Chitchat That Feel When...


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That feel when NASA's got a delayed opening, but your piddly little school is on normal schedule.

What is your feel today, RPN?
That feel when you go to work out in a gym, and there's freakin' food commercials popping up on the televisions. Y'know, showing all the stuff you know you shouldn't eat, but you want it anyways. ( -_- ")
That feel when you spend all day yesterday working out, then proceeding to sand down a '69 Volkswagon Beetle only to wake up with the most intense pain your arms you've ever experienced.


That feel when no RP
That feeling when you're writing a sign up sheet for a character in a roleplay that has a important role, you work hard on it and right when you post you see another sign up for that same rank posted 10 minutes before yours and is less detailed but you're still told to make another character with a not at all important rank.

Will you excuse me i need to vent my rage by strangling a dog now.

..... My deepest condolences. That was a shitty thing to happen. :/

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