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Fantasy The Astoria School of Magic


The First of Her Name

Character Creation

Realistic Artwork or Photography only







Favored Magic:







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Princess Alumia Eireon


  • age. 16

    gender. female

    species. witch

    house. phoenixfire

    title. princess of eireon

    birthplace. astoria, eireon.

    sexual orientation. heterosexual

    relationship status. single

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Raven Morningstar

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/amandla-stenberg-bisexual_ezy6cz.jpg.d4bdb20ed70b9423e647a18d16a1bc91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138579" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/amandla-stenberg-bisexual_ezy6cz.jpg.d4bdb20ed70b9423e647a18d16a1bc91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/390a63d3c90600fb21864fabc41605ed.jpg.a408ef53d22e7720703600b60f1b2d75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/390a63d3c90600fb21864fabc41605ed.jpg.a408ef53d22e7720703600b60f1b2d75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Is just weakness

House: Dragonfang











Leaving the body



-Dark Magic

-Defensive Magic

-Offensive Magic

-Defense Against Dark Magic



-Sword Fighting

-Magic Theory

Pet: One cat named Shadow

Favored Magic:

Dark Magic has always been her favorite because of how utterly complex and captivating it is.



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  • Name: Elias Drako

    Species: Dragon

    House: PheonixFire

    Preferred Magic: Elemental Magic and Healing Magic

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Pansexual

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Name: Sienna Marlok

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Shy, Leader, Calm, Thoughtful, Quiet

History: Sienna came from a pretty good life. Or atleast, thats what she was taught. She had been trained to be a mercenary, never allowed to have a normal life. Using different methods to kill a dummy in her training area WAS normal for her. Then, she was sent to Astoria. The brunette beauty can't wait to see what excitement this year will bring!





Offensive Magic Class




Magic Theory

Mythological Creatures

Pet: None

Others: Gains a green aura of energy that she manipulates when she is angry. She rarely gets angry though.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/chico-65961-1466293241.jpg.7640927eefc388e2f78096f967b4c539.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/chico-65961-1466293241.jpg.7640927eefc388e2f78096f967b4c539.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Evelyn Haper










Favored Magic:

Alchemy or Charms




(Though she has no pointed ears, no piercing on them.)

Personality: Kind, Forgiving, Smart, Daydreamer, observer, bookworm, listener.

History: TBR









Sword Fighting.




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Alysane Starfall


  • age. 17

    gender. female

    species. witch

    house. griffonclaw

    title. lady of elynwern

    birthplace. elynwern, eireon.

    sexual orientation. heterosexual

    relationship status. single

Francis Lo'Kale











The House Pheonixfire • The Brave

Favored Magic:







He is determined, focused and never gives up. He is wiling to do almost anything to help the people he cares for. He is a planner.


Defense Magics

Defense aganist Dark Arts

Offensive Magic



Sword Fighting

Mythological Creatures Class

Art. (There was nothing else Suiting.)

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Alexander Eireon




House:House Griffonclaw • The Wise


Favored Magic:

Magical Combat

A magic that would boost Alexander's combat abilities, like the increase of his strength, agility, and durability.

His body could also automatically move in order to save himself from attacks that he did not expect.

This magic would also heighten his senses and improve his reflexes.

Energy Magic

A magic that would make him control energy fields, like forming a shield, bridge, weapon, etc.

Fire Magic

A magic that would allow him to manipulate fire

Healing Magic

A Magic that would give him abilities to heal people.

He could also use this magic to make him regenerate even faster.

Personality: He is a fierce yet humble and kind man, he loves to help people in need. He can easily get mad when he, his family, or his friend is insulted. He is friendly and often smiles.

He looks up to his father and brother and aspires to be like them some day. In order for his dreams to come true he works hard and focuses on his studies.


Alexander is the youngest out of the 3 Children of Duke Acarius.

Since he was 6 years old he practiced on his Sword fighting skills and magic .


Core Classes:

Offensive Magic Class

Defensive Magic Class

Defense Against Dark Magic Class

Healing Class


Sword Fighting Class

Magic Theory Class

Mythological Creature Class

Pet: Jason- A Black Pegasus


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Eldon Valenborne


  • age. 18

    gender. male

    species. wizard

    house. dragonfang

    birthplace. islands of nath, eireon.

    sexual orientation. heterosexual

    relationship status. single

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(@everyonee theres a new class; defense against dark magic class which is taught by aaron eireon)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.bf9f970b001deaf3b15d89148c7afc06.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.bf9f970b001deaf3b15d89148c7afc06.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Bahouros Niasin (Ba-Hour-us knee-ass-in)



House:dragon fang


Favored Magic:

Illusion magic

Summoning magic

Glyph magic


Bahouros stands at about 6ft2in and weighs 165lbs

He's relatively fit and often wears silver jewelry. He wields two kukri and always has them holstered on his left hip, and a tome of his magical studies on the right. His outfits are usually in shades of brown,grey,and black

Personality:Bahouros is a confident young man, but he isn't known for boldness or arrogance. He is most well known for his strategies and studies. He will often formulate plans for his day in the morning and will adhere to that plan. He is very good at "dealing with people" usually able to fit the mold of what is needed in the group he is in. He prides himself on being muti-talented.

History:Bahouros was born to Sir Eobard Niasin and his wife Tamira Niasin. The two were a Wandering team of explorers, his father a well known Ranger, and his mother a cleric. The two accomplished great things together but both agree that by far the greatest achievement was the birth of their son Bahouros.

They named him after a long forgotten God from an ancient culture, the god of Intellect and ingenuity. True to his namesake Bahouros was a voracious learner. While the other kids were out practicing swordplay or just playing around in general,he was inside his house reading books about the ways of the world. He has become well versed in dwarven,elven, and even a few launguages that are region specific. He learned about the various plants and animals throughout the kingdoms. Even going so far as to study maps and regional politics. However he now seeks knowledge that can only be learned in one place...At the Astaria School of magic


Dark magic

Defense against dark magic

Defensive magic

Offensive magic

Magic theory


Sword fighting



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.06e722994c9ebe4cc5e4dd561e4fc388.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.06e722994c9ebe4cc5e4dd561e4fc388.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Azure is a six inch blue will o wisp, he was found by Bahouros's parents and given to him on his sixteenth birthday.

It is Made out of a blue spirit flame that cannot be extinguished by normal means, he can project flames but not to far or to large, usually a blue golf all sized fireball. It likes to be In warm places such as ovens of fires.

When in an open fire he will dance with joy.


Bahouros always has a motive behind his actions, attempting to figure the motive out is an arduous task. He isn't evil, but he thoroughly believes in survival of the fittest and can be very cruel at times.



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Name: Hope Maverick

Age: 17

Gender: Female

House: Unicornhorn

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Favored Magic: Water and music magic

Appearance: Long, pale pink hair that is usually tied the side, light blue eyes and pale skin. 170cm and 50kg

Personality: Carefree, cheerful, graceful, kind, laughs a lot

History: The Maverick Family was a family of generations and generations of spies. From the moment she was born, Hope's parents prepared her for the life of a spy and she commenced training when she was a mere 3 years old. She was an excellent spy but never good enough for her parents so they set off on a journey by ship to help enhance her skills, not telling her their destination. She never found out. Sirens lured the ship away from their course, charming the passengers with their enchanting voices, only to kill them. Right when Hope was on the brink of death, a kind Siren who did not agree with the ways of her fellow creatures came to rescue her and brought her to an obscure island hidden in the mist. It was there that Hope bonded with the Siren, Ligeia who bestowed upon her the powers of a Siren and made her a Halfling. After a few years of teaching Hope everything she knew, she brought her back to the mainland and helped her enroll in the Astoria School of Magic.

Classes: Main- Charm Class, Astronomy Class, Potion Class, Dark Magic Class

Electives- Choir Class, Magic Theory Class, Mythological Creatures Class


Other: Trained in the art of spying

Rivera Diamond



Name: Rivera Diamond

Age: 16

Species: Witch

Gender: Female

House: DragonFang

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Favored Magic: Time Magic and Weather Magic


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 129lbs

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Her hair is waist length but usually seen in a ponytail

Eye Color: Blue-Green

Body Type: Slim

Placement of house brand: Left Thigh


Personality: Rivera is a mystery. No one really knows what she's thinking, of her past or much about her. All they know is her personality. She is manipulative and has a way of using her charm and words to make you do as she says. Rivera is also very adventurous and loves to stir up a little trouble. She's sarcastic as you get to know her but upon first meeting, she's shy and quiet. Once you are closer to her, she opens up about her past but is a very closed but. She is also very free spirited and loves to make jokes. Rivera is protective of people she cares about as she does not like to hurt those she cares for.

In Depth

History: Rivera grew up as the daughter of two very skilled and famous wizard, Adeline Diamond and Adrian Diamond. As she grew up she learned to master weather magic since it was quite easy for her to control. As she got the gist of it, her parents introduced her to time magic. She practiced every day and eventually became better at both of her magics. She isn't a master of them yet, still in the process of learning new spells, but she is advanced for her age.

Her mother died when she was 13, six years ago and because Adeline's first magic was weather magic, Rivera is making it her goal to master that to please her mother. Rivera does not like revealing her past to anyone for many reasons, too many to list. Rivera is also very powerful but she is unaware of this.

Classes: Charm Class|Dark Magic Class|Defensive Magic Class|Transformation Class|Flying Class| Magic Theory Class| Sword Fighting Class|

Pet: N/A


Other: That picture was taken when Rivera was cosplaying as one of her favorite characters.

-She has pretty good fighting skills

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Name: Yurgrabella Opalgranite


Species: Dwarf

Gender: Female

House: Unicornhorn

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Favored Magic: Offensive and Healing magic

Yurgabella Opalgranite

Personality: Yurgrabella is strong-willed and would always do what is right despite the sacrifices she might make. She is a warrior at heart but a tug at her compassion makes her deeply flawed and confused especially during battle.

History: The Opalgranite's has always been loyal subjects to the royal family and has been serving in Astoria since the beginning of time. Since then, they had built a large family of dwarves enough to make many establishments for mining and forgery around all 14 Kingdoms. But dwarves were always more successful on non-magic jobs and so an opalgranite training for magic was a rare sight.

Classes: Core:

Healing Class

Offensive and Defensive Class

History of magic


Flying Class

Sword Fighting Class

Magic Theory Class


Pet: Sunset (A pixie that she accidentaly met. Considered more of a companion than a pet)

Other: Yurgabella actually just followed his brother into the school (which I will make if I have more time) :)

} no slide no slide no slide no slide


-Height: 172cm

-Weight: 52kg

-Build: Light, slightly toned, somewhat curvy

-Hair: White/silver

-Eyes: Cyan blue

-Clothing: Long grey robe

-House Symbol: On her lower back


Favored Magic


The user is capable of using demonic magic to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. This type of magic is usually used by a dark and evil entity or those related to them.


The user is capable of using Divine magic to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. The user has to be to from divine origin, connected to a divine source, or trained by a divine entity to utilize this ability.

Arcane Control

Arcane (a.k.a. arcane magic, arcane energy, warp energy), the language of order, is a celestial energy derived from the phase transitions of mana—if mana were water, then arcane would be steam pressure. Chaotic in nature, arcane is so similar to an element it might as well be one, for all magical intents and purposes.


Name: Yrvina Ravenwood

Age: 98

Species: Owl

Emilia's father, Zelos, was unfaithful to his wife. He had a child with a woman from the slums. The woman had hair white as snow and eyes blue as the sky. The woman died giving birth and Zelos had to take the child along with him.

In the beginning, Zelos' wife Elania disagreed with Zelos' decision to take the child in their family. Considering the fact that they were one of the leading houses, taking in a bastard child would've tainted house Thundaor. Finally Zelos was able to convince her, telling people that Emilia was a child that he and his wife had. Clearly people started doubting him, since the girl looked nothing like her 'parents'.

Little did they know, as sun fell and the moon rose, new abilities awakened in her. Every night Emilia would sneak out of the house to practice demonic magic. For generations the Thundaor house used divine magic and dark magic was strongly prohibited. There was no sign of anyone in the past that was able to use it either, since you have to be of 'tainted' blood to use it. Or at least that's what they thought.

Emilia likes to break the rules every so often. She's adventurous and confident. She's devoted to her studies and enthusiastic to learn more. She's good-natured, but since she's independent, she comes off as slightly rude. She likes sarcasm and taking risks, which sometimes gets her in trouble. Emilia's not very realistic with her dreams, so that pisses people off too.
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SivOmega said:

no slide


-Height: 172cm

-Weight: 52kg

-Build: Light, slightly toned, somewhat curvy

-Hair: White/silver

-Eyes: Cyan blue

-Clothing: Long grey robe

-House Symbol: Thundaor symbol on her lower back


Favored Magic


The user is capable of using demonic magic to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. This type of magic is usually used by a dark and evil entity or those related to them.


The user is capable of using Divine magic to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. The user has to be to from divine origin, connected to a divine source, or trained by a divine entity to utilize this ability.

Arcane Control

Arcane (a.k.a. arcane magic, arcane energy, warp energy), the language of order, is a celestial energy derived from the phase transitions of mana—if mana were water, then arcane would be steam pressure. Chaotic in nature, arcane is so similar to an element it might as well be one, for all magical intents and purposes.


Name: Yrvina Ravenwood

Age: 98

Species: Owl

Emilia's father, Zelos, was unfaithful to his wife. He had a child with a woman from the slums. The woman had hair white as snow and eyes blue as the sky. The woman died giving birth and Zelos had to take the child along with him.

In the beginning, Zelos' wife Elania disagreed with Zelos' decision to take the child in their family. Considering the fact that they were one of the leading houses, taking in a bastard child would've tainted house Thundaor. Finally Zelos was able to convince her, telling people that Emilia was a child that he and his wife had. Clearly people started doubting him, since the girl looked nothing like her 'parents'.

Little did they know, as sun fell and the moon rised, new abilities awakened in her. Every night Emilia would sneak out of the house to practice demonic magic. For generations the Thundaor house used divine magic and dark magic was strongly prohibited. There was no sign of anyone in the past that was able to use it either, since you have to be of 'tainted' blood to use it. Or at least that's what they thought.

Emilia likes to break the rules every so often. She's adventurous and confident. She's devoted to her studies and enthusiastic to learn more. She's good-natured, but since she's independent, she comes off as slightly rude. She likes sarcasm and taking risks, which sometimes gets her in trouble. Emilia's not very realistic with her dreams, so that pisses people off too.
Did you read the house list in the overview..? i did not think there was one with that symbol.

EDIT: Also, Charms is not an elective.
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LilyannaGaming said:
Did you read the house list in the overview..? i did not think there was one with that symbol.
EDIT: Also, Charms is not an elective.
Oh crap! I totally misunderstood. My bad. Fixed some stuff, hope it's okay now :D

Also, idk why my bbcodes are going crazy. I hope nobody minds lol.

Sierra Rosethorn











Probably UnicornHorn, hasn't been sorted yet

Favored Magic:

Mind Magic especially Telepathy, eg. Teleportation


Sweet, shy and compassionate, Sierra wouldn't hurt a fly unless protecting herself or anyone she loved. She could potentially be a force to reckon with, but most of the time she is so sweet she wouldn't hurt anyone.


Sierra's parents are both fairly adept at magic and taught her what they could. As she could not talk back to her parents, or interrupt, she was a model child and student. She did fairly well in these lessons, and discovered her strength for 'Tele' magic- Telepathy, Telekinises, Teleportation ect. One of the main things she learnt, was how to spell cast without any aloud incantation. She was fairly happy, but missed out on some experiences other children get because of her condition.

When she got the opportunity to come to the school, she was overjoyed that she could enhance her magic knowledge and meet new people, but was also worried that she would struggle because of the way she is.





Defensive Magic



Mythological Creatures Class

Magical Theory

Art Class


Lila-a tiny dragon that is gentle like Sierra, and couldn't live with other dragons because she didn't want to hurt anyone.



Sierra is completely mute, due to a medical condition. This is why she relies so much on Telepathy so she can converse with others.
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SassyAndroidSera said:

Sienna Rosethorn











Probably UnicornHorn, hasn't been sorted yet

Favored Magic:

Mind Magic especially Telepathy, eg. Teleportation


Sweet, shy and compassionate, Sienna wouldn't hurt a fly unless protecting herself or anyone she loved. She could potentially be a force to reckon with, but most of the time she is so sweet she wouldn't hurt anyone.


Sienna's parents are both fairly adept at magic and taught her what they could. As she could not talk back to her parents, or interrupt, she was a model child and student. She did fairly well in these lessons, and discovered her strength for 'Tele' magic- Telepathy, Telekinises, Teleportation ect. One of the main things she learnt, was how to spell cast without any aloud incantation. She was fairly happy, but missed out on some experiences other children get because of her condition.

When she got the opportunity to come to the school, she was overjoyed that she could enhance her magic knowledge and meet new people, but was also worried that she would struggle because of the way she is.





Defensive Magic



Mythological Creatures Class

Magical Theory

Art Class


Lila-a tiny dragon that is gentle like Sienna, and couldn't live with other dragons because she didn't want to hurt anyone.



Sienna is completely mute, due to a medical condition. This is why she relies so much on Telepathy so she can converse with others.
I couldn't help that your character has the same name as mine..
Dalisander said:
I couldn't help that your character has the same name as mine..
Does she?? Sorry, I didn't know, I could probably change it... Does Sierra work?
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Name: Luvon Opalgranite

Age: 18

Species: Halfling (Elf and Dwarf)

Gender: Male

House: Griffonclaw

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Favored Magic: Summoning magic, Alchemy, Theory of magic

Psonality: Luvon is very passive yet very intelligent. He appears as if he cares little but truly cares enough for the people around him, he just doesn't know how to express it. He also wants to know every little detail of how things works, he is an active learner with a passion.

History: As a child Luvon had been taken care of by the elves in Shai but born a halfling to a visiting dwarf miner, the elves were never pleased to be in his company. He was the victim of constant bullying by his cousins and half brothers that at age of 13 he decided to set out on a journey for himself. Unfortunately, his brothers saw this as a chance to pull the young Luvon down, accusing him of treachery, theft and many other crimes against their family. He was then, for years, kept under tight security, living an unpleasant life with going to school as his only privilege. Luvon then acknowledged knowledge as his sole comfort and in a short span of time, he became #1 in all his classes in Shai. And by the age of 17, he was invited to the school in Astoria where his family had no reach nor was in any position to refuse. They arranged for him to stay with the Opalgranite's(his dad) during vacations and the dwarf family welcomed him quite warmly.


Core: Alchemy Class, History of Magic Class, Astronomy Class, Defense Against Dark Magic class.

Elective: Mythological Creatures Class, Magic Theory Class, Art Class

Pet: N/A


-Luvon was Yurgabella's inspiration to attend the school.

-Luvon also has a lot of scars in his body.
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I would like to get this character approved before I begin.

Name: Illevai "Machi" Oloccin

("Il"-"Levi", "Machi", "Ol"-"Oxen")

Appearance: EXACTLY like this guy. His clothes are considered ancient with all your frills and such.


Age: 18

Species: Human

Gender: Male

House: Dragonfang

Sexuality: Bisexual

Favored Magic: Potion Brewing.

Personality: Appears to be very sweet and tender, flatters people and gives many gifts to those who are close. However, when it comes to his goal of producing a legacy of new incantations, concoctions, and more: he becomes incredibly cold and stoic.

History: Raised as an orphan his entire life, he was only allowed into this school under the approval of his peers as there was a vote from who to send to better schooling. He had done well with Magic Theory and History, but in practice never could perform any of his complex combination of spells unless friends were with him. Alchemy, Herbs, and Potions on the other hand was Machi's Specialty, and had spent months on end to help save his friend when he was 13. Using only Herbs (which was always bought with his allowance), self-experimentation (which ended usually in vomiting), and Determination (There was a total of 12 attempts), Machi was able to extend his friend's life expectancy by a few weeks when the current medicine could not.



Alchemy ii

Herbology ii

Potion (Brewing) ii

History (Of Magic) iii


Magic Theory iii

Art i

Sword Fighting i
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Lady Lyanna Voltruin


  • age. 15

    gender. female

    species. elven

    house. to be decided

    title. lady of shai

    birthplace. shai, eireon

    sexual orientation. undecided

    relationship status. single


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