Story Temporary Storage for Wattpad Story


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It's been two days sense my last response. God... All I have to say is what more sick tricks does this place have up its sleave because I'm tired of the surprises. Most of us are still alive, more importantly Aira is still alive. And the girl from yesterday..

I woke up by the instant flicker of the lights from light to dark. Our room was instantly picth black as the intercom whent off with a quick alarm then the warden saying: "Power on the inmates current designated floor has been cut by the outside. Staff is to imidiatly start rally at the elivators and every inmate is to wake up imidiatly and make thier way to the rally points." Aria grabbed onto my hand. I looked over at her sace still scarred from the 15th. I quickly got out of the bed and with Aria's hand still in my left I took the loaded revolver off of the table. "Lets see how well a lefty can use a gun with is right.." I thought to myself. I thought it was extremely important to move Aria out of harms way, compared to shooting at whatever is causing said harm it was top priority. I oppened our doors to show the outside was just as dark as our room, just more frantic. Waiting for my eyes to adjust to it would take too long but it was clear that people were running franticly and the sound of bodies falling into the ground by tripping was common. I swollowed hard as I turned towards Aria and lifted her into my arms. It would be safer this way sense this was such an emergency. I walked into the fray and tried to remember which way was to the elevator when a warm liquid flew all over me and Aria as someone let out their last scream. The air was instantly filled with blood and Aria clung to me tight. "Jason, run!" she yelled. I quickly turned around and started running as whatever killed the last person clung onto my ancle. If I wasn't running I'd be dead. I fealt the skin on my ancle get completely ripped off. I yelled out in pain as I flinched forward, still atempting at running, feeling whatever that was get closer and closer to me despite my best efforts. "Aria go!" I yelled as I threw her as far forward as I could, knowing my bad condition wasn't at all a good vestle for her safety, "I'll be fine!" Even though at that moment in time I was convinced what I had just said was a lie I continued running as Aria got up and sprinted down the hall.

Luckaly she was running almost twice as fast as me. I refused to look back for the sake that I might be able to get out alive. Then something from in front of me stabbed clean through my chest as I spit blood and hung from the air. I looked right in front of me and didn't see a thing but the blood dripping from my mouth. What I didn't understand is I didn't feal the slightest differ from breathing as this, what fealt like rusty, blade was struck into my cest. I breathed in when the blade felt as if it whent into my body and as I dropped to the floor and my left shoulder and the center of my back erupted in an almost explosion of flesh and blood. My entire body flattened on the floor as the gun on my hands fired off blowing my right ear off as I reached my limit of enduring pain. I was bleeding from four gaping holes in my body as I stuggled to even move my arm. Tears of blood began to run from my eyes as I brought myself to my elbows. Rings of skin wrapped around my wrists and struggled to lift my feet then ropped back down to the floor. I limped as fast as I could forward as the creature blew out my right knee, causing me to hit thr ground again, all of my body weight slammed onto my jaw, making some of my teeth to fly out. "Damn it!" someone yelled as a spotlight shined down the hall and sand fell onto my back. I looked up and saw the necrokinetic from yesterday, holding her arm with bone visable. She leaned against the side of the hall as staff ran to her and I, lifting us over their backs. They ran us quickly to the elevator and left us sitting in front with plenty of other inmates there and several emergency-grade spotlights shining over us. I looked at her, loosing more liquid from my body that a hose could expell in a minute. Staff was sitting next to me as they wrapped several layers of gause and bandages on the wounds in best atempts to stop the bleeding. "Why did you help me..?" I asked her. She looked deep into my eyes, as if she had done it before, as if I were someone specail. She then looked down, "You weren't scared," she said simply, "You werent afraid of me."

"What..?" I asked. It then came to me. "Oh. During your punishment."

She nodded. "You out of everyone didn't cower in fear."

After that I passed out. I've been in the infermary, they just recovered the supplies from the previous floor and let me write in it today. Sense it wasn't that facinating I won't record yesterday and won't start writing again until I'm out. Goodnight.

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