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Fantasy The Araal Campaign | Lore



The Paladin

  • Overview
    The world of Tennim is vast and diverse with dozens upon dozens of nations world-wide. It shares a similar ecosystem to our world of Earth with dense jungles and barren deserts with vast seas. The further north you go the hotter it becomes, with the further south the colder it becomes. Over three billion people call this floating cosmic marble home.

    The overall technological level of the world can be compared to mid-late 1800s. In some areas they are more advanced, while in other areas they are less so, with magic often being employed to get results far beyond the time period. Colossal floating airships are a thing, whereas smaller craft or proper planes are not. Trains are a common form of long distance travel whereas motorized vehicles do not yet exist. The seas are dominated by steam-powered metal behemoths with sails and magic being alternate forms of propulsion.

    Humans are the dominant species of Tennim, but there exists a plethora of other species that call the planet home. While they can generally be classed together into a few categories, the diversity seen throughout the world is immense.

    While the world of Tennim is vast, it is too vast, and as such we need to narrow our focus onto the specific continent of Araal. As that is where this campaign takes place.

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      The continent of Araal is one massive peninsula jutting out from the westward coasts of Sarathal. The island nations of Malai and Alatha are also considered part of the continent with the remaining nearby landmasses being parts of greater continents. The entire region is fairly temperate with one being required to travel to the northern or southern tips of the peninsula to experience warmer or colder biomes. While there are only four nations that call the continent home, there are seven that influence the region.

      • General Information
        Capital: Vysoria

        Demonym: Velian

        Languages: Sathal

        Religion: No true official religion, they put great emphasis on magic and it's applications for society and the world at large.

        Form of government: Magic-based aristocracy with the oldest and most well-learned mage leading a council of the nation's top mages.

        Notable members: TBA

        Velhellyiah was formed in the year 157 by magic users fleeing from crusades of the period. The migrants crossed the land-bridge and eventually settled in modern-day Kyn Landing. Free from the constraints imposed on them they began their study in earnest, their entire society revolved around magic and the various ways it could be used. Over the next 500 years they expanded their burgeoning nation with one of their earliest expansions being a massive fortress city built on the land bridge, fearing their former masters would come for them again. Their expansion grew to encompass everything from Rharec to the great lake. Their expansion was slowed by disagreements and discontent among the populace. This eventually boiled over into all out civil war in 210. The war only lasted two years before the two sides came to terms with one another. In the year 213 the capital city of Velhellyiah Rihh was founded and their various settlements rallied under a single formal banner.

        The newly unified country continued it's steady march forward. It expanded it's territory beyond the great lake, coming into conflict with the Calaens and eventually driving them back beyond the narrow. The next major upset in Velian history would come in 479. This was the spark that would ultimately change the entirety of Velian society. Civil unrest grew across the country, the divide between those who could use magic and those who could not grew ever wider until open revolt began in the city of Kyn. For five years the locals protested and rioted, and for five years Kyn was effectively it's own nation-state. The dissent was eventualy put down in 484 but the resentment would continue to linger, growing more and more over the next twenty years. Finally, in 506 it bubbled over into what threatened to be another civil war. However, before it could progress that far the government was overthrown in a coup lead by Naeun Suam. The capital was renamed to Vysoria and the divide between those with magic and those without shrank, although it never quite went away. The government was restructured and while the magi retained authority and control, their breakthroughs went to benefit the citizens rather than just themselves.

        By 982 the mages' society had covered a significant portion of the great peninsula, carving it's borders into the two narrow land formations that connected the east and west sides. They enjoyed their prosperity and after the last war being over two hundred years ago the Velian people were content with their situation. This would come to an end with the Great War that same year. Velhellyiah suffered occupation under Sarathal with the fall of the fortress city of Rharec. For over ten years Velians were an occupied and oppressed people with the Sathal wasting no time in ridding the nation of anything related to magic. After the war's conclusion the nation took it's time rebuilding. Their dedication towards the magical arts never wavering. Their society continued to grow and make great strides in the realm of magic and by modern times they were the world's leader in magitek with the highest concentration of magic users and magic-aided devices.

        Notable Conflicts
        194-201 - War of Rights against the Sarathal Empire
        210-212 - Great Lake Civil war
        257-258 - Siege of Rharec by Sarathal
        266-270 - Mountain war against Calaes
        299-314 - First War of expansion against Calaes
        324-342 - Second war of expansion against Calaes
        411-415 - Trade Conflict against Malai
        479-484 - Kyn Civil Conflict
        506-508 - Suam Coup
        717-725 - Rharec Offensive against Sarathal
        982-997 - Great war against Sarathal

        Velian society is most drastically split into two groups, those who can use magic and those who can't. Those who can use magic are regarded as upper class whereas those who can't are lower class. This is further divided among the two groups, such as those who can use magic to a higher degree being viewed as higher in status, with the most accomplished mage families being regarded as nobility. While all citizens are recognized as equal within the eyes of the law, there is a distinct divide between the two groups as those who can use magic are routinely treated better and afforded more opportunities. However while being second class citizens, non-magic users still lead comfortable and normal lives and benefit heavily from the magitek the mages create.

        So while there are groups unhappy with the status quo, society as a whole remains unchanged. When it comes to mages it will often work off a meritocracy, and even those from low-status houses can rise to the ranks if they, as individuals, show high aptitude for magic. That being said, even that is tempered by good old human arrogance and greed and emphasis on bloodlines and specific families are sometimes placed ahead of deserving individuals. As a whole, Velians rely heavily on their magic and magitek in everything from government and military, to simple day to day activities. They also boast the most highly regarded magical universities and schools in the world.

        The Velian military is relatively small and when it comes to conventional sciences is far behind those of other nations. They make up for these weaknesses with innovative applications of magic. Unlike most other nations Velian airships do not rely on propellers or gasses to attain lift but instead use an anti-gravity magic spell to propel them around. As well they have few conventional weapons and what few they have are augmented to fire enchanted rounds. Their primary armament is typically a magical beam that is emitted from the glowing sphere towards the front of the ship. The Velian ground forces also rely heavily on magitek equipment with high level mages being given the freedom to choose whatever fighting method they see fit and lower level mages being put into special units to act in a variety of support roles. Non-magic users in the military are usually equipped with magitek equipment ranging from enchanted rifles and armor to golems and other constructs.

        Unlike a lot of nations the Velians still make liberal use of melee combatants, enhancing their weapons, armor, and even themselves in order to close the gap and wreak havoc among enemy lines. When it comes to the sea the Velians possess a meager navy, strong enough to protect their shores but capable of little else. These ships tend to be large in scale and have mid-ranked mages assigned to them to help augment the magitek shield generators. The naval vessels rely on enchanted conventional weaponry rather than magical attacks. Overall the Velian military is highly reliant on magic and magitek in order to function, but this gives them an edge over more conventional forces.
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