The 6 [Inactive]

Mikkelle Sting

One Thousand Club
Ranae went to the front desk of the dorm. "Name please?" said the girl behind the desk. "Ranae Millican." the girl went into the other room behind the desk and brought back a small key. "Here, your in room #437." Ranae looked at the key in her palm then walked down the hallway and up the stairs. 425, 426, 427......... she counted in her mind passing by the other rooms on either side of the walls. Ah, 437. she thought as she unlocked the door and looked into the room. There were three beds lined up against the wall, a small cabinet beside each bed. On the other side of the room was a dresser, small refrigerator, and an empty bookshelf. "Perfect." Ranae said aloud looking at the bookshelf. She quickly filled it up with all the books on geology and genetics she could find before leaving home. She made up the bed in the middle and put her clothes in a small closet that was right next to the door. "All done!" she said letting herself fall onto the bed.
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Kole stood in a long line behind a auburn haired girl, overhearing that her room was 437. The girl walked away with her bronze key, and he quickly stepped up hoping to not get cut in front of. His hands where shaking as he habitually twiddled his thumbs,

"Kole Freeman." He told the women behind the desk, his voice heavy with sleepiness. She nodded and disappeared into the back before coming back a brown key pinched between her two fingers,

"Room 321 dear," Kole took the key from her anxiously with a small smile before turning around quietly and leaving the line towards his room.

He soon found his room and entered with a small click, he wondered nervously who he would be living with for his first school year. Unloading some of his items onto a small shelf beside his bed in the corner, he kicked off his floral printed shoes and strummed his ukulele as he laid slumped a cross his bed covers.
Mathew walks into the guy's dorm house, tugging along a semi-wagon like thing behind him with his stuff piled on it. "Hi, I'm Matthew Hook."

"Great," the guy behind the desk pulls a key from a desk drawer. "Room # 321, down that hall and turn right, it's on the left."

"Thanks," he walks down the hall, keeping an eye on the numbers. Lots of numbers. he turned right and counted up to his number. "Dorm sweet dorm, I hope I get a view of the field." He pushes the door open and pockets his key. Three beds, empty bookshelves, one for each bed, plus a cabinate for each as well. Then a shared refrigerator. Someone was already here, but he paid the guy no mind and chose the bed closest to the window. he placed everything carefully, knowing if he didn't do this now, he'd be scrambling for his stuff when school started. His part of the room would be messy anyway, best to start off clean.

When he was done a footlocker sat at the foot of his bed, it's old look completed by a lock, but it's a new lock. He put his standard books in the book shelve and his undetailed black books in the cabinate. Clothes go in the foot locker, organized by favorite to less favorite on one side. The other side was what shoes he'd brought. All his baseball stuff go at the head of his bed in the space between the desk. The opened the window shades and smiled at the campus. It's not the sport field, but it's good enough. he set a succulant on the desk in the light and took a step back. Perfect.
When another boy entered Kole sat up, placing his worn ukulele beside him onto his jean quilt he had spread a crossed his bed earlier and waved slowly.

"Hello," He greeted, running a hand through his brown bangs before standing and beginning to un-pack his own items. Placing what crew necks and sweaters he had into a single drawer, then jeans in another each one folded neatly. Then slid his three pairs of shoes under his bed, his hands cramped a bit, shaking them out as he stood. He hoped that his other room mate may appear as well, and they could all introduce themselves only once.
"Hey," Matthew smiles at the other guy, "I'm Matthew Hook, no relation to Captain Hook." he sticks out a hand, though he wasn't sure if the other guy would respond similarly. best to look confident anyway, shoulders relaxed, smile on, try to act like it doesn't bother you. Yeah, that's good.
Ranae looked up from her book and licked her dry lips. "Ah where is that Coke?" she questioned the empty room and looked in her bag. She groaned. I must have left it in my car. She thought and grabbed her car key out of her bag. Ranae walked down the hallway and stopped at room # 321, the door was wide open. "Hey you guys left the door ope-" she stopped in mid-sentence looking at Matthew. "Matt? Is that you?" she squeaked, her face turning red.
Matthew looks over at her and blinks in surprise, "Ranae Millican, I haven't seen you since . . . Freshman year. Let me guess, you ran out of soda?" he smiles and pulls a six pack of coca cola out of the fridge. "Since you're here, want to sit down and talk a while?"
"Uh, sure." she said rubbing her arm nervously coming into the room, feeling really embarrassed about going into a guy's dorm room.
Kole was going to respond to Mathew the name ringing a large bell within his mind when another girl entered. The girl who had been standing in front of him had been Ranae. He wanted to join the conversation, though it wasn't seen on his expression he was over joyed to be reunited with his friends. His cheeks pink with joy,

"You guys act as if you don't remember me," Kole held a hand to his chest mimicking a look of sadness,

"I'm hurt."
"Well, since it's one big reunion, I suggest we steal the chair from the left over desk and have a mini party. I've got enough snack food for it." Matthew says. Old friends, that was something he hadn't expected, but . . . cool!
While looking at Kole, Ranae caught the Coke with one hand. Her eyes lit in reconition. "Oh my gosh! Kole, you to!" she said crushing Kole in a hug.
Koles lips spread into a thin smile as he hugged her, his hand patting her back caringly. It felt as though he was seeing his real family for the first time in forever, and it felt great.

"It's great to see you again Ranae." He murmured happily.
Ranae giggled and patted his hair. "It's good to see you to." She looked at Matt then back at Kole. "Is this like some conspiracy, cause I had no idea I would be going to the same college as you guys."
Matthew pulls over the chair and sets a coke on the desk near Kole. "I didn't know either, but you what they say right? There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be..."
Kole took a seat, sitting criss crossed. The sleeves of his sweater now hanging over his hands as tapped them awkwardly onto the edges of his feet. And nodded in agreement with Mathew,

"The red string of fate, is an odd thing..."
Kole ran a hand through his bangs yawning,

"My family made me take some pretty intense classes, while i'm only here for the choir. I heard that it's amazing here." He smiled weakly staring at his feet.
Lynley (Lynn) Nixon

"room 437" the lady said to Lynn handing her the key. Lynn was wearing some black ripped jeans a graphic shirt, Leather jacket and her trust worthy black beanie, behind Lynn's piercings she was a amazing girl. She walked around till she found her room, the door was open and she walked in setting her stuff on the bed closest to the door claiming it because the middle one looked taken. She heard voices out in the hall and walked out curiously. She stood in the hall and realized the voices were in the room next to hers. She looked in and gasped and gave was light knock on the door 221(I think that's the number lol).
“Wait, wait, wait. Your telling me you, mister smooth cool guy are doing choir, as in like clasping your hands together and singing old hymns?” she said putting her hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh.
Kole looked away, running a hand through his hair as he bit the inside of his cheek.

"We don't sing hymns..." He mumbled loud enough to hear,

"What about you then, what're you studying.."
Ranae blushed furiously. "Uh, I don't think I want to tell you guys. You'd think I'm a super nerd." she said biting her lip.
Kole raised a brow now looking in her direction, and simply stated cooly

"Say it."

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