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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy (CLOSED!!) ᴍᴀʀᴋ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴍ - ᴀ ʜɪɢʜ ꜰᴀɴᴛᴀꜱʏ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ! {ADV/LIT}


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check


'Mark of the Sanctum: Temp'


"Standing tall for the fight, we, the Marked shall unite..."


So here is a Temp OoC to drop off WIP appies and completed CSes/ do Q&A, and just chat along while we see who's coming along with us here on the journey!!
∘ | Please do not post anything in other threads, only here k?
∘ | We will try to work together to get your concept to fit but pls bear in mind that not all ideas are going to fly so please bear with us, we are still getting a feel for running the RP tysm! Just know we are open to ideas and brainstorming fo'sho!!
∘ | We are only accepting a max of 3 RPers. Maybe 4? So just know slots are limited
∘ | If you have a post sample you'd like to share, please do go ahead and link it out to us!!
∘ | Remember! Fancy assed code more fancy than mine needs to have a Plain Text Version too cuz my phone hates your coding lol
∘ | The real OoC will be opened later on RPN and in a Private Message Chat. And always let everyone know if you can't post anymore pls!
∘ | Oh and pls no drama in the OoC. Let's all try to be civil k?
K I think that's about it.
Here are the relevant links:

TYSM for reading this and tysm if you do decide to participate and can't wait to see those appies soon!!

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Hello! Awesome RP and lore page by the way 🥰
Have several questions... Thank you!
  1. So the active characters are Kaito, Allonah, Michelle, Kal, and MiMi? Are we able to see their profile? For me, I would love to see the existing characters to make sure that my future character will not overlap with anyone and can give more diversity
  2. Since you only accept 3 with max 4 players, and each can have 2 characters, does it mean we gonna add max 8 characters into the band?
  3. For the post frequency, I saw you mentioned 1 - 2 posts per week, will it be very strict? I find myself leaning more on 1 per week due to my schedule, but will post another if I can
Hello! Awesome RP and lore page by the way 🥰
Have several questions... Thank you!
  1. So the active characters are Kaito, Allonah, Michelle, Kal, and MiMi? Are we able to see their profile? For me, I would love to see the existing characters to make sure that my future character will not overlap with anyone and can give more diversity
  2. Since you only accept 3 with max 4 players, and each can have 2 characters, does it mean we gonna add max 8 characters into the band?
  3. For the post frequency, I saw you mentioned 1 - 2 posts per week, will it be very strict? I find myself leaning more on 1 per week due to my schedule, but will post another if I can

tysm for jumpin in here!!

1) We are still working on the sheets rn lol. But these are the basics for the roster:
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo 'MiMI' - Goblin - Shaman/Hunter
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo 'Arz' - Hengi - MiMI's Bodyguard
Darkbloom Darkbloom 'Kaito' - Human - "MAGIC SHOJI BOARD MASTER..."
NamelessTrax NamelessTrax 'Kal' - Orc - Wandering Healer
RoninN7 RoninN7 'Michelle' - Vampire - Runaway Blacksmith

'Allonah' - NPC Shaman (might not be with us at start?)

2) LIke gunna have to figure this out with NamelessTrax NamelessTrax to see what they comfy with but like yeah, 8 sound about right? There will undoubtedly be dropouts so better to start with a beefed up roster imo

3) I'm like more of a 1/week poster myself and i know that the others post faster than me but that's why i like a larger roster too cuz then it spaces out the post freq to a manageable level. Like with potentially 7 people in the RP a couple that will post like 2x/week can supplement for those that only post 1/week. its adv/lit so there will be a lot of reading fo'sho lol.
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tysm for jumpin in here!!

1) We are still working on the sheets rn lol. But these are the basics for the roster:
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo 'MiMI' - Goblin - Shaman/Hunter
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo 'Arz' - Hengi - MiMI's Bodyguard
Darkbloom Darkbloom 'Kaito' - Human - Sword Master
NamelessTrax NamelessTrax 'Kal' - Orc - Wandering Healer
RoninN7 RoninN7 'Michelle' - Vampire - Runaway Blacksmith

'Allonah' - NPC Shaman (might not be with us at start?)

2) LIke gunna have to figure this out with NamelessTrax NamelessTrax to see what they comfy with but like yeah, 8 sound about right? There will undoubtedly be dropouts so better to start with a beefed up roster imo

3) I'm like more of a 1/week poster myself and i know that the others post faster than me but that's why i like a larger roster too cuz then it spaces out the post freq to a manageable level. Like with potentially 7 people in the RP a couple that will post like 2x/week can supplement for those that only post 1/week. its adv/lit so there will be a lot of reading fo'sho lol.

Kaito isn't a sword master, he's a magic shogi board master. 😁
I guess at the moment I'm wondering about the scorned/detested ethnicity thing on the lore page. Is this like, kind of mostly a flavor thing? or is it more of a full on mechanic? Would characters of those races be at an explicit advantage trying to navigate certain social situations and is that actually a big part of the rp?
I guess at the moment I'm wondering about the scorned/detested ethnicity thing on the lore page. Is this like, kind of mostly a flavor thing? or is it more of a full on mechanic? Would characters of those races be at an explicit advantage trying to navigate certain social situations and is that actually a big part of the rp?
idk what you mean by mechanic but like yeah its not gunna be like a video game that gives you +09% to Socialization or whatever lol. Its just that in certain situations some cultures are gunna treat others worse cuz they think they are bad/monstrous people or even just worthless people.

Like not every person turns up their nose at Goblins but the general sentiment is that they are like rodent pests. Its bigotry really. There is some truth to it cuz they can breed like crazy and they are small people, but its taken to such an unempathetic, arrogant and negative extreme and a lot of people cant help but paint another culture like that.

Like i dont think it will be a major sticking point and in your face about it but just know that the bias is there. blah blah blah lol but like does that help at all?
I think so yeah, so you wouldn't necessarily discourage new players from picking those races as long as they have that expectation?
I think so yeah, so you wouldn't necessarily discourage new players from picking those races as long as they have that expectation?
yeah fo'sho! like you said its flavour and a bit of suspension of disbelief; this is epic fantasy not like a utopia.

just know that its there and dont make it a real world issue. Like my charrie MiMI is a Goblin. And a Princess. Soooooo like yeah she is a bit of an entitled bitch but its cuz she's been kinda spoiled all her life as heiress. She not like that cuz she feels oppressed by an overarching cabal of elites that seek to keep the downtrodden Goblin constantly downtrodden and obedient and so she feels the need to push back in society. Nope. She has other ideals to uplift her people; how to keep them fed and not preyed upon by orcs lol.

Sooooo like curious... what's your concept so far?
I'm really leaning towards some kind of summoner, maybe a demonologist of some kind. I'm sort of picturing a renegade researcher kind of person, who got ejected from academia for breaking some taboo or other and went off to live the mad scientist/ hermit lifestyle.

Not really an evil person but like, asocial, prickly and pragmatic. Initially mostly tagging along to study what's going on as opposed to being altruistic. But they'll probably soften up over time as the do gooders in the party start to rub off on them.
Double checking for bestial, so they will not able to do magic at all ya? Even the slightest?
Double checking for bestial, so they will not able to do magic at all ya? Even the slightest?
No they just have a low handle on mana compared to others.

LIke he's Hengi but take a look at Aura sheet. He is low mana and prolly like max caster right there for Fire. MiMi should be a stronger caster but she dint really train to be a stronger shaman since her moms was a bigger influence. But she still has a greater store of Mana and so like she stronger with her 'Grasp' of energies/Mana from the Leylines and thus can cast from 2 facets of from the Inner Sphere. No matter how hard Aura tries he will never cast from 2 Elemental facets.
Thank you again!
Another question, will this image fit for fox bestial or still need more animal features? (she also has tail behind)

Jumping in from the Interest Check. I’ve read through the Lore page and the IC recap and now I think I have a character in mind. Basically he’s an Elf, one that is very young compared to how long they could live. He was a part of a sect of Elves who stayed away from civilization, instead living in monasteries where they would practice their magic craft and control of their souls in peace. My character would grow up in said monastery until his magic manifested in the form of summoning. His ability to summon monsters from another world would lead to conflict with the other members of the monastery. Eventually my character would have enough and leave the monastery, traveling Archaia in search of a new home.

Let me know if that makes sense with the lore and history of the world. I really like this setting and would love to participate in this RP.
Thank you again!
Another question, will this image fit for fox bestial or still need more animal features? (she also has tail behind)

looks good to me! and like if you want you can add more details via text on their sheet

Jumping in from the Interest Check. I’ve read through the Lore page and the IC recap and now I think I have a character in mind. Basically he’s an Elf, one that is very young compared to how long they could live. He was a part of a sect of Elves who stayed away from civilization, instead living in monasteries where they would practice their magic craft and control of their souls in peace. My character would grow up in said monastery until his magic manifested in the form of summoning. His ability to summon monsters from another world would lead to conflict with the other members of the monastery. Eventually my character would have enough and leave the monastery, traveling Archaia in search of a new home.

Let me know if that makes sense with the lore and history of the world. I really like this setting and would love to participate in this RP.
sounds good so far!
Oh another one, what about the role in CS? Do we just pick our own or there are specific we can choose?
Oh another one, what about the role in CS? Do we just pick our own or there are specific we can choose?
Yeah just make one up that's fitting. Like my girlie MiMi is plays role of a 'Seeker' cuz like she opposite of a 'hider' lol. And Arz is a 'Sentry' cuz he like a watchdog but a giant cat watchdog lol. i know video games use like 'striker' 'healer' and stuffs and that's all good too.
I took the liberty of trimming Darkbloom Darkbloom 's wip CS into an empty template cause the one at the top of the CS thread is sort of fiddly to cut out from the rest of the post. Hope that's okay with everyone

[B][I][U]Name / 'Role'[/U][/I][/B]

[I][U][I]'Titles' and 'Nicknames'[/I][/U][/I]

[B]Sex | Age | Ht | Wt | Hair | Eyes |Skin | Body Type
Ethnicity | Mana Sphere | Occupation | Homeland | Faction[/B]


[I][B][U]Your Mark[/U][/B][/I]

What does it look like? Where is it located on your body? When do you 'feel' it the most, what emotion do you experience?

[I]🔹 🔹 🔹

[B][U]Talents and Techniques[/U][/B][/I]

What kind of magic do you have and what can you do with it? What special abilitities do you possess?


What skills do you possess and how are they used?


What are they like? Include both positive and negative traits pls!


What even is your life? Tell us about your homeland here too please!
k edited in the Coded version. If you like the format you can just copy/pasta that for use. Its hiding in the Template tab of the CS page
So, not really sure if I totally got a handle on lore and stuff, especially vis a vis the demons and so on, so obviously that stuff can all be tweaked as needed.

Also the art is pretty rough, I normally do my stuff digitally but I am in the middle of months long, customer support saga over my broken laptop, so you guys get the ultra rare- limited edition shitty pen and paper version of Seneca and her mark.


Seneca Mistingdale / The Scholar

"Associate Professor of Demonology (Former)", "The mad hermit of Silverwind Peak", "Demonbinder" , "Witchtongue" , "That crazy bitch who burned down half of the campus summoning an infernal behemoth"

Sex: Female | Age: 87 | Ht: tall, even for an elf | Wt: scrawny | Hair: black | Eyes: one is brown, one is neon green, apparently due to the influence of her mark |Skin: Extremely pale | Body Type: Beanpole
Ethnicity: Elf | Mana Sphere: Outer | Occupation: Hermit Researcher | Homeland: The City of Aetheria | Faction: The Arcane Council (former)

Your Mark

Seneca's mark covers the right side of her face, from her temple down to her cheek bone, with the central, inner pattern manifesting over the surface of her eye. The coloration is bright, neon green. Seneca feels the mark the most when she is engaged in focused, manic intellectual work, especially arcane research. Seneca usually keeps her mark covered with her hair.

🔹 🔹 🔹

Talents and Techniques

Seneca is proficient in both summoning and warding, although the latter is primarily a supplement to ensure her summoning goes smoothly. She can forge binding contracts with demons, extracting service from them in exchange for payment in the form of mana and she can banish or confine lesser demons who are hostile.

Seneca carries a large, leather bound tome which records the roster of demons she has standing contracts with. Seneca can summon and dismiss these demons at will albeit at the cost of her mana. Any other demon Seneca might want to work with will require negotiating a new contract, which can be an involved and costly process and can be outright impossible if the demon in question is unwilling. Seneca can communicate telepathically with her bound demons to issue orders or receive information.

Seneca can reliably maintain two of her normal summons at once for a period of perhaps a few hours and can manage to maintain three for a short period of a few minutes. Seneca can maintain one summon for an extended period of several hours if necessary, though it would not be a pleasant experience.


The Wretched Tribe: A pack of five, winged imps. They are pathetically weak and small, so much so that they had to forge a contract collectively instead of as individuals, but they are capable of concealing their presence with magic and so are excellent scouts and spies. In combat they can serve as distractions by throwing small stones and shouting jeering insults but they are too cowardly to directly attack.

The Questing Rook: A misshapen: vulture-like demon with; powerful, grasping feet and a sword-like beak full of sharp teeth. The Questing Rook is large and powerful enough to fly while carrying up to two people and it can emit a forceful spray of venomous, acidic bile from its maw. One of its favourite strategies is to blind a foe with its bile, seize them with its claws and drop them from a lethal height.

The Harvest Maiden: A loomingly tall, slender demon of feminine appearance with four arms. Clad in a bone mask, a red robe and armed with four, razor sharp sickles, the harvest maiden is a swift and powerful melee combatant. Able to scythe through lesser foes like wheat before the scythe the harvest maiden can also unleash a wailing scream with a brief, paralytic effect. More powerful foes can resist this effect and it becomes markedly less effective if used in succession.

The Shattered Tyrant: Seneca's most powerful summon, so much so that she can only manifest a fragment of its full might and even that is an exhaustive ordeal. The tyrant manifests as a gigantic arm and hand reaching up from a tear in reality, with eyes at the tips of each finger. Besides crushing opponents with its sheer bulk and strength, the tyrant can fire sustained beams of concentrated, fel energy from each of its five eyes.

Seneca's contract with the tyrant only allows her to summon it once per lunar phase and due to its arrogance it demands all other summons be dismissed before it takes the field. At present Seneca would be unable to do anything else at the same time anyway due to the demands on her concentration and mana.



Arcane Knowledge:
Fully trained by the foremost magical authority in the land, Seneca has extensive knowledge of arcane matters, her expertise is demonology, but she has a purely theoretical understanding of most commonly known branches of magic as well from interacting with her peers and keeping abreast of their research.

Dedicated Researcher: Seneca is highly proficient at combing through vast quantities of information. She is able to quickly sort through and analyse data to zero in on the most relevant and useful points.

Canny Negotiator: Anyone who regularly has to bargain with demons is obliged to quickly master the art of the deal or they are likely to lose their soul. That merchant wont know what hit him.

Esoteric Polyglot: Seneca has learned several ancient or obscure languages in order to study certain texts, including the infernal language of demons. None of these languages are in common use in the present day so they won't be of use in communicating with actual people, but that is of little interest to Seneca anyway.



+Driven, focused, relentless.
+Pragmatic, practical, straightforward
+intellectual, curious, astute
+meticulous, organised, prepared

-blunt, asocial, caustic
-obsessive, self neglectful, sometimes manic
-petty, vindictive, argumentative
-repressed, un-empathetic, cold



Seneca was born to elven migrants to the vast city of Aetheria. Studious, curious and logical from an early age, Seneca seemed destined for a career in academia, sometimes to the bemusement of her parents. Perhaps this pursuit was partially driven by the strange birthmark Seneca saw everyday in the mirror and the odd sensations that sometimes seemed to emanate from it. That very same, highly distinctive marking set Seneca apart from her peers, who regarded her with a combination of unease and ridicule but Seneca taught herself not to be bothered by such trifles, she grew into a focused, slightly cold child uninterested in childish pursuits and opinions.

Seneca's talent for magic manifested early and she demanded proper tutelage in the arcane arts younger than was the norm. Natural talent and an obsessive, meticulous hunger for new knowledge propelled Seneca through her studies at a rapid pace and assured her entry into the hallowed institutions of the Arcane council, first as a student and then as a researcher and finally a professor. Impressive as it was, Seneca's rapid rise through academia left enemies in her wake, jealous and frustrated peers who were further disgruntled by Seneca's generally cold and dismissive attitude towards, well, everyone.

As Seneca burned more bridges and alienated more people they began to conspire against her, restricting her funding and access to important resources and rare texts. It didn't help that, at the same time this was occurring Seneca's research was moving beyond the realm of conventional demonology into more radical, untested ground. Over years Seneca became an increasingly marginalised figure within the council, her reputation transitioning from child prodigy, to eccentric genius, to plain old eccentric.

Seneca didn't care one whit for the opinions of her intellectual lessers, but as they interfered with her funding and access her ability to actually do the research she was passionate about become more and more impeded, infuriating her. Eventually Seneca snapped and resolved to prove the validity of her research and her genius with a live demonstration of a bold new summoning method.

Now because no one would willingly come and observe her demonstration Seneca obviously had to take the initiative and perform it impromptu at college wide assembly of the students and faculty and of course because the ritual invoked a greater infernal there was a certain amount of brimstone, fire and structural damage to the university grounds. Really though the whole thing was blown out of proportion by her detractors who, if they had been paying attention instead of screaming, would have noticed how mana efficient and stable the summoning was!

Alas, genius is never appreciated in its time and Seneca was unceremoniously stripped of her position and title and ejected from the Arcane council. Vowing vengeance and vindication, Seneca disappeared into the Mistveil mountains in search of the solitude that would finally allow her to focus on her research. Eventually Seneca found a suitable location near the peak of Silverwind mountain, setting up a crude laboratory in a convenient cave system. For decades Seneca essentially lived as a hermit, descending only sporadically to the villages at the base of the mountain to trade her arcane services for supplies and equipment. The villagers quickly came to think of her as some kind of mad witch, but unlike her colleagues these yokels had absolutely no ability to interfere in her work and so she happily disregarded them.

For decades Seneca happily, patiently expanded her understanding of magical theory and demonology, charting countless breakthroughs and discoveries that no one else witnessed. Eventually Seneca turned her attention back to the mystery that had started it all for her, the strange mark on her face. Frustratingly, maddeningly even, the mark resisted all attempts by Seneca to unravel its properties. No matter what experiments she performed, no matter what obscure texts she consulted, the mark remained an enigma. For the first time Seneca was stumped.

It was around that time that Seneca began experiencing unusual visions of a stone woman, instructing her to seek out a shaman. It was the kind of thing Seneca might have chalked up as a sleep deprived hallucination but it was also the only clue Seneca had obtained after months of fruitless study. Frustrated but determined, Seneca packed up her modest belongings and descended once more into the wider world in search of answers.
AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy wow i like your charrie! and don't worry about the art. i'm a stick figure expert so you are talented lightyears beyond me lol. Just no real life FC and we gold i'd say.

But k. Seneca is like really, really, really nicely fleshed out. I think she all goods but like need input from NamelessTrax NamelessTrax cuz like boss is like boss n i'm just a minion. like a hot, sexy swimsuit model with a face that launches ships kinda minion but still yeah just a minion lol

like in terms of if Seneca fits power level wise, they'd have to say cuz they the one running the IC and i just know what i dont like not necessarily what's good for RPing. Sooooo like just needs NamelessTrax NamelessTrax to get final sigh off and confirmation k?

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