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Fandom Tenebris Final Fantasy - Lore



It's always darkest before the dawn
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Oseros was born as a result of the combined powers of a Pantheon of Deities. The Deities, along with their elemental affinities, had powers also sourced in the forces of either Light or Darkness. Together, the Deities of Light - Asura, Shiva, Ramuh, Carbuncle, Leviathan, and Alexander - and the Deities of Darkness - Bahumut, Diablos, Siren, Odin, Titan, and Ifrit – created an inhabitable world, with the balance of the two forces of Light and Darkness. They also gifted the world with Four Crystals of Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth, to manage the natural occurrences within the world.

However, all was not as simple as it had been originally laid out. The mortals that had inhabited Oseros began to abuse the power of the Crystals granted to the world, often using them for their own misdeeds and desires. As if that wasn't enough, the balance between Light and Darkness fluctuated and had a profound effect on the Crystals. The wind could cease, or perhaps be so vicious as to bring ruin to ships and buildings. The tides of seas could grow high and turn violent, the water in lakes and rivers turning to a poisonous substance. Lands grew hot and unbearable, and volcanoes posed a danger by threatening to erupt at any moment. The land could refuse to grow crops and other plant life, the very earth drying up beneath people's feet, and the cracks in the ground threatening to split lands and tear apart cities. The Light could lengthen the day, grow to such an extent it burned everything it touched. The Darkness extended the night, enshrouded all in a cloud of shadows. The forces of Light and Darkness - despite having powers based in them - were out of the deities' hands. Even letting such problems spiral wasn't enough to make the mortals see the dangers, the folly that their actions helped to cause.

It was then decided amongst the Deities that when either force fluctuated, and the World found itself facing catastrophe, a group of mortals would be blessed with the powers to cleanse the Crystals and to stop the world from falling into chaos. These 'Warriors of the Crystals' became known as 'Warriors of Light' or 'Warriors of Darkness', depending on the force heavily at work. The Deities allowed such Warriors to make use of their powers through summoning - if they were truly worthy. Such Warriors became revered in bard's songs, bedtimes stories, drunken tall-tales. Or at least, the Warriors of Light did. Those 'of the Light' were associated with purity, and good, those with souls who sought to keep the world entirely at bay from Darkness, where anyone associated with it was considered evil, malicious, with no thought of defending the world, and instead, destroying the Light. The latter was seldom heard in legends, and if they were, they were hardly looked upon as righteously devoted to defending the world as the Warriors of Light had been.

What had started off as the Deities aiding the Warriors and their world, turned into a rivalry, a competition. Working together when one force took dominance over the other proved a hassle - with complaints, insults, sneers, fights exchanged between those with powers in one source or the other. Such pettiness had been exchanged between the Deities for an incredibly long time - not that the mere mortals within Oseros realised this. Even the Warriors to an extent had little idea of such things - after all, they, and only they would contact them if needed.

Oseros to this day remains in the loop of one force growing, the other dwindling, before it is ultimately defeated. Thousands upon thousands of years have passed, Warriors of Light and Darkness having come and gone...and the Deities stuck in that same loop.


One of the most technologically advanced cities, Skystead boasts many achievements and a rich history. Airships have been created and manufactured here for several hundreds of years, with the flying ships proving their worth in quick travel, trade, and warfare. A wealth of knowledge is accessible from its large public library, only made accessible to the public twenty years ago. Many have devoted themselves to scouring every corner of its archives; though, rumours say it would take a thousand years to read every book in its expansive library.

The city here is also known for its research facility - Oseros’s top scientists and researchers flock here with a chance to help expand technology and be at the forefront of the next best discovery. In the previous few years, the facility has discovered a way to make their airships more efficient - by honing the powers of the Wind Crystal, their airships are unrivalled in speed and durability, even allowing the airships to fly seamlessly no matter the weather. It can be found in the research facility. It seems Skystead will never stop pursuing knowledge.
Skystead Cesspit


The Cesspit is the least talked about thing when it comes to Skystead listing the great wonders of their city. To many, it's a literal cesspit. Though, it's also been used as a means to get in and out of the city without having to use the front entrance, so to speak. It is connected to the Wyngar Cavern.

Wyngar Cavern


The Wyngar Cavern is the first of the 'alternative' entrance/exit of Skystead. Though, with the growing appearances of monsters becoming more apparent, the originally easy route to take has become something of a deathtrap to those who aren't prepared to go through it.



Mesaad has one of the most puzzling yet incredible city structures found in Oseros - their homes are built entirely on the side of a volcano. A thousand years before, when the Warriors of Light sought to cleanse the Fire Crystal in the volcano, it had gone haywire, causing the volcano to become more active and threaten to explode. Thankfully, the threat was neutralised before a catastrophe could occur. With the Fire Crystal in check, it controls the status of the volcano, meaning the inhabitants of Mesaad can live worry-free. They utilise the power of the Fire Crystal in order to make weapons and armour here, meaning Mesaad is one of the most prominent locations for unique forged items.

It is currently ruled by Queen Parthna Rydnia. The kingdom has lived in relative peace under the four years of her rule.
The Hive


Deep within the deserts within Mesaad's kingdom lives The Hive, a strange structure and habitat for both wildlife and strange monsters alike. It's entirely easy to bypass if you're travelling to Mesaad, though, impossible to bypass if you wish to reach the Gulgans' Hollow.

Gulgans' Hollow


This humble abode belongs to none other than to the race of the prophetic Gulgan, having lived here in seclusion and security for hundreds of years. They, by all means, gain visitors, looking for their futures and fates to be told to them, though, the trek through the Hive separates the determined from the flighty.



A fishing town found on the way towards Norcrest. Though not as grand and fantastic as the city, the town and its people are humble in nature, taking each day as it comes.



This port city is ruled over by Count Jerrick Valenick. Or so it’s believed. Really, the city seems to be under the thumb of the local organisation of thieves known as the Water Rats, due to their multiple connections with the business of trade and commerce, and their peculiar method of citizens paying them for certain cards to not steal from them. Needless to say, if you can’t afford a card, consider your wallet more empty than it was at the start of the day.

The structure of the city is predominantly water-based - there are platforms where one can walk around on, but most of the city forces you to grab some sort of little boat or raft to traverse the majority of the city. Most people use rafts - those boats are awfully expensive. The Water Crystal, surprisingly, is not held here, but in Tide Tower, a few miles away from the city, and overlooking the coast.
The Marauding Moogle


A tavern found within Norcrest. Though, it's not just a tavern for any old soul; most of it is mixed with criminals, sellswords, thieves, even adventurers pass through - so long as anyone who enters has the password, and swears not to let anything that is said or done within the four walls leak out.

Tower of Tides


The Tower of Tides houses the Water Crystal, which has dealings in affecting the tides, sea, and most things water related. There is a good network of Tower Guardians to tend to the Crystal here, with most living on the edge of the nearby forest on the way to the Tower so they can be as close as possible if anything were to happen.
Mt. Tolaki


If you wish to get to Estra, you haven't much choice but to go up and through Mt. Tolaki. No going around it, and most shortcuts could leave you more frustrated than by just taking the regular pathway. It's a difficult trek, with most seasoned travellers taking days to arrive on the other side.



Estra is known for being a rather elusive and difficult settlement to find. It finds itself nestled deep within the mountains and waterfalls, the terrain and environment often making it difficult to access. Therefore, Estra stays secluded from the other kingdoms, finding its own resources and abilities to keep this settlement running. That’s not to say people don’t wander from here, or refuse to make contact with others - Estra just finds itself comfortable sticking to what the citizens here know.

Estra houses the Earth Crystal in a nearby temple, not far from the settlement. Tezani Hirota was said to originate from Estra, with its current leaders claiming descent from her.
Whimpering Wood


Between Mesaad and Estra lies the Whimpering Woods, appropriately named because of the sounds that came from within the Forest. Many say the dead looking to cross over wander here, and vicious spirits roam the forest floor.

Temple of the Earth Crystal


Though it seems to be a comfortable and modest place to keep the Earth Crystal, inside is a whirlwind of traps and trials to get to it if you’re an intruder. It’s said to be kept guarded by a figure dubbed the ‘Overseer’. No one really knows how long they have been guarding the Crystal, where they originally came from, or who exactly they are. Needless to say, intruders have been unlucky not to come out of the temple. Though citizens of Estra are given a safe route through the temple, anyone not from Estra or deemed dangerous have to face the multiple traps - as well as the Overseer himself.

A memorial for Fintis Kimura, one of the Warriors of Light of Legend, is found nearby, apparently insisted upon by Tezani on her return to Estra.

Notable NPCs
The Warriors of Light of Legend

Tremayne Siegrist

Noted as being the 'de-facto leader' of the Warriors of the Light, Tremayne, at 23 had been a vagabond picking up odd jobs and sleeping in trees (or inns, if he was lucky). The Wind Crystal summoned him and his comrades after a vicious battle with a Minotaur slaughtered the Crystal's shrine maidens (as it had been originally kept and cared for in a temple not far from Skystead). He prided himself on his sword and his healing and offensive magic (despite their weakness). He was said to have a love affair with fellow Warrior Lirienne le Vanne that continued even after the final battle with Darkness. Tremayne took up the title of vagabond once again for four years after, before he returned to Skystead and settled there.

Lirienne le Vanne
Yoshitaka Amano

A woman with a fiery temper, yet, also a kind heart, Lirienne was the daughter of a noble merchant within Skystead and the older twin sister of one Liron le Vanne. At 26, both her and her brother were enlisted by the Wind Crystal to cleanse the Crystals of the darkness sweeping over them, and to save the world from the corruption of darkness. Her mixture of healing magic, skills with a dagger, and her fiesty words brought a range of different situations for the Warriors to face. Her relationship with Tremayne is argued even today - some say his advances were reciprocated by her, shunned according to others. The details remain blurred as to whether she remained in contact with Tremayne after his settling down in Skystead as she seemed to be married and eventually having two children.

Fintis Kimura

The youngest of the Warriors of Light, being called upon at 16 to quell the darkness from this world. Barely a young man, he was fairly well acquainted with a sword, even more so with a bow and arrow in his hands. Fintis was regarded as a cheery, mischievous young man. Though, his sense of justice and his will to prevail were prevalent traits in him. So much so, that in the final battle against darkness, he sacrificed himself and used the last of his strength to ensure his comrades’ survival. A memorial was set up for him in Estra by Tezani Hirota, the two having developed a close friendship with one another.

Liron le Vanne

Younger twin to Lirienne, Liron had always been a promising soldier from the moment he lifted up a wooden sword. He had been entirely devoted to his service to the King and army from the tender age of 14, and showed much promise to rise above the ranks. Though, he ascended to a different rank as a Warrior of Light, forcing him to abandon his aspirations in the army temporarily. Liron was known for being rather stoic, proper, and terrible at understanding jokes of any kind. But, he would never see a comrade in danger, and was as loyal to each of them as he had been in his time in the army. After the battle with Darkness had ended, he returned to serving the King, and was thought to have died without a wife or children to his name due to his complete devotion.

Ignatius Bisada

A much seedier man in comparison to the other Warriors of Light, this thirty-two year old man was mysterious, secretive, yet, somewhat alluring. It was thought he operated as a conman who travelled from city to city, and when asked about his past and profession, responded with "I have friends in low places, and enemies in much higher ones." He was highly proficient in Black Magic, which never seemed to help him rise above the image of a mysterious and seedy man. After the battle of Darkness, he disappeared completely, insisting his newfound title of Saviour of Light wouldn't make others forget his past misdeeds. Allegedly, the Warriors of Light had no knowledge of where he went or what he ended up doing with the rest of his life.

Tezani Hirota

Daughter to the leader of the Hirotas, who ruled over Estra, the nineteen-year-old Tezani was something of a naive, yet, flirtatious young woman. She was known to have skills as a dancer and seductress, but the venom of a python with her skills as a ninja. Her eagerness to interact with those outside of her home (seeing as they were always a rather secluded one) could often get her into trouble, given her naivety of the world beyond. Tezani developed a close kinship with Fintis Kimura as the two were younger and apparently more inexperienced to the rest of their team. She took his death the hardest of all the Warriors, and set up a memorial in his memory in Estra. She eventually went on to lead Estra, and attempted to integrate the nation more into the rest of the world.


Revak Ghenzo, 54.

A gruff man with a tough exterior and the head of Skystead's council. With both a firm grasp as head of the council as well as having vast military experience as the previous commander of the airforce, a lot of decisions and laws are swayed by Revak even though he holds a semblance more power and experience than the rest of the council. Along with his wife, Sidney, he wishes to make Skystead a name that's always on people's lips.

Cidney ‘Cid’ Sassetti, 50.

Lead Professor within Skystead's facility who is devoted to her work. Compared to her husband, she's a friendly woman that little find hard not to get along with, but can be something of a pushover when those of a higher station give her commands. Her developments with the Wind Crystal in the past few years have allowed Skystead's airships to go much further than they have before. Her ideas to utilise the Crystal don't stop there - and she spends most of her time researching and developing new ways to make use of its power.

Peregrine Novada, 29.

Though small, and rather childish looking, Peregrine is a fully-fledged adult Lalafell and librarian at Skystead. It takes time for her to come around to strangers, seeing as she's rather shy and prefers to spend her time alone in the library. But her attention to detail and books is unparalleled - a rather useful skill for an introvert like her to have.

Albus Gresceer (The Silver Knight), 23.

A man revered and loved by the masses, Albus Gresceer (more commonly known as the Silver Knight) has been a bringer of justice from early in his teens. From slaying monsters, bringing in wanted criminals, he's done much for the people of Skystead, Mesaad, and other countries beyond, to name a few. His deeds have even managed to earn a prestigious space leading Skystead's military. Though, to anyone wise enough to see it, he seems to have big ideas in mind in such a position, and claims even bolder things about himself and what's to come.


Queen Parthna Rydnia, 25.

A woman with as fiery a temper as the volcano she lives above, but with a strong desire to serve her people. She's been Queen for four years now, after her father, King Luthos, died from a long-suffering illness. Being his only daughter and heir, she took up the crown and opted to rule Mesaad herself. She is by no means a perfect Queen, but one that is still learning.

Lucio Bourdelle, 62.

Lucio has remained royal advisor in Mesaad for years, starting from Parthna's father's rule. Having been a close friend and confidant to him, he promised he would guide Parthna as best he could as Queen. To this day, he has remained loyal and made himself indispensable to the Queen.

Niya Sonsini, 28.

Niya is the childhood friend to Parthna and Head of the Army. Much of her life has been building up to her current rank and position, and with much difficulty. It is a role and purpose she takes extremely seriously. She still remains close friends with Parthna, even though certain responsibilities obstruct them from one another at times.

Neviah of the Gulgan, ???.

From an ancient race who were born blind but had the ability to foretell the future, Neviah is said to be one of the prominent seers of this race. Allegedly, she served on the council in Norcrest some hundreds of years prior, as did other Gulgans had in the past with other rulers. But when she passed on her warning of the balance shifting again, with Light threatening to engulf the world in flames, and only the restoration of balance with the power of Darkness could stop it, the people refused to heed her warning. Knowing that seeing the future could bring her race many problems, she fled Norcrest, and set up a hollow deep within Mesaad's desert, where they will tell people their future - if they can make it to them first.


Count Jerrick Valenick, 48.

Ruler of Norcrest, or at least, it's the title given to him. None are really sure given the large influence the Thieves' Guild have within the city, but he wrestles often enough with them to keep in power. He's not entirely incompetent when it comes to running Norcrest, but most of the time he prefers fishing or feasting or galavanting with ladies than having to deal with the many, many problems that Guild cause him.

Jessen, 23.

Leader of the Thieves' Guild. Orphaned at a young age, the Elvaan Jessen fed himself the only way he could, and that was by stealing. Almost finding himself getting into trouble with another thief and their target, he was taken under the wing of the previous Guild leader, where he found shelter and food aplenty. He later coined the fee people would be paid not to be robbed, and surprisingly, it's made the guild plenty of money and rather powerful.


Tokuro Hirota, 32.

One of the two leaders of Estra. After his father was killed by hordes of monsters that swarmed the village a few months prior, he has hesitantly taken on the role with his sister joint in command. He arms the citizens and trains them, afraid of when another swarm could attack them. He takes the mantle at a difficult time, but relies on his sister to help him along.

Kyoko Hirota, 32.

Twin sister to Tokuro and joint leader of Estra. Kyoko took having to become a leader much better than her brother, apparently being well equipped for the position. Though she is incredibly vocal about her plans for the future regarding Estra and arguing to her brother about opinions on certain matters, she cares for her brother and is by no means one to sit back and let disaster happen without at least trying to stop it.

The Overseer, ???.

A mysterious being who watches over the Earth Crystal in a Temple not too far from Estra. His identity is unknown and is rarely found outside of the temple. He allows those from Estra to come and pray to the Crystal if they wish, keeping to the shadows with a watchful eye. However, he has little tolerance for outsiders or those posing a threat to the temple or the Earth Crystal.

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