Story The archer and the devil of hells kitchen

the story


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It was a calm morning in hells kitchen, lily was setting her boxes inside her new appartment (which was across from matt), after a four boxes and few minutes later she sets the last breakable item box inside the appartment and started to unpack her things. Lily hopes this new city will help her start anew as herself and white archer. the taxi that brought her to the appartment left as lily unpacks
there was a knock on the door “hello? Is anyone home?”
An unfamiliar voice called “we’re your neighbors from next door, we’d like to meet you.”

lily was setting the arrows in a passcode drawer in her bedroom when she heard the knock and voice at the door, she puts the last arrow in the drawer before closing it, causing it to lock
lily walks over to the door and opens it:"hello..."

“hello, my name is my Foggy Nelson,” a man with dirty blonde kinda strawberry hair in a bob cut smiled “this is my friend Matt Murdock.”
He gestured to the taller man in a nice suit in a cane, round red sunglasses covered his eyes, his nice hair shined a bit in the light, he looked like he hasn’t shaved in a few days, a small cut on his defined cheekbones

lily look at foggy as he introduced himself then she looks at Matt
of course though her two voices in her head were speaking
crystal, lily wolf spirit spoke in lily mind:'that Matt guy looks very nice......i can tell your starting to feel something for him'
Galaxia the symbiote aka is hidding as a choker smooth necklace spoke in lily mind:'crystal that may be but remember lily has had.....a tough time with guys.......especially after her first love broke up with her and then she broke up with the second guy to keep him safe and to let him move on. she just got to this world.....let her at least get used to this world...'
lily thought to herself:'both of you please quiet down......i'm not i dont want to admit it'
lily then look at both Matt and Foggy:"its nice to meet you both.....i'm lily walker" she lied about the last name
crystal and galaxia mentally facepalm in lily mind, they knew she lied about her last name, but knew she was going to get it changed soon

Foggy and Matt smiled “it’s nice to meet you.” Matt gleamed
Foggy: “if you ever need legal help we’re attorneys.”
Matt: “Foggy I swear.”

Lily thought it was a bit funny how foggy brought it up and it reminded her of crystal and galaxia.
Lily smile a bit, she didn't want them to know about her evil guardian after her:"its alright, i will ask you both if i ever need help with legal or court stuff....even though i just got here yesterday so im still getting used to living in the city.."

“oh if you ever need someone to show you around just come over, I grew up here.” Matt smiled
“and if you don’t want to get lost with a blind man ask me.” Foggy laughed a bit

Lily smiled and laugh lightly:"i might take up your offer but i dont know if i want to get lost...."
“Ignore Foggy I know Hell’s Kitchen like the back of my hand.” Matt sighed
Lily:"i'll go with you then about tommorow afternoon?"
Matt smiled “that works for me."

Lily smiled:"great...i should be off first day of work by then ...unless something comes up"
(((*still working on story*)))

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