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New Member
Seeking a Roan for a long term The 100 RP. 18+ONLY. SemiPara-MultiPara please. Triggering themes will arise.

My OC History: Born on the Ark she was raised as Fiadh Gorman, but Richard & Linda Gorman were not her true parents.
The woman she knew as her mother died when she was 13 leaving a letter telling Fiadh the truth, she was not the Gorman's daughter but that she loved her as her own. Being adopted was unheard of on the Ark, so their were no records of it, Fi had tried to find them time & time again.
Growing up she had been seen as odd by her peers, they avoided her mostly due to her strange eye color, the lightest/brightest grey ever seen. The only kid that did not avoid her was her best friend & later her first love, John Murphy. They were inseparable until the day he was lokcked in the Skybox. The adults of the Ark feared her because of her blood, it was something they could not explain, the Council had considered floating her but could not answer any questions that may arise from doing so.

Richard Gorman, the man she had believed was her father was always cold towards her but after his wife died he became physically abusive towards her, his drinking & other illegal activities became all he cared about. Fi was left to try & keep them fed & clothed while he gambled & used substances. All of which she had to do alone, John Murphy having been locked in the Skybox. One year after Linda Gorman's death Richard found himself deep in debt with four guards of the Ark.
He offered Fi to them in any way they saw fit as payment. Not only did they steal something from her that night but they left their marks on her, battle scars.

Weeks later Richard would try to sell her to pay his debts again, when she fought against him he tried to kill her, she survived, he did not.
She didn't stop with him, she found & killed all but one of the four guards. The guards that are sited her as said she never stopped screaming, covered in the blood of her 'father' & the three guards, earning her the nickname Banshee.
That was the day, at age 14, she was put in the Skybox til the review once she turned 18, it was also the day she learned her real father was Marcus Kane.

Now she finds herself here on the ground. Sent to see if the earth was survivable.
After coming across the grounders, making friends with Lincoln via Octavia, finding her best friend & first love, John Murphy, & facing the Mountain Men, she couldn't take the things she had done to survive. She, much like Clarke, was broken by the blood that she wore.

Now she finds herself out in the woods, far from Camp Jaha/Arkadia, when she finds herself face to face with three grounders far too interested in taking her from her small camp thinking she knew where the great Wanheda was.

(When speaking Trigedasleng please use *on each end.)

When they had approached her she had sighed hearing their clothing rustle through the growth surrounding her, telling them she had nothing but the squirrel she was currently eating.
When they heard her speak they knew she was not from the ground.

'Just one night without a$$ holes or animals messing up my dinner' Fi thought as she slowly stood & drew her sword facing the three grounders slowly moving towards her. Grinning as they froze in place as she let her ice colored eyes move over each of them, the middle male whispering *Demon*.
She kept her gaze on them as she lunged to her right catching the shorter of the three off guard slicing his left thigh making him yell as he fell to his knees.
The other two grounders rushed her as she knew they would. Acting as if she were moving further right she spun left bringing her sword around to cut into the material & flesh at his back. Fi had failed to see the third grounder as he came around the other side of his comrade landing a kick into her midsection sending her onto her backside into the dirt.
As she attempted to get to her feet she heard a fourth set of steps through the forest & cussed thinking yet another opponent had arrived, she would come to find that it was not a foe but nor was he a friend, at least not yet.

Please reply to the starter in PM to continue.
Anyone wishing to RP as John Murphy pre ground or pre Mt. Weather opposite my OC please PM me & I will send the starter for that one as well.
Thank you.

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