• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Apartment

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



It doesn't have to look like this just make sure you add these in your CS

Insert Image (Realistic Please No exceptions!!)


First, Middle, Last


Do they have any nicknames?




When we're they born?


Male, Female, Cisgender

Insert Image


Heterosexual. Homosexual, Pansexual?


Where are they from?


PM which spot you want


Go into detail about what they look like

Clothing Style

What do they like to wear?

Insert Image


What are they mixed with?


Are they single? Taken?




Two paragraphs or more

Insert Image


What is your character afraid of?


What do they do on a daily basis?


Two paragraphs or more


? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E "Quote about relationship."

Description about relationship. At least three sentences.


You should know what to add here

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Rachel Elizabeth Wilson


Rae, Raerae, Raebear


21, August 28, 1994






Los Angeles, California




Considering her stature reaches a stunning 5"9.5, and her build met the Victoria's Secret requirements of 33-25-33, Rae had contemplated modeling for a short while. That is, untill she realized how much she despised Hollywood (and loved white chocolate!). She's a spitting image of her father, save for her eyes, beauty mark and oddly placed freckles which are from her mother. Her complexion is a baby soft shade of ivory, framed by silky (though far too fine for her liking) locks of endearingly healthy hair, colored a light brown with recently acquired caramel balayage, falling to her hips in length. Rae's doe eyes are sometimes a chocolatey or topaz-brown depending on the sunlight, framed with thick, lengthy black lashes.

She's always been described as delicate and balletic, and never was one for athletic or physically strenuous activities; she's never minded being seen as fragile, and would prefer others take her physical inadequacy seriously. Weak wrists, ankles and a bad left shoulder leads her to avoid much past vinyasa/restorative yoga, aside from the occasional volleyball game or her beloved nature hikes. Despite her fragility, Rae is extremely energetic and adores exploration and attempting to cross her self declared boundaries. She wears a pair of thin framed glasses, the very thought of contact lenses bugs her.

Very light make up, if any. Usually just lip balm and mascara, foundation when she's trying, and Rae never really styles her hair, she just lets it fall or keeps it in a ponytail.

Clothing Style


She collects pocket watches, and wears a specific one all the time


She's a white/Samoan half breed, better known as Afakasi. Her looks are entirely white/German, however, so few could ever tell.





Ivory, pumpkin spice, scented lotions, animals, long car drives, being outdoors, nighttime, Michael Buble, golden/swing era (Classical, Celtic, classic rock, hardcore, alternative, smooth jazz, blues, RnB, Reggae), fruity wines, white chocolate, seafood, cheese cake, steam punk, cashmere/lace/sheer/silk, personal downtime, Irishmen, soaking up sunshine, watching the snowfall, standing in the rain, Christmas movies, vintage dresses, long hair, blue eyes, chimney smoke, Autumn, candles, crystals, dream catchers, antique shops, philosophy, dream interpretations, native and Irish/scottish/celtic culture.


Her smile, swimming, drinking, cigarette smoke (She has allergic reactions), religious bashing, fish eyes, humid weather, being housebound, family reunions, being pranked, interruptions, humility, tragedy/angst, injured animals, superiority, most patterns, kids (most of the time), humid weather, car horns, excessive clutter, ignorance, arguing.


Her free spirit soars with the eagles, independently, wild and unobtainable. She has no intentions of giving her heart away, at least not to just anyone, and has recently become very content with herself, embraced loneliness and accepted life in general. Her disposition is empathetic,
with a dash of cynicism. Although often nicknamed the voice of reason for her attuned moral compass, and old soulish wisdom, Rae's a very naive girl, approaching life with the innocent mind of an inexperienced, curious child, and often missing the venom laced within someone's words as it's just unfathomable to her.

She loves fiercely with an intimacy that stirs the soul, and devotedly remains supportive through the worst and best of someone, which has been a continuous vulnerability she just can't seem to strengthen. A balanced introvert/extrovert, with absolute genuineness and honesty by default. With all that bundled up energy restrained with impressive maturity, it's not surprising she's always multitasking, juggling several actions and thoughts at once, rendering others incapable of reciprocating her efforts.
That has molded the mindset of a melancholic perfectionist around the brunette, an odd and complex persona that often keeps her outside of the social circle, as well as difficult to satisfy. Naturally, she's an extroverted leader, but doesn't assume the role by preference, she'd rather not be given copious responsibilities. She has a morbid/ironic sense of humor, and knows how to tactfully place a quote in order to crack people up.

She's very religious, albeit in unconventional ways.

Rae's childhood was that of a low class, sheltered mess in a religiously wrapped package, one that led her to be an admirably humble and genuine child, but also one who craves acknowledgement and family. Her (German/white) father had left to reside within his old roots, Louisiana, upon the discovery of her (pacific island/white) mother's pregnancy, and after two more failed marriages (and three additional children) her mother completely gave up romance. Their lives had, thus, always been financially unstable, what with a single mother attempting to juggle four children with large age gaps, custody and a nine to five. Her younger years were spent bouncing in a vagabondish manner from motels to rented rooms, and occasionally nothing more than the backseat of a car on its last wheel. Although born and raised initially in LA, she'd seen little of it, having been uprooted for years and temporarily residing in states like Washington, Utah, and the surrounding areas (all of which the lower class cities house her other side of the family, though islanders came be extremely racist towards half breeds, and don't acknowledge her anymore than her white side of the family does).

With a religious foundation, life was both made easier to cope with and to keep on track morally, Christianity is a concept deeply woven in her heart, coddling the past scars of unreliable relatives and ostracism, a comfort zone that keeps those younger years relatively far behind her. She's a drop out, and proudly so considering the amount of socio economic discrimination she received from students and staff alike growing up, despite how many districts she attended; her stature, which has always been on the frail side, also resulted in a decent amount of bullying, that, and her naivety amidst teenagers. Having recently acquired her GED, she's taken up different positions as a waitress, preferring later hours and, although she's been offered several management positions merely six months in, Rae's flighty career wise and can't seem to accept the offer. Finding her only social life to reside within the walls of chat rooms and social networking, she's become internet savvy, but doesn't want to pursue that career wise, either. Recently, the idea of several of her friends, including herself, living under the same roof has come into play. She'd never been one to stay grounded too long, overlooks the location and has decided to join in on the adventure, if anything just to take a bit of a risk. Not like she's going anywhere major any time soon, though she won't complain regarding the tips in the more heights oriented NYC eateries.




More abandonment


Public humiliation

Night terrors

Immersion in water



The possibility of zombies


Self sabotaging: Rae's unhealthy fear of disappointment leads her to back out of relationships once they reach a certain intensity, which has been the cause of her consistent loneliness and failed connections, she's unaware of this condition.

Smelling amazing- like pumpkin spice this season

Finishing sentences with uncanny precision

Nail biting, so she tries to keep them manicured


Leg bobbing

Humming when she's scared

Snorting when she laughs on occasion (she hates it!)

Saying too much, even to her own detriment.

Hyperventilating when she's extremely upset

Applying lotion


Artistic (clay, sketching, painting, pastels, charcoal, crocheting, sewing, graphic art, abstract art)


Reading/Writing backwards

Natural sense of direction

Earning the trust of/calming animals (Within reason, of course)

Rae's intuition is off the charts, her downfall is getting someone to open up, and then fearing the loss of that intimacy and backing out herself.


? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

Note: Rae's issue with self sabotaging will become discreetly problematic after they've all moved in together. She believes this leap of faith will help her maintain connections, but she'll be constantly torn with: Do I back out while I still can? Or indulge and brace myself for total abandonment? Everyone is subject to it, no matter how lovely they are. It's a major psychological issue.

Z A C K A V E R I L L ?

"I would like to consider him my closest friend. I just... hope it lasts... I'm ashamed to say I've grown attached."

Rae shares a strong, platonic connection with him. He's grown to be her comfort zone, someone she's starting to count on seeing everyday- and it's scaring the hell out of her.

D A L M I L V E S E L O ?


I S A B E L L A M U L L E R ?

"Bella and I always skip the formalities, and share our best conversations amidst the concepts of philosophy."

They don't like to be super serious, but can only handle certain doses of ridiculousness. Funny faces, tactful puns, simultaneous eye rolls- these girls are dorks together, but even with her absent minded nature, Rae manages to hold a level of depth with Bella every once in a while. Their friendship isn't as intimate as others, however, so Rae has yet to feel the need to flee. Rae loves her simplicity, as that's a trait she shares herself.

J E S S I C A C A U L D W E L L ?

"I'd endure cigarette smoke for her, that's saying something."

Aside from smoke breaks (she has allergic reactions), Rae loves to be around Jessa; to talk, laugh, indulge or just relax in another's supportive company. Witty, feminine, and they've held some of the best conversations she recalls having with anyone. Via Skype, of course, but their friendship feels just as concrete as any. That's got Rae a little on edge, how soon will it be over?

Y U N A N'B A L E E ?

"Stunning, inside and out."

To Rae, Yuna is absolutely gorgeous, she was blown away by her profile pictures and always had a compliment to post. Foreign charm, accompanied by endearing beauty. Although (as a woman) she often feels insecure in comparison, (as close friends) she's comfortable, loyal and always supportive. All this investment has become unnerving, will it prove meaningful?

I V Y R E E V E S ?

"Us free spirits have to stick together, ya know?"

Ivy is one of a kind, and Rae respects the way she embraces her individuality and executes boldness Rae's anxiety cripples. There's no false pretenses around her, no need to pretend, the chatmosphere has always been lax, she expects no change when they become roomies. She just can't be around the smoking.

K A R S Y N V A L E N T I N E ?

"If it wasn't for her, this wouldn't even be happening. She's kind of the glue, in my eyes, I'm so blessed to be a part of her social circle."

Like Karsyn, Rae had a rather lonely childhood, void of socializing and spent occupying her time by other means. Rae admires her musical talents, no bullshit personality, and that she actually managed to convince everyone to come out and live together, in New York of all places. They share past hurts and a mutual understanding of loneliness, but make efforts to support one another and keep each other included. Rae finds their mutuality comforting, and terrifying.

N A K A H I H E M I ?

"He's a little wild- I like that."

Despite his serpent demeanour, Rae actually feels really safe with who's she's boldly nicknamed
Naka; she doesn't believe he'd manipulate her, and tries to think of themselves as distant cousins considering the bloodline (both Maori). He's humble and resourceful, with an earthy witt, unique intellect and shares her immense love for nature. Naka is all natural, and completely himself, which she has immense respect for.

J A K E C A M E R O N ?

"Super sweet, it's almost infectious."

Jacob is an absolute doll, Rae gushes over him often, and admires his caring and attentive disposition. Though a little temperamental, Rae herself hasn't ever pushed his buttons, and has absolutely no intentions of securing a grudge over her head. They get along really well, but aren't exactly close or connected.

A N D R E W ?

"We're... honestly, complete opposites. Doesn't mean I dislike him, but I don't think I'll ever get to know the guy past the stoic expressions."

While not at all on bad terms, Rae's admittedly never interacted much with Andrew aside from a few inputs during group discussions. She's not one to pry, and wouldn't dream of initiating an unwanted relationship. For now, it's neutral, though perhaps someday she'll get smile out of him. Or at least a twitch.

L O U I E ?

"I kind of like Louie- Don't think he likes me much at all, though."

Rae honestly doesn't know a lot about him, aside from the minimal interaction via the internet. They didn't connect right away, and after three years, still haven't really developed past neutral. At least he doesn't hate her- or so she hopes.


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[border]Isabella Muller


The Simple Stuff

Name: Isabella Amy Muller

"It's not fancy but it's mine."

Nickname: Bella(To those close)

"Just keep it short, yeh?"

Age: 21

"Old enough for most shit now."

Birthday: November 19th, 1994

"Not close enough to

Gender: Female

"You got eye's right?"

Sexuality: Pansexual

"Sex is sex, not matter who it's with."

Birthplace: South Africa, Cape town

"Love it or hate it, it's home."

Occupation: TBD

"Yeah...I'm not great with whole 'work' thing.

The Looks


Isabella is rather short for a person of her age, standing only 5'5 with a fairly average build, if a little slimmer then normal. Her small stature is exasperated by the wild mane of blonde hair which sits atop her head, falling uncontrollably in all directions. Light blue eyes set into a soft face, joined by a defined jaw. Smooth skin is marked only by the occasional mole or blemish, leaving it other wise unmarred. She also has a nose piercing, leaving a medium sized metal band hanging from her right side.

"I got my mums hair. Too bad I got her height as well."


Clothing Style: Bella has never been on the cutting edge of fashion, so to speak. She favours comfort over style, going with hoddies, off -shoulder tops and jeans. This isn't done out of pure laziness(although it may have something to do with it), but rather simply because it'd easier. Why bother spending hundreds on the 'latest style' when you can just stick with what you already got? This attitude has only been adopted recently, maybe two years ago or so. Before, she would do exactly what she now hates and attempt to keep up with the ever changing tide of fashion. Since then she has given up, going with causal clothing when out and about.

"Comfort is key, fuck being fancy."

Let's get Deeper

Isabella's general demeanor has changed in recent years. Once energetic, wild and often quite nasty in her teenage years, she has since scaled her more abrasive traits down a notch or two. Well, quite a few notches in fact. The girl is now far more relaxed, mellow and at ease, almost to the point of fault as things which have to be done now, are other peoples problem. She has adopted a deadpan tone, virtually melancholic in nature. Her absent mindedness and small attention span make her seem a little dim, or perhaps just out of it. It not uncommon for people to see her as a little odd, or weird. While she isn't the sort you would come to if you've just broken up with a partner or had a fight with a close friend, she also isn't unsympathetic towards the troubles of others. Bella is very approachable, providing the conversation is light or interesting.Hearing about how your day went is the sort of thing that puts her into a coma. While not particular funny herself, she likes those who are, although in certain doses.


Bella can be blunt at times, coming off as rude on occasion to those who don't know there is no malice in her words when she says these things. She thinks she is helping when informing you of how utterly terrible you're at something. Although she would never admit it, Isabella is lazy. Unequivocally so. It's only the need to be able to eat this month which forces her to go out and work rather then sleep in till three each day. She could also be considered peevish at times, it taking little for her to get annoyed(even if it's not always clear with her constant impassive tone)

"No one is perfect."

The Past

Isabella was born the first daughter of Jason and Tess Muller. She was raised in Cape Town in spite of her father working in Stellenbosch(Some way east of Cape). The family was well of and owned house's in both the city and Stellen. They would live in city during the school term but go out their other house during the holidays. It was 1998 when Isabella became a big sister, having to now share her once doting parents with another. Like many older siblings, she could help but resent her younger sister for ll the attention she received but, she grew out of the petty jealousy quickly.

When it came to school, she didn't exactly excel. Struggling with many subjects and often getting into trouble but nothing which was unheard of. Socially she was fine. Never being popular but hardly an outcast either. Isabella continued this till about the age of sixteen, when she and her friends started to experiment a little and become a little more 'rebellious'. It started with sharing a cigarette in private, moved up to pinching the occasional drink from home and eventual on to drugs.


By eighteen she was spending almost every night out with friends, drinking, taking whatever one of them would hand her and smoking whatever was proffered. It wasn't the sort of life that her parents wanted for her, and while her mother would just get upset about it, her father wasn't so passive. He threatened to throw her out unless she cleaned up her act, a threat he followed through with when she refused.

It wasn't until she was around nineteen, after an another night out that she really saw how bad it was. Having rendered herself completely out of it, Bella had stumbled into the road and been hit by a car.

Being hospitalized by the incident, made her reflect on how she'd been living up until this point. While to say she had an epiphany would be a exaggeration, she did realise that it wasn't the healthiest way to live.

She spent the next two years in the families home in Stellen, having apologised to them for the way she'd acted, never truly recognising how difficult it had been for them. It was here that Isabella scaled her abrasive and party like nature down, losing contact with many of her friends in the process. And while she has been unable to give up many of her her addictions she attempts to keep them in moderation. Having decided to travel all the way to American with some friends to get a place in Brooklyn, hopefully get a job and find out what she actually wants from life.

"Guess I'm not as exciting as I once was, but at least I'm not going to OD at twenty-two. Hopefully"

Just Random Bits

Status: Single

"Woow, being single, it's so great. Apparently."


Warm weather

Films(Thrillers & horror)





Having her own space

Staying in bed

The colour

This stuff is cool."



Small talk



Early mornings

Needy people

"Stuff I could defiantly live without."



Being abandoned in the middle of nowhere

Being buried alive

"No. Don't even mention them."

Habits: Isabella had a tendency to use elaborate hand gestures in conversations, even more so when she is trying to make a point. Messing with her hair is a comfort thing, only done when she is feeling nervous or uncomfortable. Biting her nails is a habit she both hates, and does without thought which infuriates her. While she doesn't do it to the excess she once did, Bella has been unable to quit smoking and has several a day, even if she dislikes doing it.

"Don't we all have our own little ticks?"



Isabella's accent is quite pronounced, with some people unable to fully understand her. It's help slightly since she talks fairly slowly and calmly.

"Yes, I come from a different country, of course I've got an accent.


? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

Rachel Wilson ?

"Genuine and sweet. I don't use those words lightly either. You can't really not like her."

To someone like Isabella, Rachel seems almost saint like. It's not just her religion, but the girls

ability to be so... elated and open, almost constantly. It's something Bella can't help but admire(even if she might never say it).

Jessica Cauldwell ?

"She's okay I guess. It's not like we hate one another."

While Isabella doesn't have any major issues with with Jessica, she also isn't very close to her. Where Jessa is fashion smart, Bella....isn't. It's not enough to actually effect them but they just have few common interests.

Karsyn Valentine(?)

Yuna N'Balee(?)

Ivy Reeves(?)

"Friends, lovers, enemies, got em all."

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Trust not to much to appearances.” - Virgil

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Jessica Hye Cauldwell


Jessa, Jess, Jessie, [Her favorite is bolded and italicized.]


Female [Cisgender]


Twenty-Two [
D.O.B: September 3rd, 1993 ]




San Francisco, California


100% Korean American [second Generation]


Fashion Salesperson



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”Sometimes the things we dream about are merely the heart’s way of protecting us from what we really want, and what we’re really afraid to lose.”

- S. L. Naeole, Falling From Grace


Growing up, Jessica Hye Cauldwell always felt like an unwanted but necessary accessory. On September 3, 1993, she was born to Sharon (neé Geem) and William Cauldwell, a first generation Korean American-American couple living in San Francisco, California. Given her parents’ positions at Google and as a prestigious socialite, the young girl was born into a life of privilege. The couple’s only child, she was looked after by various nannies at a young age, while her parents attended to their
“important” lives. Her parents missed many of her milestones, including when she began to walk and said her first word. Unconventionally, her first word was “Jiao,” the name of her beloved maid who became her mother figure after Sharon Cauldwell stopped breastfeeding. The maid was touched by the gesture, though she worried about the child’s development, considering she only had the attention of non-family members, rather than her blooded related parents. At that age, Jessa was none the wiser, as she was willing to cuddle with any person in their lavish home with a warm smile.

By elementary school, the young brunette began to realize that her family was much different than other children’s at her private academy. Other parents were involved in their child’s school day, taking time from their schedule to personally drop off and pick them up. Instead, Jessa had Jiao, who was always there, when the little girl needed her. When they had choir events and a play at the school, the maid was in attendance, cheering for the little girl like she was one of her own. The young brunette made an extra effort to get her parents attention by acting out, but that only resulted in detentions and reprimands from her father. After those episodes, Sharon and William still saw her the same, trying to buy her affection with toys, though they were barely around. Jessa found solace with Jiao, realizing that this woman her family paid was more kin than her parents ever were.

In high school, Jessa’s strained relationship with her parents continued. Instead of yearning for their affection, she learned to become much more independent, shaping her into the person she is today. Rather than having temper tantrums to get her parents’ attention, she threw herself into her schoolwork and volleyball in the hopes of making them proud. She also met a group of friends on the Internet, finding comfort in speaking to them on a daily basis. In the secondary school, she discovered her interest in fashion, wanting to pursue it at a higher level of education. Her bedroom walls soon were soon plastered with an assortment of designs from fashion magazines and runaway photographs. She took up a local seamstress class, even doing an internship with at Teen Vogue due to her parents’ connections. It was obvious that her parents did not care for her love in vogue, wanting her to pursue something technological or medical instead. Despite their annoyance, they let Jessa continue her passion, figuring she would be out of that phase by her senior year.

Much to their surprise, Jessa only applied to institutions with fashion programs, such as Parsons (The New School for Design), the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), Pratt, and the Rhode Island School of Design. After being accepted to FIT, she convinced her parents to let her attend by persuading them that she would also minor in marketing. The disappointment in their eyes was obvious, but Jessa did not care, wanting to move to New York to follow her dreams and get away from her cold parents. She succeeded in her Fashion Design program at FIT, minoring in Entrepreneurship like she promised. Though her parents helped paid for her education and came to her graduation, it was obvious that Jiao was the only one who was truly proud of her. Despite being across the country, Jessa kept in touch with the former maid, as well as her Internet friends. Soon after graduation, the brunette decided to stay in the city, moving to Brooklyn with some friends who decided to get a place together, instead of going home to California. Although she would miss being close to Jiao, anything was better than going home to the empty house her parents called home.
LIKES. Purple // Black Coffee // Cigarettes // Phenomenal Alcohol // Fashion // Music - Particularly Death Cab for Cutie // Pastels // Sonnets // Delicious Restaurants // Flirting // Korean Food // Running

DISLIKES. Winter // Incompetence Fools // Strawberries - As she is allergic to them // Blueberries // Arrogant Men // Killjoys // Lack of Ambition [One Individual] // Dreary Clothing

FEARS. Snakes [Ophidiophobia] // Tight Spaces [Claustrophobia] // Dying Alone // Not Living Up to Expectations // Spiders [Arachnophobia] // Needing Her Parents // Not Being Able to Pay Rent


Jessa always prepares for interviews and presentations while listening to Death Cab for Cutie. When bored, she often taps her foot impatiently or a play with a pen in her hair. If the young adult feels embarrassed, the girl often bites her lower lip and rocks back and forth on her feet. While flirting with guys, the brunette often plays up the charm and gets a little touchy. She also has a bad habit of drinking too much or consuming Adderall to keep herself alert, when she feels very stressed. Whenever she feels awkward, Jessa often tries to change the subject to take attention away from her.


Jessa is not fluent in Korean, but she knows a considerable amount, particularly Jeju.

Her mother’s parents come from the Jeju Province in South Korea. They moved to the United States with their daughter, Sharon, when she was fifteen-years-old.

Her father, William, is American, hence Jessa’s last name. The brunette enjoys embracing her Korean roots, especially when it involves food, such as kimchi, soy sauce crab, and samgyetang.


Please PM me to discuss relationships between our characters. I look forward to hearing from you all soon!

= Romantic Interest | ☼ = Attracted To | ☆ = Close Friends | ☮ = Friendly | ☐ = No Relationship/Neutral | ✖ = Enemies

J A C O B . C A M E R O N (☮)

”Quote about relationship.”

Description of relationship.

A N D R E W . K E N D R I C K (☐)

”Quote about relationship.”

Description of relationship.

Y U N A . N ‘ B A L E E (☆)

”Quote about relationship.”

Description of relationship.

N A K A H I . H E M I (Symbol)

”Quote about relationship.”

Description of relationship.

I S A B E L L A . M U L L E R (☐)

”All I can say is her wardrobe could use a tune-up.”

Jessa has nothing catastrophic against Isabella. The brunette is fine sharing the apartment with her, though the two do not really talk. Their contrasting personalities make for civil conversations, but Jessa does not comprehend her outfit choices and mellow nature. The close friendship she has with some of the others does not exist with Isabella, yet they can coexist without problems.

I V Y . R E E V E S (☮)

”Love the originality of the dip-dye, and she’s always good for a smoke.”

Description of relationship.

K A R S Y N . V A L E N T I N E (☮)

”Quote about relationship.”

Description of relationship.

R A C H E L . W I L S O N (☆)

”I’d willing put out a smoke for her - that’s saying something.”

The young woman considers Rachel one of her closest friends. She loves her fashion sense, often complimenting her on the chiffon, cashmere, and peacoats she chooses to decorate her body with. A little hesitant about their deeper conversations, Jessa knows that having them with Rachel every so often keeps her sane, which is something she really appreciates.

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Ivy Reeves




ivy reeves

"Yeah, I mean, it's my name, but I don't have to like it."



"Ivy, Vee, either way."



"Legal? Man I'm so passed that."



"Birthday presents are usually passed off as Christmas presents.."


boston, massachusetts

"Home, sweet home."



"Last time I checked..."



"Dudes are hot"

Relationship Status:


"Sooooo ready to mingle."



"And I don't even like coffee."


mixed raced/ /white-african/american

"Mom's white, Dad's black."




vee's life has been, in her opinion, short and boring. she is just getting to the good bit. she is starting to realised what she wants in life, and she won't waste a second getting to it. she wants to be totally free. she wants to travel, and bungee jump and go snorkling. that's part of the reason why she wanted to go on this trip. as a kid, she had a totally normal life, which is why she hated it so much. her parents were divorced, but happily. they had split ten years after vee was born. vee would visit her mother on weekends and then she'd stay with her father on the weekdays. they were both perfectly nice people, but they were too busy and wrapped up in their newly discovered divorcee lives.

vee was pretty much in the background for her parents, and though they would never do anything to purposely upset her, they winded up doing more bad than good in their efforts to keep her 'happy'. she didn't want to have as many sleepovers as she wanted, or as many clothes as she wanted, she wanted to party and go out. but they forebode it. when she was eighteen, just after high school, she lived, for a year, in europe and loved it. since then, she got a taste for spontaneity, and has continued doing impulsive things ever since. she's also a little bankrupt.



Z A C K D O M I N I C A V E R I L L - ?

vee likes him, he seems great, but she feels like he is faking something, like he's too good to be true.

"He's cool and all. But there's something missing, like he's not all there."

R A C H E L E L I Z A B E T H W I L S O N - ?

vee finds her refreshing. she's open and seemingly a free spirit.

"She's inspiring. She has the qualities I only with I had."

O L I V E R T H O M A S J E A N-S T A R - ?

vee thinks that he's funny. she likes his sense of humour, though he can act a little too immature.

"He's a sweet guy. Funny. I like that."

J E S S I C A H Y E C A U L D W E L L- ?

vee sees her as a fashion icon. although vee would never wear anything she showcases, she admires her boldness and femininity.

"She's stunning. God, I wish I could pull her style off"

L I N N E A A K W E T E L A R S S O N - ?

vee wants to believe that she is just aspiring, but she sometimes sees her as a little too ambitious. borderline annoying.

"She's great, but there should be a limit to how enthusiastic one person can be."


vee has an allergy to cats. it's a good job too, she hates felines.

brooklyn baby

"If you have a cat, we can forget our friendship. Seriously, one hair off of your clothes and I'm itching for weeks."

Theme Song

"This is the most beautiful song in history."

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"Let's just be clear: I'm not a Luddite and I'm not a caveman. I just happen to enjoy a simpler way of life...in the forest."

Nakahi Hemi

Full Name: Nakahi Hemi

*Nickname: N/A

Sex: Male [cisgender]

Age: 21

Birthday: November 26

Birthplace: Napier-Hastings, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand



Nakahi is a 5’8” [~173 cm] male with a golden tan complexion that sometimes runs a shade or two more pallor in winter. His build is somewhat stocky, but athletic and moderately muscular. His hair is dark brown and wavy, kept shaved or cut short. His deep-set eyes are dark brown with medium brows. He has a medium-sized nose and medium-sized pink lips. He is known for his bright, toothy grin, and intense expressions. Freckles and small moles dot his face and skin, especially across his nose.

In presentation, he tends to dress sporty or casual, always being clad for hot weather.



With a name that literally translates to 'snake', negative elements could only be expected... and that's not totally wrong. Nakahi can be very aloof and secretive, making him sneaky and, to a degree, manipulative. Sometimes he gets full of himself and carried away with becoming bossy or controlling. From time-to-time, he may also be tempting and administer peer-pressure. And while he's generally patient and doesn't hold grudges, get on his bad side, and he won't hesitate to 'strike'.

Though, with any bad comes good. With a leadership air, he's powerful in mind and body, being intelligent, aware of himself and his surroundings, and having a good sense of responsibility. When he falls off track, he is able to find balance again. He has a strong loyalty to his family and those he cares about, and tends to be protective. In the meantime, though, he's any other young adult. He's fun-loving, and enjoys getting outside and doing things. Nature is truly his element. ...Then again, he doesn't know much of anything else.


Nakahi's family is probably lower middle-class, but given his culture, that only makes so much of an impact on their living. His father works as part of the runanga [tribal council] that represents his hapu - the Maori people in his area. However, his father also works another job in charge of hospitality and tourism. He sets up events and entertainment. His mother is a stay-at-home mother, mostly due to cultural influence and tradition. To help with income, Nakahi works in entertainment, performing Kapa haka - cultural dances for tourists during events and festivals. On occasion, his mother and other women of the hapu cook and sell traditional foods, jewelry, and art during such attractions.

Aside from living a fairly 'traditional' lifestyle, he attends the nearest high school and even plays on the soccer team. He works after school giving dance lessons to the local children when there are no tourist events planned. On weekends, he enjoys playing traditional games with friends in the hapu or his younger brother. Other children tend to join in. One of his favorite things is going hunting with his father using more 'primitive' tools. To him, a bow and arrow is more exciting than a gun. He's a skilled archer.

However, Nakahi has been wanting to experience what it's like being away from home and everything he's used to. While his world isn't totally limited in terms of advanced technology, he just thinks it would be interesting to be immersed in a place where everything is that much more fast-paced and easier.

In terms of relationships, he hasn't been in any serious ones. Although, he has had many encounters with females in his hapu and some from school as sexual freedom is encouraged in his culture. He's not opposed to serious relationships, but does take them slow. He's been casually seeing a girl back home -- a longtime friend -- that he's only recently gotten a little closer to, but 'where they stand' hasn't been clearly defined.


>licks his lips every so often; more when uncomfortable

>always makes a smirkish-smile, never a full smile

>flirts in a teasing style

>practices his dances at least 4 days a week, morning & night

>tends to have a lollipop or some sort of candy in his mouth

>green and sky blue








>rude people



>big cities [hates being there too long; the polluted air, lack of fauna, noise...]


>materialistic people

>stiff clothes

>lamb meat [doesn't particularly eat meat, though; he's pescatarian]

>being unable to take care of those he cares for

>being isolated and alone

>losing his culture

Ethnicity: Maori

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Romantic Status: Single

Occupation: Florist

*Other: Nakahi speaks fluent Maori, but usually doesn't bother when outside of the hapu or non-heavily populated Maori areas. Though, he will use specific terms, commonly understood terms [at least, commonly understood across NZ], like hapu, iwi, and so on.


♥ = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ☼ | ☆ = Close Friends | ☮ = Friendly | ☐ = No Relationship/Neutral | ✖ = Enemies


[[Will fill this out more once accepted characters are decided.]]


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|Yuna N'Balee|


"Just like Johnny Flynn said, 'the breath I've taken and the one I must' to go on. Put the grenade pin in your hand, so you understand who's boss;

My defeat sleeps top to toe with her success."

  • |Name|

    -Yuna N'Balee-






    -February 14th-



  • casual-summer-outfits-polyvore-ytmfkco6.jpg









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Scratching The Surface


"It's pronounced Kar-syn"

Karsyn Marlene Valentine


"Nicknames or first name only..."

Reha, Val


"I can drink...that's all you need to know..."



"My birthday is not that special..."

December 7th, 1994


"Hmmm...I have boobs and a vagina...clearly I'm a female..."



"Love is love they say...but I focus on their personality also..."

Panromantic Demisexual

Digging Deeper


"Way better than America..."

Berlin, Germany


"Well...I get to see male and female strippers and make awesome drinks..."



Yes I know I'm beautiful you don't need to tell me..."


Auburn with light brown sometimes golden streaks


Karsyn has big Hazel eyes with green and blue specks in them




Karsyn may weight little but she has muscles from working out and doing cardio

Distinguishing Features

Her big smile that you will rarely see from her

Her big hazel eyes, people get lost in them forever

She has sleeves on both her arms, a tattoo on her right shoulder blade

Both her ears are pierced and she has a septum piercing

Clothing Style

"I'm into that hipster, skater girl look...it love how comfortable it is"

Karsyn loves wearing skater clothing along with hipster clothing from time to time. She loves the colors and styles she can put together when she feels like dressing like a hipster which us mainly in the winter and sunmer. She dressed in her skate clothing in the Spring and Fall since it's not too cold or hot. She also loves how comfortable it feels on her skin. Sheso nor a huge fan of skirts and will never wear them. EVER!


"I'm mixed with a lot of things..."

African-American, African, German, Irish, Native American, French


"Single and ready to mingle they say in America..."


Just A Little Deeper


"That's my favorite"









Playing Guitar

Playing Violin

Her OTPs





Smell of rain on asphalt



"Fucking hate these"


Being drunk


Drama Movies

Walking into spiderwebs

The heat



Rude customers


Dirty hair


"I honestly do not care what you think of me..."

Karsyn has the nonchalant type of attitude. She does love to have fun but she doesn't show it in her expressions all the time. She'll smile in your face but they're mainly fake smiles you will rarely see her crack a real smile unless you are someone she cares for and that list is real small. Karsyn hates it when people touch her instruments they are hers and hers only, if one of them is broken she will force you to pay for a new one. She's not the type for bullshit so don't even think about throwing it her way. I guess you could say she's immune to it. She doesn't have time to be crying over everything and dislikes drama movies. She is immune to feels, unless there are animals involved. If you're watching Marley and Me with her get ready to see some waterworks.

There are days where she justs wants to be extremely lazy and when she is real lazy she starts groaning from boredom and start lounging all over the place and everyone. She doesn't do volunteer work unless it's for little children or animals and rarely gives to the poor cause she knows what some of them do with the money they are given. Karsyn doesn't like getting angry, she feels ugly when she becomes angry and sometimes regrets it later on. If you can crack the shell that she has protected around herself then you got yourself an amazing friend. She also has that sarcastic side that slips out almost all the time.



Never finding love

Never having a family

Dying Alone

Always being looked at as the bad person

Never being the best st anything

Being betrayed by her friends


"Yes being sexy is one of my habits..."

Tapping her foot

Rolling her eyes

Biting the inside of her mouth

Running fingers through her hair when embarrassed

Yawning with her mouth open

Dazing off


"I didn't have friends growing up OK geez get off my back..."

Karsyn was born and raised in Berlin, Germany to Joseph and Mikayla Valentine. Growing up Karsyn didn't make much friends and she didn't hang out with her siblings as well. To distract herself from the emptiness of friendship she started playing the guitar. Taking a liking to the instrument she has learned numerous songs and even started composing songs of her own. She never had the courage to tell her parents or siblings that she was writing music. She loved the way the violin sounded and took up the instrument when she doesn't feel like playing the guitar. She also took up the Bass since she found out that without a Bass in a band it wouldn't sound so great. Karsyn took up small gigs at local cafes to earn some money but thats all she could do. Karsyn would do other things to distract herself from the fact that she didnt have anyone to be friends with but she didnt let that get in the way of her living her life.

When Karsyn turned 18 she met her online friends and have stayed friends ever since. Finally feeling normal around other people, she never wanted them to split up and go separate ways. She finally had friends that she can talk to about her intersts, problems, and concerns no matter if they were miles sway from here and she could onky talk to them over the computer.Karsyn suggested they all live in an apartment together since their love for each other was too strong to destroy.

Karsyn's parents were super hesitant about her going to America to live with people she met online but she was able to convince them to let her go. Karsyn is now excited to start her new life with her best friends.

Went Too Far

? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies


"Well, I know I said I am attracted to a persons personality, but...there's something more I like about him...also he can make an awe some drink..."

Karsyn has always had a crush on Zack ever since they skyped. She finds his personality amazing and easy to cooperate with. She also finds him very attractive but will never tell him or can't always find the right moment to tell him her feelings.

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164 lbs


Andrew isn't necessarily a fashionable person, but he isn't unfashionable either. He'll dress up quite nicely for formal events but other than that, it's casual attire. At home, he'll wear a simple t-shirt and jeans folded at the ankles, maybe even a cardigan if he's chilled. Sometimes he'll even drop down to being shirtless and wearing pajama pants. When going out, his attire is similar, maybe a step up. Shoe wise, he particularly likes Oxfords and canvas slip-ons.


Stoic and serious, Andrew is probably the definition of a military statue. He constantly wears a neutral-negative expression, even if there was a merry festival going on at the time. His rigid nature is due to his past experience and one could say it's his defense mechanism. The only reason he's so stiff is because he's actually quite afraid of getting close to someone because he knows nothing good will come out of it.

Andrew is always quite blunt. He doesn't believe in hiding the truth from someone or sprinkling nice words over a statement. People call him rude or inconsiderate at times, but he's genuinely trying to better the person.

Although Andrew is a moody guy, he can be kind, thoughtful, compassionate, and caring. This side of him is extremely rare, however. Kind of like finding a time capsule. Dig dip and then dig even further, because the likely hood of finding Andrew's capsule is nearly impossible.





Black & White Films







The Unmotivated


Physical Contact


High Places



Raising an eyebrow

Biting his pencil

Sighing.. a lot

Ignoring people

Clearing his throat


Andrew was born as the eldest child of the Kendrick family in Montreal, Quebec. He grew up in a rather loving environment, having both his parents being outgoing and energetic people. With the birth of his younger twin siblings, things got even more positive within the family.

Around the age of 6, Andrew found his love for art. He would draw constantly, paint, and even carve things from scratch. It was also around that time when his mother was diagnosed with cancer but he didn't find out until he was 10 when she finally passed. That event seemed to change him. The once bright Andrew slowly became more introverted and rigid. He still cared for his siblings and father, but he wasn't as optimistic as he once was.

With all that going on, Andrew had a childhood friend by the name of Natalia. They were extremely close and she was always by his side. Because of her, he slowly became his old self. Loving, bright, and full of smiles. The two even began dating their Freshmen year. Towards the end of their Senior year, however, things began to deteriorate once again.

Andrew had received an offer to study under a famous artist in France his senior year. Of course, being an art loving fanatic, he was ecstatic and even asked Natalia to go with him. She, however, refused his offer, leaving the boy heartbroken and once again a darkened soul.

The 18 year old left Montreal immediately after he graduated and flew to Paris, with only the company of the Internet friends he'd made over the years to accompany him.

? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

Dalimil Dan Vesela? @Asylumnated

Dal became one of Andrew's first friends around age 12. They were drawn to the difference in their lifestyles and immediately bonded. Throughout the years, many events took place on both sides and they were there to support each other through the hardships. Due to their history, Dalimil is the one person Andrew trusts the most, aside from his family who he has distanced himself from.

Jessica Hye Cauldwell? @Akeira

These two are acquaintances. They've heard of each other and maybe have exchanged a few words, but nothing passed that.

Rachel Elizabeth Wilson? @Raerae

Andrew is well aware of who Rachel is, the girl with the boisterous personality. He doesn't necessarily dislike her. It's more like he doesn't want to acquaintance himself with the girl, especially with their contrasting personas.
"I guess I'll go to Brooklyn."


Creating art, though it's more like his career choice


Taking photos with his camera


English and French


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no slide
The Basics Of Jake

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-3.jpg.2d55bedd3951d765b891091bacbd691a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-3.jpg.2d55bedd3951d765b891091bacbd691a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jacob Lee Cameron

Aka; Jake

Age: 22

Birthday: June 17, 1993

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/url.jpg.4a8b9c64d5036df1f6c59c86215ddfb1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/url.jpg.4a8b9c64d5036df1f6c59c86215ddfb1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Gay/Homosexual

Birthplace: London, UK.

Occupation: Fashion Clerk

Appearance: Jake has light blonde hair that's flippy I suppose you could say, light blue eyes that dazzle so brightly, and soft pink lips. He also has his ear's pierced and straight, white teeth.

Clothing Style: Jake dresses rather casually, T-Shirts and jeans like below or shorts along with the occasional sweatshirt. Doesn't normally sag his pants and enjoys wearings hats and his cross necklaces.

More About Silly Ol' Me

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-2.jpg.82b36019d48d05f7b5f3f6a3763de55c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-2.jpg.82b36019d48d05f7b5f3f6a3763de55c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ethnicity: Scandinavian and Irish.

Status: Single and looking.


+ Coffee/Caffeine

+ Cute boys/Flirting

+ Cold/Rainy weather

+ Cuddling/Flirting

+ His job

+ Meeting people


- Bitter foods

- Humidity

- Being turned down

- Bullies/Stuck up people

- Stress

- Non-cooperative co-workers.

Personality: Jake is probably one of the most sweetest, kindest, up beat, sensitive, caring, male's that you will meet though he himself can be shy and often irritable. He cares about how you feel and your opinions and your real life, he's a hard-worker, but he does seem to have a bad side at times and if you mess with someone he loves, it'll be the worst mistake you ever made. Jake is one of the worst people to have a grudge from and he does not allow you to be rid from it unless proven that you deserve otherwise, which doesn't happen often.

Fears: Being left alone/having no one, failed relationship, and everything he loves break down in front of his eyes

Habits: Bites his lip at random time, fiddles with his belt or sleeve when nervous, and rubs his neck.

History: Jake comes from a drug abusing family that often had beaten him or made him feel worthless in his time of need. This happened until he was 15, he got adopted when he was 16 into another family. They often had no time for him therefore he found the internet as a safe haven from everything, before this Jake had no emotion what so ever but his friends.. They taught him how to feel and how much he had to live for. His whole attitude changed and he became this amazing hard-worker and he wouldn't trade his experiences for anything. Therefore when he grew older, now that is, he decided to personally meet these people and move in with them.


Relationships: PM, me.

? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E "Quote about relationship."

Description about relationship. At least three sentences.




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Dalimil Dan Vesela


Name: Dalimil Dan Vesela (Dal)

Age: 21

Gender: Cisgender Male

Occupation: Barista

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Ethnicity: Czech/American

Place of Birth: Ostrava, Czech Republic

Status: Single


Hair: Dark blonde, wavy hair.

Eyes: Pale blue

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160 lbs

Unique Features:

Wine Spot birthmark on his lower back

Tattoo on his hip

Freckles covering his arms, face and back.

Clothing Style:

(Everyday Wear)
(Formal Wear)


In Depth

Dal was born to a drunken, abusive mother and a father who wasn't there. He was the shy, quiet child in class all throughout Elementary and Middle school and never sought out attention from anyone or anything. He preferred to play with kids who were younger than him than those that were his age or older. He feared women for most of his life because of his mother.

Then he was a Sophomore and admitted to his mother that he was, in fact, gay and that heightened both the physical and verbal abuse he had received before then. The moment he turned eighteen he split and lived with one of his only friends that had a place without their parents. He lived there for four months before he moved to [RP Location.] He met his friends online while living there and decided to suggest where he lived for them all to move. He didn't feel like making another large move.


Dal is the carefree, friendly social butterfly who loves everyone and anyone, despite his bad past. He looks for the good in everyone. He has an easier time making friends with females, especially since he loves to do hair and face paint. Not that he doesn't get along with males, but he just finds it difficult to form a friendship. He's generally found smiling or laughing, and is the shoulder you can cry on when you need it.

He has a temper that he can lose hold of at times, especially when it comes to people who purposefully push his buttons, and in these times he remains stoically silent. He's able to hold a grudge like nobody else. To go along with grudge-holding, he is very stubborn and sees things the way he wants to see them, no matter what others tell him about that thing.


/Pushing a hand through his hair, causing it to stick up, when he's frustrated/

/Rolling his eyes at something, or someone, he finds to be ridiculous/






/Verbal Conflict/



/Night Time/

/The Woods/





/Melanie Martinez/





Theme Song:




He speaks Czech, English and Italian.

He refers to his friends to others as, moji drazí (Rough Translation of: My Dear Ones) and kretén(i) to their faces. (Asshole(s))

Oi, Brooklyn!

Code & Character by Asylumnated

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Zack Dominic Averill


Name: Zack Dominic Averill

Age: 22

Gender: Cisgender Male

Occupation: Bartender

Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual

Ethnicity: Italian

Place of Birth: Venice, Italy

General Appearance:

Zack has the whole ruggedly handsome thing going on. His jaw is sharp and square and all of his facial features are equally angular. His cheekbones are high and create small concaves on the middles of his cheeks. His eyes are a new-leaf green and his hair a dark chestnut brown that gets lighter in the summer. His lips are full and have a slightly pinker hue than his skin tone. His features are somewhat daunting and stand-offish, even though he is the exact opposite of that. His jaw is often ticking and can be seen beneath the stubble that often adorns his jaw. Dark and long eyelash brim his stunning eyes.

Clothing Style:

When not attending a formal event of some sort, Zack is perfectly happy to be lounging around in simple t-shirts, v-necks, khaki shorts or tight fitting jeans. He isn't one to dress up on a daily basis, but he also doesn't like dressing down everyday. On occasion he can be caught wearing sweatpants and a muscle shirt of some sort. However, if he and the others are going out he'll dress a bit better and will take better care of the rest of his appearance as well. His shoes mostly consist of sandals, converse or vans.

In Depth


Zack was born in Florence, Italy to Italian, Mira, and American, Colton, and quickly picked up the English and Italian languages at the tender age of two. He attended school and enjoyed it, but found it difficult to socialize with some of the kids. He was shy and therefor made very few friends. As he aged, he took solace in the internet and all of the people it held. While it took him some time to find people who weren't lying to get close to him, he finally did.

One he graduated, having already been speaking with a few of his internet friend since he was sixteen, he attended a local college and was looking to become a History professor. That was until his friends began making plans to move into one big apartment together. He uprooted his entire life to be with them, since they were the only real friends he had, had in years.


Zack is very extroverted for the most part. He loves people and being around them, especially if he already has an established relationship with them. Anyone who speaks to him first or brings up a topic he is passionate about, will bring out the best side of him. He's not much of a joke teller, but he'll laugh and smile all day long given he's around the right people. He has a very strong work ethic.

On the flip-side, Zack has a short temper and snaps easily when prolonged irritation continues on and on. He's very protective of his friends and anyone he perceives as a threat, he will meet as one. That may cause problems but he is only looking out for his friends.



Any conversation about Italy







Grey Eyes

The Killers

Smooth Jazz


Snobby People

Being Waken Up Rudely

The Smell Of Cigarettes


Horror (He's a severe baby when it comes to anything scary)

Close-Minded People

Loud Music At Night


Acrophobia- Fear of heights.

Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored.


Runs a hand over/along his jaw/neck when in deep thought.

Clears his throat when uncomfortable.

Scratches his ear randomly and for no reason.


? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

J E S S I C A C A U L D W E L L (?)

"She likes her alcohol and I can make it. What more needs to be said?"

Zack has a grudging respect for the independent female who is always asking for him to make her drinks. He doesn't mind it, it's his job after all, and it keeps his mind off of more unpleasant things. She keeps the conversation alive.

L I A N N E A L A R S S O N (?)

"She's pretty cool. Though, she's a little.. uncontrollable at times. We get along well."

Zack finds her to be bold and confident. Her style is something he isn't accustomed to, but it unique and he respects her for following who she truly is. She's good with conversation and that's a plus for him.

I V Y R E E V E S (?)

"I've chatted with her on a few occasions. As far as I can tell, she's real."

Zack tries to discreetly avoid her, since her eyes are prying and he tends to steer clear of that. It's nothing against her. He'd be like that with any of them.

R A C H E L W I L S O N (?)

"If I were to consider anyone my best friend, it would be her."

Zack doesn't know why, but he connected on a platonic level that he didn't with anyone else. They both were able to work around the issues each of them had and now they can be found lounging around together. Just being around her makes him feel better if he's having a shitty day.


He's a closeted, heavy drug addict. Nobody, including family and friends, knows about it.

He speaks Italian and English and always has that Italian accent on his tongue.


Theme Song:

Code & Character by Asylumnated




  • I N T R O D U C T I O N S

    Full Name:
    Felix Abraham Bergfalk

    Nicknames: "Mom," "Mommy," "Momma," and other variations.

    Age: 23

    Occupation: PM

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    A P P E A R A N C E

    Light blonde, short and always a bit ruffled.

    Eyes: Baby blue.

    Face: Somewhat square, with a small button nose bridged by a few freckles and what others have described as a really nice smile.

    Build: Felix, likely due to the fact that he prefers housework, cooking, and other domestic tasks over physical activity, is slightly overweight. This only really affected his midsection, so rather than having thick arms or a rounded face, he just has a slight "tummy."

    Clothing: Felix adores anything pastel-colored or floral. He really likes the color pink, too. His favorites are button-ups, tee shirts, and tank tops in the summertime. He kind of likes to get cute with his tops, but jeans suit him just fine. He doesn't go outside a lot, so he normally just wears socks, but when he has to leave the house, he's got a couple pairs of converse. You'll never see Felix in a bathing suit, or shirtless in public in general. Sleeps in a Beach Boys tee shirt and flannel pajama bottoms.


    To be taken with a grain of salt, because it is quite difficult to find good pictures of this guy.


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Kaito Nakashima



Name: Kaito Nakashima

Nickname: Kai

Age: 21


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Birthplace: Nikko, Japan

Languages: Japanese, English and Spanish

Occupation: Barista


Appearance: Kai stands at an intimidating 5"6! Definitely, not the tallest among all but he doesn't let that get to him. He has dark brown eyes and naturally black hair but that generally changes from time to time. Kai swears that his fashion is legendary! Though normally that is in jest. Kai gets his fashion from the crazy imagination of the Tokyo street life. He generally prefers to be comfortable and baggy.

Not one to like the life of strict confines. He doesn't mind changing his hair color every so often or staying a year with just plain black. He opens his arms to change in different doses. To say that Kai likes tattoos, is an understatement. He finds himself decorating his body with a new one every month or so if he has the spare change. He also loves to add neat little bits of metal to his face and body here and then. He considers it fun and expressive. The variations are endless in his mind!

Tattoos and piercings galore!


Clothing Style:


Ethnicity: ??? Japanese


Status: Single.

Likes: All colors, tea, cigarettes, dance, cultures, people, disney movies and Enka.

Dislikes: Cicadas, humidity, ignorant people, bad smells and the sound of money falling on the ground.

Personality: Kai barely knows how to represent his native culture of quiet calm Japanese nature. He finds that he loves to be loud and fun at all times. Maybe that is why he has no qualms with coming to the U.S. Kai is that one kid next door that was weird but you couldn't stop hanging out with him because he always made you laugh and forget all your problems. He likes making people smile and being there for them. One to yearn for knowledge, he likes to learn new things from the people he meets. Kai hates being put in uncomfortable or serious situations for a long a period of time, he finds the air too thick to breathe in. Which is funny to hear coming from a smoker.

Kai will be the first to suggest doing something extreme and that would most likely lead to put people in trouble. Yet, he always finds a a way of convincing others that it is worth it. He will stop anything that he is doing to help out. Rarely, if he is alone, he is on his computer playing video games or rocking out on his guitar. Which he plays awfully. It doesn't take the fun out of it though. Kai knows he can't play but it brings him joy just to try. A bit sensitive but he doesn't like to tell other people that except when he cries at Disney movies. That he does boldly and without shame.

Fears: Seeing others suffer, burning to death, spiders and losing his voice.

Habits: Playing with his hair when he is bored or not amused. Smoking, often. Being silly at often random times. Clapping once to stop an awkward or tense moment.


Kai was raised by his mother, Yuuki Nakashima, and father, Seita Nakashima, in Nikko, Japan. The district north of Tokyo which has more agricultural and less city. He found that while his parents loved him very much and he had a group of great friends, that he was missing something. He couldn't identify with how most of his friends lived a life of dullness and routine. He found that all throughout his school days he would go to school, hang out afterwards at a club, go to a conbini(7-11) and then return home. Kai would often ride his bike around his local town on his own, listening to 80's American music on his player. He would see how close knit his community was and how...normal it all looked. Predictable, even. While he was sure that everyone must feel that, he would tell his friends of his worries and they would laugh at him for being weird.

Then everything changed when he was sixteen. Kai went on a trip with his father to Tokyo for a business meeting. Luckily, he got the chance to tag along and walk around. His world completely changed. He was introduced to the budding culture of Tokyo youths. Ranging from crazy fashion in the Harajuku district to the night life in Roppongi Hills. In Roppongi, where almost all foreign embassies are, he began to meet many foreigners. He heard great tales of their countries and their people. About the attire from Turkey and the poverty in Chile. His eyes were opened to a world of endless possibility. It was different reading about this in textbooks instead of hearing about it. He could only imagine what it would be like seeing these things.

Returning to Nikko, everything changed. Kai began to study hard at his language classes. If he wanted to travel the world, he would need to know how to speak a language or two more! He ended up mastering English and Spanish while in high school, it wasn't easy but he focused on it like nothing else. He also decided to make friends online to practice his language and get to know about other countries as he studied. Once school was finished, Kai was faced with the idea of University. He didn't want to spend another day in his small country, he wanted to go places! So, without hesitation, he told his parents.

At first, his father wasn't incredibly happy about the news but after a couple of weeks he came around. His only request is that if Kai was to leave the country that he needs to be married before the age of twenty two. Kai brushed this off, that was still a bit away so what did he have to worry? At the time, he was eighteen. So, Kai was off. First he needed to save money to go wherever he could. That was when he found himself stuck in Tokyo for three years. This was in part because of having the right opportunity and just getting caught up in the comfort of his country. It wasn't until a bit ago that a group Kai was in had the crazy idea of renting a place together in New York. He couldn't believe that it was happening. He had enough saved to start off. How could he not go for it?


? = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ? | ? = Close Friends | ? = Friendly | ? = No Relationship/Neutral | ? = Enemies

F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E "Quote about relationship."

If I'm Accepted I will work on these?!

Writing Sample

Kai took a big puff form his Marlboro Ice Blast, ichi miri*, he liked to keep it healthy. That's obviously a joke, as regardless of what he is still smoking. He was on the floor next to his monstrous computer that he built himself. The small studio apartment was an absolute disaster. Clothes were all over the ground and laundry hanged inside of the apartment for what seemed like weeks. Useless, since they were just inhaling the smoke from Kai's cigarette. The three monitors sit snug facing Kai as the room was shrouded in darkness except for their pixelated spotlight on Kai.

Kai, dabs the end of his cigarette lightly on his ash tray next to his mouse. He adjusts his head phones and mic as he curses loudly at someone at the computer. He was 100% inside of this video game. Just another typical MMORPG for Kai. One he hasn't been kicked off of yet for vulgarities. He furiously moves his hands as he multitasks among several different things. While conducting a raid in game, he was talking with some friends online.

Things got really heated. They were nearing the end of their timer on the game and Kai was getting really pissed off at people's inability to play a damn game. Meanwhile, he glances over and spots a message from the group. He then reads a small bit out loud.

"G-Good news...We got...approved for the apartme-"

Kai suddenly gets up triggering a chain of crazy events. His headphones flew out of the jack while his ash tray went high sailing to the opposite side of the room. The timer goes off on the game and the group loses and all Kai can do it yell-


He cheers triumphantly and closes his game, cutting off vulgarities being written towards him for dropping out. He responds to the group and immediately goes to buy his airplane ticket.
This is happening. This is actually fucking happening. Holy shit. I can't even. I'm going to America! Wooo!

*For those that are curious. In Japan, their cigarettes are rated in how strong they are. ichi is Japanese for one and is the weakest type of cigarette. This stands for 1mg of nicotine in one cigarette. To put it in perspective for those that smoke. One American cigarette (Which lack this label) is the equivalent of a pack and a half of ichi miri Japanese cigarettes. And that was your fun fact of the day!



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Sebastian Alexander Blackwood

"We must bring our own light to the darkness"

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Sebastian Alexander Blackwood






October 27th





Relationship status



Versailles, France





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_malp5gGWbU1r3krupo1_500.jpg.6c1f5e5a4dcec6af15558fa814efbc7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_malp5gGWbU1r3krupo1_500.jpg.6c1f5e5a4dcec6af15558fa814efbc7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The first thing you'll notice when Sebastian walks into the room is his height. He stands on a solid 6'4" and will tower above a lot of his friends. This may make him seem very much intimidating, not to mention the look on his face. You see, Sebastian's face is almost completely blank of expression, the only thing revealed would be a strong and determined look in his eyes as he walks through the streets of New York. But when he actually smiles, it is something that most people fall for as it is considered one of those heartthrobs. He smiles with his whole face, with the little wrinkles by his eyes and the dimples in his cheeks. But let me tell you that this is rare, he'll mostly smirk to show his amusement. Eyeing him up and down, you'll notice the white fluff on his head. Yes, it is his hair. It is soft, like a kitten, and has the color of snow. However, his hair is in fact very dark brown, but is dyed white every time the roots begin to show. Sebastian's eyes are pale blue, and may look grey in certain lights. They are one of few things that actually seem to reveal what he's feeling.

Sebastian has a pair of tattoos on his body. One of them is a mockingbird located on his upper back on the left side. The other tattoo he has is the name of his sister, 'Evangeline', on the right side of his ribcage. This is somethign many mistake for a girlfriend, which is most definately not true.

A few years ago, on his 18th birthday, Sebastian got a piercing in his left nostrill. A thin silver ring hung there for several years before he removed it. While he doesn't wear the ring, the 'hole' is still left if he were to put in the ring again.

Clothing Style

Yes, this is something very important to him. Sebastian will always look himself in the mirror at least ten times before leaving due to his obsession with clothes, even though his wardrobe is pretty much all black. He likes to refer to them as different shades of black. He'll wear other fabrics to give his outfit some edge and variation. One thing you'll often see him wearing is all sorts of blazers, never will he go without one. This together with a button-up shirt makes him look quite formal at times, but that's nothig he cares too much about. But to keep him from looking too formal, he mixes it up with different accecories. Watches, bracelets, belts and sunglasses aren't far too rare in his case.

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Sebastian comes off as quite cold-hearted as he mostly keeps a blank face when talking to someone and he hides his emotions very well. People often tell him to relax and ease up, which he tries so hard to do, but something keeps stopping him. Sebastian is one who easily disappears in groups. The only way to locate him is to look for the giant in the back. You see, he is one of those people who easily steps back when encountering a larger group of people. He'll be the one with the party in the back of the crowd, mostly by himself. It doesn't have anything to do with him disliking the company of others, it's just that he's no good when it comes to stealing the spotlight for himself. But I'll tell you one thing, he's much better when you're alone with him. When there is no one nearby to talk over him or interrupt him, he's actually quite the company. He can laugh and joke as long as there is no one there to steal the punch-line from him. In all honesty, Sebastian is soft-hearted, despite his looks, and will mostly care for you in a way that will make you ridiculously annoyed with him. He might tell you not to do something because he's worried about you, or he'll yell at you for doing something stupid, but he does it out of love, not out of hate. Yes, it may make him look like a fool, but it is to no concern for him.

But while the guy is sweet and friendly, he has his troubled side as well. For example, Sebastian is very much like a control freak. He will try to pull the strings, but in secret. As he prefers not to stand in the spotlight, he tends to control people with subtle actions and manipulative talks. He'll clean up other's messes, or at least try. But his most troubled side is the emotional part. He can't, under no circumstances, put his thoughts into words. Nor can he reveal them in any good ways, which has become a part of the reason why he keeps them to himself, the other reason being his past. He'll put up a wall to keep others outside, and will most likely build up all his emotions inside until the point of bubbling over. When the wall breaks, he'll walk off on his own where all the recent thoughts come all at once. Yet, this is something he manages surprisingly well to hide from most people.


Sebastian grew up in the Blackwood family in Versailles, France. The father of the house was american while the mother was french. He grew up on his own for a long time until his younger sister, Evangeline, was born eight years after his own birth. But this was also the time that things went downhill for the Blackwood's. The mother, Cadencia, divorced the father and moved out shortly after the daughter's birth, taking her newborn child with her. Due to this, Sebastian was left on his own with his father who took the divorce harder than most would. He grew violent, and abusive. It started with some light slaps, but over the years it evolved into really bad wounds. Slowly, it tore down the confidence that Sebastian once had, and he grew to be emotionally incompetent. Sebastian was obedient, yes, and he did everything his father told him to do, but the violence didn't stop. It wasn't until the year he turned eighteen that he packed his bags and moved away. He searched a long time for his mother, finding her in a small town south of Paris where he moved in for the following months.

Another couple of years passed and Sebastian moved yet again, this time to an apartment in Boston, U.S, where he lived with two newfound friends. While the scars of his past remained, he somehow got through it all and move on with his life. Over the course of two years, he changed jobs about eight times, working at different cafés, libraries, supermarkets and some volontary work as well. During that time, he spent a lot of time online. He even met a couple of people of his age that lived spread out across the world, whom he found a genuine interest for. The time came when the group decided to get an apartment together in New York. Sebastian dropped his job as a waiter and left his friends in Boston to live with the internet-friends he had only just recently gotten to know. Insane? Yes. Worth it? Maybe.


Early mornings



80's movies


Confident people


The color black





Annoyingly loud people

Lazy people

Messy places

Sloppy people

His father


Letting people in


Small spaces [Claustrophobia]


Snapping fingers

Humming while cooking


Rolling his eyes

Licks his bottom lip when thinking


♥ = Romantic Interest | Attracted to = ☼ | ☆ = Close Friends | ☮ = Friendly | ☐ = No Relationship/Neutral | ✖ = Enemies

PM me!





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