The Arran Chronicles


The RP is currently under construction. I will post here when I am finished and sign ups can begin.

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@Soo Soo Sook

Shouldn't Skymarch have a higher wealth level? Seeing as they control a majority of the land trade, wouldn't they be receiving large sums from tolls and other things, like merchants staying in taverns. The assorted mix.
Pass wall is meant to be an easier route through the mountains and has taken much of that trade. Though you do make a good argument. I'll give Skymarch one more wealth point for that. I intended for it to be a tradeoff, less of an economy but a huge defence bonus from the mountains.
If we don't get enough players would it be possible to double up? I've made a couple stat rolls and would be happy to make characters for other people's household.

One of them as some lower but rounded stats so if no one wants them as a servant they could become a sibling / child or some other role (it was mentioned in the mechanics we could try making other character types)
[QUOTE="Soo Soo Sook]I'm making one, with my poor artistic talents, my focus is making it look not-terrible.

It doesn't have to be good. Do it like I did for my roleplay, and just separate the fiefs with black lines and color them in. Then put a key in the corner saying what color is what fief. I did mine in MS Paint.
Yes, you can double up. What I wanted originally was the four main households to each have a noble, master of arms, and a spy master, all twelve characters being player characters, with Pass wall and Narrow Coast being for overflow if we had more than twelve interested. But this will work. We will need a king/queen, a role which I could fill if we have no other takers.
I will take the role of monarch of Arran in the RP, then, since we seem to have no takers. Now, create secondary characters if you wish, I'd like at least one additional player character per household to make sure this is interesting.
Could we perhaps start the rp in some kind of meeting or council or something? That way, we only require the rulers at the time, and then if we get more people, they can show up or be at our castles when the meeting is over? Maybe some kind of royal celebration in the capital.
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That would work. I was thinking of having my queen character be very young and inexperienced (so as to give the players more influence, since I'm the GM and am not supposed to be influencing IC events too much). So the celebration could be for her coronation.
How so? If we start with just the nobles we have atm, we can say any new people are just having nobles who were delayed on arrival.

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