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The 100

Xenil frowned, he could hear shouting from outside of his cell, but there was no point even going to see what was going on, the doors were firmly locked and there was no way to see through, there were no windows in the entire cell, except the one circular one in the ceiling. He looked up at the window in the ceiling, thinking nothing of the shouting, surely it was just someone who didn't want to be put in here, making a fuss. Watching the stars, as he usually did to pass the time in this small, square room, Xenil heard the shouting again, this time closer. He shifted from his position on the bed so that he was stood up, in an almost defensive position. The shouting was now directly outside his door, and he heard a key in the lock. The door flew open, and in the doorway stood a guard, who was also holding his best friend, Kip's, arm tightly.

"Congratulations, you're going to the ground." The guard says, and another guard pushes past, barging into Xenil's room and grabbing him tightly by the arm, pushing him out and in the direction of, well. Xenil didn't know where. He saw the commotion all around him, so many people being let out of their cells, all of which looked exactly as confused as he felt. His eyes flickering around as he heard Kip's protests. 'Stay calm', he thought to himself, 'or you'll just make things worse.'

Finally speaking up, he turned his head to look at the guard while he was being shoved, ignoring Kip's shouting, "we aren't going to the ground. We can't be, can we? Why us?" He asks, curiously, trying to conceal the desperation in his voice. The guard looks at him, and looks almost as if he didn't know whether or not he could answer. Almost like he had been trained to say this, a scripted speech, the guard looked straight ahead as he marched, pulling Xenil along behind him, "100 juveniles are going to the ground. You are one of them."
Ella laid back on her bed staring blankly at her ceiling, yes it was true she absolutely despised this room but it gave her time to think. That was all she could do. Think. She often let her imagination run away with her, her train of thought stopped once she heard voices from outside her cell. They weren't in her head we're they? She finally realized that they were real when they started getting louder, and shouting begun. Ella allowed her head to fall to the side as her icy blue eyes stared at the doorway listening to the voices. Once she recognized the voice of her best friend Miles she sat up on the simple white bed. She could feel the adrenaline surging through her veins as she heard multiple people yelling, like a crowd.

It wasn't long until she heard her cell door being opened. Her blonde wavy hair bounced slightly as she pushed off from her bed so she could stand. Her hands clenched by her sides, it wasn't so she could protect herself though.. it was from frustration. She knew that she couldn't defend herself, but that wouldn't stop her from goddamn trying though. The door opened revealing a young looking guard and he flashed a grin at her, although it didn't seem to hold any humor. "I remember you." The guard noted briefly whilst her eyes fixated on the guard. Another guard brushed past him and grabbed her arms tightly causing her to wince. "No!" she yelled trying to snatch her arm away from him but his hand remained latched around her arm. "Relax, love, your going to-" She didn't want to hear it, the door was open and out the door she'd go. She noticed the guard in the doorway saw gone and she screamed again thrashing against the guard. Ella inhaled sharply as she managed to get free of his grip. She ran out of the room and faltered when she noticed the amount of people that were actually being taken out of their cells, 80 others at least. Were they being floated? Was there too many people actually on the Ark? Faltering was her mistake, and she was rewarded by a hit on the head and then was greeted with only blackness. Well done, Ella, she thought sarcastically. That went well.
Xenil and Kip were herded, along with the others of the 100 that the guards had spoke of, down a few small corridors. It was difficult for all the guards to march the teenagers in this small space, but they managed. A few curious inhabitants of the Arc watched, confused about what was going on. Most were herded out of the way, and when their questions were asked, the guards spoke in hushed whispers of a virus that had spread into the cells. Xenil and Kip were finally forced onto a ship, their seat belts buckled for them. No one fought back, the guards had guns for christ sake. Well, there were the few that did fight back, the ones that were foolish enough. Each one that fought back was met with a bash on the head, and were simply just pushed into their seat unconscious. Nothing was going to change their minds that these 100 children were going to Earth.

To Earth. Xenil was going to Earth. He couldn't quite grasp this concept, that he was actually going to such a beautiful place. He was so afraid, but so excited. All Xenil could hear was the busy chatter and shouting of the 100, he turned to Kip. "We're going to Earth," Kip says dumbly. All his brain cells had been fried while he tried to process this information, he was, for a moment, lost, just like Xenil, Kip grinned goofily at him, nodding his head, his curls bouncing. Xenil looks at him for a moment before nodding his head slowly. "Good that." He agreed, sarcastically, before turning and looking at his surroundings. At the 100.
Ella's eyes slowly opened, a soft moan escaping her lips. She didn't want to wake up, the blackness gave her comfort. Alas, all good things came to and end. Confusion clouded her expression as she found herself in a crowded room with guards buckling them in.. Could it even be called a room? Her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced around at the others. Her hand reached down in an attempt to unfasten the belt but a hand brushed hers aside. She looked up to see who's hand it was and realized that it was none other that Miles. Ella let out a deep breath that she didn't even realize that she was holding, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he stated simply a small smile playing on his lips. "Oh my god, Miles, what the hell is going on?" she asked pushing her hair out of her eyes. If she was being honest she regretted not listening to the guard. "They selected 100 juveniles--"

"Wait, you aren't a juvie," Ella interrupted with a frown.

"there was a big Zanthol bust and--"

"Where the hell did you find your self Zanthol?"

"This guy named Xenil hooked me up but--"

"Your such an idiot, Miles!" She sighed exasperatedly.

"Jesus, Ellie, we're going to the ground!" Miles shook his head, only just able to get the sentence out without interruption. Her gaze dropped to the floor and she thought everything over before finally realizing that it could be true. A small smile played at the corner of her lips, but she tried her best to hide it. Growing up, going to the ground had always been a dream of hers. And now she was going to the ground.
A jolt juddered through the ship, silencing the room after a few gasps. Was it time? Was it happening? They were flying! They were literally going to Earth! Xenil looked around the room as he saw colour drain from some people's faces, some peoples eyes were squeezed shut. He looked at Kip, who looked like he was about to throw up at any second in time. Xenil's face was one of disgust as he looked at his best friend, "I swear to God if you puke on me I'll-" Another jolt, silencing him. He tightly gripped the arm of his chair, and saw Kip do the same. Looking around again, he noticed something that he hadn't noticed before, around his wrist was a shiny, metal band. Huh? he thought, when did that get there? He could have sworn he never put it on, or never felt anyone put it on. He looked and he saw that everyone else had one just like him. Confused, he opened his mouth to speak, to tell Kip about the bands, before a voice recording silenced him.

"Prisoners of the Arc, hear me now." Xenil looked up at a screen, one was in every corner of the large metal room, and on it was the Chancellor, the leader of the Arc. "You have been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us. Indeed, for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better we would have sent others, and frankly we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable." Xenil heard a few mutters around the room, but he tried to ignore the anger himself. Kip started to say something, and Xenil held up a hand and silenced him so he could listen. "And if our plan succeeds, then those crimes will be forgiven. Slates, wiped clean..." The screen went static for a moment, the chancellors voice breaking up, and Xenil almost panicked, but then the voice started again, "The dropsite has been chosen carefully, where the last war, Mount Weather-" the screen went static again "-The military base built within a mountain, that was to be stocked with enough non perishable supplies to sustain 300 hundred people for up to two years. No one ever made it there."

People were talking louder now, and it was almost impossible to hear what the rest of the Chancellor was saying. Xenil sighed, and turned to look at Kip, only to see that he had taken off his seatbelt, and was now floating next to his seat with a large grin on his face. Xenil sighed. "Get back in your seat, you idiot." He says, rolling his eyes. It did look fun, though. He looked around and noticed a few others floating around the room, a little further out than Kip. He groaned, and reached out, grabbing Kip with one hand and forcing him back towards his seat. He didn't want him to get hurt, after all.

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