The Avengers RP - Sign Ups!


kyber child
When Loki breaks free from Asgradian prison and returns to Earth to exact his revenge, the Avengers must assemble once again to take him down. But this time, Loki will stop at nothing to torture the Avengers for ruining his scheme.


  • Black Widow / Natasha Romanov
  • Iron Man / Tony Stark
  • Hawkeye / Clint Barton (reserved)
  • The Incredible Hulk / Bruce Banner
  • Captain America / Steve Rogers
  • Thor
  • Loki
  • Director Nick Fury
  • Agent Phil Coulson
  • Agent Maria Hill
  • Pepper Potts

Just claim a character and provide a writing sample (one full paragraph of writing from your desired character's perspective) and ill approve you. Once we have a decent number of role-players, I'll open it up for anyone to take on another character and then make the thread. I'll choose my character after the first few people sign up. I am also open to ONE or TWO original characters (OCs), but THAT IS ALL. Thanks for joining!

EDIT: Someone has already claimed the OC spot, so unless somebody else can come up with an absolutely amazing OC, that will be all.
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Go for it! I will have to ask you to make a bio for your OC, but I'm familiar with your writing, so there's no need to include a writing sample.
Yes you may. Do you mind writing me a quick writing sample? I don't normally roleplay with you, so I'm not familiar with the quality of your writing. Just a quick paragraph in the perspective of your character will do nicely.
Of Course!

Loki, Lauffey-son, rightful King of Asgard. His deep hatred boiled up inside of him, his scowl widening as he watched his elder brother walk down the aisle, Mijolnir in his right hand. The crowd roared with cheers and praises for their new king, although Loki knew what was coming. This would be his revenge for all those years that he cowered in Thor's shadow; for being the outcast.
Wonderful! I'll go cross him off the list for you. 
Would you guys mind spreading the word around? I can't seem to get anyone else to join this.
I am interested in this rp if it is serious. What kind of battles are we talking about here? Would you control the enemy or is it roughly just Loki coming at us?
Well, the player who has claimed Loki will decide that, but the idea is essentially that he will attack each Avenger individually to get revenge on the each of them for ruining his plans of ruling Earth. Seeing as how dark and gory violence is generally frowned upon on most RP sites, we'll have to keep the violence down a bit, but I assume most of it will be battles and preparing for battles, etc. I guess I'm slightly confused on what you mean by serious? Of course it's legitimate and all that, and we'll all do our best to make it exciting and realistic. Is that what you mean?
Hmmm. I think you'd do best as Tony or Steve. Also, if not a lot of people join, you might just be able to play two characters.
I'm going to open it up for everyone to take second characters after a couple people join. I'm leaning heavily on Tony and slightly less heavily on Tasha...
Ugh! I'm so torn! I'm always Tony in Avengers roleplays, and I've never been Natasha before. Plus I was watching the movie last night and that's what inspired me to make this, and I was really digging Tasha. I dunno. I'll make my mind up eventually.
Bahah okay. My bio should be up as soon as I decide what her uniform should be. 
Name: Arabella Jones (Whisper)

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Technopathy: Ability to manipulate technology. It is manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows for mental interface with computer data.

Telekinesis: Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye by linking mentally with the objects.


* Arabella is what you would call petite, and isn’t the strongest hero out there.

* Arabella cannot use her telekinesis for a long amount of time, and cannot lift anything larger than a semi-truck with her power.

* While using her technopathy to control large machines, Arabella needs to focus all of her energy and concentration on doing so, leaving her vulnerable if she has to fight.

* Arabella is frightened of letting everyone down, being useless, and/or being hated by those who she cares about. She is also frightened of the ocean or deep water.



Brief Personality: Arabella is inquisitive, easy-going, a realist, and up for anything as long as it isn’t detrimental to her or any other’s well being. Alongside that, she is compassionate, caring, and immensely defensive of those she cares about. When under stress, she often is reserved and quiet, only interjecting when she feels is a good point to. Arabella is also witty, sarcastic, cautious, and thoughtful. If her friends or those she protects are threatened, she becomes hostile and tense. If she is the one being threatened, she’ll often pass it off as nothing and reply with a sarcastic comment. Over all, she puts others first.

Partner/Crush: Open
I was also thinking that the way she could be incorporated into the Avengers was that she was a student assigned an intern at Stark tower that caught Tony's attention with the gadgets she was creating, and then was recruited by Fury. Is that good?
Actually, Frostiron is my otp... So, in my mind, yeah. That and Pepperony... I'm always torn.

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