Telltale's The Walking Dead


One Thousand Club
Ok, so I just played through the second episode of Telltale's The Walking Dead, and as much as I love the show the game just blows it put of the park. So, I had an idea for a roleplay. How about a Walking Dead roleplay with realistic dialogue, good stories with an antagonist, and any of the characters can die at a moments notice? No getting split up either, because that is always what I hate most about roleplays. All of the characters must stay in the group. Also, only one character at a time, because you need to treat it like it's your actual life.

Of course, since this is based on the game, no Atlanta. And eventually, someone is going to run you out of your little hidey hole, ok? It is advised to always stay on the move in this roleplay. So then, I just need to get a good amount of people to say they'll join and I can get it started!
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Also new, was going to join a rp but apparently all the roles have been filled up. I like telltale's walking dead as well, I'm interested.

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