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Teresha Hyatt
Name: Teresha Hyatt
Age: 16
Ethnicity/Nationality: African-American
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Student

Name: Teresha Hyatt
Age: 16
Ethnicity/Nationality: African-American
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Student
- Appearance
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 lbs, or 63.5 kilograms
Hair: Teresha's hair is curly, dark brown, and she tends to wear it in loose pigtails, or she keeps it in place with a headband.
Eyes: Brown
Body: Teresha is right around average, as while she isn't skinny, she isn't overweight, either. In general, she has an apple-like body shape.
Attire: Teresha tends to wear colorful tops, skinny jeans, with a belt, and ballet flats. She tends to dress with warm colors, such as orange and red. If she needs to dress up, Teresha wears fairly conservative brightly colored dress reaching down to her knees.
Teresha also tends to wear earrings, but they tend to be simple, like studs. Teresha also tends to twirl her hair, as a nervous tic.
- Personality
Teresha, in a few words, is jealous, sarcastic, apathetic, unathletic, and well-intentioned. While Teresha is not the most positive, nor the best person to around to comfort you, Teresha tends to mean well, and despite her air of apathy, does usually try to help others in need. However, Teresha's drive to prove herself, stemming from her jealousy of her sisters, means that this usually tends to go awry, and so she tends to make things worse than they already were.
- History
Growing up, Teresha always envied her two older sisters, Karen and Jean. While Teresha was pampered by her parents, it was Karen and Jean who had all of the awards, the accomplishments, and the accolades. Due to this, Teresha developed an intense competitive spirit, which her parents encouraged, but also a deep-seated jealousy and envy towards her two sisters. Since then, Teresha has developed a passion for embroidery, due to her getting bored, and trying to mend some of her old clothes. She has also become interested in creative writing, after she decided to start writing a weekly diary, to keep track of events in her life. Also, Teresha has started to teach herself guitar, and she is mainly tryting to do acoustic covers of songs by Heart, and Pat Benatar. In high school, Teresha has generally flitted about various social groups, but she has, for some particularly time, stayed with the artists, due to her interest in writing, and music.
- Equipment
In Teresha's bag:
- Her phone, an Iphone 6
- Her diary, as well as the key, and a pencilcase.
- Her laptop, covered with stickers, and some glued on fabric with her name embroidered on it.
- Textbooks
In Teresha's pocket
- Her wallet, which contains her money, school ID, etc.
- Her phone, an Iphone 6
- Skills
- Fairly good at embroidering, has been doing it since she was 12, does it at least every week, to one piece of clothing.
- Okay at guitar, started a year ago, self-taught, still learning.
- Started writing when she was 10, to keep a recap of events in her life, still does that to this day.
- Fairly good at embroidering, has been doing it since she was 12, does it at least every week, to one piece of clothing.
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