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LIANNA VELARYON by : єтнєя publisher : wingsofash & co.
NAME : Lianna Velaryon (second of her name) | Lianna | Whilst Lianna's birth had been an unprecedented event for Lord Corlys and Rhaenys, the name of their third child was not something they needed to debate about. The name 'Lianna' had come up in conversation between them and their two eldest at dinner and with the way her siblings were smitten by the name: it only seemed fair to bestow the name onto her. | Velaryon | The family name and her house, the name that allows her not just the strength of her family's prominence: but the strength to use it to her advantage; so much so she would be named as 'heir of Driftmark' by both those who supported and opposed the blacks. After all, she was the only remaining child of the previous lord. NICKNAMES : | rūs dyni | 'Little Lili' | 'My Sweet' | 'Lady Lianna Velaryon: Heir of Driftmark' | dōna zaldrīzes | | rūs dyni | Meaning 'baby beast' literally in high Valyrian , and a name that fell fondly from her mother's tounge . Initially , it was a sweet nickname for a young babe , but as that babe grew into a bright young woman , the nickname stuck with Rhaenys and her dearest daughter . | 'Little Lili' | After all is said and done , the nickname leaves a bitter taste on Lianna's tounge . A name used particularly by her elder siblings , with their passing the name causes a shiver to run down her spine and a tear to roll down her cheek . | 'My Sweet' | Corlys Velaryon may have a questionable degree of involvement in his daughter's life , but there is no denying that he holds a degree of care and effection for her . 'My sweet' had been the way he referred to her when in the comfort of the family's embrace and , whilst never used outside of the household , the name brings a smile to Lianna's face . | 'Lady Lianna Velaryon: Heir of Driftmark' | The succession in regards to Driftmark came along with a multitude of difficulties when people began to throw the young Lianna's hat into the ring , arguing that whilst Rhaenyra has a claim to the throne , as Corlys' eldest and remaining child , she has a right to Driftmark . How Lianna feels about such a title often depends on who is saying it , whether she is faced with contempt from those who oppose Rhanyra's claim , or admiration from supporters . | dōna zaldrīzes | Standing for 'sweet dragon' in High Valyrian , the name is strictly used by Aemond and Aaemond alone , under the cover of utmost privacy . The name feels like a secret declaration that no other could reach her status in his regard and as tensions ebb and flow between the two of them , the nicknaame's importance continues to grow . BIRTHDAY : third day of the fourth moon , 109ac GENDER : Female PRONOUNS : She/Her SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Heterosexual FAMILY : Velaryon/Targaryen TALENTS : | Dragonriding | Lianna Velaryon's connection to her dragon , Gaelithox , would be written about in the history books . Their connection seeming beyond simply that of dragonrider and dragon , their spiritual connection baffled even the most educated in the beasts . Whilst Gaelithox was never the largest or the fastest dragon , it was made up for in the unbreakable bond between woman and dragon , making seeing the two of them working together almost a dance of epic proportions . | Archery | With the loss of the two eldest children , Corlys Velaryon could not settle for his daughter to have no way to protect herself , regardless of being in the childbed or not . Therefore , he asked one of the best knights he could find to teach the young girl the bow , perhaps considering the weapon more 'ladylike' compared to something like swordplay . With years of practice in harsh environments and even on dragonback , Lianna became a rather capable archer , perhaps not on the level of a knight but certainly surpassing some other lordly males who tried to compete with her . | Court Politics | From the moment Lianna was born , Rhaenys held no intention to allow her daughter to fall victim to the manipulation and politics at court , lord Corlys would certainly agree . With years of grilling and understanding upon the complexities of the seven kingdoms , the girl ( now a young woman ) was a force to be reckoned with at court , with a deep understanding of the inner politics to the finest points and a nature which meant no one could quite read her . "She is a natural at court" Alicent would later bitterly note , paying heed to her talents . CURRENT RESIDENCE : Driftmark | Kings Landing | Dragonstone
APPEARANCE : Whilst it took a notable amount of time to come to an agreement upon Lianna's betrothal , this certainly was not due to her appearance . Lianna Velaryon was known throughout the Seven Kingdoms at the time for her beauty : with soft features and wide expressive eyes to slight her subtly . Her appearance very much reflected her nature , soft and gentle ,w ith an edge many would describe as a sting . FACECLAIM : India Ria Amarteifio | Queen Charlotte TATTOOS / SCARS : Whilst Lianna's relationship to her dragon Gaelithox would be looked upon in future in wonder , it was not always perfect . Therefore , she does have a few scars from a couple scrapes she came in with the beast , teething problems as she'd often describe them . The woman also has a few minor scars , perhaps from being a bit of a clutz and slightly too brash with her movements .
PERSONALITY : The court of Kings Landing were quick to note how Lianna clearly made no intention of blending into obscurity . With a clear understanding of high society and its inner workings , no one ever quite new what the young woman was thinking when she smiled , when she offered a hand , when she glared . Whilst she could smile and appeaar as pleasant as anything , there was no denying that it was hidden behind various other intentions and feelings ( particularly with those she does not know so well ) . The face which she shows publicly often is an almost seperate entity who know the Lianna behind closed doors , as her nature seems to entirely shift from a cold but pleasant noble , to a quiet but passionate individual . Around those most trusted , Lianna is a picture of honesty , consistently allowing hwr opinions to be heard even if they are not expected or appreciated . With a strong sense of justice and what is right there have been several occasions where Lianna has argued with those close to her over some moral disagreement ( one that she never regrets nor apologises for ) . At times this can extend to the public as well , but is held under far more consideration and care , with a careful hand of understanding for 'her place' in high society . Such elements mixed together made a woman who was fascinating yet daunting , particularly for men who perhaps felt intimidated by her honesty and change in energy behind closed doors . The girl never found friendships and relationships to be simple , preferring to do what is right than what may be preferred by her peers . Older family members have critiqued her for opening her mouth where she has no right to as she teethed with learning when to speak up ; and friends have noted her blatant honesty to come across as rude . Yet this is never her intention , as passion can get the best of her when in the comfort of those she trusts which may come across wrong to a select few individuals . Lianna is immensely passionate about the things she cares for , intending to give 110% and strive for perfection . When learning how to ride her dragon Gaelithox , she spent day upon day attempting to master the art to the point of exhaustion and she has done much the same worrying for others , or finishing her studies . This has led to her sometimes leaving those on the outside of the forefront to be left by the wayside , unintentionally of course . This , mixed with her honesty , has led her to appear perhaps more lonely than what would be expected of a noble girl , perhaps spending more nights alone studying on her own than she would like . At heart , Lianna cares for people and her passions perhaps to a fault , stepping out of her way to invest all that she can whilst leaving all other duties by the wayside . Whilst she might have mastered certain aspects of her life , many other areas fall short to balance things out in the grand scheme of things . Lianna is aware of many of these aspects , so much so she is perhaps on the insecure side when it comes to her relations , leading to more than one slip up in the past . Whilst she may never show it , she is worried of never fulfilling the duties expected of her , to adhere to her family name , to eventually marry and give birth . With such duties not adhering to her passions , she is often left feeling inadequate , regardless of what individuals may say . She would never indicate this to people , often thinking these deep matters to be a bother she must deal with alone and with a stiff lip ( perhaps a trait she got from her mother ) . In truth , Lianna is a perfect reflection of both of her parents , holding the vigour and passion of a Targaryen and the sting of a Sea Snake ; yet falls short in reaching the full potential such traits could offer . POS. TRAITS : Passionate | Diplomatic | Self-Aware | Intelligent NEG. TRAITS : Stubborn | Trust-Issues | Obsessive | Grudging LIKES : Dragonriding | Fresh tea | Histories | The Smell of the Sea | Fine Art | Time Spent With Loved Ones | Dragons ( As a whole ) DISLIKES : Large Social Events | Wine | Pointless Violence | Arrogance | Righteousness | Long Journeys ( particularly if she can't go by dragonback ) FEARS : At her core , Lianna's biggest fear is loneliness : partiuclarly dying alone . With her struggling to gain strong and long-lasting connections , she spends many sleepness nights worrying maybe one day , she will be alone and forgotten . She does however have a few minor fears , such as a fear of lightning and the dark .
BACKSTORY : Concern filled court when it was revealed that the 35-year-old Rhaenys Targaryen was with child. Due to her age , a fear settled that she would not have the strength to survive the birthing process , so all waited on baited breath for the fated day . Alas , regardless of everyone's fears , Lianna Velaryon was born healthy and kicking and Rhaenys was back on her feet far sooner than ever expected . It was considered a minor miracle by many surrounding Driftmark , taking the successful birth as an omen for the success of the new babe; but this was often considered a silly idea to the family itself . Being far younger than her siblings Laenor and Laena , Lianna was very much the 'baby' of the Velaryon family regardless of her age . Her parents saw her as their sweet baby girl , her siblings as their little sister who deserved to be protected from the world at all costs . As was tradition with many Targaryen children , Viserys Targarean specifically organised for a dragon egg to be placed in her cot , this egg ended up hatching alongside the girl and would later be named by Lianna as 'Gaelithox' , after the god of fire , stars , moon , sun and dawn in old Valeyria . The hatchling dragon and girl were borderline inseperable , only pulled apart when it was finally deemed unsafe for the girl to be constantly followed by the 'dangerous creature' ( not that she ever saw Gaelithox as this ) . Growing up on both Driftmark and in King's Landing when necessary was an odd experience for Lianna . Being far younger than her siblings , she never quite bonded with them in a way sibings normally would , instead opting for closer relationships to their children , particularly Baela and Lucerys Velaryon . However , her closest relationship as a child had always been with Aemond Targaryen . Being only a year his senior , the two of them bonded almost immediately over a fascination of their familial history and the creatyures that led to their strength , they were inseperable whenever together , always laughing and acting as joyful noble children should . But peace would not always be seen , as often expected with the Targaryens . The first hit to Lianna's happy childhood was the death of her elder sister Laena . Her heart was broken , a bitter taste left on her mouth whenever she saw her mother weep and her father helplessly attempt to comfort her . The funeral was a particularly difficult affair , whilst she'd never seen her sister on the same level she still held a great deal of love : leading her to sob throughout the funeral . Aemond , due to the treatment of their family members , had grown further distant from her , expecting her to tease him just the same as everyone else . So , by the evening , when Aemond would return from his first flight upon Vhagar , the girl was left with mixed feeling : both anger and joy . SHe played no part in the fight which took place , at most trying to tear the boys away from one another , yet her presence was enough to cause a bitter feeling to rise in Aemond's chest against her , tainting their relationship for times to come . Laenor's 'death' soon followed , and Lianna felt like a dagger had been thrusted into her chest . Now she was the only remaining child of Rhaenys and Lord Corlys , a child without her eldest siblings to help her . Rhaenys clung to the child , becoming overprotective of her last child , barely allowing the both of them to be away from one another longer than needed . Corlys appeared to have mixed emotions towards Lianna , both concerned of her safety , perhaps expecting her to be next on the chopping block , but hopeful that his family could still hold strong , if they made the correct decisions . Quiet trips were taken between Driftmark and Kings Landing , when lord Corlys had left for war , Lianna was the one who stood by her mother's side , only having her cousins to assist . Her relationships to the rest of her family were tenuous , her loyalties remaining with her parents and close cousins alone . Whilst the talk of marriage floated around court , Rhaneys never wanted to make a rash decision without having the matter discussed with Lord Corlys , meaning the ticking clock of Lianna's potential marriage options ticked closer to the point of risk . Whenever she visited King's Landing , she heard rumours as to why she'd yet to be married off : that she was no longer virtuous , that she was far too fascinated in dragons then what was actually neessary for her to do and that perhaps Corlys was expecting to make a spectacle of the girl naming her as ther heir of Driftmark : alone . Whilst Lianna became knowlegedable of court , talented at dragonriding and skilled in her duties ; the shadow od what she was meant to do hovered over her head . She'd offered solutions , options of who she could be married to , yet Rhaenys refused every time , not wishiing to risk her child's safety and virtue without the confirmation from her father . By the time she was much older and Viserys laid on his deathbed , few options remained for her . Distanced from her childhood friend , with an overprotective mother she helped care for and cousins who did the best they could , but at heart , the only joy she'd ever find was on dragonback , away from court and all of its pressure . MAJOR EVENTS : - The hatching and bond created between her and her dragon Gaelithox - The death of Laena Velaryon and shortly afterwards the death of Laenor Velaryon - The fight between the family , leading to the removal of Aemond Targaryen's eye
FAMILY : MOTHER : Rhaenys Targaryen - To Rhaenys , Lianna is her treatreasured baby girl , no matter her age : always by her side , supporting and learning under her watchful eye . Whilst the woman becomes rather posessive of the girl after the deaths of her siblings , Lianna undoubtedly feels a great fondness for her mother , thanking her for much of what she becomes as a lady and a dragonrider . FATHER : Lord Corlys Velaryon - Lianna understands that whilst a busy man , Corlys cares a great deal for her . Whenever they finally manage to have some time together , he lends her a caring and gentle hand , coaxing her towards the best . After the death of her siblings , Lianna is never quite sure what he wants to do with her , particularly because she rarely sees him at all . In the few short moments they do spend with each other however , he does not spare a moment before telling her that he believes in her very strongly . SIBLINGS : Laena Velaryon- With Laena's marriage to Daemon Targaryen and their move to Pentos , Lianna would rarely see her sister when she became old enough to remember , however , she does look back on her sparing memories with her elder sister fondly . She sees a lot of Laena in her children , and it pleases her that at least a part of her sister's legacy remains . Laenor Velaryon- Laenor is surprisingly protective over his younger sibling , perhaps more than his own children at times ( which is a whole issue in itself ) . When she was much younger , he never spared a moment in making sure that she smiled at least once a day whilst he was around . They were close , to Lianna Laenor was remembered as her 'fun older brother' , and a bitter taste remains on her tounge whenever anyone speaks negatively on him . DRAGON : Gaelithox - There is no denying that Lianna's bond to her dragon is almost abnormally close , with Lianna seeing the beast less as a dragon which could tear her to pieces : but more as a close friend and ally . Gaelithox is raised closely with Rhaenys' dragon Maelys , with their attitudes reflecting one another , further supported by Lianna's borderline daily visits . To Lianna , she only truly feels at peace when she is with the beast she was bonded with from such a young age , confiding in her issues with the creature whenever she feels she needs to get away from court and its people . Gaelithox , whilst not the largest dragon , is likely one of the most emotive thanks to her bond with her rider , jumping into fits of what appears to be true joy upon seeing the girl , being incredibly protective over her and coddling her like her own hatchling when she struggles . Out of everyone , Lianna would say she is undoubtedly closest to her dragon . FRIENDS : Baela Targaryen - With the death of Laena and Rhaenys taking up the care of Daemon's daughters more often than not , Lianna and Baela would often be in one another's presence than not . With such close proximity and perhaps a reflection of nature , the both of them had began to grow close , certainly closer than they were when they were little . Baela is a trusted confidant of Lianna , considered one of her most trustworthy allies , regardless of circumstance . Jacaerys Velaryon - Lianna and Jacaerys had seen one another sparingly as they grew olfer , yet their morals often matched one another , leading to them at very least having a civil relationship to one another . They do not get along naturally , but as allies , they are not to be underestimated in the slightest . Helaena Targaryen - sweet Helaena , Lianna often feels incredibly upset for the young girl and the circumstances she finds herself within . Whenever she is in King's Landing , she'll take the time to see the female , spending time with her , whether in silence or quietly speaking ; whilst they may not stand on the same side , she most certainly wishes her all the best . ENEMIES : Aegon Targaryen - The same cannot be said for her feelings towards Aegon . 'A poor excuse fo a boy and an even worse man' she has been known to utter bitterly . Often she's indicated she'd much prefer if it was Aemond who the greens were pushing as ruler than Aegon . The both have never got along , with Aegon critiquing her to Aemond behind her back and Lianna outwardly opposing him at any opportunity . In truth , Lianna would prefer to have his head on a spike . Daemon Targaryen- Daemon often has provided some difficulty in LIanna's eyes . Whilst Lianna is in full support of Rhaenyra , her claim and her family , Daemon and Lianna have never seen one another eye-to-eye . Perhaps due to his treatment of Baela and Rhaena , or most likely the events which had led up to Laena's death . Lianna has always felt a bitterness towards him , regardless of action . LOVE INTEREST : Aemond Targaryen - Lianna and Aemond's relationshop has not been one that has come with ease , having multiple difficulties throughout the years of them knowing one another . They were childhood friends , bonding over a passion of their family lineage and the beasts that strengthen it . They were inseperable , a close bond considered so strong that their families often considered promising them to one-another to save the trouble of choosing later on . Yet , things would change drastically upon the death of Laena and her funeral , with Aemond claiming Vhagar the bond between the two of them became difficult and tenuous , with few passing words to avoid arguments and fights . Aemond became bitter towards the whole family , perhaps resentful of the Blacks for the way he lost his eye ; and whilst Lianna was not responsible , she was seen as complicit . Their views often clashed , and with their stubborness ? Their arguments are bound to be explosive . Whilst they grew older , their arguments became harsher , more personal . And yet , an odd warm feeling still remained whenever the two locked eyes with one another , they still yearned for one another as they grew older . Lianna often wondered what may have occured if she was promised to Aemond , regardless of circumstances , and perhaps yearned for it .

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