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Fandom The 11th Hunger Game (Interest Check)


Dreams and Opportunities
Under the assumption you have read/watched at least one of the books/films, this is a roleplay for survival. 

You and 23 others, with one of your own mates from home, with be thrown into an arena. You will stay here until a single victor emerges. You will receive support from sponsors, and supplies will occasionally dropped at the Cornucopia. 

This will take place 64 years before the one Katniss utterly destroyed. 

The 13 districts still exist as one being under the Capital,  however, up-to-date info and some of the past is available in the sliders below. 

I will be the GM and control elements of the game using a dice to determine whether luck is on your side. 

The REAPING, sponsorship and things from the movie will be used, but at a much more toned down level, however, if there is a good enough sponsor, an assault weapon with a very small quantity of bullets could be acquired or something related. Most weapons will be the common ones found in medieval-esque times like hatchets, throwing weapons, and bows and swords. These will be made of different materials and some will have to be replaced to increase the desperation of the player. 

  • District 1 (Career)

    Known tributes The tributes from District 1 are Careers. Careers train hard for the Games and volunteer to compete as tributes. They are usually overconfident, like most of the Careers, but this does not matter for them, for they are so well trained, that they can immediately change their attitude if needed. There are only 5 known tributes from District 1. District 1 female (50th HG) - Killed when her own axe ricocheted off of the forcefield when Haymitch dodged it, and split her skull. She placed second in the 50th Hunger Games. Augustus Braun - Victor of the 67th Hunger Games. He was known as the 'Cavalier Career' and was very popular during his Victory Tour, where the Capitol sang his praises and promised reconciliation with the Districts. Glimmer - Female tribute in the 74th Hunger Games. She died of tracker jacker stings from an attack started by Katniss. She placed 12th in the novel and 11th in the movie. Marvel - Male tribute in the 74th Hunger Games. He died from an arrow shot at him by Katniss. He placed 8th in the 74th Hunger Games. Cashmere - Female tribute in the 75th Hunger Games, victor of the 64th Hunger Games, and the sister of Gloss. Johanna Mason killed her with an axe to her chest. She placed 10th in the 75th Hunger Games. Gloss - Male tribute in the 75th Hunger Games and victor of the 63rd Hunger Games, consecutive to his sister Cashmere. Katniss killed him with an arrow to his chest (film). He placed 11th in the 75th Hunger Games. Trivia Cashmere was the only tribute from District 1 that wasn't killed by Katniss in the Games she was in, but also the only known District 1 tribute not to be directly killed by a tribute from District 12. It is mentioned that District 1 has a machine that can turn graphite into diamonds. All the known tributes from District 1 had luxurious names, as District 1 is the luxury district. Marvel means to be filled with awe, Glimmer means to glow faintly, Gloss could be deceptively attractive appearance and/or bright sheen, and Cashmere is one of the most expensive fabrics in the world. Despite its favorable relationship with the Capitol, District 1 still rebelled against its rule during the second rebellion, and was one of the first four to do so, along with Districts 3, 8, and 11. District 1 was the 2nd - 4th district to pry from Capitol rule and eventually, they became the fourth district to do so. Katniss Everdeen killed both the male tributes in her Games after they killed one of her allies; Marvel killed Rue and Gloss killed Wiress. According to the CapitolPN, District 1 has 82 factories in operation with a population of 24,315, making it the ninth largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 1 claims 1,693 in tesserae, less than any other district, making it the richest in Panem. If the population is 24,315 and they claim 1,693 tesserae that would equal to 0.069 tesserae per person, making it the 3rd richest District. According to the Panem map in The Hunger Games Adventures, District 1 is located to the north of the Capitol. It is also presumed that District 1 is located in the states of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. These states especially Montana are known to have a large variety of gemstones and sapphires.

  • District 2 (Career)

    District 2 is one of the thirteen districts of Panem. Its main industry is masonry. It is one of the largest and wealthiest districts of Panem. Furthermore, they train their children ready for the Hunger Games each year, and the tributes from District 2 are known as Career tributes, as they train their whole life to compete in and win the Games. It's where most Peacekeepers are recruited, trained, and where weapons are manufactured for them to use, but it originally specialized only in mining and stone cutting. Publicly, it's presented as the nation's stone quarries, just as District 13 was known for graphite mining. After the first rebellion, District 2 was rewarded with better treatment and living conditions for their citizens because of its loyalty to the Capitol. It is located in the Rocky Mountains, near the Capitol itself. The district is made up of many small villages, each one based around a mine. Although they get preferential treatment from the Capitol, the quarry workers suffer as much as any other district, and the district as a whole is not excluded from the annual Hunger Games. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 2: Stonemason Concrete Finisher Bricklayer Brick mason Plasterer Blacksmith Peacekeeper The Nut Schematics of the nut Due to the relocation of the Capitol's military command from District 13, during Dark Days, the Peacekeeping force, along with a large portion of the Capitol's fleet of hoverplanes, were housed in a large mountain previously used for mining in the middle of District 2. Train tracks from the mountain lead into District 2's square. After the mountain was thoroughly mined, the internal infrastructure was reinforced and barracks, arsenals, computer terminals, and meeting rooms were constructed, turning the mountain into a military base and the Capitol's main source of weapons production after losing District 13. After Plutarch Heavensbee described it as "a tough nut to crack," Katniss Everdeen relayed this remark to the rebel leadership of District 2, resulting in the mountain being nicknamed the "Nut."[1] Numerous rebel attempts to capture the entrances were defeated as these had been designed to be near impervious to attack, resulting in a stalemate. However, Gale Hawthorne noticed avalanche paths on the side of the mountain and realized that an alternative to capturing the Nut would be to disable it. Boggs realized from examining the Nut's blueprints that its ventilation system was its weak point, as these would be blocked up by avalanches. Beetee suggested leaving the train tunnel to the square open as the only means of escape, which Gale was against, as he was seeking retribution for the fire bombing of District 12. It was decided to leave the tunnel intact to give the survivors a chance to surrender, but anticipating that the escapees would be armed and desperate, the rebels fortified the buildings surrounding the square with machine gun nests. When the Nut was bombed by rebellion hovercrafts, the resulting avalanches shut off many entrances and air vents. The survivors did not initially escape through the tunnel, but suddenly rushed two trains into the station when Katniss started to broadcast an appeal to surrender. After she tried to convince an injured soldier to surrender and was shot, the District 2 workers who had escaped turned on the soldiers, allowing the rebels to stand by and watch. Known tributes District 2 children are raised with a warrior mindset in preparation for becoming Peacekeepers. They are typically Career tributes, some of whom volunteer to participate, as winning is a great honor in Career Districts. They tend to be strong and well-prepared, like the Careers from 1 and 4, but have an additional level of brutal discipline. Katniss describes the District 2 tributes, saying "Cato. Clove. Brutus. Enobaria. I've seen their eagerness. I've seen their bloodlust, too." Cato - Placed 3rd in the 74th Hunger Games. Clove - Placed 6th in the 74th Hunger Games. Brutus - Placed 7th in the 75th Hunger Games and victor of an unspecified Hunger Games. Enobaria - tribute in the 75th Hunger Games and victor of the 62nd Hunger Games. After the Second Rebellion and the overthrow of President Snow, Enobaria was declared the last surviving tribute from District 2. Lyme - a victor of a previous and unknown Hunger Games. Trivia The close relationship between the Capitol and District 2 shows in that people from both locations tend to have Roman names: 'Cato', 'Brutus' (District 2), 'Coriolanus', 'Seneca' (Capitol). In the film adaptation of The Hunger Games, Haymitch Abernathy remarks that tributes from Districts 1 and 2, are trained for the Games at special academies until they reach the age of 18. In Mockingjay, it is revealed that all districts were at war with the Capitol except District 2, which had been later secured by rebel forces towards the end of the war. The rebel strategy at the Nut is similar to the total war strategy employed during Sherman's March to the Sea. The function and fortification of the Nut is similar to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex that houses NORAD. In both the 74th Hunger Games and the 75th Hunger Games, the District 2 male tribute was the last to die. District 2 is favored the most by the Capitol for its military base, the Nut, and for the strength and loyalty of the people. The District 2 tributes in the two most recent Hunger games, the 74th and 75th, have always died after District 1. District 2 tributes tend to be the strongest Careers. District 2 was described as having one of the largest pools of victors. District 2 is shown to be located just below the Capitol as seen in The Hunger Games Adventures. It is also the second smallest district by size, which is ironic given the fact that it's the second largest in terms of population. Although people from District 2 were always eager to volunteer for the Hunger Games (described to have a hunger for 'glory'), it is shown that some of them have always secretly hated them as much as any other district. Enobaria shows her hate in Mockingjay. Both male tributes in the 74th and 75th Hunger Games were killed by a tribute from District 12. In both the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, the District 2 tributes made it to the top 7. Although the district did not rebel as a whole, outer villages are said to have either been sided or captured by the rebels at a later point of the war. District 2 was the last district to maintain under the influence of the Capitol's rule. According to the Capitol.PN, District 2 has 7 quarries in operation with a population of 231,354, making it the second largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 2 claims 1,937 in tesserae, making it the second richest district. If the population is 231,354 and they claim 1,937 that would equal to 0.008 tesserae per person, making it the richest District.

  • District 3

    District 3 is one of the wealthier of the 13 districts in Panem. Its main industry is technology and it is one of the wealthiest districts. It specializes in televisions and computers. In Catching Fire during the Victory Tour, Katniss notices that this district, along with District 8 and District 4, shows the most happiness to see her, implying that it is of the more rebellious districts. It is implied in Catching Fire that their citizens lived in abject poverty, as they were one of the first districts to start an uprising during the Dark Days. Most of its inhabitants work in factories and are very well adept with engineering. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 3: Technical support Assembly operator Engineer Tester Technician Electronic installation Experimental physicist Inventor Mechanic Known Tributes District 3 Tributes District 3 male (74th HG) - Died during the eighth day. Cato broke his neck because Katniss blew up the supplies when he was on watch. He placed 9th out of 24. District 3 female (74th HG)- died during the first day (Bloodbath). She placed 22nd out of 24. Beetee - Victor of a unknown games, 75th Hunger Games. ( the 3rd♙Quarter Quell) Wiress - Victor of a unknown games, 75th Hunger Games. (3rd♙Quarter Quell), died during the second day by Gloss slitting her throat. She placed 12th out of 24th. Trivia Beetee, Wiress and the District 3 male (74th HG) were all described by Katniss to have ashen skin. This is presumed to be a typical trait of District 3, in the film Beetee was the only tribute from the district not to have this characteristic. Tributes from District 3 tend to be extremely good at creating and using electronics, as displayed by Beetee as he became a victor by utilizing his knowledge and skill with electrical devices. Both the tributes in the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, who didn't die in the bloodbath, died at the hands of a Career, as the District 3 male was killed by Cato and Wiress was killed by Gloss. This excludes Beetee as he's currently alive. While the District 3 female did not make it far in the 74th Hunger Games, dying third in the bloodbath, the male was electronically skilled and he proved that to the Careers by moving and then rearming the landmines used to prevent tributes stepping off the pedestals before the official start of the Games. The bread from this district is bite-sized square-shaped rolls. Before the Dark Days, District 3 was one of the more wealthy districts, however it was crippled by the uprising (in which it presumably played an important role) and living standards decreased. Although it's still one of the wealthier districts, District 3's living attitude is really poor, and is the poorer of the wealthier districts, and typically don't do well in the Games. According to The Hunger Games Adventures, District 3 is located directly to the west of District 12. According to the Capitol.pn, District 3 has twelve factories in operation, and a population of 195,329, making it the third largest district, in terms of population. It was one of the first districts to rebel during the 2nd rebellion, along with Districts 1, 8, and 11. District 3 was the 2nd - 4th district to pry from Capitol rules and eventually, they became the third district to do so. Although it was said they showed joy during Katniss' arrival during the Victory Tour, the citizens of District 3 seemed to be unhappy and later rioted during her speech, pleading for her to say what she really felt. According to the Capitol.PN, District 3 claims 62,991 in tesserae, making it the fifth richest district. If the population is 195,329 and they claim 62,991 tesserae, it would equal to 0.322 tesserae per person, making it the 6th richest district. It is considered an upper middle class district.

  • District 4 (Career)

    District 4 is one of the wealthiest districts of Panem. Its industry is fishing, which is useful for tributes in the Hunger Games as they have experience in using nets and tridents, making fishhooks from scratch, swimming, and identifying edible sea life. In Catching Fire, Katniss notices during her Victory Tour that District 4, along with 3 and 8, seemed quite happy to see her, meaning that District 4 is a rebellious district, and also how the victors from this district pledged loyalty to the rebellion and Katniss Everdeen. Being one of the wealthiest districts, District 4 tends to produce Career Tributes, who volunteer to participate in the Hunger Games. This is also the case for districts 1 and 2. These children are raised and trained to win the Games, making them stronger and much more capable of winning than the average tribute (although this is illegal). However, in the films, nothing was mentioned about tributes from District 4 being Careers. The bread from District 4 is a salty, fish-shaped loaf, tinted green by seaweed. Their source of income is fishing and kids are trained for these jobs at a young age, giving them an advantage in the Hunger Games. According to The Hunger Games Adventures, District 4 is located on the west coast of Panem just to the southeast of District 7. In the Catching Fire film, a pretty District 4 girl with blonde hair and brown eyes looks up at Katniss and tells her "One day, I'm going to volunteer. Just like you did.", implying that District 4 citizens may be in favor of the Hunger Games, similar to districts 1 and 2, or that the girl was just a fan of Katniss Everdeen and wanted to be like her. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 4: Longliner Trawler Canner Ship Captain Deckhand Fisherman While preparing for the 3rd Quarter Quell in the Training Center, Katniss encounters difficulty at the knot-tying station and is helped by another tribute, and she realizes that "Of course it's Finnick, who seems to have spent his childhood doing nothing but wielding tridents and manipulating ropes into fancy knots for nets, I guess". This shows that unlike the children of District 12 (and just like the children in the other districts), the children in District 4 begin to learn their district's industry from an early age. Everyday life Not much is known about District 4's way of living, aside from their specialization in fishing. Even their bread is tinted green because of the seaweed it contains. In Catching Fire, it is mentioned that District 4 is by the sea, of course. Its rebellious tendencies, expressed during Katniss and Peeta's Victory Tour, were described as "more of a cry for vengeance" and it was said that the crowd did not have "the weary cattle feel". This suggests that the citizens of District 4 faced severe oppression but were healthy enough (not battling starvation and poverty) to fight. Known tributes District 4 Tributes District 4 tributes, 74th Hunger Games District 4 female (74th HG) - Killed by tracker jackers (book). Died after the initial bloodbath (film). She placed 11th in the book and 13th in the film. District 4 male (74th HG) - Died in the initial bloodbath. He placed 14th. Mags - Tribute in the 3rd Quarter Quell, Victor of the 11th Hunger Games - Killed by the poisonous fog. She placed 15th. Finnick Odair - Tribute in the 3rd Quarter Quell, Victor of the 65th Hunger Games. Annie Cresta - Victor of the 70th Hunger Games. District 4 male (70th HG) - Survived the bloodbath but was later beheaded. Trivia Being one of the first districts to rebel and as well as having the production of career tributes, it can be inferred that District 4 was probably one of the first districts to pry from the Capitol's grasp, as well as Districts 1, 3, 8, and 11, during the 2nd rebellion. Although, it didn't fight one of the first four battles of the war which means it was the 5th - 10th district to do so. In Catching Fire, Katniss mentions an accent that many from District 4 speak with when describing Mags. According to the Capitol.PN, District 4 has 12 fisheries in operation with a population of 111,453, making it the seventh largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 4 claims 26,357 in tesserae, making it the fourth richest district. If the population is 111,453 and they claim 26,357 tesserae, it would equal to 0.236 tesserae per person, making it the 5th richest District.

  • District 5

    District 5 is one of the thirteen districts of Panem. Its main industry is power and electricity. Therefore, this district is responsible for generating the power of the entire nation. District 5 has a huge hydroelectric dam used for this purpose, which rebels in the district bombed and destroyed, causing mass loss of power in the Capitol during the start of the Second Rebellion. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 5: Powerplant security officer Geologist Equipment manager System analyst Maintenance Known Tributes Porter Millicent Tripp - Victor of the 38th Hunger Games. At an unknown point of the Games, she received a spinal injury, earning her a permanent head brace. Foxface - Died on day 16 - she placed 4th in the book, and 5th in the movie. (Nightlock berries) District 5 male (74th HG) - Died on the first day (Bloodbath). In the film he placed 17th out of 24. District 5 female (75th HG) - Died on the second day (Tidal wave). She placed 13th out of 24. District 5 male (75th HG) - Died on the first day (Bloodbath) and placed 24th out of 24. The male tribute during the 74th Hunger Games died during the bloodbath at the Cornucopia. Katniss nicknamed the female tribute "Foxface." She survived by stealing food from other tributes in order to keep herself alive, as well as her quick, witty decisions. Ironically, it was her strategy for survival that eventually killed her. She stole some berries from Peeta Mellark's collection. Sadly, she mistakenly ate the berries, which were poisonous nightlock. She placed 4th out of 24. Katniss Everdeen notes that if they were to give out a test, Foxface would be the smartest by a mile. The tributes during the 75th Hunger Games were both past victors. The male was an alcoholic and vomited on the sword-fighting arena during training. In the arena, the male is killed during the bloodbath at the Cornucopia by Finnick Odair. He placed 24th out of 24. The female lived slightly longer. Katniss hears her scream when the tsunami hits, drowning and killing her. Trivia It's unknown, but unlikely, seeing as the male tribute attacked Finnick and Katniss, that the District 5 victors were part of the rebel alliance to free Katniss as they weren't mentioned as one of the districts that took part. In the last two Hunger Games, both males were killed in the bloodbath but both females survived the bloodbath, the opposite of District 10. District 5 is possibly one of the wealthier districts, such as District 1 or District 2 due to the low amount of residents who take tesserae. This may also attribute to the theory of District 5 not being as impoverished as outlying Districts (10, 11 and 12). District 5 was the 5th - 10th district to pry from Capitol rule. District 1, District 5 and District 9 are the only districts without a known rebel. It can be implied that District 5 would have to be located in western Panem around the Rocky Mountains as it would need to power the Capitol. This can also be supported by how District 12, which lies in the Appalachian Mountains in eastern Panem, does not have enough electricity to light their homes or the electric fence which surrounds the district. According to the Capitol.PN, District 5 has 15 power plants in operation with a population of 134,345, making it the fifth largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 5 claims 2,881 in tesserae, making it the third richest district. It is in fact richer then District 4, making it the only non-Career District to be wealthier then a Career District and the wealthiest non-Career District. If the population is 134,345 and they claim 2,881 tesserae, it would equal to 0.021 tesserae per person,making it the 2nd richest District. It is considered a wealthy district. A solar power plant, Coriolanus 9, is located in the heart of District 5, named after President Snow.

  • District 6

    District 6 is one of the 13 districts of Panem. This district's principal industry is transportation. It was heavily bombed by the Capitol's Air Forces. It is hinted that having a Morphling addiction may have been a district-wide issue as Katniss nicknamed the victors of District 6 "Morphlings" because they were addicted to the painkiller. Most victors from this district take this drug to forget what they experienced in their Games. District 6 is also one of the more rebellious districts, as the victors from this district were part of the victor alliance to keep Katniss alive. It is mentioned that this district is rebellious after the breakout from the arena by Plutarch Heavensbee. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 6: Porter Router Mechanic Conductor Baggage Handler Known Tributes Titus - Died in a unspecified Hunger Games. He is known for his cannibalism during the games and was killed by an avalanche. District 6 male (74th HG) - Died on the first day (bloodbath). He placed 15th out of 24. District 6 female (74th HG) - Died on the first day (bloodbath). She placed 21st out of 24. Female Morphling - Victor of an unspecified Hunger Games as well as being a morphling addict. Died on the second day of the 75th Hunger Games. She placed 14th out of 24. Male Morphling - Victor of an unspecified Hunger Games and is a morphling addict. Died on the first day of the 75th Hunger Games (bloodbath). He placed 22nd out of 24. Trivia In The Hunger Games: Tribute Guide, it says that the people of District 6 dislike traveling, even though their industry is transportation. A tribute from District 6, Titus, during an unknown Hunger Games, went mad and resorted to cannibalism. He started eating the tributes until he was killed by an avalanche, thought to be purposely set up by the Gamemakers, ensuring someone insane wouldn't win. District 6 was the 5th - 10th district to pry from Capitol rule. Tributes from here have a disadvantage as they have no experience with tools or weaponry, unlike most other districts. The citizens of this district seem to be extremely oppressed, shown on how rough the Peacekeepers are on this district, and had a large uprising in Catching Fire. According to the Capitol.PN, District 6 has 52 active hubs with a population of 784,453, making it the largest district in Panem, in terms of population, with almost four times as many citizens as District 2, the second place holder. Due to being the largest district in terms of population, it is also extremely unstable, making Morphling a district-wide problem. According to the Capitol.PN, District 6 claims 68,366 in tesserae, making it the sixth most impoverished district. If the population is 784,453 and they claim 68,366 tesserae, that would equal to 0.087 tesserae per person, making it the 4th richest District. It is considered a lower middle class district. According to The Hunger Games Adventures, District 6 would be situated directly north of District 3, which fits more appropriately with what was seen in Catching Fire. In the film, District 6 was the first District to lose both of its tributes in the 74th Hunger Games.

  • District 7

    District 7 is one of the thirteen districts of Panem. It's hinted that it is a middle-class district, like Districts 3, 6, and 8. District 7 provides lumber for the Capitol, and its people are known to be good with axes. District 7 is apparently covered with large portions of forest and hs a dam nearby the district. Known tributes District 7 female (74th HG) - 74th Hunger Games, died on the first day (bloodbath). She placed 16th out of 24. District 7 male (74th HG) - 74th Hunger Games, died on the first day (bloodbath). He placed 19th out of 24. Johanna Mason - 75th Hunger Games, as well as the victor of the 71st Hunger Games. She was one of the 6 tributes to survive the 75th Hunger Games. Blight - 75th Hunger Games, as well as the victor of an earlier Games. He died on the second day due to running into a force field. Everyday life Nothing is mentioned about the lives of the citizens from District 7. However, Katniss Everdeen notes that Johanna Mason, being from District 7, probably threw and used axes since she was a toddler. This suggests that most citizens from District 7 begin working with axes at an early age, probably in the forests that surround the district, chopping down the trees for their district's industry. District 7 is possibly a wealthier district which can hint that life is easier there. District 7 peacekeepers Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 7: Lumberjack Load Puller Lead Climber Furniture Builder Carpenter Paper-maker Trivia Johanna Mason, District 7's female tribute in the 71st and 75th Hunger Games. Blight, the male tribute from the 75th Hunger Games and victor. Although Johanna says that the tributes from District 7 have been dressed as trees for 40 years, during the Tribute Parade, the film adaptation, it shows the tributes dressed in an origami-like paper costumes in the 74th Hunger Games. District 7 was the 5th - 10th district to pry from Capitol rule. District 7 is one of the larger districts, possibly due to space for the trees. District 7's tributes have learned to throw axes at an early age, making some of the tributes well trained. They also seem to prefer axes as their weapon of choice. One of these examples is Johanna who used a throwing axe. According to The Hunger Games Adventures, District 7 is located directly to the northeast of District 4 on the northwestern coast of Panem. Aside from Career districts, (1, 2, and 4) District 7 has the biggest advantage in the games, as they not only have experience in the arenas brutal environment, but they also show exceptional skill in weapons such as an axe and other cutting tools. According to the Capitol.PN, District 7 has 115 mills in operation with a population of 26,354 people, making it the eight largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 7 claims 63,125 in tesserae, making it the sixth richest district. If the population is 26,354 and they claim 63,125 tesserae, it would equal to 2.395 tesserae per person, making it the 8th richest District. It is considered an upper middle-class district. It's one of the locations which appear in the film series. Others are districts 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13. However, districts 1 and 4 appear briefly in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire on the TV when Haymitch is showing footage of the other victors being reaped for the games.

  • District 8

    District 8 is one of the thirteen districts of Panem. Its main industry is making textiles and clothing. They have at least one factory that is primarily used for making Peacekeeper uniforms. Katniss describes District 8 as "an urban place stinking of industrial fumes with no greenery, the people housed in run down tenements, barely a blade of grass in sight." In Catching Fire during the Victory Tour, Katniss notices that this district, along with District 3 and District 4, shows the most happiness to see her, suggesting that they are one of the more rebellious districts. District 8 played one of the largest roles in the second rebellion, including starting the war itself. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 8: Factory worker Weaver Dress maker Designer Warehouse manager Teacher Tailor/Seamstress Known tributes District 8 Tributes District 8 female (74th HG) - Killed by Glimmer (Film)/Peeta (Book) on the first night of the games. She placed 13th out of 24 in the book and 12th out of 24 in the film. District 8 male (74th HG) - Died on the first day (bloodbath). In the film he placed 24th out of 24. District 8 Tributes: Cecelia and Woof Cecelia - Victor of an unknown Hunger Games, participant in the 75th Hunger Games. Died on Day 1 (75th). Her placing is unknown. Woof - Victor of an unknown Hunger Games, participant in the 75th Hunger Games. Died on Day 1 (75th). His placing is unknown. Uprising District 8 was one of the districts that President Snow was concerned would rebel against Capitol rule. On the night when Peeta proposed to Katniss, District 8 rose up and fought against its Peacekeeping force. The Peacekeepers were caught off guard and overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the mob. The Peacekeepers' Headquarters, the Justice Building, the armory, and the Communications Center were all secured by the rebels. However, the Capitol responded by sending in thousands of Peacekeepers and using hovercrafts to bomb the rebel strongholds. The rebels began to flee and the forward momentum slowed, then stopped. Everything went into a lockdown mode, and no one was allowed out of their houses for a while. The factories were shut down and the only time the TV played anything other than static was when it showed suspected rebel instigators being executed. Eventually things returned to normal, but the Capitol blew up one large factory when they found out the talk of rebellion started there. Eventually, when the rebellion was well under way, the rebels managed to eliminate all military targets in the district, leaving only the occasional bombing as the Capitol's presence in the area. After the rebellion, the leader of District 8, Paylor, became President of Panem after President Snow was disposed of and Katniss assassinated President Coin. Bombings In Mockingjay, Katniss went to District 8 to visit the victims from the Capitol bombings and to broadcast the first propaganda video to air in all the districts and the Capitol. When she was leaving, Boggs - Paylor in the film - tells her that they need to get to the airstrip because of incoming bombers from the north. In an effort to fight against the bombers, Katniss and Gale climb to the roof of a warehouse that has machine gun nests, running into Commander Paylor. Together, they all work to destroy the other waves of hover planes that fly overhead. Bonnie and Twill Bonnie and Twill were two people from District 8 who were trying to escape to District 13. Katniss had found them traveling through the woods surrounding District 12. They showed her a piece of bread with a mockingjay stamped on it, which is the "symbol for the rebels." They were going to District 13 because they had heard stories of people living under the district. They were leaving because the factory that the Capitol had destroyed was the one that they worked at. It was a fluke that they didn't die. Twill had worked as a school teacher and Bonnie was her pupil. Twill and her husband had planned on dressing in Peacekeeper uniforms and escaping. When Bonnie and Twill had finished their school day, they headed to the factory. However, there were large craters in the roads from the Peacekeeper bombings they had to avoid. Because of this, they were late for work, and were still a few blocks away when the whole factory blew up. Bonnie's whole family died and so did Twill's husband, so the two headed off on their own. They also told Katniss that they thought the Capitol had been using the same tape of District 13 every time they air the surface, and that during the tape, a wing of a mockingjay passed by the corner of the screen. In Mockingjay, it was revealed that the two of them never made it to District 13. They are presumed to be deceased and may have been killed by the Capitol or died of exposure in the winter forest. Trivia Incomes in District 8 are shown to be fairly low, for example Twill mentions that she put in a four hour shift in a Peacekeeper uniform factory after her full-time job as a teacher. Bonnie, a child, also mentions putting in a four hour shift after she gets out of school. District 8, like District 12 and District 13, was targeted by the Capitol the most during the rebellion. District 8 was the first district to rise up against its Peacekeeping force. Thus, beginning the 2nd rebellion. At the end of Mockingjay, after President Coin is assassinated, Paylor, the District 8 Commander, becomes president of Panem. According to the Catching Fire film, as well as a pre-production sketch from the Movie Companion Book, District 8 is featured to have at least 6 functional textile based factories. Other displayed works of architecture include a bridge that connects two landmasses separated by a river, and a Clock Tower which extends into the sky. The citizens are seen to be clothed in a palette of vibrant and brighter colors than other districts, considering that District 8's primary focus is that of textile production. Their physical attire resembles that of an urban American 1960s get-up. The tributes' jackets on the holograms are maroon red, however in the film they had golden jackets. In the 74th Hunger Games, according to the film, both tributes from District 8 were killed by District 1 tributes. District 8 is probably located on the northern east coast of Panem, along the St. Lawrence river area. This is shown on the map in the Catching Fire film when Katniss spies on the video of the rebellion in District 8. It also makes sense to have District 8 located there since this is where many textile mills are located. The very first official Propo was shot in District 8. Although the first uprising resulted in a failure, the battle of District 8 resulted in the capture of the district near the beginning of the war. This meant that District 8 was the first district to be released from Capitol rule. District 8, as the film suggests, appeared to be snowing during Katniss and Peeta's Victory Tour, and was located near a shore. District 8 is guessed to be around New York. According to the Mockingjay Film, bombers from the north were being deployed from the southern border Of District 11, during the time Katniss was visiting District 8 to film the first prop. This suggests that District 8 may actually be located around the deep south, specifically south of present-day Atlanta, Georgia, where District 11 is believed to be situated. This contradicts past various claims, that suggests that the District may have been located in the present-day northeast of the United States. During the Victory Tour in District 8, it can be seen that the district looks a lot like Lowell, Massachusetts. According to the Capitol.PN, District 8 has 43 factories in operation with a population of 122,134, making it the sixth largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 8 claims 69,892 in tesserae, making it the fifth most impoverished district. If the population is 122,134 and they claim 69,892 tesserae, that would equal to 0.572 tesserae per person, making it the 7th richest District. It is considered a lower middle class district.

  • District 9

    District 9 is one of the thirteen districts of Panem. It is responsible for grain. It is mentioned that District 9 has many factories, most likely for grain processing. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 9: Cropper Farmer Plower Sower Harvester Known tributes District 9 female (74th HG) - Died on the first day (Bloodbath). She placed 18th out of 24. District 9 male (74th HG) - Died on the first day (Bloodbath). He placed 24th out of 24 in the book and 20th out of 24 in the film. District 9 female (75th HG) - Victor of unknown Hunger Games, died on first day (Bloodbath). She placed 17th out of 24. District 9 male (75th HG) - Victor of unknown Hunger Games, died on the first day (Bloodbath). He placed 21st out of 24. Trivia District 9 Tributes District 9 Tributes, 74th Hunger Games This district is very similar to District 11. Both specialize in agriculture, and both are very poor and repressed. District 9 specializes in mainly grain-related products, whereas District 11 specializes in fruits and vegetables. District 9 is the least spoken about district in the Hunger Games series. It's unknown, but unlikely that the District 9 victors were part of the rebellion alliance to free Katniss as they weren't mentioned as one of the districts that took part. There is no named person from District 9 in the books or the films. District 9 was the 5th - 10th district to pry from Capitol rule. In the Mockingjay Part 1 film, Peeta stated reports of rebelling districts. He mentioned that there was a district that set granaries on fire, this presumably was the method of rebelling District 9 had done by cutting food supply. Peeta mentioned this alongside District 5's dam explosion, and a district cutting off railroads from the Capitol. District 1, District 5 and District 9 are the only districts without a known rebel. District 9 is the only district where all tributes of the two most recent games have been killed in the bloodbath. According to the Capitol.PN, District 9 has 12 mills in operation with a population of 15,346, making it the eleventh largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 9 claims 70,532 in tesserae, making it the fourth most impoverished district. It is a very poor district, though slightly better than District 11. If the population is 15,346 and they claim 70,532 tesserae, it would equal to 4.593 tesserae per person, making it the 9th richest District.

  • District 10

    District 10 is one of the poorer of the thirteen districts of Panem. Its main industry is livestock, and provides beef for the Capitol. Since they are in charge of livestock, it can be assumed that the majority of District 10 is farmland. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 10: Butcher Milker Rancher Barn Manager Breeder Farmer Known tributes District 10 male (74th HG) - Died during the eighth day (unknown). He placed 10th out of 24. District 10 female (74th HG) - Died during the first day (bloodbath). She placed 23rd out of 24. District 10 male (75th HG) - Killed by the "beast" on the second day. He placed 9th out of 24. District 10 female (75th HG) - Died during the first day (bloodbath). Her placing is unknown. District 10 Tributes District 10 Tributes, 74th Hunger Games Dalton Dalton, a refugee from District 10, made it on foot to District 13 a few years before Katniss Everdeen did. He leaked the real motive of District 13's kindness to Katniss, which was using the refugees as new a breeding stock, due to a pox epidemic that killed many of the District 13 natives and left most of the survivors infertile. Dalton also presided over Finnick and Annie's wedding, since District 10's wedding ceremony is similar to District 4's. He isn't mentioned in the war or afterwards. Trivia It's unknown, but unlikely, that the District 10 victors were part of the rebel alliance to free Katniss as they weren't mentioned as one of the districts that took part. In the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, both female tributes died during the Cornucopia bloodbath, while the male tributes survived a bit longer, but then later died from an unknown cause. This is the opposite of District 5. District 10 was the 5th - 10th district to pry from Capitol rule. Dalton is the only named person from District 10. In the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, District 10 was one of the two districts to have absolutely no named tributes. The other district is District 9. However, the District 10 male in the 74th Hunger Games was nicknamed "The Boy With The Bad Leg," as Katniss noticed a limp in his step. Both District 10 males' deaths were not shown in the film and were not seen surviving. District 10 is located by Mexico, as seen in the map shown in Catching Fire. According to the Capitol.PN, District 10 has a livestock count of 1 million with a population of 19,234, making it the tenth largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 10 claims 291,963 in tesserae, making it the third most impoverished district. If the population is 19,234 and they claim 291,963 tesserae, that would equal to 15.179 tesserae per person, making it the 11th richest District.

  • District 11

    District 11 is one of the poorer of the thirteen districts of Panem. Their industry is agriculture; orchards, fields of wheat, and cotton surround the district. Almost everything they grow goes to the Capitol, despite their starvation; if any citizen of District 11 is caught eating any of the crops, they are to be whipped in public. Its inhabitants are described as having dark brown skin as described in the physical traits of Rue, Thresh, Seeder and Chaff. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 11: Sorter Irrigator Farmhand Harvester Gardener Government and Security "Hearing this, District 12 feels like some kind of safe haven. Of course, people keel over from starvation all the time, but I can't imagine the peacekeepers murdering a simple-minded child." ―Katniss The Capitol's control over District 11 is total, due to the importance of food production, and its regional government is known for being harsh and cruel. For example, in Catching Fire, when Peeta and Katniss visited District 11 in their Victory Tour, they witnessed an old man being executed by Peacekeepers for whistling Rue's four note tune. Two more gunshots were heard afterwards, suggesting that the Peacekeeper's then turned on the crowd. The fence surrounding the district is thirty feet high and topped with razor wire, with metal ground plates to prevent anyone digging beneath and guard towers evenly spaced along it. It is always turned on so the citizens cannot escape, unlike District 12, where their Rue mentioned that a boy named Martin was once killed for trying to keep a pair of night vision goggles in order to play with them, even though he was harmless and "wasn't right in the head". If any worker stole crops, they were publicly whipped, a common occurrence that the Mayor was described as strict on. In general, the Capitol tried to keep a tighter grip on District 11 because of it being the main food supplier, and as such was vital to the Capitol's existence. Location According to Suzanne Collins, District 11 is near Atlanta. It appears to be south of District 12, because its weather was comfortably warm while snow was falling in 12. This warm weather would lengthen District 11's growing season and provide an ideal climate for growing food. Relation to The Games District 11 tributes are usually underfed and unprepared for the games, and generally place low. However, some have occupational skills that are useful in the arena, such as Rue, who could leap between trees. Others, like Thresh, are extremely large and muscular and have a large amount of strength because of physical labor. Another likely ability, which both Rue and Thresh has, is the ability to recognize edible plants that others wouldn't. Rue also had the knowledge of identifying and using medicinal plants. During the 74th Games (in the film), after Rue's death was shown, a riot was started in District 11. Known Tributes District 11 Tributes, 74th Hunger Games Chaff - Died on Day 2 in the 75th Hunger Games, Victor of the 45th Hunger Games. He placed 8th out of 24th. Seeder - Died during Day 1 in the 75th Hunger Games, but won an unspecified Hunger Games. Her placing is unknown. Rue - Placed 7th in the 74th Hunger Games. Killed by Marvel. Thresh - Placed 5th (book), 4th (film) in the 74th Hunger Games. Way of Life District 11 specializes in agriculture, growing wheat and managing orchards. The signature bread from this district is a dark, crescent-shaped roll dotted with seeds. There are many tracker jacker nests in District 11, causing workers to keep medical leaves on hand. In the orchards small children are sent to high branches to pick the highest fruits. They have long hours: from sunrise to sunset, the people work the fields to send food off to the Capitol. During the harvest they often work until well after dark, using torchlight and night vision goggles. District 11 is many times larger than District 12. The citizens of District 11 live in small shacks. The people of this district are described as having "dark hair and dark skin". Due to this, they may be of African American, Latin American, Native American, or South Asian decent. However, due to the location of District 11 being confirmed by Suzanne Collins as "the Deep South" it is likely that they are mostly African American, or of Latin American decent. Trivia District 11 is possibly the biggest district which is not a surprise because they would need a big space for farm/garden, also it is shown they travel through a lot on the train to the square. All known tributes from District 11 are of African-American decent. In the 74th Hunger Games, District 11 has both the tallest tribute (Thresh), and both smallest and youngest tribute (Rue). After being the 2nd - 4th districts (eventually the 2nd) to pry from the Capitol's rule, communications went out in Districts 3, 7, and 12 to rebel. Afterwards, District 11 sends food to rebelling districts in hopes of winning the war. According to the Capitol.PN, District 11 has a cultivated acreage of 12 with a population of 138,546, making it the fourth largest district, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 11 claims 822,568 in tesserae, making it the second most impoverished district. If the population is 138,546 and they claim 822,568 tesserae, it would equal to 5.937 tesserae per person, making it the 10th richest District. It is considered a very poor district. As shown in Mockingjay Part 1, District 11's citizens are dressed in physical attire resembling that of the Antebellum South.

  • District 12

    District 12 is the poorest of the thirteen districts in the nation of Panem. It's located in the Appalachia and has a population of around 8,000 or more people. District 12's main industry is coal mining. However, after the Second Rebellion, their main industry became medicine. Areas and places District 12 consisted of four different areas: the Seam, the merchant section, the Victors' Village, and the Hob. The Seam "District Twelve. Where you can starve to death in safety." ―Katniss Everdeen The Seam was the poorest part of District 12 and where Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne had lived. The Seam was located on the border of District 12, next to the wild forests. It was extremely hard to find food in there, and many families lived in poverty. Because of this, an adult who lives to be very old is respected and thought of as wise; in contrast, a fully belly and youth are frowned upon and loathed by the people in the Seam. Many who live there were missing members of their family, due to mining accidents or from starvation. Also, Katniss mentioned that they only have electricity a few hours a day, so they mostly use candles for light. Early in the mornings, the streets of the Seam were crowded with tired and worn-down coal miners heading to work. Everything in that part of the district was covered in a layer of coal dust due to the coal mining of the region. Typically, residents of the Seam have dark hair, grey eyes, and an olive complexion, which is why Prim and her mother always looked so out of place in the Seam, as they both had blonde hair and bright blue eyes, due to Mrs. Everdeen's heritage. Merchant section This area of the district was definitely a step-up from the Seam. The mayor and his daughter, along with other families such as Peeta Mellark's, lived in the merchant area and are well-off for District 12. It was mentioned by Katniss that the merchants "lived above their businesses," suggesting that the merchants' homes doubled as their shops as well. The merchant section did exactly what its name implied - trading and buying goods. With the district's coal mines, they made some trades to the Capitol and occasionally to the other districts. Residents of the merchant area's appearances set them apart from residents of the Seam, as most of them have blonde hair and blue eyes. Katniss' mother originally lived in the merchant section, but she moved to the Seam to live with her husband after she got married. The Hob The Hob was District 12's black market. This was where Katniss and Gale went to sell or trade their excess game. Many things were available for purchase or trade at the Hob, varying from some of Greasy Sae's soup, a goat, or white liquor made by Ripper. It was later burned down by Peacekeepers in Catching Fire. Victors' Village The Victors' Village is a small village where the victors of previous Hunger Games dwell in. The houses are grand and luxurious compared to the houses in District 12. In total, District 12 had four victors in the span of 75 Hunger Games, however the first victor from District 12 died sometime before the 74th Hunger Games, thus leaving only Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark and Haymitch Abernathy as residents in District 12's Victor's Village. The Justice Building The Justice Building of District 12 was used for formal administration such as registration of marriages, a place for tributes to bid goodbye to their loved ones, and the occasional medal of valor for the oldest child in the families of miners who died in mining accidents, like Katniss and Gale's fathers had. Weddings "Back home everything is so much simpler. A woman usually rents a white dress that's been worn hundreds of times. The man wears something clean that's not mining clothes. They fill out some forms at the Justice Building and are assigned a house. Family and friends gather for a meal or bit of cake, if it can be afforded. Even if it can't, there's always a traditional song we sing as the new couple crosses the threshold of their home. And we have our own little ceremony, where they make their first fire, toast a bit of bread, and share it. Maybe it's old-fashioned, but no one really feels married in District 12 until after the toasting." ―Catching Fire The Square The square is where the reapings are held every year to see who will be put into the Hunger Games. Jobs The following jobs are offered in District 12: Coal miner Geologist Blaster Surveyor Metallurgist Hob Merchant Mayor Baker Butcher Boundaries The Fence A twenty-foot high electric fence surrounded the district. According to the officials and Peacekeepers from the district, it was "electrified" twenty-four hours a day, but Katniss could tell if it was currently electrified or not. In Catching Fire, the district was given a new Head Peacekeeper named Thread, but when Katniss went out into the woods and came back, the charge was on. The fence was electrified twenty-four hours a day from then on. In theory, the gate was said to be there to keep out the wild animals that roam the woods. Although, it is more likely that it was meant to keep the people in. Known Tributes Maysilee Donner - 50th Hunger Games tribute. Haymitch Abernathy - Winner of the 50th Hunger Games. Unknown tributes of the 73rd Hunger Games - mentioned in the first book. Katniss Everdeen - Co-Victor of the 74th Hunger Games Peeta Mellark - Co-Victor of the 74th Hunger Games Escorts The only known escort for District 12 was Effie Trinket, a bubbly, pink-haired, air-headed lady from the Capitol. However, it was shown, in the recap of Haymitch's Games, that there was another escort before Effie. Effie was reluctant and slightly unwelcoming to the tributes as she felt as though she was bound to be promoted to a better district. Destruction At the end of Catching Fire, Gale sees Katniss on her way to District 13 and informs her that there is no District 12. It was destroyed with fire bombs by the Capitol. The only thing that wasn't destroyed was the Victor's Village. In Mockingjay, District 12 slowly rebuilds after the war. Reconstruction During the second rebellion, the rebels used District 12 as a transportation base to send troops to the Capitol. Katniss and Squad 451 were taken there before being transported to the Capitol. After Panem's second war, Katniss and Haymitch returned to District 12. Peeta eventually returned as well. Most of the remains of District 12 citizens were buried in a mass grave. A medicine factory was constructed, and District 12 began to rebuild. The filled-in mass grave is now the Meadow. In the epilogue, this is where Katniss and Peeta's children, their son and their daughter, play. Later, they agree to tell them one day about who they were and what they died for. Katniss and Peeta live in their home in the Victor's Village. They also start making medicine for the country instead of producing coal, due to the mines being closed. Trivia All the living victors of District 12: Haymitch, Katniss and Peeta have killed Careers sometime in their Games. Katniss killed Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, Gloss, and a female from 4, Peeta killed Brutus, and Haymitch killed three unnamed Careers, including the District 1 female in his games. (This excludes Maysilee since even though she has killed a career tribute to save Haymitch, she was killed in the 50th Hunger Games). All of the living victors of District 12 have competed in a Quarter Quell. All of the living victors of District 12 won their first Hunger Games at the age of 16. All three living victors have comforted a female tribute in their last moments: Katniss comforted Rue in the 74th Hunger Games, Peeta comforted the female morphling in the 75th Hunger Games and Haymitch comforted Maysilee Donner in the 50th Hunger Games. All of the named tributes from District 12 made their way into the top five. According to The Hunger Games Adventures, District 12 is located on the East Coast of Panem and is the smallest district by size. Each of the known victors from District 12 has done an act that makes the Capitol look foolish. Katniss and Peeta both almost ate the berries, knowing the Capitol need their victor, therefore both of them won. Haymitch used the forcefield as a weapon, because when the girl from District 1 threw her axe towards him, she didn't know it would come back, thereby getting an axe in her head, resulting in Haymitch's victory in the 50th Hunger Games. Although it was one of the most targeted districts during the 2nd rebellion, District 12 never had an officially organized rebellion against the Capitol, as it was fire-bombed and destroyed early into the war. In the film it is recognized that District 12 only has 3 victors. However in the first book it is said that District 12 has 4 victors. In the first chapter of The Hunger Games on page nineteen, Katniss states "Then he reads the list of past District 12 victors. In seventy-four years, we have had exactly two. Only one is still alive." Due to the first victor being dead, and Haymitch having been the only one for many years, it can be assumed that the first District 12 victor won a very early Hunger Games, and was possibly alive to mentor Haymitch. According to the Capitol.PN, District 12 has 15 mines in operation with a population of 7,935, making it the smallest of the twelve operational districts, in terms of population. According to the Capitol.PN, District 12 claims 862,568 in tesserae, most of any district, proving that it is the most impoverished one of Panem. If the population is 7,935 and they claim 862,568 tesserae, that would equal to 108.704 tesserae per person, making it the 12th richest District, the poorest of all 12. It is considered the poorest district of Panem. District 12 is the only district to not pry from Capitol rule, since it was destroyed just after the end of the 3rd Quarter Quell.

  • District 13

    District 13 is the last of the thirteen districts of Panem and was thought to be destroyed by the Capitol during the First Rebellion. It was said by the Capitol to be "uninhabitable" with the ruins still smouldering from the "chemical" bombs dropped on it. However, District 13 actually made a deal with the Capitol and left Panem. It's primary industry was nuclear science and technology, whilst its other minor industry was graphite mining, with the latter being stated as their only industry by the Capitol after its supposed destruction. District 13 is located beyond District 12, in the northeast. Jobs Nuclear weapons engineer Soldier Doctor Healer Cook Nurse Hovercraft/Warplane pilot Hackers Hunters Teachers Farmer Spy Weapon Tester Nuclear Engineer Everyday life On the temporary tattoo the District 13 citizens get every morning, it shows what that person needs to do. It shows the specific activity, and the time showed in 24-hour time. Certain activities that are scheduled every morning are breakfast, lunch, dinner. Afterwards, when the activities are done, it washes off. Other activities are the Command, where citizens of District 13 write down what they want changed or added to the schedule. The schedule also depends on the age. If you are under 14, you go to school where you study classes on history or other subjects. During the day, you are arranged a strict 30 minute down time with family. People are not allowed to have outside pets, as a precaution, although in a deal established by Katniss Everdeen, she asked for permission for her younger sister, Primrose Everdeen, to keep the small tom cat named Buttercup she took care of in District 12. Buttercup is let outside to find food, but his comings and goings are strictly controlled, and if he causes any problems, he will be shot on sight. Katniss also requested special hunting time. President Coin accepted, but stipulated that she could only hunt within a strict quarter-mile radius for a time span of two hours and had to use the game that they, she and Gale, caught for the kitchen in District 13. They each had a tracking device attached to their ankle. History In the book Mockingjay, it is revealed that District 13 was never destroyed during the First Rebellion, but that they moved underground due to a non-aggression pact with the Capitol in which District 13 remains fully independent and isolated from the rest of Panem in exchange for them not attacking the Capitol and starting another war. Consequently, they do not participate in The Hunger Games. The reason that the Capitol was willing to accept this arrangement was due to District 13's specialization is nuclear weaponry and the fact that they had trained their nuclear missiles on the Capitol, threatening to destroy them. After this agreement was reached, the Capitol cut off all outside access to the district and demolished the visible remains of the district to allow them to falsely display the remains of the district to the rest of Panem as the consequence of rebelling against the Capitol. When District 13 gained independence from Panem, it also gained a valuable arsenal of nuclear weaponry, and had its non-aggression pact with the Capitol, ensuring its safety. When District 13 relocated underground, they began developing and manufacturing new types of weaponry and later did so for the rebel armed forces during the Second Rebellion. It is also mentioned that there was a pox outbreak that spread through District 13, lowering the population and making most of the survivors infertile. For that reason, District 13 was eager to accept refugees during the Second Rebellion as Dalton, a refugee from District 10 put it "breeding stock" and unsurprisingly there were very few children in the district. After the First Rebellion and the district's supposed destruction, the Capitol stated that its primary industry had been graphite mining only with no mention of its studies in nuclear sciences. Weddings in District 13 are relatively low-key events with the couple signing a marriage certificate and being assigned a compartment for them to share. In Catching Fire, Bonnie and Twill from District 8 tell Katniss Everdeen about the mockingjay that has repeatedly been seen flying across the corner of the screen when the Capitol is supposedly televising new footage of District 13. The ruins are always smoldering and the same news reporter is talking in front of the rubble. This reveals that the Capitol never actually shows the current state of the district, but instead always replays old footage. Bonnie and Twill believe that there is a civilization living underground. At the end of Catching Fire, Katniss learns that District 13 is being used as a base for the new Rebellion. After the third Quarter Quell, the survivors were taken there, along with the refugees from the bombing of District 12. The tributes of the Quarter Quell were cared for and trained for the Second Rebellion. Beetee from District 3 built specialized weaponry, Katniss became the Mockingjay symbol, Finnick Odair narrated propo, and so on. During an interview with Caesar Flickerman, Peeta Mellark warned District 13 that the Capitol were to bomb the district which gave them a eight minute head start to the bunkers. Trivia It is stated that District 13 is in the Northeast region. The only major deposit of graphite in North America is near Lake Huron in Canada. District 13 is the only district to never take part in a Hunger Games event. Districts 2 and 13 are the only districts with dual industries, though no other district knew about its second primary industry. District 12 also has dual industries but only after the Second Rebellion. However, nuclear energy and graphite mining are closely related, as graphite is one of the most important components on a nuclear reactor. District 13 is the only known district to be located underground, though it originally existed above ground before the First Rebellion. District 13 was the starting point of the First Rebellion and in some ways of the Second Rebellion. District 13 is one of the three known districts to be bombed during the Second Rebellion (District 8 and District 12 were also bombed). It is stated by Prim in the third film that District 13 had an epidemic a few years ago that made President Coin lose her daughter and her husband. This could be the pox outbreak that had occured.
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Ehh... No thank you.

I've read the series and watched the films but it just doesn't strike me as good for a roleplay...

Ehh... No thank you.

I've read the series and watched the films but it just doesn't strike me as good for a roleplay...


It's okay! This is something so that I can start hosting RP more often, a starter of sorts.

At least you commented your thoughts. At least you checked it out. That's all that matters. 

That's four peeps, I'd want a couple more people, but this is fine! 


Want me to go ahead and set this up? 
The more has arrived.  :D

I'm bout it! Time to get hunted down and killed like a wild animal!

Can you play this when I die instead of a cannon?
Yes, yes and a bit more yes. :D  Oh, and I call being on your team! xD  We get to be in the same district!
Hey Tane. :D  Then it seems I'll have some rivalry. :P  Not specifically, just, I'll kill you. Sorry. xD  
You guys can just sign up on the link ya know? :D  it's up

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