Certified Insomniac
Residing atop a mountain on an island hidden from the rest of the Earth by magic, lies a school unlike any other. The Advanced League of Intergalactic Alliance Security (ALIAS) Academy is a school designed for youth from all around the Milky Way Galaxy who passes their rather unorthodox test in the form of a virtual reality game. The Academy was founded by its Headmistress, J.C. Hisako, a powerful witch of unknown origins, who runs the school along with her demoness assistant, Yumi.
In this school, its students learn how to hone their skills and become powerful heroes, gaining proficiency in a specific class depending on their virtual entry test score. From demolition experts to healers; from magic-wielders to marksmen, the Academy has a wide assortment of classes designed to help its students gain powerful skills to aid them in protecting their galaxy against the rival Andromeda Galaxy, and its own intergalactic school, The Intergalactic Conquest Enforcing Defenders (ICED) Academy, formed to train its students to aid in the takeover of the Milk Way Galaxy’s planets. Students of ALIAS should expect not to have the typical exams and tests as traditional schools have, but rather expect to perform missions, both class-specific and school wide, to earn credits, or “stars”. At the end of every semester, the Academy hosts its Tournament, where those who succeed move on to the next level of their learning, and take one more step closer to becoming the new generations respected defenders of the Galaxy!
This is more or less to see who may be interested in possibly joining in on a supernatural-esque school roleplay group with a twist! I have put some work into it, as you can see, I’ve been working on a rather standard campus map:
Along with some class badges, which students will wear as a signifier, along with a “star rank” badge that signifies their rank. These examples here show the badges of "Marksmen" and "Spy/Assassin" respectively:
If anyone is interested, or wants to ask any questions regarding this group, feel free to let me know here!
Character Sheets and the actual roleplay forum (or possibly Discord?) will be made soon, if enough people are interested (We’ll need both teachers and students)!
Thanks for checking this out!