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Fandom Thats captain jack sparrow to you mate (CS)


Nokumi dreemur

Tonight we fight like we never have before!
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Please post your character sheet here

Name: ex jacksparrow (must)
Rank: ex captain, crew member, master, general, etc (must)
Position: ex pirate, govornment of england, civilian, etc. (must)

Info: ex jack sparrow his a man who over many times in his lifetime lost the black pearl. He was even brought back from Davy Jones locker at one point. Majority of the time makes clever and daring escapes.. Though he acts rather stupid he's more clever then he's lead on to be and sometimes plans ahead. Other times he just wings it and makes it up as he goes along. Sheer luck you could call it (optional)
Name: Cassandra de Castellane

Rank: Former Captain of “Sojourner”, former crewmate of the Flying Dutchman

Position: Explorer/Pirate

Info: Born in the rural of Lure, located in Haute-Saône in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in eastern France, As a child Cassandra grew up with with the Vosges to the east of her home.
(The landscape of Lure)

Cassandra’s father was a military commander under Louis the Great, who became the owner of a small shipping company after he retires, together with her brothers, Cassandra would be trained in the arts of war and business.

Little Cassandra loved hanging around her father's shipyard; by the time she was twelve, she was filling out shipping journals for him. Cassandra gradually became indispensable to her father, and as she grew older, her father promised her that she would one day own a ship for herself.

When she was 15, Cassandra lost her mother to pancreatic cancer. She took over running the household while also managing the bookkeeping for her father's business. When she reached the age of 17, her father bought a Spanish Galleon, which was named “Sojourner”, he registered the ship for Cassandra, under the fake masculine name “Lothar de Castellane” as woman are not allowed to register for ship ownership at the time. They used it to transport cargo such as coal, iron ore from Scandinavia.

Cassandra spent most of her time in boy’s fashion with short hair, captaining the Sojourner personally, becoming adept at navigation and all aspects of sailing. “Lothar” was known for being a stern enforcer of order on board her ship, intolerant of any drunken crew members on duty.
(what the Sojourner looks like)

At the age of 21, Cassandra set out to fulfil her dream: to achieve a complete circumnavigation. The event took a disastrous turn for her however, as the crew mutinied merely a month into the voyage, with the intention to turn to piracy. Cassandra was captured by the mutineer and, with a canonball tied to her wrist, she was threw overboard. Her soul was found by Davy Jones, and she agreed to work for him for 100 years on board the Flying Dutchman.

After working on the Flying Dutchman for a few years, Cassandra eventually learned that the Flying Dutchman was given to Davy Jones by his love, the sea goddess Calypso, who gave Jones the duty to ferry the souls who died at sea to the next world, the goddess who abandons Jones and left him heartbroken to become the monster he is. After a few times she overheard Davy Jones sitting alone in his cabin, holding the music box to the tinkling tunes, tears coursing down his tentacles cheeks, sitting in front of the organ, playing along to the tune, then the rhythm slowing turning more and more aggressive, the theme of betrayal, despair, sadness….she gradually found herself no longer fear the sea monster, but rather sympathised for the heartbroken man who was shattered by the weight of his love.

Years and decades goes by, she had loyally fulfilled her duty as crew member on board the Flying Dutchman and fought countless battles under the flag of Davy Jones, slowly becoming more like a amalgamations of sea creatures herself, same as her fellow crewmates of shipwrecked sailors, as if fused with the detritus of the ocean floor. She participated in last battle where Davy Jones was killed, and she was reverted to her human form. Will Turner, the new captain after the demised of Davy Jones, allowed her to leave the crew of the Flying Dutchman. She carries with her a harmonica which was a gift to her as a child by her father, she would sometimes use it to play the song she used to hear Davy Jones perform with his organ from his cabin.

(Human form)

(while under service of Davy Jones)
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