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Multiple Settings Tempy's Search Thread~ (Ignore Post Count)

Tempus Glacia

So, I’m Tempus (Or Glacia, I go by either). I’m an adult, and I’ve been RP’ing for 20 years. That’s not to say that I’m perfect or a massive literate or anything. I make mistakes, and I don't judge, or giggle, or get exasperated by mistakes made by others. It just means that I’m extremely fond of RP’ing, and love what I do. Yes, I’m an adult, but my imagination is so vivid that I have to do something to keep from going crazy.

So I write. And I prefer to write with other people.

I dabble in a little bit of everything genre wise. I like action and adventure in an RP, but I also favor romance as well. I don’t usually post plot ideals and such, but I typically have something up my sleeve depending on the genre - but I do also like listening to the ideas of others too. So don't be shy if you have an idea (or desire) for a genre, let me know!

So, either contact me directly through the thread, or message me through private messages and we can get this ball rolling!

Seriously, Read My Rules

1. Be active. I personally am a binge poster - I don't expect that in return. I respond as fast as I get posts in unless life happens - or I pass out.
2. That being said, TELL ME when life happens, and I will do the same!
3. I'm a single mom, full time. So while I do have lots of time on my hands, my kids and their needs/wants come first. ^__^
4. Admittedly, I would like for my prospective partners to be 18+
5. If you get bored with the RP, or need/want to leave, tell me. You're not going to hurt my feelings unless you're cruel about it.
6. Do Not build an entire plot and develop characters with me, have me do an opening post, and then NEVER get back to me again after that. Just don't do it.
7. Also, Do Not tell me that my characters are acceptable, start the RP, then decide rather suddenly that you cannot handle a part of the character's history - when it was FINE during character sheet exchange.
8. Don't lie to me. Don't tell me you're busy with school or work, when you're actually running around posting elsewhere. I have this uncanny ability to find out when people are lying to me. Just be straight with me and I'll do the same.
9. I seriously have no limitations for anything. Violence, gore, romance, whatever it is, I'm usually up for it - but I also respect the limitations of others.
10. I RP over Private Message and through email - and I've been known to use Discord too. I don't like threads.
11. Communicate with me. I like to know my writing partners just as much as I like to know their characters.
12. Not really a rule, but my Genres are in the post below.

Rules of Romance

Tired of seeing all of those, "I only play female characters! Sorry!" searches and posts? Well, rest assured! This is not one of those sorts of searches!
With this, I'm not very picky or particular. I play M/F, M/M, F/F. It doesn't matter to me. Love is love. I also play both male and female characters with ease! However, if there is going to be heterosexual romance, I am absolutely willing to play a male character for your female, but only if you are willing to double and play a male character for my female as well. I'm a girl, I like having a female main character as well!
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(Anything marked with a * are things I'm craving.)


Dark Lore: This generally references anything of the supernatural nature. I.E. Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, etc. Medieval: Anything to do with Knights in shining armor, Kings and Queens, and of course vile take overs and war.

Futuristic/SciFi: Any story that unfolds within the future, yet still holds the tingling of magic and folklore.


**Fallout: ** This is one of those games that you can take the world, and just make your own lore. Or, you can follow the lore and still just make it up as you go along. As of late, I've been playing the heck out of Fallout 4, and with 76 releasing soon, I have serious Fallout brain.

Final Fantasy: I am a Final Fantasy Series fangirl. I have been since a very, very young age. And I like RPs based around the games/movies/etc. - but I also like to tamper with the story lines and make them go as myself and my partner deem fit. Re-writing, if you will. I prefer: FFIV (4) FFVII (7) FFIX (9) FFX (10) FFX-2 (10-2)

** Dragon Age: ** Now, I'm completely obsessed with the Dragon Age series. So many possibilities...I am particularly fond of Cullen. He's my favorite and I would walk a thin line to have an OC character paired with him. I also worship Alistair and Fenris too. Those three are the easiest way to get whatever a partner wants out of a DA role play. Just sayin'~ And then there's Krem also...That's a particularly new interest that I can't seem to escape from.

Skyrim: Also a favored genre. So many ways this sort of RP can go. Lots of discussion plotting potential!

Legend of Legaia: ** Now, a lot of people this day and age probably have absolutely no idea what this game even is/was. It is by far one of my absolute, all time favorite games, and for some reason, recently I've been thinking about it a lot. It has a lot of potential, and can be so much fun if done well!

Left 4 Dead (or just a zombie apocalypse in general): * I have had ONE successful L4D RP, and I would LOVE to have another one. I prefer the characters from L4D2, but I'm good with mix and matching too.

Legend of Zelda: * One of my FAVORITE genres to RP - and one of the HARDEST to find partners for. Especially since my preferred pairings have nothing to do with Link and Zelda. I prefer to RP Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.

Harry Potter: Another one I like to tamper with. Changing the story for anything to suit a players needs is fun, and what better world to tamper with than a magical one? I do both the Marauder’s era, and Harry’s.


Mafia: Yeah, I actually have a pretty thick plot for one like this. Technically, I had a group thread somewhere else for it too, but dragging characters away to 1x1 instead is always fun - and it's nice to see how other people adapt to the story/plot.

Virtual Reality: This one I have a plot for, but would be discussed with a partner. It would be based around characters who play in a virtual, online community. We would be playing both as the characters within the Game world, and their own world.

Arranged Marriage: This can be a genre all on it’s own, or it can be paired with any topic found above.

Love Affair: Whether it's an unsatisfied marriage, old high school/college flings meeting up again, the possibilities are endless~

Family: I'm not talking slice of life, not really. More like something straight out of Shameless. Down on their luck, mess with each other but no one else is allowed to mess with them sort. Or, everyday slice of life. I'm kind of into that now.

Your Ideas: I am not restricted to the desires on my list. If you have something you’re wanting to play, ask me. If I know what it is/know anything about it, and I like the idea, I’m usually more than willing to play just about anything.
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Hey hey Tempus!

I like everything I read! I too have been roleplaying for many years (not as many as you), and do it because I LOVE it. ^_^  
Everything seemed to align with us! I prefer male characters even though I'm female, I'm game for any genres (though I am unfamiliar with over half of the fandoms you listed...I typically stick to fantasy), annnnnd I'm 18+! :D  The one discrepancy, however, would be the RP format...you definitely don't do threads? It's basically all I do. I don't like skype because I don't feel I can keep up with it, and messaging would just feel like I was hiding the magic! I actually enjoy and prefer the pressure of public posting...anyone can read it and judge me for it...so it encourages me to not push out crap (hehe). So I'd love to write with you, but if you;re a definite no on threads then I may just have to catch you at a later date when I'm more into privately threading! Lemme know!
Hey hey Tempus!

I like everything I read! I too have been roleplaying for many years (not as many as you), and do it because I LOVE it. ^_^  
Everything seemed to align with us! I prefer male characters even though I'm female, I'm game for any genres (though I am unfamiliar with over half of the fandoms you listed...I typically stick to fantasy), annnnnd I'm 18+! :D  The one discrepancy, however, would be the RP format...you definitely don't do threads? It's basically all I do. I don't like skype because I don't feel I can keep up with it, and messaging would just feel like I was hiding the magic! I actually enjoy and prefer the pressure of public posting...anyone can read it and judge me for it...so it encourages me to not push out crap (hehe). So I'd love to write with you, but if you;re a definite no on threads then I may just have to catch you at a later date when I'm more into privately threading! Lemme know!

Well, go ahead and PM me, and we'll talk about what to play and go from there if that's alright? I'm not entirely opposed to Threads, its just not typically something I like to do for 1x1s. But I'm not against the idea of it.
Well, go ahead and PM me, and we'll talk about what to play and go from there if that's alright? I'm not entirely opposed to Threads, its just not typically something I like to do for 1x1s. But I'm not against the idea of it.

I'm too new to PM :D  24 hr rule (from what I gathered). 
Not sure if you're commenting at me, or complaining about the system as well....but I didn't put anything else but plain text into the tabs. I didn't try to center anything, I didn't try to put bold or italics in anything. Its all just plain text in there. >__<
Hiya there! I would be very interested in a Harry potter RP if it's up for grabs. :D
Hello there ^_^ I'd be interested in roleplaying with you. Maybe some sort of futuristic roleplay would be fun.

Actually, I have a setting that incorporates virtual reality in it that I've really wanted to do that you might find interesting. (I've had people ghost every time I try, so I'm really looking for an active partner for it). So if you're interested in that let me know and I'll describe it in more detail. If you don't like that idea and would rather do your own plot and setting instead (or if you want to brainstorm with me and come up with an entirely new futuristic fantasy setting), then I'm fine with that too. ^_^
Waz up?  I have a few of my own plots in mind if you'd be interested in looking?  I'm mainly looking to develop some characters that I have, but the downside is that they're adopts with animal forms. I'm working on drawing them more humanoid with a tail/ears/tats/birthmarks or whatever, but if that doesn't deter you, I could link you my plots?
I can't send PMs yet, but I'd be happy to portray a male for your female character in a modern fantasy/supernatural RP with demons, vampires and the like.
I don't know why its not alerting me when I have new posts in my thread....

Waz up?  I have a few of my own plots in mind if you'd be interested in looking?  I'm mainly looking to develop some characters that I have, but the downside is that they're adopts with animal forms. I'm working on drawing them more humanoid with a tail/ears/tats/birthmarks or whatever, but if that doesn't deter you, I could link you my plots?

Send me the link! ^__^
Still can't fix my search thread, which is infuriating....even after....HOW many months of being MIA?

Oh well...it'll do for not until I make a new one, I guess. So this is me, knocking the dust off of everything~
Hey! I would love to do a Harry Potter roleplay with you! I myself am a binge poster and I do love to double so I think we'll be great partners!

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