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Fantasy The Bad Guys, redone (Old)

Finbar: And then in waltzes some guy who I bet thought he had some real etiquette going on. Well, it wasn't working on me. My right arm held my head, my left arm flailed like a rabid snake. I'm sorry, but do you know where the HELL we are? 'Cause I don't and I'd better get answers soon or I'm gonna really let loose.


VictorSeeing the teen's clear disinterest of his courtesy Victor sighed, he then realized that he had to be in the same room at this person so maybe keeping tabs on every time he was absolutely dreadful wasn't the best idea, he then put his hand back next to his body and then smiled while listening to his roommate rambling and he then proceeded to answer;
Well, we are in a school, the Sunbreaker Institute of Villainy, to be more specific. Were you one of the ones who were kidnapped to fulfill the quota?Mhmm, if you mean where in the school we are, we are in our room within the dorm. If you mean where we are in the wider range of things we are currently in the solar system 3rd planet from the sun currently rotating at 1000 miles per hour give or take." as he then turns around and looks through the room and sees it's size he once again sighs and then proceeds to go open the door of the room and then before he leaves looking for something to do he tells Finbar;
Would you to accompany me? Or are you just going to sulk in here and show everyone how rebellious you are?" as he walks down the hallway

(sorry for the late post ive been away most of the morning)
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Conner White

Conner started to think of something he could with this rodent and had an idea. There was serum he made a while back he could try, but he couldn't remember if he had completed it or not. Then there was the small containers of small dead animals he brought with him. This would surely cure his boredom. Anyway, Conner kept thinking, but saw one of the students approach him." Hello there..." he placed his hand on his chin, grabbing his small knife from his pocket. Conner started wave it around, tracing out the newcomers body.

"Hummm..perhaps your body is strong enough. Seeing that your floating, you must use magic? That might can help.." Conner smirked. " Oh sorry, I'm suppose to make friends. The name is Conner, a pleasure. This beautiful girl on my shoulders is Albiona."
Paris Scarborough, 19

Acethekidd Acethekidd

Paris smiled at the boy, raising a brow at the comment and behaviour. "I won't deny that she is rather exquisite. And I am flattered that you think me... what was it? Strong?" He rubbed his chin for a moment, peering down at the hand holding the scalpel. "...no, I am not strong. At least not in that way. Resilient and practically immortal sure, but a pathetic physical specimen if there ever was one." He floated down, his feet meeting the ground softly. "I am fully intending on transcending the need for this body - so if you are still around in a few years... then you can have at it." He held out a hand towards the other, smirking slightly - "It will do you well to not try anything before then though... I have a vested interest in living forever. I shan't sacrifice my ambitions to sate your curiosity. The name is Paris. Paris Scarborough."
Malice: I smiled, perhaps a bit too broadly, So, you must live close by to be here and unpacked so early.
Finbar: God, he was a nerd and a wise guy. Not a good combo in my books. Still, he might not be too bad, I tended to crack wise myself from time to time. I guess I was. God, this is some kind of evil institute? Talk about weird. But sure, I'll come along. It can't hurt.
Francis: After a while of staring at my luggage, I gravitated towards a bulletin board around which all kinds of people were gathered. It was a shock and a pleasure to actually be surrounded by more than just humans. I wasn't sure how to react, but when I finally made it to the front of the crowd, my awe transformed into a churning heart. Above the list of names it read "Sunbreaker Institute of Villainy" and below on the list itself, I could quickly pick out my name in a cluster of four. Whoever Konstantin, Paris, and Briana were, they were probably evil. I was in a school of evil. Great, somebody might by now have stolen my luggage. I ran to it, the bags luckily still intact. I grabbed two and headed to room 91. I opened the door to a floating eye, a little person, cages of albino rats, and a guy in a hazmat suit. And I didn't even know my face wasn't there at the moment, making the scene even stranger. Um.... Hi, guys. Are you my roommates?
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Finbar: God, he was a nerd and a wise guy. Not a good combo in my books. Still, he might not be too bad, I tended to crack wise myself from time to time. I guess I was. God, this is some kind of evil institute? Talk about weird. But sure, I'll come along. It can't hurt.
Victor Finis
As he walked towards the bulletin board as the man was following him he couldn't help him but notice that he was rather confused at this whole situation, most likely due to his rather enraged demeanor, who knows maybe if I am courteous enough to him I may just prove that I don't want to endanger him in any way, short-term
"Most logical course of action might just be us walking towards bulletin board and seeing what courses we may have, while we walk through why is such a lovely person such as yourself here without your own knowledge? Were you kidnapped or do you have some chronic memory problems?" He used those questions not only to seem to be interested in the character but also to get more information on how the whole school works in general.

StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
Maxine nods slowly in response. "Yeah, close" she stands up straight trying not to act scared but her heart beat wildly in her chest. She didn't want this girl onto her so soon. She was hoping to at least be safe until classes started. "Malice right?" She remembered her vaguely from last year. "Vampire, yeah?"
Nona Saab
Veltsu VI Veltsu VI
There were a few beds in the room and Nona moved to sit on one of them. One of the girls already in the room asked a question as she sat and Nona was a little taken aback. She stuffed both hands back into her pockets and leaned on them a little as she thought about what to say.

"I'm Nona. I think I go to school here now." She told the other girl. "Obviously not my first choice." Nona chuckled, leaning forward a little more.
Malice: In the flesh. And I'm impressed you know my species. Some dumb people mistake me for an elf.
Finbar: As I followed him to the bulletin, I was able to calm down somewhat. So I'm Finbar, but call me Fin, and I was kidnapped alright. Took them hours to get a good enough hold on me to get me here. I bet they wanted me here yesterday.
Maxine bites her lip knowing she probably would have made the same mistake if she hadn't seen her eating in the cafeteria last year. "Oh, umm yeah. I guess the ears are similar"
Malice: I let the levitating luggage descend to the floor and opened a bag. Of course. So, how long have you been here?
Maxine sits back down on her bed relaxing a bit. "This will be my second year at the school." I play with the sleeve of my shirt. "I like your outfit"
Malice: Thank you, yours isn't bad either. I'm a Senior this year. So you must have got your classification already. What is it?
Maxine tenses at the question not wanting to answer. She looks down and sighs. "Expendable"
Malice: I didn't mean your rank, but I guess this aught to be interesting, hearing about your various injuries.... A shame I might not be able to get too close to you, but perhaps I can.... Of course, it would have to be in a villainous way, therefore I could not let her know my plans to turn her into a vampire.
(Oops, I mixed them up)

Maxine plays with her hair trying not to let the words get to her. "Can what? What are you talking about?"
Briana Skullbash
StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus idalie idalie A L M O S A L M O S

Briana lifted vodka bottle when some new boy walked in, he must be roommate number 4.

Hanah & Fayette Solo
SecretRock SecretRock

"My name is Fayette, or shortly Fay. My big sister Hanah get sick from drug that they used to us when they kidnapped us."
Hanah walked out from bathroom.
"Ugh. Hi."
Malice: Oh, nothing. I just tend to digress now and then.
Francis: I wasn't expecting her to offer me vodka, but it looked like everybody here (Except the rats and the eyeball) was drinking it. Maybe I was dreaming, come to think of it. Still, I don't see what turning down vodka would do to interfere with the dream. Um, no thanks. I'm Francis. What's your name?
Maxine looks back at her "I'm really trying to raise it. I just failed a couple of hard classes. I was trying to make this poison on my final and just kept giving the rats this crazy healing ability. I don't know what I was doing wrong. I also got an automatic fail for hitting the fire alarm, which would have made all the victims flee. In my defense I was told to press the red button."
Hazmat pushed up his mask to down the vodka offered, till tugging it back down to disguise himself. Thus he slammed a fist into his broad chest and shouted something in Russian which couldn't be deciphered by anyone. Alas, at that point the door opened. The last of the four. "Francis! Francis and Paris, funny, да?" He laughed till pausing. "Wait, no thats France." Nevertheless, the big scientist hit the newbie on the arm in a friendly manner. "I'm Konstantin, friends call me Hazmat. That floating eye was left by Paris. Didn't want us to touch his stuff - lest someone leaves some sort of plague in his bed." Haz shook his hands dramatically.

At last he began to rearrange his rat cages, grabbing sticky biohazard tape before cordoning off his stretch of the room. "This doesn't make catching anything impossible, just makes people feel safer." He called, giving a thumbs up.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI A L M O S A L M O S StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus
"My girl, these men are below us. We are the only ones who can see the true need for fermented potatos in this world. To vodka! And may there never be another drink more mighty." Each word was spoken in a ramble of fluent Russian. Holding a hand theatrically over his chest, standing back on the centre of the room. What many wouldn't notice, was how he began humming the USSR's anthem beneath his breath. At last turning to Francis, Haz then pointed at the new student. "Tell anyone about this, аутсайдер, and we'll see how long you last." The friendly Russian's voice became low and heavy, marching up till he dwarfed the boy. That reflective, emotionless pair of glass eyeholes intently meeting Francis - only to reveal a pair of irises that had a certain remorselessness bubbling beneath the surface. "Apart from that, your bed is over there." Hazzie motioned.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus A L M O S A L M O S

Translation: Outsider
Conner White

"Yes, she's my bundle of joy and-" did he just he was basically immortal? He also offered his body to him to? This perfect! But it was an shame that he had to wait..at least this gave him time to try other projects. "Immortal hum? Perfect..perfect, this project will work. I guess I have to wait, don't worry I won't try anything..well, not to you anyway. Maybe I'll add another one of these students to my collection.." the boy rubbed his hands together hearing Albiona complain in his ears

"Don't worry, he seems trust worthy. Anyway, Paris..why did you chose to come to this school? What are your goals? " Conner was curious In his answer​
Malice: Indeed, they should have been more specific. But hey, you should have gotten some credit for improper fire alarm usage.
Edward: I finally found the dorm list, and to my horror I had to room with Malice. She's been relentless ever since she found out I didn't want to be evil. I headed to the dorm. She had my stuff, and I didn't want her arranging things contrary to how I wanted it.
Francis: Don't worry, I said, flinching a little. In a place like this, I didn't really want to make enemies prematurely. It unnerved me how quickly he went from gregarious to menacing. So, Hazmat, you're from Russia or Ukraine, right? What's it like over there?

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