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The Arran Chronicles

This will be an RP full of political maneuvering, backstabbing, lies, and deceit. I have a fairly complex system worked out to manage all of this, and I think it will be fun. Each major house will have a main thread for public moves and a PM conversation for secret plotting. If you want to send a message to another house in secret (if you wanted to betray your own faction) you will send a PM to me and I will determine what will happen according to stats and die rolls. I'll take care of all die rolls for the sake of simplicity. Trust me, I won't cheat or metagame even if I decide to play a character too. (:3)

Draconis is a planet of the far future. A land of ignorance and of great knowledge. A world of aging technology, where what exists is ever decaying, and the handful of people with the knowledge to use it is ever decreasing.

Arran is a feudal society ruled by a king from the city of Highcastle. He rules through his vassals, the largest of which are the duchies of Grathom, Skymarch, and the Jagged Plains. Within and around these fiefs are multiple baronies, earldoms, and counties.

This feudal society has cultivated a culture of intrigue. A culture where every move is masked by multiple layers of courtesy and subtlety. A culture where betrayal and double crossing is common place.

Battles are mostly fought with swords, pikes, and crude muskets and cannon. The lowly soldiers wear mail or plate, while the important wear lavish uniforms and are protected by personal shield generators. Some few people, known as sages, are capable of using and repairing great battle machines, airships, fortresses that crawl over the landscape, and great weapons that can cast projectiles over great distances. These devices become ever rarer as time goes on, for no country, however mighty, has the capability to build new ones.

There will be a system of stats. Personal stats which will be used in duels, assassination, sabotage, spying, etc. And, for those who rule a fief, national stats to be used for any open conflict.

Sorry if this strange idea is hard to put in either fantasy or futuristic. To tell the truth, it all came to me in a dream. I hope plenty of you will be interested!
Excellent! We'll need a king/queen character for Arran, a duke/duchess for each duchy, and preferably at least one player to serve in the courts of all four. We could, I suppose, fill in some gaps with NPCs, but each NPC puts a lot of strain on me as the GM. We'd definitely need at least four players to make this function.
It will be later tonight, seeing as her timezone is very opposite ours, most of ours anyway.

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