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Multiple Settings that time of year again... 🎃


🔻 vive la résistance 🔻
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
My Interest Check

it's that time of year again...

'tis the season for
ghosts, goblins & ghouls


alright, folx. are we all ready for autumn yet? i know i am. living in chicago, i'm more than done with all this constantly shifting wet-dry heat, just like... UGH, it's been so humid. YUCK. i'm ready to pull all the flannels from the back of my closet (but still continue donning shorts) and get on my bike n' ride. 😎 but that's enough small talk. let's get right on to it, yeah?

hi, my name is ely. i am 30 years old and i am seeking a writing partner to delve into some good ol' fashioned HORROR.

a few choice boundaries that i'd like to touch on:
- due to the nature of the content i'm requesting (and my own age lol), i'm gonna go ahead and throw out a cautionary 21+;
- i might be willing to lower the age requirement to 18+ only if we can agree to rule out specific ~mature~ themes.
other important boundaries:
- no choking, asphyxiation or strangulation.
- absolutely no intense sexual violence (assault, coercion, rape, etc).
- no glass in fucking eyeballs.
- no disrespectful or unsavory depiction of severe mental illness.
- anything else can be discussed.

a few different horror themes i'd love the option to explore:
- ghosts and hauntings as a main or subplot;
- poltergeists and spiritual possession as a main or subplot;
- sleep paralysis w/ or w/o the presence of sleep demons 👁👄👁;
- witchcraft and paganism, be it Grimm's fairytale-style or realistic;
- frankenstein, dracula, or dorian grey-inspired works;
- stephen king's IT--or better yet, an IT and Stranger Things crossover (dear lord, i'm fucking BEGGING);
- anything with blood sacrifices, demonic possession, worship to dark gods, cults, etc;
- vampires and werewolves but more dark and gritty, none of that cheap twilight shit;
- silent hill? slasher?? candyman??????;
- government collapse leading to social anarchy, a brutal revolution with potential for extreme physical violence (--oh wait, that's just the inevitable future of real life in the US--);
- idk man, just throw something at me and we can discuss.

as always, cis-hets beware. 👿 i am queer myself so queer storylines will always be the center of my focus regardless of whether the plot involves any actual romantic themes or not.

that said, i AM cool with tying in a lil bit of romance but it likely won't be the primary focus of the plot. more likely just an afterthought or something to take the edge off every once in a while, esp if we do end up writing something particularly dark n' gritty.

...also i don't normally use code, this was just one time. don't hate me if that ain't your style--it's normally not mine either but i'm bored.

please PM me, do not post in this thread. 🫡💥🔫

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