Tempest [Treasure Island]


New Member
Name: Tempest

Type: God-Blooded

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 185 lbs

Dodge MDV: 6

Parry MDV: 2

Dodge DV: 4

Parry DV: 6

Natural Soak: 2L/4B

Armored Soak: 5L/5B


Straight Sword: Speed 4, Accuracy 12, Damage +7L, Defense +1, Rate 2, Tags -.

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 4B, Defense +2, Rate 3, Tags N.

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage 7B, Defense +0, Rate 2, Tags N.

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 5, Damage 4B, Defense -, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P.



STR â—â—â—â—

DEX â—â—â—

STA â—â—â—â—

CHA â—â—

MAN â—â—â—

APP â—â—â—

PER â—â—

INT â—â—

WIT â—â—â—





Martial Arts â—â—

Melee â—â—â—â—(â—â—â— Straight Sword)


War â—


Integrity â—â—â—



Resistance â—â—â—

Survival â—



Investigation â—

Lore â—




Athletics â—â—

Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—





Linguistics â—â—(Native - Riverspeak, Low-Realm, Sea-Tongue)


*Sail â—â—â—â—




Inheritance â—â—(2 dots free)

Contacts â—â—â—

Resources â—â—â—



Third Sail Excellency



Dark Secret 3 pts



Supernatural Fortitude



Essence: â—

Peripheral: 27

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—



Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Valor â—â—



Her friends(Positive)

Abusive People(Negative)



-0 []

-1 [][]

-2 [][][][][]

-4 []

I []



Straight Sword


Chain Shirt

21 BP + 12 BP + 3BP = 36(36)


Raise Conviction to 3(5)

Raise Sail to 4(1)

Raise Melee to 4(2)

3 Melee Speciality: Straight Sword(3)

Raise Integrity to 3(4)

Raise STR to 4(4)

Raise STA to 4(4)

Third Sail Excellency(7)

Supernatural Fortitude(6)

Theme song!


Tempest was born Aurora Renais. Her mother is Alona Renais, an ex-mercenary who'd taken a position in Great Forks as a drill master. While taking new recruits out on manuevers along the Rolling River, she encountered the handsome and charming god of the river, Deep Black Ekesh. The god and the mercenary found each other quite alluring, and after a night spent together in Alona's camp, Aurora was concieved. While the couple never became anything more than close friends, neither really regret the night they spent together on the banks of the river. Ekesh was always friendly towards Aurora, but never really played a large role in her life.

When Aurora was still very young, a retired Dynast acting on behalf of House Peleps convinced Alona to join the Imperial Navy. He was impressed with the mortal's talent as an officer and drill-master, and thought she was exactly the sort of soldier the Realm needed. The coffers of the realm were much deeper than those of Great Forks, and Alona's mercenary instincts wouldn't let her pass up the opportunity. So, she accepted the offer and set out to make a new life for herself and her daughter in the Realm, bidding Ekesh a fond farewell.

She raised Aurora with a stern, but fair hand. She taught her the trade of war and combat as best she could, and used her positions to set her up as lieutenant in the Imperial Navy. Unfortunately, she was assigned to the command of a particularly arrogant and pig-headed Dynast, Admiral Hayate Peleps.

As loyal as she was, and still is, Tempest hates to see her loyalty taken for granted and abused. Everything she did for the good of the fleet, Hayate managed to take credit for himself. Afterall, she was only a god-blood and he was one of the "Princes of Creation", who were the higher-ups going to believe if she tries to call him out on it. Her only reward for all her hard work(and her punishment for not knowing her place) was additional, demeaning work such as swabbing the deck and cleaning(and cooking in) the ship's galley. Adding to her anger was the fact that apparently everyone else was okay with this. It was only a slow burn in contrast to her growing resentment of Hayate, but it served to compound her anger.

Eventually, she took drastic action. One night, while the ship was moored off the coast of a small far-western island far from the Realm's powerful influence, she crept out in a lifeboat and made contact with Blade of Wide Stones, the god of the reef which surrounded the island. She asked him to help her to escape and get her revenge on Admiral Hayate by creating a trap from the sharp rocks of the reef to cause the ship to run aground when they set sail in the morning and leave them unable to follow her. He agreed, but only on the condition that she throw every piece of iron on the ship overboard first. Surprised at this, she asked him why. He said that the local water courts had been having problems with the Fair Folk, and that he would use the iron to arm his subjects against them. She thought this strange, but agreed. He told her to intentionally fall overboard when the ship struck the rocks and he would take her to shore. She would surely be thought dead and Admiral Hayate would suffer the embarassment of grounding his ship in what were known to be safe, well-charted waters.

She finished the task of throwing all the iron overboard only an hour before dawn, and just for good measure, stole a fat sack of jade from the ship's petty cash. She then returned to her bunk just before she was missed. Sure enough, shortly after setting sail the ship struck the reef and she took her cue to take a fall. As promised, Blade of Wide Stones was there to catch her and ferry her to shore. She'd been completely forgotten about in the confusion, and she smiled as she looked back at the ship and heard Admiral Hayate cursing. But then, strange humanoid creatures began to scale the sides of the ship. Fair folk! The crew was thrown from confusion into terror as the Fair Folk attacked them. Before she could say anything, Blade told her to be silent or he would drown her. He had made this deal with the Fair Folk to save the people of the island, and he would not have the deal endangered. He told her to be thankful that he'd managed to spare her, and to just walk away from the whole thing once she reached the shore. As she watched the Fair Folk attack the men she'd so virulently hated only hours ago, she felt conflicted in her heart... guilty, even. She had betrayed them, and had suffered a betray of another sort. She never wanted _this_... but all she could manage to make herself do was watch the fighting as Blade carried her to shore.

Although the ship's crew eventually beat back the Fair Folk, they suffered heavy losses. In the confusion, she was presumed dead or lost. While she didn't really like any of them, and she hated Admiral Hayate(Who obviously survived), she doesn't believe they deserved such a horrible fate. She feels quite guilty about it, and she's that much more loyal to her current friends for it. She knows that even a small betrayal can become something far worse.

Since then, Aurora has been hiding from her old life under the assumed name of Tempest. Her mother is greatly upset at her daughter's "death", and resents Admiral Hayate for it. Tempest dearly wants to see her mother again, but has no idea how to do so without bringing the fury of an Imperial Courtmarshal down upon herself. She would like to meet her father again as well, but less because she misses him and more because she never really had the chance to get to know him in the first place. She's made her living rather well on the money she stole, and by hiring herself out as a freelance sailor here and there. However, she feels a need deep within her that isn't satisfied simply by surviving. If her life, her mother's hard work, and the death of her crewmates is going to mean anything, she's going to have to do something that no one could look upon with scorn. She has to make her own place in history... but what that's going to be, exactly... she isn't sure. Not yet.

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