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Futuristic The Ancestors [CLOSED]


I'm a bad bitch, you c'aint kill me.
I don't really require anything when it comes to character sheets. Add anything you want, take anything away, fill whatever out if you want. As long as your character isn't OP or anything, we're cool.

Here's a character skeleton to go off of though.





Appearance: (I'd prefer drawings or art, but anime is acceptable if you've got nothing else.)


Weapon(s): (Since it's way into the future, go wild with your weapons.)

Specialty: (What your character is on the team for. What are they good at, their forté?)


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Name: Rzaya Sorell

Age: 26

Gender: Female


Family Background

Rzaya Sorell comes from a lineage of means, one of the wealthier families operating within any of the Luna colonies. Her upbringing left her oblivious to the extermination Luna's ancestors faced back on Earth, and she was raised not considering humanity's prior devastation a very significant event in history. Her parent's wealth afforded her several opportunities in life, of which she took full advantage.

The Sorell family name was on a list, much like many other astronomically wealthy families had been. Near the top. The names on the list were the "essentials" to be evacuated from Earth, and came far before an average refugee. The commoner was in shock to hear there even was a list - it was never public.

The Sorell family made its profit with their water recycling and liquid waste purification systems, which they were commissioned to install on the departing ships and on Luna settlements. The Sorell family brought a large majority of all the water on Luna, and worked in tandem with the Lunar government to build a state-of-the-art survival and rescue training facility. The facility has the only known "pool" on Luna, which is a large vertical tube chamber capable of providing current to simulate an tidal-like atmosphere.

The Pool is only permitted for government agency training and the family who devised it.

Enter Rzaya.


Every single day, Rzaya spent many hours at the Sorell Pool. It was her favorite thing to do throughout all her youth, and she became an incredible swimmer. The girl coupled this with a variety of athletic behavior, mostly running, all opportunities provided by her family's immense wealth.

Rzaya had the value of competition instilled within her since birth. Eventually, to her parents feigned support, Rzaya became interested in humanitarian work and helping the less fortunate. In this phase of her life, Rzaya began attending courses taught at the Sorell Rescue & Survival Facility that would teach and perfect her rescue abilities. As she collected valuable skills to save lives she developed an interest in becoming a pilot.

Having the means to grant her wish, her parents sent her to an exclusive flight academy. Rzaya showed promise as a pilot, but was constantly urged to remain in the rescue field by her parents, where she was a natural. Rzaya obtained a restricted pilots license, still needing more flight hours to be allowed to pilot a ship of her own.

Rzaya has a very big heart filled with compassion and empathy. Her positive, cheerful attitude is mostly the result of being brought up in a luxurious environment - a massive advantage in this life she didn't realize she was given. Rzaya is brilliant and tenacious with a rampant hunger for competition. Her privileged upbringing is reflected in her mannerisms and speech.

ToolorDie said:




Name: Rzaya Sorell

Age: 26

Gender: Female


Family Background

Rzaya Sorell comes from a lineage of means, one of the wealthier families operating within any of the Luna colonies. Her upbringing left her oblivious to the extermination Luna's ancestors faced back on Earth, and she was raised not considering humanity's prior devastation a very significant event in history. Her parent's wealth afforded her several opportunities in life, of which she took full advantage.

The Sorell family name was on a list, much like many other astronomically wealthy families had been. Near the top. The names on the list were the "essentials" to be evacuated from Earth, and came far before an average refugee. The commoner was in shock to hear there even was a list - it was never public.

The Sorell family made its profit with their water recycling and liquid waste purification systems, which they were commissioned to install on the departing ships and on Luna settlements. The Sorell family brought a large majority of all the water on Luna, and worked in tandem with the Lunar government to build a state-of-the-art survival and rescue training facility. The facility has the only known "pool" on Luna, which is a large vertical tube chamber capable of providing current to simulate an tidal-like atmosphere.

The Pool is only permitted for government agency training and the family who devised it.

Enter Rzaya.


Every single day, Rzaya spent many hours at the Sorell Pool. It was her favorite thing to do throughout all her youth, and she became an incredible swimmer. The girl coupled this with a variety of athletic behavior, mostly running, all opportunities provided by her family's immense wealth.

Rzaya had the value of competition instilled within her since birth. Eventually, to her parents feigned support, Rzaya became interested in humanitarian work and helping the less fortunate. In this phase of her life, Rzaya began attending courses taught at the Sorell Rescue & Survival Facility that would teach and perfect her rescue abilities. As she collected valuable skills to save lives she developed an interest in becoming a pilot.

Having the means to grant her wish, her parents sent her to an exclusive flight academy. Rzaya showed promise as a pilot, but was constantly urged to remain in the rescue field by her parents, where she was a natural. Rzaya obtained a restricted pilots license, still needing more flight hours to be allowed to pilot a ship of her own.

Rzaya has a very big heart filled with compassion and empathy. Her positive, cheerful attitude is mostly the result of being brought up in a luxurious environment - a massive advantage in this life she didn't realize she was given. Rzaya is brilliant and tenacious with a rampant hunger for competition. Her privileged upbringing is reflected in her mannerisms and speech.

I love her! Accepted. :)

  • Name: Varaye Isteria

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

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Sicariote said:
Name: Varaye Isteria
Age: 26

Gender: Female


Personality: Vara is a no nonsense type, with very little tolerance for indecisiveness and impractical theories. She is very good at logically analyzing a situation and taking immediate action. Independent, Vara rarely replies on other people, especially when accomplishing an objective. She takes serious pride in her work and can get hostile if she feels she is being sabotaged or stepped over. Her passion for duty, dependability, and impeccable personal integrity makes her a natural born leader. Vara adheres to established rules and guidelines, and will eagerly own up to her own mistakes even if the consequences are dire. Honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, which in turn can make her seem cold hearted.

Weapon(s): Five-Tap combat shotgun (employs five different types of ammunition), electric whip, and two Damascus steel knives. A repertoire of simple secondary weapons: grenades, throwing knives, caltrops, and biologically engineered darts.

Specialty: Interstellar Reconnaissance

Backstory: Vara grew up in a very strict family with five older brothers. Her mother was a military medic who also wrote for science journals in regard to extraterrestrial biology. Her father, a high ranking military official, ruled the nest with an iron fist. It was not a surprise all six siblings went on to become specialists in the military. Vara surpassed her classmates and was trained for an exclusive sector: interstellar reconnaissance and espionage. Although almost thirty, she has never been romantically involved with anyone, nor has any children. Her life is dedicated to her work.
Very nice, accepted. (Totally didn't just download her faceclaim...)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160601_0003.png.3d4400625442e202abc8035ddd97c388.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160601_0003.png.3d4400625442e202abc8035ddd97c388.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Oriella Arquet

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Written Appearance:

Oriella stands at 5'7, weighing in at 104 pounds with a slender, lithe build. She has short red hair that reaches her shoulders, but it's usually kept in a tight braid along the back of her head. Her face is dotted with freckles, and her skin is pale and smooth.

Personality: In a word, Ori is determined. Determined to make a difference in the world, determined to accomplish whatever goals she strives for, and determined to escape the shadow of her parents.

Generally an easy-going girl, Oriella is a people person. She considers herself a shoulder to lean on, a pillar of strength for her few friends.

She has an uncanny ability to tell when someone is lying, or when they are trying to trick her, and it's led to innumerable falling-outs with her parents. She hates being lied to, and it's hard for her to forgive and forget.

Weapon(s): A pair of custom-made pistols designed to -- quite literally -- generate their own ammunition. Any kind of matter can be melted down, solidified and shaped in a bullet in less than a second when loaded into the chamber.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160601_0004.png.2c0c3c4ebe3282a7a651cc73f2061ac2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160601_0004.png.2c0c3c4ebe3282a7a651cc73f2061ac2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Specialty: Oriella acts as the official leader of the expedition, but she considers herself the team's bodyguard and would readily hand control over to someone she deemed more capable than herself.

Backstory: Despite being raised in high society, Oriella turned into quite the rebel. Her parents, President Adrian Arquet and the first lady, Penelope, showed her all that life on Luna had go offer. The best schooling and education, all she could ever want, even frequent vacations to the more beautiful settlements.

At the age of 8, however, Ori found out why they lived where they did, and what the giant, empty planet she always stared up at was. She vowed to give up diplomacy, to turn away all the trivial things that seemed to make up her life, and fight to regain Earth.

When she turned 17, Ori enlisted in the army and learned what 'surviving' really was. She's been yearning to do something meaningful though, something that might make a difference, so her parents had her assigned to the recon mission. They figured it was the safest, easiest thing for her to do, and, unbeknownst to her, frequently meddle in her life in an attempt to bring her home.

Other: N/A

(Sorry this is so shitty everyone. I'm too tired to make a good character sheet...hopefully she'll be revealed better through my posts.)



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To tired will finish in the morning sorry

As a scientist is my duty to research and document of...whatever is happening here

  • 300px-Lost_Planet_Colonies_Yuri_Solotov.jpg

    Name:Markov Solotov Voichek


    Gender: Male

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Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 25

Gender: Male



Personality: Connor has learned that in this line of work, you got to learn how to laugh. He's a joker, playing pranks on people he's kind of close to and causing mischief regardless. When someone first sees him, regardless of if they know him, he's always smiling. When he stops smiling, then you got to be careful because it takes a lot to get him to stop smiling.

Weapon(s): Heavy Combat Exosuit. The HCE was designed for heavy engagements and to enhance the wearer. The HCE comes standard with a rotary cannon, able to punch through light armor, and a small one use missile battery, the missiles being more like grenades then actual missiles. The suit itself can take a heavy beating before it malfunctions and/or can no longer protect the wearer.


Specialty: He is the heavy weapons, punch the bad guy in the teeth guy. Everyone is hoping for the best, he's the "just in case".


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Name: Kent Levitt

Age: 37

Gender: Male


Personality: Kent is an eager, cocky type of person. He is a bit of a control freak from his job and even if he isn't in the level of power he usually has, he will try to boss people around. He thinks highly of himself, and be lives himself to be extremely capable (he isnt)

Plasma LMG

CP1 pistol

Speciality: General Assault

Backstory: Kent comes from a long line of soldiers. Early in his life, he was an Explorer, and went on several missions around Mars to find habitable land. When he was let go from there, he ran for sheriff on his colony, and won by a landslide. For about 12 years, he's been stuck on his colony delivering justice to those who deserve it. A few months ago, however, the call to adventure returned to him. He felt all this sheriff business was just not pleasing him anymore, he needed to go back to his roots for a bit, get out in the field again. When he heard of the expedition to the colony, he was sure it was a sign, and he signed up the moment word reached him.

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