Terrain of Magical Expertise


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
Skellies as follows:

Name: (your character's name outside of the game)

Username: (your character's name inside the game)



Appearance: (picture preferred, typed descriptions will have to be very detailed)


Class: (Watch the information video on the main RP page for information about these. Ask questions on the OOC thread if you have them.)

Power: (See above)

Extra: (If your character idolizes Alpha or one of his friends, state so here. If your character has some sort of persona or gaming quirk they use, state that here also.)
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Name: Matt Inigo

Username: The Troper

Gender: male


Appearance: A scrawny-looking man at average height. He has dark-grey, unkept hair, purple eyes, and white skin. He wears what appears to be a black bodysuit with brown pants over it as well as brown shoes of the same color. The shoes and pants appear to be a single article of clothing.

Personality: He is somewhat shy and unsure of himself when it comes to his skill level. He is generally nice to people and tries not to get in anyone's way.

Class: Fighter

Power: Tropes

Extra: He enjoys role playing, but he doesn't do it constantly like Nylocke.
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Name: Natalie Bowmont

Username: Adiel the Archer (Goes by Adiel for short)

Gender: Female


Appearance: (Look at the pic drawn by me that is below)

Personality: Adiel is a friendly resident of TOME. She's confident, but not cocky, and likes to bring out the best in people. As a victim of bullying in the real world, she can't stand it in the gaming world and will stand up for the avatar being bullied.

Class: Spellcaster

Power: Elven Magic

  • Normal Arrows.
  • Melee: Kicks, punches, and she can whack opponents with her bow.
  • Elven Ice: Adiel fires an arrow that freezes opponents (for a brief time) on contact.
  • Elven Light: Adiel charges up an arrow made from light before firing it.
  • Elven Fire: Adiel fires a folly of fire arrows that rain down from above.
  • Elvin Illusion: Adiel creates copies of herself out of light. This is meant only as a distraction, because the illusions' arrows can't damage the opponent.

Extra: In the real world she is a high school student. She's bullied for her looks. (She doesn't look like a supermodel, but she isn't ugly either; Her real world body type is the same as her avatar) The "reason" high school jerks pick on her is because she has a lot of freckles, wears glasses, and is a bit nerdy when it comes to pop culture things like Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc. In the game world she's more confident than in the real one.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be94e6e29_ElfArcher.jpg.045bf00d32124e04a1cf07b5c13276ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be94e6e29_ElfArcher.jpg.045bf00d32124e04a1cf07b5c13276ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Josh Brown

Username: Chaos

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: About average height, blond hair that goes to the right, blue eyes, and he's wearing a black shirt with brown cape, jeans and green shoes.

Personality: Very independent, prefers to plan out what he's going to do. Travels alone due to the fear of hurting others unintentionally.

Class: Spellcaster

Power: Chaos Mage

He uses both dark and light. His attacks include

Dark and Light Portals, used often

Light beams

Dark beams

Blinding Light

The ability to blend in with shadows

and the ability to create Light and Dark Swords

Extra: Can be overpowered by Light and Darkness

Light makes him heroic, but can also lead to mistakes

Darkness makes him sadistic and better in battle, but harder to control
Name: Etzenam Rook

Username: Jackpot

Gender: Male


(He also has a red top hat to match)

Personality: Etzenam is sly and sneaky, but uses his talents for underhandedness and misdirection benevolently, for the most part. He isn't above a little mischief-causing, but he knows where to draw the line and never forgets those who wrong him. He is very skilled in combat, and is currently searching for someone with a similar level of skill with which to pair up and compete in the Gemini Tournament. Around his friends, he is coy and joking, but always listens to those who have something to say, and often contributes to conversations with bits of wisdom that seem to betray his roguish appearance.

Class: Fighter

Power: Casino (cards, luck, etc.)

Extra: He idolizes Nylocke for his roleplaying skills, and as such roleplays a lot, but he also idolizes Alpha for his strength and combat skill. He hopes to one day challenge Alpha to a duel.
Name: Ceallach Katsu

Username: Snaiche (pronounced "snake")

Gender: Male

Age: 23



Personality: He is very manipulative and crafty, taking many opportunities to just mess with people

Class: Fighter

Power: Illusions

Extra: He hangs around with hackers and accepts gear from them. He gets away with it by saying something along the lines of "I thought it was just a high-leveled weapon; how was I supposed to know it was hacked? Look, instead of banning me, how about just taking the item away?"
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Mary Mi (sounds like "marry me," and Mary's often teased about it.)










A good natured young woman, Mary - also known as Taigami - is an outgoing and often outspoken person who tends to act before she thinks, a "buff" that strengthens her reflexes in the game. She's someone who likes to talk a lot, when she's in a good mood. Easily angered, Taigami can become rather violent at times, a trait that she got from Grandia. Quite emotional at times, Taigami is a sucker for cheesy things (ex. pick up lines, scenarios, etc.) and will often be brought to tears, no matter how hard she tries to hold it in. She's very expressive and can be rude at times, without even knowing it.





- Sonic Roar (temporary debuff on stats)

- Tiger Attack (martial arts)

- Intimidate (temporary debuff on stats...and confidence)

- Rage (heightened stats for limited amount of time)


She personally knows Grandia and they get along quite well.



Jillian Kraine










A sadist at heart, Jillian - username Missy - is an overconfident and smug lady who's very vain and shallow most of the time. She's got great vocabulary, often using words that most people do not understand or know of completely, and is noted to be very intellectual. However, contradicting her acute

narcissism, Missy can actually be very kind and caring of others, and once won over completely, she's very loyal. A woman who's easily wooed, Missy is very bitter about her real life single status.





- Haunt (temporary - possibly permanent - debuff on stats and scares the victim(s)

- Morph (generic morphological)

- Curse (temporary - possibly permanent - debuff on stats)

- Ghost Kiss (steals HP from victim)


She likes pretty things.

Username: Clurah



Appearance:in the first post

Personality:much like his father, Clurah is a roleplayer in TOME, taking the part of a secret protector. he has memorized every turn and rout in TOME, and every spawn point. however unlike his father, he is extremely proud, cocky, and often thinks too much of himself. however despite his childlike "come-at-me-bro" attitude, whenever Clurah has to be open and share his feelings directly, he is in fact, a very shy, and scared teenage kid who tries to be brave in the face of his friends online.

Class: morphological


-thunder clap

-drill dash

-clay barrier

-titanic rise

-crushing grip

Extra: Andrew is not only the son of Nyelock, but he is also a skilled hacker. however he has sworn to only use his powers of hacking for the good of TOME.
Name: Alex Smith

Username: ALX (Pronounced Alex)

Gender: Male, but avatar is female.

Age: 18

Appearance: (Below)

Personality: Not wanting to get into awkward circumstances Alex role plays ALX as a tough tomboy that enjoys TOME fights, violent videogames, action movies, and a robo-gal that doesn't think about romance.

Class: Robotic

Power: Cyborg

  • Normal punches and kicks.
  • Blast Cannon: ALX turns one of her hands into a blaster cannon before firing.
  • Thruster Punch: A small rocket thruster appears on her punching arm's elbow, allowing her to deliver a fast punch.
  • Thruster Charge: Thrusters appear on ALX's elbows and feet, propeling her forward at a high speed toward her opponent.
  • Charge Cannon: ALX puts her hands together to form a larger version of her blaster cannon and fires a charged up blast of energy.

Extra: Alex likes computers and anything machine related. When designing his character he liked his female cyborg design better than his male one and decided to use it. When playing TOME he uses a voice charger to give himself a robotic female voice.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bead45f17_HumanGladoscyborg.png.c136538906a197a57d8611c5100feb90.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8bead45f17_HumanGladoscyborg.png.c136538906a197a57d8611c5100feb90.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Made on http://tracksurfer.deviantart.com/art/Human-GLaDOS-dress-up-game-298870)



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