The Alpha's Love [LynxAmelia x Ethreal Oatmeal] [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

@Ethreal Oatmeal






Alpha Male


+Dedicated:Level Headed:Passionate:Professional:Eager

-Blunt:Serious:Distant:Relentless:Hot headed

Background information:

Maicoh has been fighting for attention since a very young age. Having an older brother meant that you were always in the shadow of the future pack leader. Nothing is ever set in stone, but his father would dedicate every bone in his body to preparing his eldest son to take on the role of leadership. Training with him in the ways of combat every chance he had. When the trials came around for the Alpha to be replaced, his son would be ready. However, that placed Maicoh in a difficult position. Either train himself equally as hard without any guidance, or give in and accept the fact that his brother was going to become Alpha.

He chose the honorable decision. Fight for his attention. Maicoh decided that he wouldn't be scared away so easily. So he trained. Trained for hours on end. He joined the hunting party at around the age of 15 and learned the ways of a hunter. Battling prey was nothing like fighting one of his own kind of course, but he still learned. The feeling of struggling for life and death. The animal's spirit slowly emptying from it's body as he crushed it's airway. He continued being a hunter for 8 years until he became the head of the party. Gaining a considerable amount of muscle from being so active.

The time for the Alpha trials had finally come upon him and he felt he was more than prepared. There were multiple rounds. Tournament style. Everyone involved only fought once a day. Each of his contenders fell before him. He was feeling more confident than ever. However, as good as he thought he was, his older brother was moving through the bracket just as easily. It came down to the two of them for the final fight. Maicoh fought as hard as he could, but was still bested by his brother and his superior combat skills. That night, his brother was thrown a celebration. It was coordinated with the moon cycles, so the winner would be decided on a full moon. The festivities were grand. However defeated Maicoh felt, he still decided to have a good time.

The next morning, Maicoh decided he would check on his brother to see how the new Alpha felt finally taking leadership of the pack. After entering his tent though, the younger brother noticed the Alpha-to-be was nowhere to be found. Maicoh rushed back out, but realized he was too late as he spotted his father and mother carrying his brother from the direction of the falls. Maicoh's brother had gone out with some of his friends and had apparently ended up falling from the top of the mountainous waterfall. As saddened as Maicoh felt about this, he knew it now meant one thing. He was next in line to become the Alpha of his pack.

Additional information:

Human Form- 6'2" Tall. 175 lbs.

Feral Form- 4'8" Tall at the shoulders. 6'5" Long nose to tail. 130 lbs.

Anthro Form- 8'0" Tall. 315 lbs.

:Human Appearance:


:Feral Appearance:


:Anthro Appearance:


[/tab][tab=Alpha Female]







Alpha Female


+ Loyal, Dedicated, Strong willed

- Aggressive, Short tempered, Proud

Background information

Lycia grew up as the youngest and the sole daughter amongst nearly half a dozen sons. At a very young age, she was a part of their brutal games. No matter how many times she lost, she always recovered with a smile on her face. And her brothers have always been viciously protective of their baby sister.

Perhaps it was because of this reason that they couldn't believe their eyes when Lycia came of age. Being among the tallest of the females in the pack, her hard muscles were complemented by soft feminine curves that every female in the clan was envious of. That earned her many, many enemies who were ready and waiting for the time her pride fell. It earned her plenty of suitors as well. She declined. She only wanted a male who wasn't intimidated by her brothers.

It was then that her mother stopped her from fighting. She had always been told that it was nature's law that a woman should be submissive to her mate. Now that she was proficient in the ways of a hunter, it was time for her to learn the ways of a woman. And to learn that not all fights amongst women were physical. It was in the way they walked, the way they carried themselves. It lay in the way their hair was braided, in that extra feather in their hair.

Additional information

Human Form

Height : 5' 11"

Weight : 140 lbs

Feral Form

Height : 4' 6"

Length : 6' 3"

Weight : 120 lbs

Anthro Form

Height : 7" 9'

Weight : 295 lbs

:Human Appearance:


:Feral Appearance:


:Anthro Appearance:


[/tab] [/tabs]

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As he was pinning him to the ground, Maicoh snarled viciously. In his feral form, his canines lashed out at the inferior wolf. Never has he seen one so deparate. The pack-mate was easily defeated. Had he not witnessed Maicoh going to the final round of the Alpha tournament? Maybe the other wolves sensed his brother dying as a moment of weakness for him. They were sorely mistaken. The wolf under Maicoh was cowering now, his tail between his legs. Whimpering as he made his best effort to avoid eye contact with the newly appointed Alpha. Maicoh released the wolf and stood back, standing as tall as he could on all fours. He looked out to his tribe, "Let this be a lesson! I am the new Alpha and I am here to stay. Do not mistake my mourning as a state of weakness." Maicoh glared down to the defeated challenger, "Like this poor wolf did." The pitiful wolf stood quickly and shuffled away with his tail tucked.

The alpha huffed through his nose and began shifting. The pain was non existent. He makes sure to change forms often. Maicoh, now in his human form, leaned against the post of his tent. He watched her as she walked, her scent filling his nostrils. So powerful. So confident. So...beautiful. He determined long ago that he would make her his mate. Now that he was Alpha, he was sure his advances would be nothing short of irresistible. However, Maicoh knew, if she was really worth it she wouldn't make it easy for him. He walked into his tent and slipped into some hide pants. He figured he would be in human form for a while. Hopefully. He didn't want to destroy the pants that were just recently made for him. He was Alpha now, however. So he could get a new pair made for him within the day.

Taking a deep breath, he brushed his raven black hair out of his face. The feathers and beads resting tentatively on the back of his shoulders. Then stood and walked out into the village grounds, searching for where his future mate had gone. He couldn't track her by scent very well. She had been all over camp by this time of day.
Lycia wished she could stay and watch. However, chrysanthemums were in full bloom for the first time that year. She wanted to pick them before they were destroyed by stray animals. It was obvious that she was dragging her feet though. It was obvious she wanted to watch the fight. Who wouldn't? Strangely, she felt sorry for the little wolf. Over ambition was always unattractive.

Once the fight was over, she hurried off, the little beads in her hair tinkling softly as she took quick footsteps in the direction of the forest. She could almost feel his eyes burning into her. Her head was lowered though, just a hint of blush on her cheeks and a shy smile as she quickened her pace. Ah, how she wished she was his. But no avail. Especially now that he was the Alpha, she had a lot of women to contend with.

A hand woven basket dangled from her arm as Lycia let out a soft sigh. She had to fight for everything. Not that she minded. Just that... she didn't feel like fighting with women. They seemed too weak to her. Just then, a girl a good few inches shorter than herself crossed her path. Sometimes, she felt too.. big, in her body. She envied the smaller, petite ones. They always seemed prettier.
The search became tiresome. How had he not found her yet? They didn't claim that much land. He could feel the gazes from many throughout the pack. Females wanting to be his suiter. Males contemplating challenging him. Maicoh stood tall and confidently as he walked. No one could doubt the strength and superiority he held. Some of the young pups came up to him laughing and tugging on his pants. As long as they looked up to him as a protector and wasn't seen as someone to be feared, he would be content. The children had distracted him from his original goal. He stood quickly, brushing one of the smaller ones aside. Maicoh paused and ruffled his hair as the small one giggled. The Alpha then continued his search.

Maicoh spotted the short, tan dress of his future mate just as she left the camp's main grounds. It looked like she was headed to pick flowers from a the nearby field. This is only what he assumed. She was carrying a basket after all. He had caught up to her for the most part now. Hopefully the scent of the flowers masked his own. He sat on the ground near by, leaning his back against a tree. A second female came near Lycia. Smaller. She was pretty, but did not hold the presence of an Alpha. Seeing the smaller female approach Lycia made him want to stay and observe longer. He was intrigued. Curious to see what would unfold between the two.
Lycia blinked a couple of times as she stared at the girl. Somehow, she refused to move. She flashed a small smile as she attempted circumventing her. Apparently, she wouldn't allow that too. Her features turned to one of annoyance almost instantly. Yet she said politely, "Yes?" Lycia recognized her as a couple years her senior. Her name was... Calmara.. Lycia took a moment to marvel her own memory.

She then sighed. "If it is nothing, I suggest you move-" "Just who do you think you are?" came the girl's voice. Lycia lifted a brow. "Excuse me? If I was as impolite as you are, that is exactly what I would've asked you." Calmara watched Lycia for a few seconds. Then she reached up and attempted to tug a feather out of Lycia's hair. It was a bright red one. She'd found it deep in the forest. But Lycia wouldn't have any of that.

She quickly grabbed the smaller girl's wrist, her grip hard enough to bruise. It was obvious that Calmara was attempting to keep from crying out, a wince glaringly visible to anyone who may watch. "I will say this only once, Calmara. Move!" Lycia said, not bothering to keep her voice low. Then she pushed her hand away in utter disgust and headed into the woods, her strides long and fast. She was fuming. But only for a few seconds. Soon she stopped to lean against a tree and let out a breath that she seemed to have been holding. She dearly hoped Maicoh hadn't seen that. She felt rather embarrassed to have used the slightest bit of force against a woman.

Calmara, on the other hand, held onto her wrist as though it was broken when it was far from it. She glared after Lycia before spotting Maicoh. Then she suddenly broke down into fake tears. Sympathy always helps, right?
A short chuckle escaped Maicoh's normally straight face. It was actually very unusual for a female to cause him to laugh. He decided he liked this. Even more so, though, he liked the presence she carried. Power. She acted as if she didn't want to do hurt the smaller wolf, but he tell. Even from where he was sitting, he could sense it in her demeanor. She contemplating doing much more. She was obviously not frail like most of the females in the pack, but she was still very much womanly.

Maicoh stood and began to slowly make his way into the field of flowers, letting his hands slowly drift across the sea of soft petals. Maicoh made it to the crying girl and the basket, Lycia had dropped. The Alpha gingerly placed a finger under the chin of the smaller girl, Calmara. Now that he was closer, he could recognize her. He then leaned in and kissed her on the nose. He face not showing a hint of feeling one way or another. Calmara couldn't help but create a confused face as she stared up at him.

Still unsure of what to do, the girl hugged him. Holding tight around his muscular body, clearly making an attempt to squeeze her breasts against him. Maicoh did not hug back. She nuzzled his chest slightly before looking up at the Alpha's seemingly complacent face. "Does this mean you have chosen me to be your mate?" Her eyes were bright and still slightly damp from the tears. Maicoh responded with a simple, "No." The girl let go quickly and tucked her arms behind her back. The confused face from before returned again. Maicoh continued, "I pity you. You are weak. Why would I take a wolf who cannot even defend her self and trust her to defend our pups? Let alone the whole tribe?!" Maicoh noticed his voice raising towards the end, but did not regret it. Real tears burst from the girls face this time and she ran off back to camp. The Alphas face returned to his normal straight, emotionless expression.

Releasing a small sigh, he bent down and retrieved Lycia's basket. Maicoh then began filling it with as many of the pinkish-white chrysanthemums as he could bother himself picking. Soon, the basket was full, and he continued his slow path to Lycia. Making the obvious attempt to keep eye contact with her the entire way.
Lycia could smell the Alpha's scent. She looked over her shoulder to see that he had indeed arrived there. He'd probably watched the entire scene. He'd moved to Calmara. From where she was, she couldn't really see what had happened. Only that Maicoh had leaned in... probably to kiss her. When she saw her hug him, she visibly bristled. How could she not? She'd just seen the Alpha pick a girl who was so much weaker than she was. But that lasted only for a moment. She resumed fuming silently.

Oh, she heard his words alright. It was only then that her features softened. Sure, she did not want Calmara hurt. But sometimes it was needed. She even let her lips quirk into a small smile as the wolf retreated to the camp. It was only then that she realized that she'd dropped her basket. After a moment of panic, she noticed Maicoh had it. And he was picking the very flowers she had intended to. But for whom...

For whatever reason, he was looking at her. She couldn't tell what he felt. The distance, coupled with the poker face that he wore so efficiently, she didn't know if he was going to reprimand her or just laugh at her. But those eyes.. The intensity they held... It was enough to make her go weak in her knees. She was glad she had a tree to lean on. She didn't want to seem weak either. Of course she wasn't. Everyone in the pack knew that. A few seconds later, it was his scent. So masculine. Strong. Powerful. She closed her eyes for a second to inhale it. When she opened it, he was closer, much much closer than she'd expected.

"Greetings, Maicoh," she said before hurriedly correcting herself, "I mean, Alpha." She wasn't exactly sure how to address him. The previous Alpha was easier to address. He'd been much much older than Maicoh was. She lowered her eyes in embarrassment as she waited for any harsh remarks he may have.
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As Maicoh slowly approached her, he was happy to see that she held the eye contact. She didn't seem afraid. He needed that confidence. As he got closer though, he could smell something off. It didn't quite mix with her usual scent. It seemed to be a mixed of fear and embarrassment. His head tilted to the right slightly when she looked down, breaking the eye contact. Maicoh, took note of the fact that she might indeed be more vulnerable than he originally thought. However, there's only so much he can expect from anyone from the pack. Lycia was a female after all, and Maicoh was indeed the Alpha.

The male wolf sighed, hearing her stumble over her words when she addressed him. A soft smile then crossed his lips as he observed the situation before him. "You can call me whatever you like, Lycia." He crouched. Setting the basket at her feet. As he looked back up to her face from there, he could see her womanly curves so well. The temptation was there. He could very easily just reach out to caress the soft legs before him. However, he decided against it.

Maicoh stood now, slightly looking down upon the girl. Maicoh placed both of his hands on her shoulders gingerly, barely leaned against her neck. "Why do you feel like you must be afraid of me?"
Lycia didn't really understand what he meant. Her mother had always told her that she must not call the Alpha by his name. Perhaps Maicoh didn't know that.. Still, she nodded slightly and looked down at him and the dainty flowers in her basket. Wait. Were those really for her? The Alpha gathered flowers for.. her?

She was rather flattered. She smiled very slightly as she watched him stand up to his full height. That had always been another one of her problems. There weren't many males in the pack who were comfortable having a tall female for a mate. She almost knew Maicoh would do something similar. A few seconds passed as she waited for him to leave. Or maybe he wanted her to thank him? Instead she felt his hands on her shoulders, rough and callused from years of hunting. Her skin instantly prickled and she could feel her cheeks grow warm again. But she did not look away this time. She stood tall and proud.

And then came his question. Lycia was surprised actually. Did she really seem that afraid? "I think it is fear borne out of respect, Alpha," she said. She stuck to that way of referring to him. Her parents would flip if they came to know she even uttered his name once, "Or something similar." Or fear of rejection, a voice in her mind chimed. Thankfully, she did not say that out loud.
Maicoh's face returned to the emotionless face that it normally rested at. The alpha leaned closer to Lycia, taking in the scent she collected for the day. His eyes remained locked with hers as he could feel his own breath bouncing back off of her face. Intensity seemed to build in his voice, "Is it simply respect that feel for me?" His question was posed sincerely. Most usually saw the things he said as a test. Paranoia like to set it, in fear of upsetting the Alpha. However, she wasn't very clear in her intentions. So he was just curious. Maicoh removed his hands from her shoulders, letting them slowly slide down her arms. Then Maicoh leaned back, looking past her as he crossed his arms. Maybe he was moving this process along too quickly. He was sure Lycia was probably quite confused.

Maicoh stepped away from the girl, bent down to grab one of her flowers. The Alpha made the attempt to lock eyes with her again shortly before turning and heading back towards camp.
Lycia stood dazed. She didn't see that coming from him. But disappointment coated her visage as she watched him leave. How she longed for the day she would be able to stop him in his tracks rightfully... But no, he was the Alpha. A pack member, like herself, couldn't ask him not to leave. She wasn't supposed to ask him not to leave. He had his priorities..

But then she noticed something strange. He'd taken only one of the flowers amongst a basketful. She wasn't going to let that be. She picked up her basket and set about chasing after him. "Alpha!" she called, just a little loudly. When he'd stopped, she took a few long breaths before saying, "I.. would like to thank you.. For the flowers. They're rather beautiful..."

That was one part done. The next was tougher. Lycia had always worn a little beaded bracelet on her left wrist. It was supposed to be an heirloom of sorts. Without hesitation, she slipped it off her hand and put it on Maicoh's before he could refuse. "Please don't refuse me," she said, unsure of what she actually meant.
Maicoh stopped as Lycia called after him. Odd. Usually no one can bring it upon themselves to believe they were more important than what the Alpha was doing. His head fell slightly, a few of his feathers and beaded hairs fell over his shoulder. Hearing her compliment the flowers, a small smile crossed his face. It was gone by the time he turned to face her though. "You were here, planning to pick them anyway...were you not?"

She approached him quickly, fiddling with her wrist for something. A bracelet. She pulled the bracelet from her wrist and slid it onto his. Her soft, warm hands were welcoming. It isn't often that he has received the touch from a woman that was sincere. Always overlooked by the females for his brother when growing up, the only other that he has felt the warm embrace from was his mother. Maicoh, however, was not comparing this woman to his mother. No. The feelings he got from her were much different.

Looking down now at the multi-colored bracelet Lycia had decided to force upon him, he wondered where it was from. Why she gave it up so easily. "Please don't refuse me." Escaped from between the full lips of the woman before him. His head tilted slightly. Was she telling an Alpha what to do? Don't refuse her?! No. She wasn't telling. She was asking. "Don't refuse you? What is there to refuse? As I do recall, we have been on the same hunting party for years now. However, you overlooked me. Just as almost all of the other females have my entire life. How are you just now feeling as though there is something here? Something for me to Refuse" A huff of air is breathed out by the Alpha. "Why should I waste my time on you now, when it seems you only want me because of my status in the pack?"

Now. Maicoh was no sappy idiot. He knew how things went in the pack mindset. The fact that he received more attention that he was Alpha was normal. It was expected actually. However, he new if he was going to choose a mate to be his fellow Alpha. She would also have to be his Mate. His companion for life. This isn't something that would end up being decided purely on presence or status within the pack.
As Lycia looked up at Maicoh, her jaw was set. If he was the same wolf as the one in her hunting party, she would've simply smacked him on the back of his head and asked him to shut up. It was a fact that no one showed interest in him earlier. She hadn't. Their reason was that Maicoh was not expected to be Alpha. Hers was that she did not want a mate back then. It wasn't until very recently that she'd been extremely conscious of men's gazes on her. Perhaps that was why her mother didn't want her to get into play fights with her brother...

In any case, right now, she was clueless as to why that was such an issue to him. Her frustration was shone in her brilliant blue eyes as she said, "I meant the bracelet, Alpha. I have no idea what you are talking about." Actually, she did know. But she wanted to see his reaction. She did not want her mate to be someone who doesn't think through his words or jump to conclusions. If Maicoh was going to do that, sadly, she wouldn't take him for a mate even if he chose her. She huffed softly. Any male who had an ounce of sense would easily see her as a potential Alpha. She couldn't be anything less. Someone like her would refuse to take too many orders for too long. And she probably would spend the rest of her life as a virgin than be mated to a coward.
Maicoh's mouth opened slightly, showing off his canines. The Alpha's tongue ran across his top set of teeth and proceed to give her a 'once-over' with his eyes. They squinted barely and he then began walking towards her. For some reason, she believed she could fool him. Unless, she saw through what he was doing and tested him back. If it was the latter, then Maicoh would be thoroughly impressed. The male wolf ran his hand through his raven black hair before he had finally reached her. His waist only centimeters from the edge of her basket. His eyes still squinted, he stared her down. Unprovoked though, his face changed. His gaze fell to her hair on the side of her face.

He shot his hand up quickly. Then brought it closer to her face. Slowly. Once her reached her loose hair, he stroked it momentarily before brushing it behind her shoulder. Maicoh then took a large step back and bowed slightly. "Then I apologize for my outburst." A small grin appearing on his face momentarily. He paused after standing straight up again. He mouth open as if he was going to say something, but instead, just turned. Raising a hand up over his shoulder in a waving motion. Maicoh then walked back through the flowers to the trail back to the village.
Lycia sighed heavily as she watched Maicoh leave. Again, she was tempted to call him to a halt. But she knew she had pushed her luck too much already. That, and more females were coming out to the field to gather flowers. Well, whatever was left of them anyway. She looked down at her own basket, wondering what she was going to do with so many flowers. She would wear maybe one of them.

Yet she wasn't willing to part with them. She'd rather let them all wither than let someone have what was gifted to her. Slowly she set about walking back to the camp. It was now her turn to search for Maicoh. For no better reason than to look at how the rest of the pack would react to him wearing a bracelet. Her bracelet.

Speaking of which.. She had to come up with a valid explanation to give to her mother regarding the missing bracelet.
Maicoh nodded to the few women that walked past him on their way to pick flowers as well. The nod was only a courtesy. He honestly didn't even take the time to recognize who they were. He only had one thing on his mind at the moment. How was he going to get HER to submit to him. He could do it forcefully, but he wasn't sure how well that would work out. She seems strong enough to be the type to plot against him behind his back. Regardless of the consequences if she were to get caught. He tried to shuffle her out of his mind for now. He had leadership things to do.

The New Moon was coming upon them soon, that is the only time the wolves could not shift. Maicoh had a lot of preparations to make. The Bear Clans to the North and the Mountain Cat Clans to the South knew of this secret. They have attempted to take advantage of the Wolves during that time before. Maicoh could only hope that they had not heard of the recent shift of power as well. Maicoh's warriors would not yet be so willing to die for an Alpha that has not yet proven himself. Especially one that had come into power so circumstantially.

A small girl approached the Alpha as he walked through camp. She grabbed his wrist, staring at the bracelet on him intently. Her eyes wide a toothy grin growing on her face. "Did you find a mate?!" The girl actually spoke rather loud, attracting some unwanted female attention, and the Alpha winced slightly before a soft smile appeared in response to the girl. He could feel the looks of a thousand women staring at him. Awaiting his answer to the pup. "This was simply a gift...nothing has been decided yet, little one." The girl frowned and ran off, Maicoh could hear the sighs of relief.
As Lycia walked back to the camp, she tried to think up of plausible excuses. Saying she lost it was out of the question. Saying she lent it would be worse. "Did you find a mate?!" Lycia froze and turned towards the source of the voice. Of course, it was Maicoh. And the cause of the question was her bracelet.

"Lycia," came a familiar voice over her shoulder, drowning out Maicoh's reply. She winced slightly as she turned around. Before her stood the booming form of her eldest brother. His eyes were narrowed. "What is going on Lycia?" he asked, "Mother will not be pleased when she hears about this. Neither will our brothers." "I didn't know it was that big a deal-" "You aren't that little anymore," he said, "You should know the implications of this. Especially if he chooses another female..." "And what if I choose another male?" she asked challengingly. "...You will just lose your current position in the pack. You will become an Omega." Lycia shuddered at the thought.

"You should've thought of that before you 'gifted' him our great grandmother's luck bracelet," he said before striding off to do whatever it was that he was doing earlier. Lycia sighed and rubbed her forehead in thought. She didn't really have much of a choice right now. She entered her tent and set her basket down. Alpha or Omega. Those were her options. And she preferred the former. She picked out one of the flowers and sniffed them for a second. It still carried the scent of the Alpha. She inserted into her braid before stepping out of the tent. Again, she wished to see the reactions of the rest of the females when they knew she carried the Alpha's scent on her.
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Maicoh stepped off, making his rounds throughout the village. His current task at hand, was getting the hunting party together. Each time he approached a female that was part of the group, she would flaunt her assets and almost attempt to throw themselves at him. It was expected. Maicoh, however, had never experienced it before. So it was definitely odd to him. Catching the occasional scowl at his bracelet at times. He ignored it and continued to gather them.

Eventually, the Alpha came across Lycia again. She was still in the hunting party. First thing he notices is the flower in her hair. A raised eyebrow breaks his normally emotionless face as he approached her. He was confused as to why she was wearing it, considering what she said in the field earlier. "Lycia." Maicoh spoke in an indifferent tone. He decided he would ignore the flower for now. "The hunting party is gathering, join them. We need to stock up on as much game as we can before the New Moon. You understand." Maicoh nodded slightly and glanced at the flower again before returning eye contact.
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Lycia had been playing with a pup when Maicoh approached her. His demeanor seemed completely different. Almost as though he didn't know her. He did seem to recognize the flower though. The pup looked at the two of them for a second before running of to the rest of the group whispering something.

Lycia pushed her hair behind her shoulder as she listened to him and nodded once. "Are we leaving right away, Alpha?" she asked, "I still have chores to do." She quite enjoyed watching Maicoh flicking his gaze between her eyes and her hair. Yet, she waited patiently, something that was highly unlike her.
Maicoh's brow furrowed almost instantly. His teeth showing through parted lips. "Chores?!" He growled. "Did you not hear what I said? The New Moon. We are most vulnerable at that time!" He stepped closer, reaching out his hands to grip her around her upper arms, "Do you think my command is so invalid, that your chores come before feeding the entire pack?" His voice raising in volume, "Do you believe your judgement is better? Would you like to be Alpha? Take the lives of the Clan under your responsibility? Please..." Maicoh rotated himself so he was behind Lycia, still holding her arms and forced her forward a bit. "Brothers! Sisters!" He called out to the pack, "This particular wolf believes her chores are more important than all of yours' well being!" People began looking over with confused faces. Maicoh spotted some of Lycia's brothers tightening their fists.

Maicoh leaned into Lycia's back, placing his mouth next to her ear and whispered in it. "Go on...tell them. Tell them the same thing that you told me. Tell them that you think your Alpha's wishes are secondary to your Chores." He let out a low growl in her ear and let her go, pushing her forward.
Lycia had only flinched slightly through all of Maicoh's tirade. But now she was put in the spot. She received smug looks from plenty of females. Along with her brothers bristling in the distance at the closeness of the Alpha to their sister. She shuddered slightly at the sound of his voice so close to her ear. Any other female would have swooned at it. Indeed, such a deep rumbled, smouldering with anger... It was immensely attractive. But she knew she had her pack to deal with.

"My beloved brothers and sisters!" Lycia called out to the crowd before her, "I sought a piece of information. I requested to know when the hunt began. You may ask why.. Yes, I do have my chores. I have to cook for my mother and my brothers. I have to provide them clean clothes to wear. That is my duty as the daughter of my family. That is my duty as a woman. That is a duty that cannot be performed by anyone else to my family with as much care as I do. I asked for the information so that I could do my duty IF time permits." Her voice, despite being indisputably feminine, was firm and unabashed. It showed little to no remorse. Her voice dropped just an octave as she said, "However, I must apologize to my Alpha," she said, highly conscious of every single one of her words, "I mustn't have asked the question right away."
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Most, when put on the spot at least, regardless of who by. Would normally try to change what they said. Or at least fumble over their words attempting to apologize the whole time. Begging for forgiveness. Lycia, however did not do this. She seemed to be passing every test with flying colors. The words she said inexplicably placed a large grin on the Alpha's face. Some would probably say it looked sarcastic. Hearing her final words were somewhat soothing, in an odd way. Hearing her add the emphasis when she said 'My' was something he very secretly had wanted to hear.

Maicoh nodded his head. He didn't speak after Lycia and everyone turned away eventually losing interest in what was left to discuss between them. All except her brothers of course. Maicoh decided it was time to take action then. The Alpha wolf retook his place pressed against her back, resting his hands on the side of each of her womanly thighs. The edge of his hand being just above the bottom hem of her dress. He spoke in her ear again, "Your Alpha?" Making the inflection on the word obvious. He turned his head slightly and breathed in the scent collected in her hair then walked by her, effectively dragging his hands. His right hand sliding across her lower back. Maicoh called out to the hunting party's leader telling them to head out and they complied.

Maicoh then looked back to Lycia, and motioned with a head movement for her to follow him. The Alpha continued walking towards his tent.
Lycia locked eyes with each of her brothers for a moment before she felt the Alpha's hands on her again. Again, she did not flinch. They felt very much at home on her body. She gulped once more, hearing his words. Obviously he'd noticed her emphasis even if the rest of the pack hadn't. She bit her lip softly, feeling him inhale her scent. His breath upon her ear was warm until he moved away. Even though it was only a short distance away, she felt herself longing for his touch again. Apparently she wasn't with the hunting party this time. Lycia was just about to turn away and head back to her own tent when she felt Maicoh's eyes on her again. He wanted her to follow him? This was rather strange, but she didn't refuse. As she walked after him, she felt 5 pairs of eyes on her. Her brothers were obviously watching. She did not meet their gaze this time. It was her way of telling them she was fine on her own.
Maicoh walked through their main camp ground, not bothering to look back and make sure Lycia was following. He knew she would be. The Alpha made a number of females fluster as they saw a female following so close behind him. Some were probably confused. Wasn't she the woman he had just attempted to humiliate in front of the entire pack moments ago? A few of the elders he had passed simply nodded to him or gave a soft-hearted smile. Seemingly agreeing with his decision. The Alpha made it to the entrance of his tent, now taking the time to turn around and face his future Alpha female. Had she not figured it out yet, he would honestly be surprised.

Maicoh turned at the entrance and faced her, a small smile on his face as her observed her walk towards him. He used his left hand to hold the flap of hide open, simultaneously using his right hand pressed against the small of Lycia's back to guide her in. Maicoh then followed her in and stopped on the entrance, simply watching her. Observing.

His tent was rather large. Considerably so compared to the likes of all the others. Except for places like the Witch Doctor's of course. But no one honestly wants to be there. Maicoh let Lycia get as comfortable as she could before stepping to her. He took her hands in his and pulled her close, reconnecting the intense eye contact that they had shared so many times today.
Lycia couldn't help but wonder why he would invite her into his tent. She did not want to wonder if he'd chosen her as his mate. She'd only feel crushed if she was wrong in assuming so. Though she was hesitant about entering his tent, neither her expression nor her gait showed it. As she passed him, she caught a whiff of his scent again, hoping, nay, praying he doesn't deny her. And then came his touch that she had almost begun craving. Though brief, she had developed a want for it.

But all that fled her mind as she looked at the interior of the tent. So.. huge... She couldn't help but marvel at its size, especially because her own had always been painfully tiny. So small that invariably three of her brothers had to sleep outside the tent each night. They wouldn't let her though. They could never let a female, let alone their precious sister out in the cold.

After about a minute of simply ogling at the tent, she turned around. Maicoh had been watching her. At that moment, she felt incredibly stupid for simply staring at the tent when she could've spent that time in tracing the contours of his body with her eyes. Before she knew it, he had moved closer and taken her hands in his. Now, in such close proximity to the Alpha, she realized that he was taller than she was, something she hadn't noticed before. She tilted her head back a little to look up at him. She opened her lips to say something smart, but his eyes made her mouth go dry and put her at a loss for words. She'd rather he explain the reason for her presence in a tent allotted to him soon. For her sensitive hearing was picking up the whispers of several females talking about her in a derogatory manner in just the few minutes that she'd been within the tent.

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