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Congratulations on your procurement of the newest BioTec Industries Technologies! Below are the specifications on your Z Class Android. If you need any assistance with setting up your new android, you may contact a certified BioTec Employee via the Inter-Colony Communications Systems at any time! If you need help identifying system components, or diagnosing system errors say the words “Z Class Vox, Help” at any time. Your Android’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) will turn your android onto Assistance Mode and you can access the internal settings. If you cannot be assisted by your android in Assistance Mode, then please contact a certified BioTec Employee via the Inter-Colony Communications Systems at any time!
Your Android is designed to receive wireless emergency alerts from the Commercial Colony Emergency Alerting System (CCEAS).In the chance of an emergency, your Android is fitted to take the necessary precautions to save your life from fire, drowning, burglary, or asphyxiation. You will be given to option to turn of CCEAS at the beginning of the First-Time Protocols. You can also turn off CCEAS at a later time by returning here via BioTec’s information bulletin by accessing the New Zalmoxis Public User Area Connection.
Warning: It is not recommended to turn off wireless emergency alerts.
Here at BioTec, we make every android different! For that reason, we need you to insure that you have received the android specially designed for you. First please check for the androids serial number. This number should be printed clearly at the base of their neck and smaller in the crook of their right knee. Both numbers should match the number written on their box and on the number provided here. If any of the numbers do not match, please contact a certified BioTec Employee via the Inter-Colony Communications Systems so we can fix the problem!
Your android’s serial number is a very important tool to keep handy. Please write it down in a safe, secure, yet easily accessed place. If your android ever comes up missing, please contact BioTec via their Emergency Communications Systems (ECS) which is an extension of the Inter-Colony Communications Systems. You will also need this number to access information for your android via the New Zalmoxis Public User Connection. If the numbers ever seem to disappear on the skin, please contact a certified BioTec Employee via the Inter-Colony Communications Systems so we can fix the problem!
Your android's serial number is: Z-2548913
You now should check the quality of your android’s optical lenses. Sometimes, shipping causes your android’s eyes to close. If this is the case, you can easily reopen them to ensure BioTec’s unbeatable quality! With one finger, reach up and lightly slide your android’s eyelid open after approximately five seconds, the eye should stay open. Repeat this step as needed. If your android’s eyes did not remain open after five seconds, try once more, and if the problem persists contact a certified BioTec Employee.
Now that your android’s eyes have been successfully opened, check the eyes and the surrounding area for scratches or milkiness. If there is visible damage, please contact a certified BioTec Employee to fix the problem. If possible, turn off the lights within your area and ensure that there is a soft glow coming from your android’s eyes. If there is no glow, please do not attempt to turn on your android. Contact a certified BioTec Employee to fix the problem.
Provided is a picture of what the pattern on your android’s eyes should look like. Due to the New Zalmoxis Android Tracking Bill (Bill NZ5720), all androids must have tracking devices planted within their optical lenses so they can be easily identifiable to the public. If your android is missing this texture on its eyes, by New Zalmoxis law, it must be returned and identifying chips must be implemented in both eyes. Failure to comply could warrant minimum fines of two-thousand credits or even prison time.
Now that you have checked your android’s serial number and optical lenses, please ensure that the picture and information provided are correct. They should match your original order specifications and the physical aesthetics of your android.
It is important to us here at BioTec that your specifications were met and you are happy with your order! If any physical specifications do not match the ones on your order form or provided here, please contact a certified BioTec Employee via the Inter-Colony Communications Systems so we can fix the problem!
Provided Name: Vox
Apparent Gender: Male
Height: 5 Feet and 8 Inches (approximately 1 and three-fourths Meters)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color Base: Green (Please Note: Your android should have an identifiable base and texture to their eyes. If not, please contact a certified BioTec Employee)
Serial Number: Z-2548913 (Please Note: Your android should have a Serial Number imprinted at the base of his neck and in the crook of his right knee. If not, please contact a certified BioTec Employee)
Skin Tone: Pale
If you have ensured that all the physical information provided was correct, then you are ready to begin the First-Time Start Up Protocols! Our new Z Class android line is the newest and greatest android to ever be created! Here at BioTec, we pride ourselves on having the best (and only) androids on the market! Here’s a list of new capabilities we’ve included with this model that we’ve never included before!
- The Best AI Yet!: We've had our BioTech Employees working for countless hours to provide you with the best Artificial Intelligence on the market. Now, you can have in-depth conversations with your androids! With our new Emotion Processor (Patent Number: 15628) your androids will act as if they have actual feelings!
- Complete Waterproofing!: Ever wanted to go swiming with your android? Well here at BioTec, we listen to our customers. With our complete waterproofing of your android, you'll never have to worry about frying their Central Processing Units again!
- New and Imrpoved Skin Texture!: Our old model skins feel like rubber compared to our new skin texture. We've worked long and hard to give you the best feeling skin we can. It's waterproof, burn resistant (up to 1,300 Yhi), and warm to the touch. What's not to love?
- Digestion Mechanisms!: Another heavily requested object. Now, your android can eat just like one of the family. With it's Digestive Unit, the food goes in, breaks down, and you never have to see it again!
To begin the First-Time Start Up Protocol, either press Continue below, or say "Class Z Vox, Initialize Startup Procedure" and you're ready to go!
Please ensure that your android responds to the name on the paperwork provided.
You android should respond to: Vox
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