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Multiple Settings [TEMP CLOSED] 1x1 creative partner search


New Member
Hello Everyone!

With the holidays coming up and with time to finally get back into leisure writing, I'm now looking for a dedicated writing partner or two!

A little about me: I’m in my mid 20s and I’ve been role-playing/writing on and off for over 10 years. My writing styles have been all over the place over the decade I’ve been doing this but I have really grown into a third-person semi-literate writer. Please do not reach out if you are used to/are only able to do one-liners. I need at least two good paragraphs to be motivated enough to respond. For samples of my writing, please see below. My mains are typically male characters and I am looking for a partner who will main a female character. I love incorporating side characters (and will not mind doubling with the right story/plotline) and these characters will range in gender identity/sexual orientations. If you are not interested in any romance elements, then we will not work. I am a sucker for romance between our mains and even the side characters! I always prefer OC and OC worlds (and these worlds can range from supernatural, modernized/original mythology, fantasy, and slice of life to name a few) and as such, will not do any fandom related work.

What can you expect from me: I can be extremely responsive! In the past, I have been able to average 4 really fleshed out replies a day. However, you can always expect at least one reply a day. When my schedule becomes too busy (currently in graduate school) or if I’m struggling to find muse to reply (academic writing is draining), I will always communicate with you and let you know. I usually become incredibly invested in the world and characters we build together, and if it’s something you are also interested in, I love to engage in OOC chatter! Often, I use Discord for this as well as for the role-playing/writing we do, but if you’re more comfortable doing that here or on google docs, let me know!

Who knew that in death, in his non-living state, he would have experienced more of life than while he was alive? Maddox came to know fear, love, and pain so deeply, so intimately, that as a human he knew he would have never even scratched the surface of them. The fear was all but gone, but the love and pain that plagued him even as he attempted to experience what his new non-life had to offer him, was always at the forefront of his mind.

It had taken years to finally give into them and break his promise of never returning to the states. The temptation to see her again, to open a wound that never fully healed, grew to suffocate him even when his body no longer asked for air. There was nothing else he could do to subdue it, no matter the countless of women he spent his time with or the amount of blood he intoxicated himself with, she remained deeply embedded in his heart. Her image haunted him but also comforted him in the nights that he felt the utterly alone.

But she threw you away, the thought would echo in his head whenever he thought of her of returning to her. She only made you to entertain her before she chose another. Someone worthy of her. Yet, as he stood in front of his high-rise window, watching the night come to life, he had hoped they'd all been lies she fabricated to push him away, drive him to a place where they wouldn’t be able to find and kill him after they found out what she had done. But that had been over 65 years ago. Surely, things were different now. If not, at least he would afford himself to see her once more before he was finally taken from this world.

Maddox wasn’t sure how long he had been readjusting his burgundy suit jacket. A purposeful choice for an black even at the art gala tonight. All he did was hid from others the last time he was here, but now wanted to garner the attention - their attention. He had been fixing loose strands of his black hair back into place when the alarm on his phone finally rang. It was time to head out and, if his informant was correct, it would be soon before he could see her again.

Without wasting another second, he grabbed the invitation and left.

The event hall the art gala was hosted in, much to his surprise, was filled with humans. The scents of their blood all mixed in the air and on another other given night, would have thrilled him, but tonight it made him grow nauseous. What if his informant had be wrong? Or, worse, tossed Maddox a lie so that the enormous amount of money that had been proposed was no longer an abstract proposition? In the end, the vampire realized, it did not matter.

With a glass of champagne that he would occasionally bring to his lips but never actually drank from, he began to make his way through the throngs of people. Never once missing the curious glances that were thrown his way or the whispers that always reached his ears. Who is he? I haven’t seen him before. A bit of a statement piece, must be full of himself. You do have to admit, he may look better without it. When he was just about sure he had scoured every inch of the gala, he stopped in front of one art piece that caught his attention.

It was a monster of piece. Took up the entirety of one of the walls while others shared the space with three to five other pieces. Even so, there was something oddly comforting about the black, greys, and whites that were strung together. As he let his eyes take in every aspect of it, it seemed more and more to him that the colors were fighting with one another across the canvas. Far too often the black overpowered the others, where at times it was the grey, and in very few instances the white. It was all too beautiful. If nothing else, he could always take this home.

Even in the dark, distracted by her lips, Gavin knew the number of steps it would take before they reached his bed. Some would expect nothing less from him, in fact, and he would wager every single diamond that adorned his coat, that they assumed this to be the only route he would ever know. After all, Octavia was not the first he led through it.

One, two, three. Fingers worked on the clasps of his coat.

A curse, she’d breathed into him because of them hands forcing it open. A laugh, his response before he tossed it along with the tunic underneath.

Four, five, six. Teeth came gently down on her lip.

A distraction, enough to pull her away from the buttons on his trousers. A push, meant to start them in the direction of an edge he was driven to take her towards.

Seven, eight, nine. Skin remained aflame with each tossing of clothing.

A mystery, even with the coolness of his room. A revelation, they desired each other just enough to keep it at bay.

Ten. The final count he needed to break away.

Not even the shadows dampened the vibrancy of the green in her eyes. How little, the moonlight that crept into his room, shone in comparison to the sight he wanted to capture before him. No, Octavia was not the first, but he was beginning to yearn for the possibility, that she would be the last.

“I cannot be with you tonight,” she stiffened at the start, but he remained steadfast and continued, “Not as we are. Not as the Octavia who seeks the affections of another man. Not as Octavia, the next powerful mage of this kingdom, of this world. Just Octavia. A woman who would accept the attention of the man before her. Not as the philandering Gavin whom all say would sleep with the entirety of a kingdom’s women and remain unsatisfied. Not as prince Gavin, the kingdom’s drunkard. Just Gavin. A man who desires for nothing more but to give his attention to the woman before him. May we be like that, if only for tonight?”

What I ask from you: As I mentioned before, be able to write at least two well-constructed and detailed paragraphs to help move the story along. This means, that if you reach out, please provide a writing sample. I really want us to know before we discuss any further if our writing styles are compatible. That being said, I would like to have some consistent response times (with exceptions, of course). Either a reply a day or every other day. Brainstorm with me! I would prefer that you and I have an exchange of ideas to establish a strong foundation of the world our characters will be diving into. Let's keep the ideas flowing as we write as well. Communicate with me (and this can be about anything)! If you don't like how something is going or if you're not feeling the story anymore, then tell me! I am okay with ending it, restarting with a different idea, or even changing/revamping what we have done thus far. I will always be open to working things out with you! Lastly, and most importantly, you must be18+.

My current craving is still very general and welcome to change! Please feel free to reach out with questions or even ideas if you have any in mind after reading. The idea I have in mind is still very abstract. What I have so far are female character (your character, henceforth referred to as FC) and male character (my character, henceforth referred to as MC) are witches/warlocks/mages/any sort of magical being within the same coven. This is where I would need help with the world-building (includes the time period) and lore of the magic, but there’s some sort of disease that’s been running rampant among the other covens. The disease causes the magic user to become incredibly dangerous and often drives them to kill those around them. The FC and MC would then need to be able to help find a cure for this.

If you’re interested, please send me a message! I'm also open to hearing any ideas you might have - I'm really itching to be writing again. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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