The Angel Regimen (Open! Please look at Sign Up Sheet!)


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Genesis looked at Capital City on top of a building. It always looked so calm and peaceful. "I feel like we're getting a new recruit today." She said to herself. She looked back at the way she came. I should probably send people out to get the new recruit. She thought to herself. "I wonder.... How much potential this new recruit has."
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Samson wandered the streets, looking around curiously and clutching his backpack to his shoulder. He looked around at the different people with great interest, trying to discern who they were and what they were doing from just the small impression they made on him and what he could gather from his gift. He always loved people watching, the lives of others always piqued his curiosity. Plus, he always had a knack for discerning others behaviors and making inferences. Sam couldn't help but wonder yet again if his abilities were a recent discovery or a gift that he had always had. Whatever it was, he knew he was different and he learned things in ways no one else could.

He continued walking aimlessly, indulging himself in his thoughts and soaking up the sun. He then noticed a bouquet of wildflowers peaking at him from the window of a flower shop. He entered the shop and looked around, smelling the fresh flowers. He loved to people watch and the city was full of a busy excitement like no other, yet the flowers invoked a keen sense of wonder. It brought him back to childhood summers in the countryside, where meadows of wildflowers and tall grass broke up the quiet forests near his grandparents' cottage. He felt part of a great society of diverse people in the bustling metropolis he called home, looking up at the looming skyscrapers like a tiny ant, yet in nature he felt part of an even greater whole.

He smiled warmly as he dropped coins on the counter, tucking the bright wildflower he had just bought into a small pocket in his shirt. Suddenly, after seeing a police officer on the street, he remembered where he was going and the great weight of his situation. Determined to achieve his goal without any further distractions, he calmly walked down the street, blending into the crowd despite his colorful attire. He listened to various thoughts, trying to pick up any word of the Angel Regimen he could find. Terrorism, confusion, fear. These were all ideas and sensations that he absorbed into his mind, but none of which were new or helpful.

Then, he felt an instinct from within. He found himself walking into a nearby building, flashing a calm smile to those in the lobby and climbing the stairs without challenge or notice. He followed this instinctual feeling all the way to the roof, and out of breath he approached Genesis from behind with a calming and comforting presence. He flashed an innocent smile and waved to her and, with a casual air that one may expect in a hallway exchange between friendly schoolchildren, said, "Hello!"

EDIT: (No problem, fixed it)
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(Sorry! I changed it so that Nathan wasn't there with Genesis. He'll appear later xp )

Genesis turned around quickly, her fiery red hair fanning out as she smoothly took out a shotgun and pointed it at the newcomer, like it was a practiced motion. This guy seemed to casual to be a DUSC officer. She thought to herself. But I can't take any chances. "Who are you?" She asked. "How did you know I was here?"

The way he was dressed didn't seem suspicious either. Though coming from where she came from. Little old Grandma Susan and her cute kitten could be dangerous. Let your guard down and next thing you know, innocent Grandma Susan pulls out a M16 from behind that kitten and kills you on the spot. Genesis slowly approached the guy, her gun hand unwavering.
Samson peered at her curiously. If he was daunted by the gun she pointed at him it was masked by his peculiar expression of relief. Sure, he was nervous about having a shotgun pointed at him at point blank, but it helped fuel his belief that she was of the Angel Regimenites he was looking for.

He looked at her in the eyes with a sincere innocence, his eyebrows positioned ever so slightly to indicate concentration. He sensed her fear of him, her apprehension, and most of all felt her hatred of DUSC.

"My name is Samson. I'm a friend, not a foe. And I'm here, well, because you were expecting me." He nodded at her, feeling like that explanation best expressed something that he didn't understand enough himself to properly put into words.
Genesis blinked. "Expecting you?" She slowly put her gun down but kept it in her hand. "What are you?" It was more of a question of whether he was human or not. If she was expecting him then... Maybe he was the new recruit she was waiting for. She knew there was a feeling in her gut that someone would be coming today, who's to say it wasn't this guy?

However, in order for her to fully believe him. This guy will have to prove himself in more ways than one.
He thought about that for a second. He tried to take heed from what she thought, which didn't help, so he thought more. He scratched his head a bit, and furrowed his light brown eyebrows. He came up with nothing. He wasn't sure what to say, nervous about properly executing this first encounter, but then he realized he was overthinking it.

"I am....I don't know what I am," he answered, "I'm...a different. Like you. That's why I'm here, that's why we both are here. I mean, what are you? Why are you here?"
The answer wasn't what she expected, though that didn't mean to say it was a bad one. So this guy doesn't truly know what he is. She thought. "From what you said, you're like me." She smiled a bit and put the gun back in it's holster. "I'm here because I've been hoping to find someone, and I think that person is you." Genesis tilted her head a bit, lightly tapping her fingernail against her headphones. "Tell me, have you ever been able to do something that no one else couldn't?" Just to make sure no one would be listening in on their conversation, she changed the soundwaves, making sure her voice only got directed him and no one else nearby.
Relieved in more ways than one, he let his guard down from what already seemed to be a state of calm to an even more relaxed demeanor.

"I am able to know things that other people can't," he said, speaking in a daydreamy voice that, "I don't learn things just from speaking and listening, but also by feeling the way other people do about certain things, and sometimes I can even hear thoughts. I thought I was going mad, but then I found that these things I sensed were quite true. And most of all, it works both ways. I can plant thoughts and feelings in the minds of others, and hide in plain sight. I mean its hard to really define...but its there. I know it is,"
Genesis nodded. "I'm just going to get straight to the point now." She looked him straight in the eye. "You're a superhuman. You are a danger to the people around you as deemed by the government. If you have been planting these sort of "feelings" into people for a while now, then they're probably searching for you now." She walked up and stood in front of him. "My name is Genesis and I am the leader of a group called the Angel Regimen. We protect people like you from ever getting caught by the government. We will ensure that your family members or anyone close to you is safe as long as you join us."
"I know who you are, that's why I've come here. But how can you ensure the safety of anyone?" He peered at her with serious sincerity, having been at this point quite focused on the situation at hand rather than focusing on anything else.
"I have people back at base who are sure to make sure any media about you is erased." She said simply. How did he know who she was? Genesis frowned a bit. Considering all that has been going on though she wasn't surprised. As long as they don't know who is a part of the group it's okay. "We'll make it seem like you never made any contact with your friends and family. You'll merely disappear."
Samson nodded a bit, still seemingly a bit unsure, "I guess that makes sense, its just...a lot to think about..." he wandered over to a nearby wall and dropped his bag down onto the floor, taking a seat on the ground next to it. With his back against the wall, he placed his left leg evenly on top of his right, almost as if to stack them, and began to idly play with the strings on his brand new pink and red and orange sneakers. The the khakis had that hugged his legs had several rips and were held up by a worn leather belt. His clean white cardigan was unbuttoned to reveal his radiant yellow t-shirt, and the sleeves rolled up to show off the various bracelets of colorful beads that adorned his wrists.

He pushed his thick sun-kissed hair to the side, appearing to be deep in thought once again. His soft, elderly eyes peered off into the distance, deep in thought and conviction. He was playing with his wildflower and peering it over as if it held all the answers he was looking for. Then, he keenly looked at her with a sweet smile, "So...what can you do? And where are all the others?"
Jumping around , the bunny ears of her jacket bounced up a d down. Her skirt was bouncing as well making whatever she had under it visible to some eyes. Her voice was more of a calm but childish tone. Her hair was purple and was long so the bands she had were long covering her left eye. The boy beside her had on some black pants and a jacket with a hoodie. He had bandages over his nose and both on his left and right cheek. He had a smirk on his face as he looked around the city. " neh neh what are we doing today Brian-chan". Brian had looked down and hissed. " don't call me that."

Brian looked away as he stared down the street. It wasn't their day off but since they had a job to do they decided to explore more of the outside world. Brian had a habit of saying Che to the girls that giggled at him. Like a big brother , when the men approached her he would shoo them away. Purposely making the world rock. zereth would look him with a sly smirk. " have you talked to her genisis "

( sorry the short I'm on my phone)
Genesis walked over and sat next to him. Her black beanie head resting against the wall behind her. Her legs pulled up to her chest and her arms rested on top of her knees. "I can manipulate sound." She said simply. "Almost like the remote to a TV or sound system. A lot of us have different and unique powers, it's almost scary thinking about how we exactly got these abilities." Her red hair splayed on top of her black, leather jacket and her combat boots resting against the concrete. "The rest are back at base, but they're keeping a close eye on us." 
Nathan walked the streets of the city, his head pulled up to hide his face. He sighed and looked at the sky. Despite all the lights and the cars, this place always seemed to look dull to him. He got easily used to the lights and the noises. He kinda wished something new happened to him.
Samson nodded a bit, pausing to keenly think over what she just told him for a moment, then with an eager grin looked back at her, "So, what now?"
Genesis got up on her feet. "I'm assuming that is your agreement to join?" She smiled a bit. "You can meet some of the members now if I can contact them. They're just walking around the city right now."
Brian had tugged on Zereth's shirt. He pointed toward a truck that as coming there way. "By all means die , right now." Zereth slapped his hand away as she crossed her arms. "Oh hush , your lucky I won't push you in front of it." Brian looked down at her with a glare. She had stuck her tongue out before turning into a bakery. Before she could enter it the ground began to shake , making her stumble back. Brian shook his head as he pulled the ears on her jacket. "No sweets for you che." Zereth sighed as she was being tugged by Brian. Letting her feet drag and her body being at an incline. "Your mean." Brian ignored the question about Genesis. He sighed as he looked around. He was lost, clearly forgot about the new one they were supposed to meat.

"Your lost." Brian shook his head no as he pointed toward a stop light. "Nope where were I want to be. "Zereth smirked as she looked up. "We have been walking around in a circle." Brian tugged on her ears making her fall to the ground on her but. "Don't mock me." She snapped her jaws as she raised her hand. His legs began to lift. Brian began to panic as he leaned forward. Snickering she had dropped him, making him land face first. She held her stomach as she rolled on the ground. Brian slammed his fist on the ground making a crack appear. He looked back at her. "You lucky were in public, I would have thrown you by now."
Genesis flipped open her phone and dialed Brian's number. They probably got lost on their way to come meet her here. Well, they already missed meeting the new recruit. She just sighed and shook her head. They'll meet up back at base it seems. Where could Brian and Zereth have been this whole time? They weren't stupid enough to get caught by the DUSC. Maybe they got distracted with something along the way.
While Genesis was looking on her phone and trying to sort things up, Sam got up and begin to pace a bit, looking around the rooftop with distracted carefree curiosity. Yet, he maintained a subtle notice of Genesis, and, as soon as she got off the phone, turned to her and with a flash of his innocent bubbly smile asked, "Do you want me to find your friends for you?"
Genesis looked over at Samson and raised an eyebrow. "You can do that?" She asked. "Do you even know what they look like?"
He looked to her, thinking that over for a moment as if he had not gone through the implications of such an offer until then, "Weellllll...sort've. I mean its kinda like a puzzle, but where everyone else is blind I can see the pieces," he then nodded to himself with a cheery smile, seemingly satisfied with that analogy.

He looked over across the city a bit, smiling softly, his eyes lost in thought before the grandeur of the city, then dramatically turned back to her and with a bubbly exclaim, "Do you have any idea where they might be? Oh! And also, think reeaaallll hard about them and what they look like, so I can pick up their scent! Or whatever you want to call it. If I sense anyone who has seen them recently I can pick up little hints where they might have gone next! Sort've like a bloodhound!"
"They're somewhere around the city streets that's for sure. But yeah, thanks for the help Samson." She said. She thought hard about Brian and Zereth. Brian's red hair and sometimes cold demeanor, Zereth's bubbly personality and bright colored hair. She continued to focus on them, seeing what her new recruit could pick up on. This could be his first test, to see if he was truly useful in the Angel Regimen.
Samson narrowed his eyes and focused on Genesis for a moment, his soft and unassuming gray eyes suddenly becoming soul piercing and intense.

Then, with a sudden movement which like he seems to frequently make, he dramatically turned toward the edge of the building. He gazed out at the city in complete silence, the wind blowing through his shaggy blonde hair and ruffling his cardigan. He began to circle the rooftop with a graceful sidestep, as if he were on a trapeze. He looked out across the city, up at the sun, the earth, the people down below, the clouds. He moved with an intensity and gracefulness that was such a distant departure from his typical bubbly and distracted demeanor, yet his exuberant nature shined through ever so slightly in the way he nervously tapped his fingers against his thigh like the beat of a drum.

After what felt like ages, he once again turned back to Genesis and, with his signature youthful grin once again gracing his face, exclaimed, "I sense them off in the northwest, towards Founder's Square!" He then ran over to get his bag and, looking back with an eager grin, exclaimed, "Come on then!"
As they went down to the street, Samson looked around like a bloodhound looking for a scent. He began wandering down different streets and alleyways, as if in some sort of trance, never checking behind him to make sure Genesis was still following him.

Just as he suggested, they soon found themselves in the neighborhood of Charlotte in the city's northwest corridor. A largely residential neighborhood, it is home to some of the city's older architecture and structures, with many of the buildings haven been built as far back as the 20th century. Samson wandered around, changing direction several times, but then finally stopped in his tracks.

"Is that them?" he inquired, pointing off at a pair a block away.

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