The Aurors office (HP RP)


New Member
In an alternative wizard world where You-Know-Who killed Nevill Longbottom when he was just one years old and Harry Potter is just an ordinary boy growing up with his parents. This means that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named seized the power shortly after that and England and the rest of the wizarding community has lived in fear ever since. Every muggle is a free target and the muggle authorities are confounded where all this fogs come from. Snatchers is everywhere and all muggle borns must learn magic from whoever is willing to teach tem because they don't have any right to education anymore. This was 1981.

Now it's 2012 and nothing has changed. Whatever little is left of the Order of the Phoenix is now calling themselfs "the Aurors office" and mostly concised of the children to those who was in it the first time. Those who are alive from the original set up is only four it's professor Mcgonagall, now an old lady and no longer an active member, Shacklebolt that works in the ministri as the head of the Auror department, who's primary job is now too make sure the muggleborns are either exterminated or contained. Lupin but he is uncontactable as he is in deep with Greybacks pack and lastly Tonks. The others are dead. Either by age or murder by the death eaters.

The rest of the office consist of children to the order or those who have join later. The leader of the office is a muggelborn by the name Hermione Weasley. Her husband, the spider-fearing Ronald is also an important character as well as his younger sister Ginny Potter and their older brothers Fred, George and Percy. As Hermione is a known muggelborn and Ron and his sister known bloodtraitors they must keep themselves hidden at headquarters witch is 12 grimmauld place a nice house concealed to muggles and those who don't already know where it is. The secret keeper is Hermione herself. At headquarters all planes are made and everyone who works for the office know it's location. The office also has muggleborn traning but that is not held in the headquaters them self and everybody takes turns teaching.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has ruled England for 31 years now and the only thing that maybe can give a glimt of hope is that the people who was just tagging along with You-Know-Who to get a piece of his glory has now realized what he is capable off, like the Malfoys boy Draco, and want out. Too bad it's too late.

Harry and Draco is undercover with the death eaters and are both currently working at the ministri. Both of the oldest Weasley brothers as well as their parents are dead. Snape never turned to Dumbeldore because Lilly never died and is therefor still You-Know-Who's second hand man.

So this RP is really an experiment and I can change the people involved if requested and will be set in this universe and what exactly what it will be about isn't decided yet. It can either be just around the headquaters or the "muggle" school or a team undercover or really anything just come with suggestions and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. I'm new at this forum but not to RP.

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