Terminally in Love

Here is the summary outline about Enrique's Past

Credits first: Terminally Ill (Revised Version) is inspired from a real life person named Andrea F. Perez. She's a Psychology major and one of the top notch student (top 5) from Philippines. She was an intern in a private mental institution who was assigned to a specific and dangerous mentally ill patient. That patient is said a heir from a prestigious family, at the specific age of 19-20. It was not reported to the media because their family is powerful enough to block any news spilling to protect their name. He was said to be seen one day, celebrating in some sort of occasion with his family and relatives when he got his gun from his father and pulled its trigger, killing first his parents then all of the people inside the mansion. When he got outside he even killed the people outside resulting into a completely one of the worst massacre. She's my friend in RL.

Enrique Gonzada F. Monterel

After he graduated and winning his first case in his field, his family decided to celebrate his first victory to the clan. They had their blissful laughter, dancing and what ever you could think in a formal celebration. Not up until Enrique finished his speech.

"My dear ladies and gentleman. I am happy that you are all rejoicing for the success of our family. Monterel family had been holding up to the greatest reputation up until now. I'm the only son of this family and now I am fulfilling my dream as a successful lawyer. I'm on my way to be one of the new Prosecutors, who knows when would that be? But before that let's enjoy this night. Because you might never enjoy it further the next day."

That creepy message gathered the attention of people. They thought that he was just kidding or fooling around. They just continued their celebration now up until he got his meat cleaver's knife and a gun on his back pocket. He started laughing while shooting his parents first then slaughtering all of the people surrounding him. Some of his relatives started running frantically, but that didn't stop him from shooting them all. After shooting them all, he gathered the corpses aligned. One by one he started to extract their eye balls and dissect their stomach open. Puling their intestines and crushing their hearts one by one. When he was on the last person, he saw someone standing up in front of him. A lady in her 20's was standing, gasping while she was stepping back away. He proceeded on what he's doing and ignored her, went outside and shoots everyone who is in front of their mansion. His clothes is drenched in blood, illuminated by the dim street lights. When he saw the young lady again, she's trembling, and shocked. Until she losses her consciousness. But before losing her consciousness, she saw his cold blooded eyes, staring at her straightly.

She saw how orderly and neatly the corpses inside the mansion are dissected. While leaving their faces into unrecognizable manner. Compared to the people outside who were luckily died without being touched by the insane murderer. Scattered and overlapped by those dim lights, and so the scene perished in her sight.


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