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Fantasy The Anchor (High Concept--Open to all)


The Horror queen from your day dreams
Your character sheet should include the following:






(Specifics, please)

Personality: (With details including strengths and weaknesses. Try to be as detailed and creative as possible so we can get a good feel for your character before we begin.)

Backstory Overview: (Again, a detailed approach would be appreciated. This should be 2 paragraphs at least. The rounder the characters, the better the story!)

Random Facts: (Whatever you feel is important to list that is not explicitly asked for elsewhere, or just general fun-facts that give insight to a character's personality.)

***As a general rule, please make sure that your characters are molded to the world in which the game is set. This will help avoid confusion and make the RP smoother and much more enjoyable for everyone!**

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  • 98e76f725467325923e8550cabdb070e.jpg
    Name: Carolina Dew

    Age: 18

    Race: Human

    Profession: Royalty (Kingdom's Princess)

    Height: 5'6"

    Weight: 65kg

    Build: Athletic

    Personality: Carolina is usually an obedient girl, who is kind and smart. She took her studies seriously, as well as learning much from her father as to how to rule a kingdom. She has a good heart, and a kind smile. Carolina is considerate, and spends much time with her handmaiden, who happens to also be her best friend. She's kind to the castle staff, asking instead of demanding, sharing and advising.

    Random Facts: Carolina is adept with a bow and arrow, She's also an avid reader.
    Carolina was raised in the castle by her parents and some of the chamber maids. Everyone in the castle was family to her, loving her and raising her to be a kind individual. She was loved by them all and didn't fear. She didn't have to. Even with the King's guard absent, Carolina felt safe in the walls of the castle and didn't mind being in them all the time. Occasionally, she'd make a visit with the cooks down to the nearest village, just to get into the world. Her world was tipped upside down after she was taken from the castle one day.
Name: Serena

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 64 kg

Build: Athletic. Focuses more on speed rather than strength.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.a394be760c15f80ba8ecdbb440df05d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.a394be760c15f80ba8ecdbb440df05d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Swordmaster, and member of the Anchor. Can also wield lesser fire magic.

Personality: Crazy is one way to describe her. Loves to have fun, though her version of fun can be a bit twisted. Likes fighting, romance, and crazy ideas. Often does things just to be amused. Can be sadistic at times. Giggles quite often.

Backstory: Serena grew up an apprentice roam aster swordsman, but he died before she could finish her training. She had always been a little crazy, and it really showed once she had no one to control her. Loved to do anything that was fun, which led her to the life as a mercenary. Did this for a couple of years and, due her skill with a blade, captured the attention of larger organisations.

Likes: Violence and flirting amuses her. Likes action in general.

Dislikes: Not fond of staying in one place too long, she has very little patience. Hates boring conversations and boring people.



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Name: Ghost

Age: 25

Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 200lbs

Build: Larger shoulders, toned but not overly bulky.

Profession: Stealth assassin in the first rank of "The Anchor", a special band of warriors and outlaws charged with locating the princess of the Imperial capitol who has vanished several days ago. Before this, he was a simple sell-sword taking odd jobs for money, including murder.

Personality: Calculated and cynical, but warm towards those he cares for. He is adept in stealth tactics and can remain hidden in almost plain sight despite his size. He is also fairly skilled in banter and can talk his way into (or out of) a good number of situations. Growing up around horses, Ghost also has a soft spot for animals and can create a good relationship with them quickly as he genuinely cares for their well being. He is regrettably unskilled with a bow and prefers to stalk his prey close-range from the shadows. If his enemies are alerted, he becomes nervous and often fails to keep his cool leading to costly mistakes. He can be overly caring at times and his moral center can disable his better judgement causing him a steep disadvantage when faced with complex decisions.

Backstory Overview: Orphaned at a very young age, Ghost was taken in by an older couple in the town of Shade, right outside the Imperial Capitol at the base of the Triniface mountains. He had a very simple childhood with the couple and was sent off to the military academy when he came of-age to fulfill a childhood dream of serving the King. Here, he learned a great number of combat skills where he specialized in stealth and all but perfected the use of twin reapers as his weapon of choice. Out of the academy at the age of 18, he was offered a position in the Queen's guard. Before he had a chance to accept, however, his adoptive parents were murdered in a targeted arson incident involving the theft of their horses. It was through his mourning that Ghost realized it is not the upper-crust of society that needs protection, but the common citizens that don't have means to defend themselves. He decided to turn down the throne's offer and become a sell-sword to help protect those in need from monsters--human or otherwise. One of his most recent jobs involved gathering intel on a man named Rubio Centoro, a court jester who allegedly steals from town merchants and mistreats women on a regular basis. He had followed Rubio into the Imperial palace where he witnessed him attempting to drug one of the chamber maids. Ghost immediately intervened and attempted to apprehend the Jester, however, the situation turned very physical and he was forced to kill the man out of self-defense. To avoid conviction, the King extended a deal to the assassin offering to expunge his record if he assisted his task force, The Anchor, in finding his recently missing daughter. Seeing the job as a better option then the Imperial prison, he reluctantly accepted and set off amongst the city in attempts to locate the missing princess.

Random Facts: He loves spicy food and meat of any kind, but is not particularly fond of most fruits. He hates the color black and finds it disgustingly ironic that it's the most practical color for his professional attire. He would much rather live in perpetual cold then have to function in any weather above 80 degrees.
Thank you everyone for your interest! I'm really excited to get this underway. You're characters are shaping up nicely and will be a pleasure to work with! I've added some general requests at the top of this page. If you could, please modify your entries to include some of the specific details requested to give other players a good idea of the kind of character you've created. We should be getting things underway in the next couple of days, maybe as soon as tomorrow! I'm just waiting for other players to post their CS as well so that everyone is accounted for.

In the meantime please don't hesitate to PM me with any ideas or questions you may have, and check out the OOC tab for some general RP rules as well :)
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Name: Armelin Starsol

Age: 19

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Build: Slim, but not weak or sickly in any way. This is not to say that she doesn't have any curves, though. Her body favors an ectomorphic type, so no matter how much muscle she may gain, she will always be slim, which can give her a wiry appearance when her muscles are visible. Her pale skin may lead people to believe her to be sickly, though.


(Armelin looks very similar to the above picture, except that her hair is a dark brown, and the longcoat that she always wears doesn't have the armored parts. In addition to the longcoat, she will normally have a full-length cloak. She is just as pale as the picture shows, and has approximately the same build. Her eyes are a deep sapphire blue with silver streaks and flecks. Normally she wears a number of necklaces, each allowing her to help focus her magic.)

Profession: Mage, and recently a member of the Anchor. Normally Armelin would be called upon by nobles (or whomever had the coin) to place protective wards and make simple charms, as well as working as a healer for whatever locale she was in. For a few months, she worked with the Guard, acting as a defensive battle mage and healer.

Personality: With an overall nonchalant personality, Armelin will be the first to make a joke, though it is always tasteful. With her manners in check, she is an excellent speaker and is very good at making convincing arguments, especially ones that don't seem like an actual argument. This is, of course, because of her years of training in the Mage's Hall, which included formalities. However, Armelin will speak her mind, even when it's not always wanted, and she can come off as sassy, or a know-it-all, but really she is just being bluntly honest, though sometimes she will speak with the intent of insult, mostly because she knows her power as a mage. In truth she is a sweet girl who honestly only wishes the best, and is kind of a mother figure. Despite this, she is not above fighting when it's truly needed, though she will look for alternate routes.

In most situations she can keep a level head, mostly because it's very important that she do so, otherwise her magic could potentially become erratic. When she doesn't feel the need to speak, she will stay in the background and merely observe. There are occasions that Armelin can come off as naive, though she is not. She is well educated, though she hasn't traveled much, so some things can be new to her, though this is usually in the form of local attitudes such as racism.

When the subject turns to herself, Armelin is prone to becoming uncomfortable if the questions are too invasive. In these situations, she's more likely to take a "flight" response, though if cornered she may lash out. Deep down, Armelin is secretly scared of her magic in some ways. She has a deep terror of being manipulated or used for her magical abilities, especially since she doesn't want to hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it.

*If her emotions aren't kept in check, there is a risk of her "sparking" - her hands will give off small sparks when she's extremely anxious, due to her large amount of raw magic.

*Armelin can fight with a silver-coated shortsword that she always wears, but is limited to that and her magic, meaning she is ulnerable in long-range offensive attacks.

Backstory Overview: After a certain incident to be revealed IRP, Armelin's parents (who were lower-middle-class) sent her to the country's leading magic consortium center and school, the Hall of the Arcane, at the age of seven. Put in classes and dormed with people of different species from across the lands, the young mage quickly found a safe haven in a world that is not always kind. Of course, that's not to say that there was never any racism in the Hall, (Armelin herself ran afoul of some elf groups, being one of the few humans there) but it was a safe place to practice her magic. Or so the young, innocent girl had thought at first. Her magic had soon proved unwieldy, especially since nobody could find a defensive mage to be her mentor. As she grew, her magic did as well, and the solution provided to her overwhelming power was to capture part of it in a crystal. This gem, which faintly glows with silvery light, acts as a form of containment for her magic so she doesn't become overwhelmed. If the crystal should be stolen, the power inside could be used to do immense damage, among other things, including controlling Armelin. Should the crystal be broken before Armelin has separated herself from it (which won't happen for a few years at the least) she would die. Anyone who touches it without her knowledge or consent would receive a rather nasty shock.

As a young mage, Armelin excelled in her classes, eventually even in controlling her magic and coming up with creative ways to use it. Much of her free time was spent alone in private study, though partly this was because it was a controlled environment where she wouldn't have to worry about her temper of her magic. When she was finally seventeen, she left the Hall and struck out on her own as a freelance defensive mage. This has taken her from nobles' castles to the backstreets with the Guards, and has given her a healthy appreciation of all classes, from poor urchins to rich nobles, though she secretly prefers the poor. Working with the Guard, she learned basic hand-to-hand skills as well. When she received the letter from the King, she had initially thought that it was asking for some wards on the castle. In spite of her surprise, she gladly agreed to help in the search for the princess.

Random Facts:

Armelin Starsol isn't the name she was given at birth.

She is slim and pale because of her magic, and the silver in her eyes is another manifestation of it. This also means that she can and will eat enormous amounts and gain no weight because it will be burned off anyway, though the downside is that she needs food after burning too much mana.

For some reason, she doesn't like showing much skin.

Magic type:

Defensive: Defensive magic is extremely rare, as it combines not only drawing from Aspects but also using raw mana to form it into shields. Defensive magic is extremely mana-draining, meaning that since it's Armelin's Innate class, she has a large mana reserve to draw from, but she can still only cast a number of shields before fatigue begins to set in. Should one of her shields be broken, she will be hurt, the greatest extent of this (for an inconceivably strong shield being broken) is death, the most minor is a jolt of pain and disorientation, the common reaction is loss of consciousness. She's extremely inventive, though, so she can use her defensive magic in an offensive magic when pressed, though it still burns incredible amounts of mana. Defensive magic also includes some limited amounts of illusions, though Armelin is unpracticed in that area, and so cannot hold an illusion well for long at all. Defensive also includes The Eye, which allows a practiced mage to see a magic trap when looking for one, though it is not infallible.

Healing: Armelin assists her healing magic with actual medical supplies, such as poultices and bandaging. Large injuries will take time to heal, even with magic. A broken bone would take at least a weak to heal, figuring she wasn't casting any other spells. She can't heal disease but can numb the feeling of the effects. She can't cure poison, but she can postpone the effects or nullify them as long as she has mana.

Utilitarian/untrained: Not all of Armelin's magic is fully trained yet, which means she can learn other skills, given time. At the moment her only cast outside of defensive and healing is making a small flame.​
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