The Aether Chronicles


Suffers from Selective Memory
In a mysterious world know only as Aether to its inhabitants the world is not dotted with landmasses but covered completely in water. The only land to be had rests high in the sky, the planets continents floating above the water by some unknown force. The world of Aether is a strange and mysterious place filled with adventure and fortune. Ruled over by a council of Monarchs, the skies patrolled by the brave Cielo Scudo, Sky Knights. However rumors in the dark taverns and dank streets murmur of a forsaken king. A man with the motive and the capability to dominate Aether. Or so rumor has it. But rumor or not here is truth in these words. Marauders attacks are becoming more frequent. And not just simple thievery, but full on slaughters. Island villages are being found massacred, their valuables left intact, them being only targeted for slaughter. A darkness approaches, threatening to cover the lands of Aether, this forsaken king poses a true threat to the world. Only time can tell the future of Aether, but to the inhabitants of this world, it is quite dark and uncertain.

Aether, a world like no other, is traveled through via airships and gyrocopters as well as a range of land vehicles for the larger land masses.

  • Airships range in all shapes, sizes and types, ranging from Zeppelins to ships fashioned after galleons and schooners, held aloft by propellers.


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