Tell me how you like it. (Metal Arms Plot, After the first game)


New Member
Metal Arms is set on a fictional planet known as Iron Star, which was built by an ancient race, known as the Morbots, out of scrap metal and space junk. The Morbots are rumored to inhabit Iron Star's core to the present day, where none of the surface dwellers dare venture, for fear of deactivation and destruction. As the life of Droids evolved, a renowned scientist known as Dr. Exavolt began experimenting with Droid

technology, attempting to evolve Droid technology far beyond its current limits. One of his experiments ended in disaster, and inadvertently resulted in the tyrannical military mastermind known as General Corrosive. Corrosive began manufacturing a race of soldiers known as Milbots, or Mils for short, and enslaved the entire Droid race of Iron Star. Droids who rebelled against Corrosive were deactivated and recycled. Colonel Alloy, a former architect, established a hidden Droid settlement known as Droid Town, where he and the Droid Rebellion make their final stand against the Mils.


The story begins with Glitch, the protagonist, being found deactivated in a ruined city by Droid rebels. He is reactivated in Droid Town, the last stronghold for the rebellion, where it is discovered that Glitch's memory has been erased. As soon as he is brought up to date on the rebellion, Droid Town is attacked by Milbots who have stumbled across the town; Glitch aids in the defense of the city, then pursues one Mil that had gotten away, so he couldn't report the location of Droid Town to General Corrosive.

When Glitch returns to Droid Town, he is told that a chip exists in Mil City that would allow the rebellion to shut down the Mils permanently. Glitch sneaks into Mil City and steals the chip, then delivers it to the rebels. He then returns to the city, because he learned that Dr. Exavolt is alive and being held prisoner in Mil City. Glitch finds Exavolt and brings him back to Droid Town. Once there, Exavolt calls the Mils, revealing that he is in control of the Mils and that he is the one seeking to enslave droidkind. Glitch helps in the evacuation of Droid Town, but is captured himself and sent to the Mil Colosseum. He escapes from the Colosseum by faking his own destruction.

Glitch reestablishes contact with the rebellion. While mostly everyone is safely in hiding, one of Glitch's friends, Zobby, was taken by Exavolt. Glitch finds Exavolt on a space shuttle ready to take off. Glitch attaches himself to the outside of the shuttle as it takes off. Finally, the shuttle docks with a space station in orbit over Iron Star.

As Glitch searches for Zobby, he also takes control of General Corrosive, who is also on the space station, and initiates the permanent shutdown of the Mils. Seeing that the station is lost, Exavolt begins a self-destruct countdown in the station. Glitch and Zobby escape in an escape pod and land back on Iron Star. Once back on the surface, Glitch is challenged one last time by General Corrosive, and Glitch defeats him. Glitch is received as a hero for destroying the Mils, while Exavolt, watching from his shuttle in orbit, vows revenge.

Years later, when all is seemed to be well, a team of miners has been going through city through city, hoping that they could find another 'Glitch-classed miner', seeing that the robot was very useful during the time they found him. Infact, some didnt even look like glitch. They looked in a destroyed building, half of it already gone. The first one they found was a Glitch-Classed Miner, it was partly destroyed, but it was fine. The robots take the others they found to krunk, and the scene plays out.

"Is he ready?" Colonel Alloy said to Krunk, looking at the robot. "Almost. This one is like glitch. A %$#*ing custom jobby. As with his *&%$ing hard wires. Nothing i cant handle like the rest, though." Krunk declared, and finished up on him. "What do you want to name him?" Colonel Alloy said, this time letting him do the work on the name. "...Tricky. Now take him up to infirmary, i want his memory restored!" Krunk yelled, Two droids taking Tricky away to another part of droid town.

"These ones dont look much like Glitch...other then Tricky.." Krunk said, putting one on the table, with his stub hands.


How do you like it?

:hello girls:


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