Terminally in Love

Name: Agatha Keating "Aggie"



Age: 21


Aggie's personality doesn't differ too much from other people. She is moderately kind and moderately wicked, moderately selfish and moderately sympathetic. Probably the only quality that stands out from such dull personality is her tenacity. When Aggie plunges into something, she rarely, or rather, never gives up. She never gave up on her career, hobby, and now, this strange man.


Aggie led a pretty normal life, with fun friends and loving parents. The only thing special in her life was probably that incident, when she went missing for not even a day, but a few hours. Aggie was found in the hospital, remembering nothing that happened to her. She had no problem with graduating her high school, and decided to take psychology as her career. Tenacious throughout the disapproval of her parents and friends in working with crazy people, Aggie has finally came to have her OJT in one of the most renown hospital in the world.
Name: Enrique Gonzada F. Monterel "Enrique"



Age: 24 yrs old

Personality: Enrique, before he was entitled as the one of the most insane patient in the white asylum of Ysabelle Mental Insitution was known for his great personality and intelligence through out almost everything. He possessed code breaking intelligence such as morse code, lip reading and more of what most adventurers must have. He graduated at a prestigious University, where then reveals that he's always being a perfectionist. He's not kind, he's not bad but the thing is he's just doing what's right. Not until things turned tables. When his personality changed from being in the side of justice, into an insane murderer.

History: Enrique graduated in Bachelor of Law specialized in Constitutional Law. Ever since his childhood he loves defending his love ones in court, and now he chose this as his course, he got his dreams come true. But in an inexplainable event one day, during his first win in court, a celebration was held by his parents. They knew their family as one of those powerful and respected clan. But those colorful confetti, laughters and bliss turned into black, mass murder. After his small speech, the surveillance camera caught him in the act of his intense despair, cold blooded eyes that slaughtered everyone whose surrounding him, particularly first his parents. His loud laughter drenched with the blood of everyone flowed even outside. Everyone that he sees, he kills. Just like how the small moth slowly melt in the rays of light. A blood, crimson colored light. Until then, he's confined in the white asylum with his white, straight jacket.

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