The 7 Reborn


Professional Fangirl
Since it's a casual RP I don't need to go into too much detail.




Which Sin:




Pride: Althea Quinn @deuteragonist

Lust: Maddox Cade @Galactic Cloud

Gluttony: Autumn Hexx @WolfsbaneRain

Wrath: Kaylen Simmens @WolfsbaneRain

Envy: Christian "Chris" Samuels @WeabooTrash

Sloth: Amerus Francis @kira blackthorn

Greed: OPEN​
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My Character


Kaylen Simmens





Which Sin:



Her power is mostly used to create destruction and chaos for the people surrounding her. It forces people to loose their indiscretion and increases their aggression. Basically it makes everyone go crazy and fight each other.


Ever since Kaylen was young she was an angry person. But recently, something has changed. Ever since she had that weird dream, Kaylen hasn't been under control, she explodes without warning. Any little thing can push her over her very short ledge. Now she lost all her friends from her outbursts and has even gone as far as having to stop herself from slitting the bartender's through after he cut her off. It has gotten out of control and she has no idea why.

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Amerus Francis




Which Sin:



Amerus can cause people to grow tired and sluggish with a single touch. If he touches a human for to long it can make them fall into a coma. It also acts as a sort of shield against others powers causing them to take a little longer to take affect.


Amerus has always proffered to take things slowly. Rather it be putting a puzzle together or learning New things. He believes It is more efficient and he must be right as everything seems to work out for him. However behind that slowness is a clever mind one that observes the world around it like a mere bystander. As though not apart of it. This allows him to solve things much quicker then most even if he takes the slow approach. Now if only he could stop falling asleep all the time.
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Name: Althea Quinn


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Althea.jpg.9366a662b3f5506fe3b69197f908e31a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Althea.jpg.9366a662b3f5506fe3b69197f908e31a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 19

Which Sin: Pride

Power: Althea has a somewhat supernaturally demanding presence. If she so much as enters the room, people can't help but see her, whether she wants them to or not. It's really subtle and sometimes a curse. Besides that, she instills a slow acting hubris inside people. It's not particularly strong, but it can, and usually does, push people to act rashly in false confidence. It can take hours or days to take effect, but people get cocky and do stupid, potentially dangerous, things.

Personality: Althea's father always praised her to be the greatest gift God had ever given the earth, and she very much believed him. She knew with certainty that she was better than anyone else could ever hope to be and showed no shame in the fact. She is aloof, snarky, and picky. She accepts nothing but the best and isn't afraid to step on toes to get it. Her father certainly wasn't just putting ideas in her head, however, and she clearly displays ingenuity, cunning, and a ruthless, cold, black heart. She has acquaintances in the shadier sides of the law and a lot of money on her side. Her biggest weakness is that she finds it easy to underestimate those around her; she's the best, so how hard could it be to pulverize her enemies? Perhaps harder than she thought...



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Well, there ya go~ Wrote on my tablet just because there were 4 positions left, haha. If there are any spelling mistakes (especially missed letters), please notify me! As well as if there are any problems with the CS!

Name: Christian "Chris" Samuels


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/angry-young-man-sized.jpg.33a826f4bfed3215c2d8a23f0671762b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58733" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/angry-young-man-sized.jpg.33a826f4bfed3215c2d8a23f0671762b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 24

Which Sin: Envy

Power: Chris can make any person feel even a tiny bit of envy regarding whoever it is just by making eye contact with that particular person. He can do the same with multiple people at the same time, but can never win their jealousy regarding himself. A single, yet unlimited power.

Personality: Always feeling left out and unneeded, Chris has developed the habit of just sitting in the back and observing his surroundings - glaring at the successful, loved and skillful people around him with such undescribable hatred. Why can he ever be like them, Chris constantly asks himself. He has never been capable of doing anything right, has never had the intellect and the good memory he has always strived for, his general knowledge is around as half of the average man's gathered information of anything. He has never been able to play sports due to slow understanding and undeveloped movements, Chris could never express his thoughts freely and never could he gather the courage to speak to anyone, knowing he will always fail. And thus he has been a shut-in for years, always going home in a hurry after work just to escape from reality's unfair structure of a person's capabilities. Chris has been trying hard to gather as much knowledge by reading stories, facts and the such on the Internet, not realising that wouldn't be of much help. After mere minutes of doing whatever it is, he immediately thinks of a person having something he doesn't. These thoughts fill up his mind and are very unhealthy for his well-being - spending hours of just sitting or lying somewhere, staring in the distance while thinking and envying a certain person's success, looks, qualities, capavilities, owned items and so on: that's how he spends his days. One day his unchangable habit will lead him to an even deeper hole, where he wouldn't be able to climb out of. Another thing to envy of someone.



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Name: Maddox Cade



Age: 22

Which Sin: Lust

Personality: Maddox was raised in a house full of various servants, many of which his father had always tried "knocking" some sense into them, and knowing what happened behind close doors made him feel like it was alright since nothing bad happened around him, or so he thought. Being brought up into the world as the son of a great man like that he thought it was perfect to swim from person to person just like that, he didn't feel fulfilment or mortification, it was just random want that slithered into his thoughts. "Of course it's normal for a teen with raging hormones to think about that" was what his father, but as he got older all these explicit and lewd thoughts became something real and physical, he wasn't able to maintain a normal relationship because he went out with so many different people in secrecy....but he loved it, what he hid from himself was a future of full of regret and isolation.

Power: Maddox can sense and manipulate the lust, sexuality, sexual attraction and sexual desire of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling lust, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.
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Diana Robertson





Which Sin:



Diana has the ability to create a wanting in people around her. This creates a desire for more and more of what ever it is that person wants at the moment, especially if it involves money.


Diana loves stuff, ever since she was little. She doesn't share and doesn't regret taking what she wants. Whether it be taking a credit card from an old lady or stealing your boyfriend. It doesn't matter what it is, she will find a way to make it hers. On the off chance she doesn't claim her prize she becomes high-strung, almost as if she was going through withdrawal.

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Autumn Hexx





Which Sin:



Her glutton is infectious, the more she is around someone they more they "hunger" for what they are starved of, whether it be food, drugs, or sex, they will crave it uncontrollably. Even when they finally get what they wanted go badly, they won't stop. The will keep eating until it consumes them.


Autumn ran away from home when she was just 12 years old, thinking she would be better on her own than with her drunkard father. Unfortunately she wasn't so lucky. She got mixed up in the wrong crowd and became addicted to drugs and alcohol. Ever since she has been inching for her next fix, willing to do anything and everything to get it.


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