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Realistic or Modern * "that's that me espresso,"


it is righteous, as me, as existing unhurtful.
"Say you can't sleep, I know
That's that me espresso."

"Whipped cream of cinnamon and nutmeg of its top over hot mocha espresso, mmm, though do the people I have met recently value my friendship, and am I really truthful of what I say I comprehend completely? Such true emotion scares me, though currently it is mostly and simply exist safe, pay my bills, and drink coffee." - My character's aura.

Such then, of time, it's raining quite heavily of evening of Portland, Oregon of late summer of year two thousand-thirty, and the manager of 'Perfect Coffee' hires three people that are our characters, and send them each homogeneous (alike) text messages of the texts: 'Congratulations! I want you working at Perfect Coffee, please visit the store on two days wearing plain yellow or orange shirts at 5:00 a.m. of starting your very first day! Thank you! -Shelley, Perfect Coffee Manager'

Roleplay: It is us who shall decide the of chance drama and scenarios of this role play that I am hoping of between three and five writers, where if more writers join, the manager texts five people rather than three unless someone wants themselves as writing as multiple characters. What awaits our characters of their new jobs besides coffee aprons and different customers? I am privileged of writing with others.

My character:

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Of dark green trees and plants, thoughts beautifully and unharmful with edgy darkness, serious, then of, of at least feeding wild birds and wild bugs through many tasks.

Name: Blanche Uemeather
Gender: Male
Such age: Such twenty-eight
Such birthday: February fourteenth
Such height: Five'Eleven"
Voice: Bass-like and masculinely suave unless angry.

Blanche's partial personality: Blanche is masculine, and is very of comprehension of his emotions, though certain emotions like true relationships scare him subtly, rather than enemies though, since he assures never making any and is rather peaceful and compassionate. If someone stole something that was his or was mean, he would use self-defense, though is never mean first himself or shady of his kindness. Such never of disbelief of himself of his everchanging dreams or his wondrous ability guides his compassion of himself and of all other existences.

Blanche is quick at learning, mostly patient, mostly serious, and his likes and dislikes are dear of his opinion. It is uncommon of him of listening of music, though he is fond of heavy metal and rock music. Blanche is somewhat creative, liking the color red, liking video games, liking the winter season, liking somewhat very untight clothing, liking privacy, and liking challenge, and he doesn't like confrontation though is unafraid, doesn't like losing, and doesn't like seeing people bullying others. Such specific things like plumbing he is learning, as well as architecture construction.

Blanche's partial revelations of such, then today: Such Blanche ran away of his home and walked the Idaho streets with his one friend when he was fourteen because he didn't communicate with his father very well. Such both of them then resided with Blanche's friend's parents. Such both of them rebelled much, and were always walking the streets, or at some gathering, or at some park. Such friendship was occurring until Blanche was eighteen, and then Blanche decided he would obtain such job of the fast food business where he met one girl, her name Brary, she his age. It was his responsibility of assuring her safety as she was homeless of her obtaining such new job of hoping of obtaining such new apartment. Moments of him giving her his sweaters, and moments of asking people of their money of motive of obtaining food were, and the two decided of friendship forever, sleeping of outside of areas hidden where zero bugs were and at one friend's house such two obtained of them one month prior of obtaining their first apartment of Portland, Oregon of the forever friends both able of transferring work locations.

It was important of obtaining more education of motive of obtaining more money, thus they both studied at home and obtained their high school equivalency of them both twenty-two. Brary decorated of pink adornments of their apartment and began studying herbology and botany, such plants and flowers, of Brary becoming manager at Beans o'Coco, such Vegan fast food restaurant and playing video games. Blanche and free food at such restaurant because he was manager? Woohoo he thought! Of today, both of them are twenty-eight, and Blanche has recently obtained such new job of Perfect Coffee of working at Beans o'Coco as well, and Brary is newly starting experimenting of the actual planting of plants.

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I shall write small amounts of facts about Portland and put Brary's facts on here later. <3
Small writing of seeing if anyone is of hopeful of writing of such role play.

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