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Fandom The 100 RP Plots and Pairings

Hello, I am Danny and recently my mom and I have been binge watching The 100, which in return has gotten me to crave role playing it. To start off, I prefer my partner to be detailed - that means 2+ paragraphs, each being 5+ sentences. I also like good grammar. Mistakes happen but I will know if they're not.

Here are a few different pairings I had in mind: (the bold is what I would prefer to be)
Clarke x Bellamy
Clarke x Raven
Oc Skycru
x Oc Skycru
Bellamy x Oc Skycru
Finn x Oc
Oc Skycru x Oc Grounder


Plot 1: (from the eyes of my character)
"It's quiet in my cell as I flip through the pages of my old "To Kill a Mockingbird" copy. But that silence doesn't last long. With an abrupt jolt my door is opened and I'm ripped out of my cell "What the hell, I'm only sixteen what are you doing, you can't float me yet!" I yell but then a sharp pain pinches my shoulder and everything is black. When I come to I'm sitting in a seat, my feet not even touching the floor, the whole room shaking... or it seems to be a shuttle and we're falling. As panic sets in, I look around the room, trying to catch my breath. From the seat beside me I hear someone say "we're going to Earth". Earth, I've dreamt about it. The trees, the water, the air. But why are they sending us?
With a loud thud the shuttle stops shaking and all I can hear is the panicked breathing of the other people in the room. So why are we here? When the belt unbuckles at my chest I quickly shove it off and start pushing my way toward the door, though my height isn't doing much to help among the crowed of what seems to be delinquents like me. But, my escape to freedom and air is cut short by Clarke - one of the council members kid, and Bellamy Blake - the son of the lady who kept her daughter under the floor boards. Speaking of which, she shows up not too long later and soon enough the door is open. Earth. I'm smelling Earth. "We're back bitches!" "
With this one I was hoping for a Oc x Oc sort of plot but it is definitely open for whoever.

More plots will be updated.

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