TF: Old World; New Ways



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Transformer Name:


Robot form:

Vehicle form:


History(if any):





Transformer Name:


Autobot or Decepticon:

Robot form:

Vehicle Form:


Was your Transformer accepted by The Matrix to become a Prime?:

History(if any):



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Username: Observer

Transformer Name: Rewind Prime

Gender: Male

Autobot or Decepticon: Ex-Decepticon

Robot form:

Vehicle Form:


Rewind is a laid back, loving, Ex-Con who loves to play practical jokes on others. While he is a bit of joker, Rewind is level headed and he does have a short fuse for disobedience. He does not tolerate others disobeying direct orders from him or any one else of the Police Force. He tends to have a lot of patients when working with younger transformers though, which has rewarded him with a few long-lasted friendships.

Although Rewind tends to be quite friendly and talkative amoung others, he does suffer from flash backs and traumatizing nightmares due to the eons of war he endured. Because of this, you can often find him down at a bar at a local city having an energon drink or two to try to get away from these thoughts and images that are seared into his processor.

Was your Transformer accepted by The Matrix to become a Prime?: Yes

History(if any): Rewind entered the war at the beginning. Rewind served under Megatron as the leader of an elite group known for horrid tactics to get information out of Autobots. Rewind thought that Megatron's preach of equality for all was brilliant. However it was much, much later into the war that Rewind began to see the way Megatron was going about this was wrong.

After seeing the wrong he had done, Rewind disbanded from his group and left the Decepticon faction. He wandered aimlessly for quite some time, trying to figure out what he really wanted to do with his life. It was here that Rewind decided he would join the Autobot cause. After explaining himself to Optimus Prime, he was allowed to join into the Autobot ranks. For a while he was kept under close watch to make sure he wasn't lying. In time, though, that faded. While a lot of the Autobots didn't like an Ex-Con in their ranks, no one was going to fuse with what Optimus had agreed to.

After eons and eons of war, Rewind was glad that it was over. But he was quite saddened to see his friends die by the hands of Decepticons. For a while after the war, Rewind traveled Cybertron looking for a way to make a living. After a year or so, he found the Training Tower. Happy to be of service and to put his skills to use, he joined and has been here since the day he joined.

Talents: Hand to hand combat, sword combat.

Other: His wings detach and are able to become swords.

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Username: Observer

Transformer Name: Halfshot

Gender: Male

Robot form:


Vehicle form:

Personality: Halfshot is a very serious transformer. He has no 'unwind' button on his circuits it seems. Halfshot is always in an uptight mood and has a very hard time taking to a joke. As to his reasons why he is like this, are kept to himself. Halfshot speaks his mind, even if it is out of turn and that usually gets him into trouble. While this manner gives him the appearance of being quite rude and arrogant, Halfshot truly cares about others. It take him a while to open up to others, but once he does, he is quite caring. Gaining Halfshot as a friend, one expect him to never leave your side and will always come to the aid of a friend in need.

History(if any): While he keeps most of his past to himself, it is suggested and hinted at that Halfshot entered the last half of the civil war. But it soon ended after he got engaged. Ready to rebuild Cybertron, he helped with eager enthusiasm. After the rebuild, Halfshot became a guard and escort at a local bar and armory. From there, he found himself signing up to become part of the Police Force.

Talents: Long range shooting (sniping) and light on his feet

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Username: Aedine Fierwalker

Transformer Name: StarGazer

Gender: female

Robot form: femme

Vehicle form: seeker

Personality: Disciplined, calculating, naive, curious.

Stargazer was raised in a militaristic family unit. Her creators were high ranking 'Con officers used to their orders being obeyed. They believe that the current peace will not last, So carried the same thought process when caring for their Sparkling, and raised her to be able to care for herself should something happen to them should the war kick off again. Stargaze spent all of her sparklinghood and most of her younglinghood in training to be a soldier and how to follow orders. Though when she received her second frame she used her free time for perusing The Arts. When she was given her final frame, Her mech and femme creators believed she was ready to move on to her next mission in life.

Talents: Special operations, Hand to Hand combat.

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