The Bachelorette

Alyson Bowman

Elder Member






Blood Type:



Usual Attire:



5 Traits:

Reason Why Your Here:

Spot 1: @Akeira

Spot 2: @jewlia

Spot 3: @Nerdygeekflower

Spot 4: @oOBubblesOo

Spot 5: @Cyshadichu

Spot 6: @Ella Swan Cullen

Spot 7: @Laneydean

Spot 8: Open

Name: Ashley Green

Nickname: Ash

Age: 20

Birthday: April 5th

Sex: Female

Blood Type: AB

Occupation: Pediatrician


Usual Attire:

Tattoos: N/A

Piercings: N/A

5 Traits:






Reason Why Your Here: To find someone she can relate to and have fun with.

Other: She is bisexual so boys and girls can join!


@Lori Williams ?







Join! Even if your not on the list!

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Name: Wesley Fortis

Nicknames: Wes

Age: 22

Birthday: August 15

Sex: Male

Blood Type: O+

Occupation: Rising Lawyer

Tattoos: A tattoo that reads "Never give up" on his right shoulder in Arabic.

Piercings: N/A

5 Traits: Flirtatious, Caring, Intelligent, Arrogant, Ambitious

Reason Why Your Here: Wesley here because he has always been an ambitious men, especially know that his name is gaining popularity. He wants to gain more following, using this show partly as the gateway to do so. Wes thinks that he can get along well with Ashley, wanting to win her heart in the end. A major flirt, Trent is also here to flirt with some of the other ladies discreetly along the way.

Usual Attire:



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Name: Trenton Lee Norwood

Nicknames: Trent, T

Age: 22

Birthday: 11/1

Sex: Male

Blood Type: AB

Occupation: Record Producer

Appearance: boy s&go=&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=mixed boy s&sc=8-11&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=FC0744FD0C03781D8ED68B999F70B9447E8AECE5&selectedIndex=136

Usual Attire: (same as in picture), glasses.

Tattoos: none


5 Traits: Nice, Self-minded, Thoughtful, Stubborn, and Cool (btw, he doesn't like to fight physically, but will mentally nail you down)

Reason Why Your Here: Just to find a great girl to kick it with. I'm a nerd and always have been, so love is not my thing, but a long-lasting romance is.
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Name: Tyger Bridges

Nicknames: Ty

Age: 21

Birthday: June 9th

Sex: Female

Blood Type: AB

Occupation: Radio DJ for and Indie/Alternative station


Usual Attire:

  • outfit.jpg

  • Glasses (also owns contacts)
  • Always wears her Skullcandy earbuds around her neck to show how much she loves music.

Tattoos: One of the chinese symbol for rebirth on her upper arm.

Piercings: A small one on the side of her nose.

5 Traits:

  • Protective: She will always look out for you, and stand up for you.
  • Flirty: She loves to flirt.
  • Sweet: She likes to show her affection in large, elaborate ways, and will always comfort you when you're sad. She always says she's sorry first.
  • Funny: Tyger has a cute sense of humor, sort of childish/playful in a flirty way, but cute.
  • Spontaneous: She has a habit of just making up her mind and going somewhere, or doing something. She's quite unpredictable.

Reason Why Your Here: Tyger is bisexual, and has never had good luck with her lesbian side, never finding the right girl. She hopes she finds it here :)

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Name: Cameron Tiberius Oakley

Nickname: Cam

Age: 22

Birthday: August 13th

Sex: Male

Blood Type: O-

Occupation: Construction worker



Usual Attire:
Cameron tends to wear plain tee shirts under looser sweatshirts/sweaters paired with simple jeans and sneakers. Something like the picture below would be a decent comparison.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec69cb16_CameronsOutfit.jpg.5ab903f4ce7fddca8e08684916c6fa41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13425" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec69cb16_CameronsOutfit.jpg.5ab903f4ce7fddca8e08684916c6fa41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Piercings:5 Traits:


- Protective

- Bold

- Hard-working

- Benevolent

Reason Why You Are Here: To hopefully meet someone he can settle down with and finally be happy in a relationship.

Other: Journey



  • Cameron's Outfit.jpg
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Name: Benson Ward

Nicknames: Benny

Age: 23

Birthday: May 16th

Sex: Male

Blood Type: O-

Occupation: Currently attending medical school, but he works at as a taxi driver


Usual Attire: When he wants to leave a good impression on others, he often is seen dressed in formal suits (even when driving a taxi). When he feels free to relax, he wears more loose fitting clothing.


Tattoos: N/A

Piercings: N/A

5 Traits:

-Intelligent: He was raised in a wealthy family with learning opportunities readily available as he grew up. He values knowledge and looks down on those who won't be considered the brightest tools in the shed.

-Independant: He is quite a loner, maybe even a little bit selfish, and would rather not depend on others for things he could do by himself.

-"Yes-Man": He has a rather hard time saying no, especially to those he cares about. He would do almost anything that is asked of him, whether or not he can actually do the task.

-Wealthy: While it seems like it would be a good thing to have a rich family, it actually makes Benson seem a bit...lazy. He feels no need to bother in working hard and would rather just go with the flow.

-Open: This means that he is very open and not great with secrets. He is honest and will make sure his opinion is heard....even if his opinion can be offensive and rude.

Reason Why You're Here: Benson was going about his normal life one day when a couple, a man and a women, came into the back seat of the taxi. He had asked them where they were heading, only to watch them cuddle up and stare at each other with loving eyes. The taxi driver was uncomfortable as he watched their embrace. When he finally got their attention, they told him that they were heading over to a cafe to see their son and convince him to call this ad they found about The Bachelorette. Benson drove them over to their location; right before they left, they noticed that their driver did not have a ring on his finger. They immediately shoved a flier into his face and exited the vehicle.

The whole situation got Benson thinking... He never really had anyone to call his lover, as he was pretty much a loner in his younger years. Perhaps this was a sign. It was his second chance at finding love. He could maybe start a new Journey of his own with this woman who was merely a stranger to him....for now.

Other: I kind of just rushed over this whole application and didn't go into detail. I wanted to make sure I get a chance to have a spot (even though I JUST signed up for the site).

I also noticed that there's like one IRL guy applying so far.

Name: Isabelle Marie Blake

Nicknames: Marie, Belle, Bell, Isa, or Izzy

Age: 22

Birthday: July, 13th

Sex: Female

Blood Type: AB

Occupation:She owns her own radio show that she hosts and she is a tv host to


Usual Attire:

Tattoos: N/A

Piercings:her ears she wears ruby earrings.

5 Traits: Smart




Follows rules

Reason Why Your Here:Isabelle hopes to find love being a lesbian has not been fun for her she hopes to find love and quit being denied by her friends.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.94c2c72fe7acc803bb83b02a860bb8c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.94c2c72fe7acc803bb83b02a860bb8c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Appearance

Usual attire<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.0aae241a9627e400d2850de8ce50cb05.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.0aae241a9627e400d2850de8ce50cb05.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jackson Hoke



Sept, 16


Blood Type:

Lawyer (In law school)


Usual Attire:

N/APiercings: N/A


  • Sweet: Jackson can be a real lovebug if you open up to him.
  • Old fashioned: Jackson has manners and is very polite. He always pulls the chair out for a girl, or opens the car door.
  • Persuasive: Jackson can turn the tables his way if he wanted to. He has skills in charisma and mostly wins arguments.
  • Athletic: Jackson is an athletic person and would rather walk or jog outside then watch T.V. he's pretty good at any sport.
  • Caring: Jackson can feel your pain if you're hurt. He tends to stay by your side and is very open to you.

Reason Why Your Here: Jackson has been broken hearted for a long time. He hopes to find a new relationship... and not one that lasts two weeks!


Neal Qaurters


Tuna-only his grandmother calls him that




December 26th



Blood Type:



Freelance artist




Usual Attire:


Tattoos: N/A

Piercings: N/A

5 Traits: I use him a lot and have this all written out

Neal likes to express himself, through art or through music. He is typically a big ball of energy and all around happiness, he bounces off the walls. Neal is the kind of person to project into the world that he loves everyone and has a classic, 'I don't care what people think about me' attitude. this is in fact to prevent people from getting to close, if Neal lets you in you, you must be special. You could also easily break him from the inside. It's rare and he doesn't let it happen. Neal very much likes to focus on what is going on right here and right now around him. He is normally more casual not to formal and not to informal, he gives everyone he meets a chance, never judging on a snap, he knows that he has a story so everyone else must. But be warned you only get one chance with him and he can be rather easily offended. Neal likes to move with the time and flow with whatever is happening around him. He is not the type of person to interrupt something that seems like a good thing, a perfect combination of 'go with the flow' and 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. On the other hand if he sees something wrong with the 'flow' or general happenings he will by no means keep quiet about it. He is one who will speak his mind and not back down. Neal speaks his mind at all times and generally doesn't filter his thoughts feeling that if people can't handle him inside there is no reason to have them around him. He is kind and gentle, especially towards animals and children.

Reason Why Your Here:

"I honestly have no idea I just sorta went for it I mean, Try new things right? It's not like I date traditionally so well so why the hell not?"

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