a giant snake to aid him in his fight against the Ten-Tails.

Some time later, Sasuke also made an additional summoning contract which allows him to summon hawks. He summoned one during his battle against Danzō Shimura and used it to help him outmanoeuvre his opponent's attacks. In the anime, the hawk was also of capable of performing coordinated attacks with Sasuke.

Nature Transformation

As a true genius ninja and recognised member of the Uchiha, Sasuke has great proficiency in Fire Release nature manipulation. By age 7, he had already mastered his clan's rite of passage technique, the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique. Even Kakashi was amazed at such a feat as, according to him, genin usually require much more experience and developed chakra to perform elemental techniques. He can also use hisfire techniques in conjunction with his weapon skills. He can also produce a barrage giant dragon-shaped fireballs that can quickly burn an enemy, even with minimal contact.

After learning that Sasuke can also manipulate Lightning Release nature manipulation, and hoping to deter Sasuke from using the Cursed Seal, Kakashi taught him the Chidori, made more effective when combined with his Sharingan. With this combination, Sasuke can punch through most obstacles with relative ease, as well as severely damaging any opponent during most uses. In Part I, Sasuke was limited to using the attack only twice a day, with a third usage after the initial activation of his cursed seal. In Part II, Sasuke was shown to be able to use the Chidori several times in one day. During their battle, A commended Sasuke's Chidori for being able to break through his Lightning Release Armour despite inflicting only minor damage.[60]

Over the timeskip, Sasuke put a great deal of time developing his lightning-based chakra, having mastered it to create many new techniques of said type, most of these revolving around his Chidori, which he has refined. When first seen in Part II, he was able to channel his Chidori to emit electricity from all over his body as a shield that stuns those it comes into contact with. He can also channel the Chidori through his sword through "chakra flow", giving the blade extreme cutting power and allowing it to numb anyone it cuts. This is powerful enough to slice through a chakra wave created by a similarsword technique. He can also concentrate it into a extendable sword and solid senbon in order to make more precise attacks. He is also able to infuse shuriken with lightning chakra. Sasuke's most powerful elemental technique is Kirin, a lightning technique that uses natural lightning as opposed to chakra, allowing Sasuke to perform it even when visibly exhausted. If there are no thunder clouds available, Sasuke can use a powerful Fire Release technique to create thunder clouds. Sasuke then takes control of the lightning, shapes it into a kirin, and then brings the lightning down on his target. The technique is so powerful that it has the ability to destroy a small mountain, as well as break through the defences of Itachi Uchiha's Susanoo.

When Sasuke gained the Mangekyō Sharingan, he manifested Amaterasuduring his battle with Killer B. During the Kage Summit, he developed an advanced Fire Release known as the Blaze Release; an element that draws its power from Amaterasu. Aside from unleashing a wave of unquenchable black flames that incinerates everything that reflects in his eyesight, Sasuke can control the movement of the flames intosurrounding him and creating spikes to protect himself. As such, he was regarded as more skilled with it than Itachi was by C.[61] When he gained his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, his Blaze Release greatly improved. He could combine Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi with Susanoo to createAmaterasu swords and arrows that can pierce through heavy defences and ignite them,[28] and create a barrage of Amaterasu magatama to handle multiple enemies.[62] Sasuke could also use his Kagutsuchi without using Susanoo for more direct usage.[63][64]



Sasuke is one of select members of the Uchiha clan to possess its famouskekkei genkai, the Sharingan. This dōjutsu allows Sasuke to analyse and predict movements, observe the flow of chakra, copy the techniques of others, and cast powerful illusions through eye-contact. Sasuke first awakened his Sharingan at the age of 7, with one tomoe in each eye, after seeing Itachi murder their clan. However, due to the severity of the trauma induced from the incident, Sasuke was unable to recall this development and could not use it. It wasn't until years later, soon afterrefining his chakra control and during his battle with Haku, that he was able to reactivate the dōjutsu with an additional tomoe in his right eye. Shortly before the start of the Chūnin Exams, Sasuke demonstrated the ability to use his Sharingan of his own volition after further practice. It was at this point that both of his eyes came to possess two tomoe, until their eventual maturation with three tomoe during his battle against Naruto at the Valley of the End. Through his development as a shinobi and experience with the dōjutsu, Sasuke drastically increased his time periods to which he can maintain his Sharingan with little effect to his chakra levels, even in prolonged fights against several high-level opponents.

While only making liberal use of it during Part I, Orochimaru stated that an even greater power and clarity than Itachi's could be sensed from Sasuke's Sharingan, despite its incomplete state.[65]Throughout Part II, Sasuke has demonstrated formidable use of the dōjutsu, most notably acquiring a strong grasp of its genjutsu casting capabilities. With this newfound power he has been able to easily hypnotise his adversaries — restricting movements,[66] relaying recorded memories,[67] applying deceptive imagery to create defensive and offensive opportunities, inducing hallucinations shocking enough to stir the emotions of even someone like Sai, and even easily quelling Jūgo's violent impulses. More prominent examples of his aptitude for Sharingan genjutsu, and a testament to his latent potential, include entering Naruto's subconscious to effectively suppress the Nine-Tails' leaking chakra,[68] along with his complete control over the actions of a summoned creature as mighty as Manda;[69] a glimpse of the dōjutsu's infamous potential to subjugate the tailed beasts.[70]

When Orochimaru finally made his attempt to possess Sasuke's body, the young Uchiha was able to utilise his Sharingan in conjunction with the strength of his overbearing will to erode the dimensional space used for the technique, and ultimately turn it against the Sannin. Despite wielding a lesser dōjutsu, Sasuke's substantial ocular prowess would prove strong enough to dispel a genjutsu as powerful as Itachi's Tsukuyomi, much to his brother's shock.[71]

Mangekyō Sharingan

Sasuke awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan after the death of his older brother, Itachi. The tomoe of Sasuke's Mangekyō spread and converge along the edge of its iris, taking on the appearance of three intersecting ellipses. Following the acquisition of his brother's eyes, Sasuke's Mangekyō pattern changed, gaining a symmetrical, more aligned rendition of Itachi's Mangekyō tomoe that is centred within Sasuke's own. When facing Madara, the elder Uchiha noted that the pinwheel pattern of Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyō is known as the "Straight Tomoe" (直巴,Choku Tomoe), which according to him is the reason why Sasuke has such a high capability of reading and predicting his opponents movements.[72]

Customary of the Mangekyō Sharingan, prolonged reliance upon its ocular powers places a great burden on his eyes and body, deteriorating his vision after each use. While resting after his fight with Killer B, Sasuke began to find his vision sporadically fading. It was during his confrontation with Kakashi, that was preceded by excessive usage of his Mangekyō Sharingan throughout a number of difficult battles, that the repercussions became more prominent. During his battle against Kakashi, Sasuke began reeling from overexertion of his ocular powers, resulting in his eyesight being reduced to a heavy blur, barely able to differentiate people. Out of respect for his older brother's views, Sasuke initially refused to take Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan as his own to avoid this outcome, but faced with his rapidly diminishing vision and Naruto's unyielding convictions, he finally requested that Tobi transplant them to replace his own eyes. This resulted in Sasuke's acquisition of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan; obtaining additional might from Itachi's ocular power and showing none of the previous signs of physical strain or fatigue that plagued him from sustained use of this dōjutsu.

With his right Mangekyō, Sasuke has demonstrated the ability to cast what is presumed to be Tsukuyomi, allowing him to break a target's will and paralyse them.[73] While commending Sasuke for successfully ensnaring him with it, Danzō denounced Sasuke's might with the technique as he was incapable of using it to alter a victim's perception of time, like his older brother.[74] Despite this, Tobi noted that Sasuke's resourcefulness and precise timing in its use was able to somewhat compensate for the illusion's lack of power.[75] With his left Mangekyō, he is able to cast Amaterasu, which ignites unquenchable black flames at the focal point of his sight that continue to burn for an entire week, or until they have completely consumed whatever they come into contact with. Sasuke's use of these black flames are said to surpass Itachi's, as he's also able to cast Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi with his right Mangekyō to extinguish and manipulate them at will, a control that was further perfected after gaining Itachi's eyes.

After awakening the powers of both Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke became one of the rare few Uchiha capable of invoking Susanoo; the materialisation of an immense humanoid construct of chakra. Despite the danger of regular and prolonged used of it, Sasuke has not been hesitant in testing his limits with the technique, with his extreme emotions lying at the root of the development of its higher stages. While initially relying upon partial manifestations of its ribcage for defence, and its larger skeletal stages for mighty displays of offensive power with its fists and sword, Sasuke was soon able to complete his Susanoo's body during his fight with Danzō — armed with a bow that doubles as a shield, and an orb of chakra that conjures the arrows for it. Defensively it, in its incomplete stage it was able to take a barrage from the Fifth Kazekage, Temari, Kankurō, and Darui without any damage, and in its complete stage it was able to take Danzō's powerful Wind Release attacks without damage. Offensively, his Susanoo is strong enough to destroy many large stone pillars with a single swipe of its sword and with its arrows it can even pierce Wood Release constructs at a speed only Sage Mode users such as Kabuto Yakushi are able to avoid. Soon after, Sasuke perfected his Susanoo during his short skirmish with Kakashi, with its outer cloak assuming a similar, if more sinister version of Itachi's own final Susanoo and changing the composition of it's orb of chakra to that of Amaterasu's black flames from which he is able to fashion a number of weapons.

Immediately following the recovery of his transplant, the final stage of his Susanoo's final form underwent a drastic change, with scaled hands, a beak-like hood and a larger bow, with a more shield-like appearance, giving it an overall more intimidating appearance. By the time of theFourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke was able to conjure his Susanoo complete with a lower body and legs, similar to the Susanoo of Madara Uchiha. Using Jūgo's Sage Transformation, Sasuke is able to infuse his Susanoo with senjutsu chakra, which appears as the flame pattern of theCursed Seal of Heaven covering it.[76] Upon further syncing with Naruto as well as more experience with his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke is able to stabilise Susanoo's final form and arm it onto Naruto's senjutsu-enhanced Tailed Beast Mode, enabling them to cut through Obito Uchiha, and his Sword of Nunoboko.[77]


Even by Uchiha standards, Sasuke has exceptionally strong chakra. At age 7, he was already able to use his clan's signature fire release technique. This later surprised even Kakashi, as such techniques usually require more developed chakra. In Part II, his reserves grew considerably greater. Even in an extremely weakened state from his battle against Deidara, he could summon Manda, a high level summon (though he may have used Orochimaru's chakra for this). After developing his Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke recklessly used it multiple times in a single day among other chakra-consuming techniques such as his Chidori. Inspite of this he was able to fight effectively in multiple consecutive battles against the Five Kage, Danzō and later Team 7 before finally succumbing to exhaustion. After gaining Itachi's eyes, Sasuke's reserves appear to have grown even further, as during the battles against Kabuto and later in battle of the Shinobi Alliance against the Ten-Tails, Obito and Madara where he was visibly unaffected from using several of his Mangekyō Sharingan techniques as well as his Chidori multiple times.

Quality-wise, Sasuke's chakra is very powerful; its strength is compared to that of Madara Uchiha's, whose chakra was particularly strong even amongst the Uchiha. When Sasuke first arrived at the Land of Sound and gave Kabuto a frightening glare, both he and Orochimaru noted Sasuke's exceptional chakra. His chakra's strength was even great enough to break free from Danzō's restraining seal by releasing it from his entire body. Likewise, his chakra control has also grown considerably. With many high-level techniques, usually lightning and fire-based, he can perform them with few to no hand seals, giving his opponents little time to react.

Due to the curse of his clan, Sasuke continued to sink deeper into darkness, which caused his chakra to become noticeably darker.[78] Even Kurama noted that Sasuke's chakra has become even darker than his own, and even similar to that of Madara.[68] Karin has also mentioned that Sasuke's chakra, as he approached the point of manifesting Susanoo, had become even darker, and colder than the corrupting influence of the second stage Cursed Seal of Heaven,[79] and has since continued to grow even more potent along with the development of Susanoo.[80][81]


From a young age, Sasuke has repeatedly shown keen instincts and quick decision-making, causing many to consider him a genius. Able to easily learn various advanced techniques or utilise basic ones for crafty manoeuvres, Sasuke already became a stand-out before graduating the Academy. He is a proficient strategist, observing his opponent's skills and deducing their workings with ease and accuracy while remaining calm and composed. He then chooses the most effective means and ninjutsu to counter them.[3] His resolution enables him to pick strategies in which he requires getting injured in order to defeat the enemy, showing tremendous endurance and willpower. Even Minato noted Sasuke's ability to calmly assess and analyse the given situation.[82]

Sasuke is also a very capable leader, able to form a team from specific ninja after scouting them out and quickly command their respect and cooperation. Furthermore, he can effectively instruct his team to engage an enemy. He also showed the ability to perform a series of precise and coordinated attacks with his brother Itachi with minimal planning despite their previous volatile relationship.

His intelligence also allowed him to develop many powerful techniques on his own, all based on the one technique his teacher taught him. From the Chidori, Sasuke mastered the principles of Lightning Release, and created many innovative techniques that are derived from it. He was also able to combine techniques together to create the right atmosphere for the Kirin, utilising weather manipulation to create a powerful thunderstorm. In order to defeat his former mentor Orochimaru, Sasuke did extensive research of his various abilities, such as the nature of his snake summons and techniques as well as his unique cursed seals. With this knowledge, he was able to resurrect the Sannin using a combination of Anko's cursed seal, a piece of Kabuto's altered body and a special fūinjutsu. Sasuke was also able to use his Sharingan to perfectly sync his chakra with Naruto to perform the Scorch Release: Halo Gale Jet Black Arrow Style Zero, something Tobirama claimed even the most experience duo have difficulty with. Sasuke was also able to track Itachi even though the latter used a flock of crows to block his vision.

Other Skills

Under Orochimaru's training, Sasuke was subjected to the Sannin's experiments and as a result developed physical enhancements including an immunity towards most forms of poisons, to a level that the one Sakura learned from Shizune would not affect him.[83] However, he was not immune to the effects of Orochimaru's true form's poisonous blood.

After absorbing Orochimaru, Sasuke gained access to Sannin's regenerative powers that allowed him to heal at a much faster rate than usual,[84] and access Orochimaru's chakra as extra reserves, although he preferred not to.[85] He could also use the Orochimaru-Style Body Replacement Technique to shed his skin and produce a new body, thus repairing any damage he sustained, though it drained him of most of his chakra. He would lose these extra powers after Orochimaru was sealed by Itachi.

His training has also given him great skill in fūinjutsu and is also otherwise quite knowledgeable in other seals, such as Orochimaru's cursed seals. As an Uchiha, he is also one of the few who can accessthe Naka Shrine. During the Fourth Shinobi World War and the battle against the Ten-Tails, Sasuke displayed a high-level of skill in collaboration techniques, by using the Scorch Release: Halo Gale Jet Black Arrow Style Zero, a collaboration technique with Naruto, which according to Tobirama Senju, requires a perfect unison that is hard to achieve.[86]


DatabookNinjutsuTaijutsuGenjutsuIntelligenceStrengthSpeedStaminaHand sealsTotal



wow this looks so cool Are you accepting, I don't usually do groups but I wanna do this! 


Charles Francis Xavier


Professor X






Xavier’s goals are to promote the peaceful affirmation of mutant rights, to mediate the co-existence of mutants and humans, to protect mutants from violent humans and to protect society from antagonistic mutants, including his old friend, Magneto. To achieve these aims, he founded Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters (later named the Xavier Institute) to teach mutants to explore and control their powers. Its first group of students was the original X-Men. Xavier's students consider him a visionary and often refer to their mission as "Xavier's dream". He is highly regarded by others in the Marvel Universe, respected by various governments and trusted by several other superhero teams, including the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. However, he also has a manipulative streak which has resulted in several significant fallings-out with allies and students.

According to BusinessWeek, Charles Xavier is listed as one of the top ten most intelligent fictional characters in American comics.[7]

History:( I have removed Dates and stopped his history at the point where I would like to begin playing him, this is the young version of Charles from the XMFC movie.)

As a child at the age of 12, Charles met a shape-shifting girl named Raven, who had broken into his family's mansion and was scrounging for food. Overjoyed to meet someone else "different" like him, he invited her to live with his family. Raven and Charles soon become fast friends.

A natural genius, Charles completed high school at 16. He attends Oxford University (accompanied by Raven, now his foster sister), earning Ph.D's in Genetics, Biophysics, and Psychology. After completing his thesis on genetic mutation at age 24, he is approached by Agent Moira MacTaggert of the CIA for his help to stop a mutant named Sebastian Shaw, who is working with the Soviet Union. MacTaggert introduces him and Raven to the CIA, where they prove to her chief, John McCone, that mutants exist and that Shaw is a threat. McCone refuses to employ them, but The Man in Black offers to be their sponsor. Charles accompanies MacTaggert, MiB and a US Coast Guard assault team to arrest Shaw on his yacht. During the attack, his telepathy is blocked by Emma Frost. They also encounter Erik Lehnsherr, who was launching his own solo attack against Shaw at the time. When Shaw escapes in a submarine, Xavier prevents Lehnsherr from killing himself in an attempt to stop it and brings him to the CIA's secret Division X facility. There they meet a young scientist named Hank McCoy, a prehensile-footed mutant with enhanced intelligence, who Xavier identifies as a mutant. He then uses a mutant-locating device designed by Hank called Cerebro to find and recruit mutants to stop Shaw. Refusing CIA help, he and Lehnsherr travel the world, discovering and recruiting various mutants: exotic dancer Angel Salvadore (Tempest); taxi driver Armando Muñoz (Darwin); Army prisoner Alex Summers (Havok); and Sean Cassidy (Banshee). They also approach Canadian mercenary Wolverine (then known as James "Jimmy" Howlett or Logan), but he immediately rebuffs them. Lehnsherr and Xavier collaborate with the CIA to find and capture Shaw, who was supposed to be meeting with a high-ranking Soviet general. Soon after their arrival they discover that Frost has attended the meeting in his place, and capture her instead. Interrogating her leads to the revelation that Shaw intends to spark a third world war to wipe out humanity, leaving mutants as the dominant species. Meanwhile, the other Hellfire Club mutants attack Division X, converting Tempest to their cause and killing Darwin in the process.

With the facility destroyed, Xavier relocates the mutants to his family mansion. During their stay there, Xavier applies his telepathy to help Erik reach new heights of his magnetic ability. He also trains the other mutants to control their powers. Xavier's new team is soon called into action when Shaw engineers a stand-off between amassed United States and Soviet naval forces. When a Soviet freighter is forcibly commandeered by the Hellfire Club and attempts to run the American blockade, Xavier telepathically searches the Soviet fleet in an attempt to locate Shaw, but finds himself unable to due so because of a helmet Shaw possess that blocks all telepathic contact. Xavier then took mental control of a Soviet officer and had the man destroy the freighter, thus averting a nuclear catastrophe.

When Banshee volunteers to employ his sound generation power as a sonar, Xavier telepathically monitors his progress and is able to then guide the Blackbird to Shaw's submarine, where Lehnsherr magnetically extracts it from the water. The submarine and the Blackbird both crash shortly after, bringing both teams into direct conflict. Xavier stays with the jet and continues his search for Shaw by linking with Lehnsherr, who ventures into the stricken submarine alone. While Lehnsherr finds and kills Shaw, Xavier's attention is now turned to the new threat of the two navel fleets with crews who are rapidly becoming fearful of the mutants. The ships launch a combined missile/artillery strike against the mutants, which Lehnsherr quickly turns back on them. Xavier fights with Lehnsherr to prevent him from destroying the ships, but when MacTaggert fires a gun at Lehnsherr, a deflected bullet hits Xavier in the spine, rendering him unable to stand. A remorseful Magneto leaves with Mystique, Tempest, and Shaw's enforcers Riptide and Azazel. Later, a wheelchair-bound Xavier returns to the mansion where MacTaggert promises never to reveal his location. They kiss, whereupon Xavier wipes her memory of the events. He soon after establishes Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters at his family's Westchester mansion, which also serves as a base of operations where he trains mutants for his personal team: the X-Men.


  • Telepathy - Xavier has a wide array of telepathic powers:

    Telepathic Cloak - He can make himself invisible by manipulating the minds of others. He used this to hide himself, Magneto, and all the assault troops while en route to the dacha of a Russian general without being detected while in the back of the caravan.
  • Telepathic Communication - He is able to telepathically communicate with others. He demonstrated this at the end of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and in X-Men: First Class when he communicated with Moira and Erik.
  • Mental Detection - He is able to sense where nearby mutants are. He demonstrated this when he sensed that Rogue had left the mansion and was at the train station. This ability is enhanced when he uses Cerebro.
  • Mind Control - He is able to manipulate the minds of others to get them to do what he wants them to do. He does not like using this ability to make people do what he wants them to do all the time as he said when talking to Magneto while going to Jean Grey's house when she was a child.
  • Mental Possession - He is able to enter the mind of another to control their body and see from their perspective. He demonstrated this at the dacha of a Russian general and possessed the mind of a guard.
  • Mental Sedation - He can make others fall asleep just by telling them to.
  • Mind Transferal - When his body was destroyed in X-Men: The Last Stand, he transferred his consciousness into a host body.
  • Paralyzation - He can mentally paralyze others, making it appear as if time has been stopped.
  • Mental Link - He has ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual. This was shown when Jean Grey linked with him to communicate with the others in the X-Jet before perishing.
  • Mental Amnesia - He has the ability to cause loss of particular memories and amnesia in another person or group of people. This was demonstrated at the end of X-Men: First Class with Moira MacTaggert.


  • Genius-level Intellect - A natural genius, Xavier is a leading authority on genetics, mutation, and psionics. He also possesses considerable expertise in other life sciences. He is highly talented in devising equipment for utilizing and enhancing psionic powers. Xavier is also quite the masterful tactician and strategist, effectively evaluating situations and devising swift responses.


  • Paraplegic - Xavier has been unable to walk due to spinal damage, suffered when one of the bullets Magneto bounced off using his magnetic powers hit him

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