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"Soundless Love"


Divine Vocalist

Even without Listening I can hear you.. so one day, I'll be able to hear you say "I Love you" even if I'm deaf. One day..
Kisaki Yuna
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at the party

with her best friend

bumped in to:

2 hours later before the party..

*Buzz buzz* Yuna suddenly felt a vibration from her phone. She looked at it and saw her best friend's name. Oh.. It's Hikari again.. she might be saying "Please, just come to the party. Please pleaseee? Just this once." Yuna started to smile as she imagined what Hikari would say.

She opened the text message and saw the exact same words that she was imagining just a while ago.
I knew it Yuna thought to herself while letting out a soft laugh. She then replied to Hikari. Yuna then pressed the send button and lets out a sigh.

After a few seconds, a text message was sent once again by Hikari. Yuna took her phone and opened the message that was sent by her best friend.

Please, just come to the party. Please pleaseee? Just this once.
Fine fine, but if I get bored, I'll start going home okay?
Yaaaay! I promise you won't get bored.

I should get ready then. Yuna is the kind of person who is simple so since she's not used in going or attending parties, she decided to wear a baby blue ruffled dress matched with white sneakers. She then took her phone and started to leave their house and went to the party.

30 minutes after the party started...

I won't get bored huh? Yuna thought to herself while pouting her lips. She took out her small notepad and wrote-"I'll go home now." She ripped the page, went to Hikari, and gave the letter. Hikari wrote behind the ripped paper saying-"Aww.. but the party just started."

Hikari then gave back the paper to Yuna, while using her ultimate weapon expression, The mercy face. Yuna lets out a sigh and waved goodbye at her best friend. She then went to the exit and suddenly bumped into a tall handsome man.

Yuna's phone accidentally fell from her hand and its screen began to break right after it hit the ground. Yuna's face was filled with shock because she is a sentimental person. She treasures most of her things so much, even the little ones.
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Trying to leave the party and escape from the

loud noises. Bumps into @Peppermint

Nairoka tried to gt away from the party, the noises and all the robotic people to him were annoying and he didn't like it one bit. Finally being able to get out he finally smiled after being outside.

As he walked down the driveway he bumped into a girl while he was looking up at the sky and didn't see her. Looking at her face he could see that she was a little sad from seeing her phone broken. Kneeling down he picked up the phone and could see that it was broken beyond repair.

Not knowing she was deaf he handed her the phone and began to apologize like the gentleman he was. "I'm sorry about breaking your phone, I don't look where I'm going half the time as my head is always thinking about other things."



The man that Yuna just recently bumped into picked up her phone and began to apologize. Yuna slowly stood up and took the broken phone that was on the hand of the man.

She was a bit sad but she can't get mad at the guy because it was also her fault for being so careless. Yuna's eyes suddenly started to well up because of what had happened. Tears began to fall from her eyes without her even noticing it.

She then placed her phone inside her pocket and looked at the man. She noticed that the man was talking so she pointed her ears and waved it, signalling the man that she's deaf.

Yuna then began to notice that tears were falling from her eyes. She then started to look away and quickly wiped her tears.
Oh noo.. this is so embarrassing. He might be thinking that I'm overacting.

She then started to remember that the man was saying something so she took out her pen and small notepad so that the man can write what he's gonna say.


with: @Peppermint

Taking the paper and pen from her hands gently, he wrote down "I'm sorry for destroying your phone. I should've watched where I was going but I was too busy looking up at the stars." Handing her back the paper so she could read it, he grabbed a small piece of cloth from his pocket and wiped the tears that were running down her face. Smiling a little, Nairoka felt bad for breaking her phone and could see that she cared about it.
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Yuna took the paper that was given by the man and began to read it.
He was s-sorry? He shouldn't be.. Its my fault. She thought to herself. Yuna then suddenly felt a soft cloth on her cheeks near her eyes, wiping her tears.

While the man was wiping her tears, she began to slowly raise her head up (since he's tall and Yuna is just 5'3) and look at the man. He has a nice bright blue eyes that just shine like a star and he's pretty handsome.

Yuna's face began to turn red, without even her noticing it. When she finally noticed that she was blushing, Yuna took a few steps back and bowed her head down for a while.

She then took another pen from her pocket and wrote behind the paper that was given to her.

"No. Don't be sorry.. It was my fault for being so careless because your eyes were so pretty when you looked at the stars and it caught my attention so.."

Yuna didn't notice that she was too honest to write that so she decided to erase that part and gave it to the man. (the erased part was still a bit seen so there's a possibility that Nairoka can still read it)

"No. Don't be sorry.. It was my fault for being so careless because your eyes were so pretty when you looked at the stars and it caught my attention so.."
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With @Peppermint

Reading the note Nairoka smiled when he saw the note and could see a little crossed out part on it. He could make out something about his eyes and how cute they were. Writing back to her he smiled when she was nervous and blushed a deep red.

No it's fine, you also look very cute as well with you long hair and cute eyes. My name is Nairoka and I was wondering if you would want to go out with me tonight.


with: @Harbinger

Yuna took the note that was given by the man and then began to read it. Her face started to blush once again right after she read the note.

I look cute a-and he wants to go out with me?! She placed her thumb and index finger on her chin and thought about it for a while.

When she had finally made up her mind, Yuna began to write her reply.

I'm Yuna and I think it would be okay for us to go out but only for a while.

Yuna then slowly gave the note to the man but she was a bit shy about it. All of a sudden, many girls started to run towards Nairoka. They began to push Yuna away from him which caused her to fall to the ground.

Surrounded outside

with @Peppermint

Nairoka was about to walk next to her when he was swarmed by the girls. Pushing his way through he picked up Yuna in his arms gently and got them to the car before the other girls surrounded it banging on the glass. Taking out his phone he called his body guards who were sitting in a suv near by they disperesed the women so Nairoka could drive away with Yuna in the passenger seat. When they were free he wrote on a small piece of paper to her.

I'm so sorry about those girls, they just thought that I was treating you like a special fan.

Inside the car

with: @Harbinger

Right after she fell on the ground, she began to let out a confused expression. Yuna didn't know that Nairoka was a famous singer so she thought that it was a bit rude for the girls to just suddenly push her away from him.

All of a sudden, Nairoka began to pick Yuna up in his arms gently and quickly went to his car. Girls started to surround Nairoka's car, banging on the door. Thankfully, some guards started to push the girls away, allowing Nairoka to drive away safely.

Yuna then took the note that was given by Nairoka and began to read it.
F-Fan? she thought to herself while letting out a confused expression again. She then took her pen and began to write behind the paper.

Oh. It's okay but, from what I've observed, you're someone famous.. right?

She then gave the note to Nairoka and waited for his reply.

In The Car

with @Peppermint

Waiting until they were in a safe spot he read the note and sighed when she asked as he hated when people figured out he was a famous singer.

Taking the note he wrote back his reply

Yes I'm famous but can we pretend that I'm not that famous and just act like I'm a normal person.

Handing her back the note Nairoka pulled over at a small diner and led her inside to a small part of the diner.

at a small diner

with: @Harbinger

While waiting for Nairoka's reply, Yuna peeked at the window and watched the stars. Pretty.. just like his eyes. She then unknowingly lets out a light smile. Yuna then stopped looking at the stars and began to look slowly at Nairoka. I knew it, his eyes are really just like the stars. She thought to herself.

Yuna then took the paper from Nairoka and began to read it. She then nodded at Nairoka and gave him a refreshing smile.
Oh so he's famous.. Maybe he's an actor? or dancer? singer?.. Her eyes began to widen and thought, What if he's a singer? Too bad I can't hear him sing... Yuna's cheerful eyes were changed in to a droopy one and her smile was switched in to a frown.

When they had finally reached there destination, Yuna opened the door, went outside and closed it gently. C-cold.. She then took out her sweater from her bag and began to wear it. However, she wasn't able to wear it properly because her head was stuck and it can't go out through the hole.
Oh no.. not again.

(It looks like this.)

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Outside of the diner

with @Peppermint

Laughing a little, Nairoka went over to help her and pulled the sweater down so that she could wear it. Looking at her, he gently fixed her hair so that it was out of her face and smiled down at her.. leaving his hand on her shoulder.

Smiling down at her still, he took a small note from her and wrote down something seeing her still a little sad.

You look very beautiful right now and I'm glad that you came out with me. It's nice to be near someone that isn't trying to kill me for an autograph.

Handing her the note he smiled and just stood with her outside the diner.
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Outside of the diner


Yuna began to feel embarrassed when she suddenly heard Nairoka laughing at her a little. Oh no.. this is so embarrassing.. Nairoka then went to her and pulled the sweater down so that Yuna could wear it.

He started to fix Yuna's hair so that it was out of her face. She can feel his fingers sliding through the side of her cheeks; She can also see his very gentle and dreamy smile. Yuna's eyes started to widen and her face began to blush right after she saw Nairoka smile.

She then felt something on her chest.. Yuna slowly placed her right hand on her chest and noticed that her heart was pounding.
Wha-What is this? She then suddenly felt nervous because she thought she was about to get a heart attack.

All of a sudden, Nairoka took a small note from her and wrote down something. After a few seconds, Yuna took the note that was given by Nairoka and began to read it.
He finds me beautiful? This is the very first time that someone told me that.

She then took her pen from her pocket and wrote behind the paper.

Thank you so much! You're handsome too and tall and you really have pretty eyes.

Right after writing her reply, she gave her the letter and returned his smile.

Outside Still

with @Peppermint

Taking the note from her he read it and could see that she felt the same way about him as he did to her. Bringing her inside the diner Nairoka got a friendly smile from the owner and his wife. Taking her to a small table away from the front entrance and sat her down.

His hand held onto hers on the middle of the table and he smiled before ordering them two drinks. Taking another piece of paper he wrote another thing down.

If I were to learn sign language would you like to go out on another date with me if you like this one. I really like you so far and you are also very very nice and pretty.

inside the diner


Yuna then followed Nairoka and went inside the diner. The owner of the small diner and his wife gave Yuna a very pleasant and welcoming smile. She then returned them a bright smile and went to the table which is far away from the entrance.

Yuna then pulled the chair a few inches away from the table and tucked her skirt before sitting down. Right after she rested her arms on top of the table, she suddenly felt Nairoka's warm hands held on to hers.

Of course.. Yuna was shocked and started to blush
again (I think this was her 3rd time). Right after Nairoka ordered their drinks, he took another piece of paper and began to write. She then took the paper that was given by Nairoka and started to read it.

Her eyes started to widen as she read what Nairoka wrote to her. She then suddenly felt nervous..
Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump.. Yuna's heart began to pound once again, like it was about to explode. Right after she read the note, Yuna bowed her head a bit and thought about the "date thing" for a while.

It would be fun to go out with him again but.. many people will start to hate him.. especially me. Yuna thought to herself. All of a sudden, she started to remember that her best friend, Hikari, might hate her as well since Hikari is a huge fan of Nairoka.

M-maybe I shouldn't. She then slowly raised her head up and began to write her reply behind the paper.

You don't need to learn sign language since I don't know how to as well. Sorry but I think I can't go out with you again. It may cause you a lot of trouble and most of your fans may start hating you because of me. Although, It's still a pleasure to meet you. Thanks but I have to go. Bye :)

Yuna then gave the paper to Nairoka and quickly stood up and bowed at Nairoka, as a sign of saying sorry. She then raised her head up and began to run towards the exit.

In Diner

watching @Peppermint run away

Looking at her running away Nairoka felt bad when he saw her running. Not wanting to see her like that Nairoka went after her and gently grabbed her to hold her from running away.

Taking another piece of paper out of her pocket he wrote down again before handing it to her.

We don't have to go out on a date, we can just be friends. Please don't go, you're the only girl I've met that doesn't care if I'm famous. I just want somebody to talk to that likes to talk normally about things and doesn't remind me that I can't live a normal life.

Inside the diner


Yuna didn't want to run away. She wanted to stay with him a little longer but she didn't want her best friend to hate her. She just doesn't like the feeling of being left alone again. However, she also wanted Nairoka to stop her from running away. She wanted Nairoka to grab her arms and stop her from running towards the exit.

Well, lucky her, Nairoka stopped her from running away. Right after Yuna felt Nairoka's gentle hands, her eyes started to widen because she thought that he would just let her run..
Why? Why would he do such a thing? This was the question that started filling her mind right after Nairoka grabbed her hand... However, deep inside, she felt a little happy because Nairoka stopped her.

Yuna then stood still and slowly turned around at Nairoka. She noticed that Nairoka was sad because she ran away from him. She took the paper that was given by Nairoka and began to read it.
I guess we can just be friends huh? Yuna felt a little sad by what Nairoka wrote but she felt happy as well. She then nodded at Nairoka and gave him a gentle smile. Friends would be better.. as long as its just friends.

She then noticed that she left her bag beside the table when she started running away. Ugh.. this is so embarrassing. I hope he didn't noticed it as well. >.<

In Diner

With @Peppermint

Smiling as she agreed to be friends with her he walked her back over to the table and grabbed the bag for her before walking her out to the car. Grabbing another note he wrote down in as they got to the car.

there is no need for you to be embarresed around me, we all make simple mistakes and it's okay. I won't jusge you if you get alittle embarresed, I won't care if you make a mistake. That's what friends are for.

Handing her the note he kinda wished that they could go on another date but he knew it would happen in a time but for now he would be waiting and just having a good time with her as a friend.

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