Other Tell me about the first OC you ever wrote about!

Elena Firebird

New Member

It's all in the title! Tell me about the first original character you ever came up with. What were they like? What did they do? What inspired you to write about them? How old were you at the time? Etc. etc.

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My first oc was the son of some mogul on earth who had a commission in the interplanetary earth forces. He was hyper intelligent yet despised by his superiors, so he was shipped off planet to keep him from ascending the ranks to quickly (all the cush jobs were on earth) since off planet colonies were still developing. I vaguely remember that he had a bodyguard who wore a mask or something and had a sword (not sure why he would have a sword). One of those too powerful/smart/whatever type characters.

I guess that's how you get started though, living out the fantasy! I think I was 18 at the time. I haven't been rping for very long.
I have two "First" OCs. The very first OC I wrote was part of the universe of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. He was a blacksmith who loved adventure, and as time went on he also got a girlfriend in a peculiar fishing girl with a strange magical ability that made everyone uncomfortable around her. Both of them are currently sort of retired at the moment, but I might bring them back one day.

The first OC I made for an original universe (I.E. one that I made myself) is a Slime Girl who had her anger and other similar emotions magically removed. They're contained in a pendant she carries with her, and the only people that know about it are the ones that put them there. She's very timid and tries to be kind, which gets her in trouble a lot in the ruthless society she lives in.
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Well let's see my first OC was Aimee LeBelle or her cousin whose name I forget but also started with an A. (edit: Adelaide ) She was a blatant self-insert and tended to live solely in X-men Verse or Harry Potter Land. She wasn't like the most atrocious representative of her type of character but she's still pretty cringe-y to look back on.

I think I mostly just made her up because I thought she sounded cool and I had a strange love of dollmakers back in the beginning.
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Oh goodness, this is a scary thought... There are a couple that I think of as super early characters, but there's one in particular that was really awful. I was maybe like twelve or something, so let that prepare you...

So, I was really into Warriors for a while during my preteen years (like building dens in the basement and pretending to be a medicine cat in my backyard) and I came up with this entirely new thing called a "messenger cat". Ever watch Touched By An Angel? That's what this cat was, only I'd never watched the show, which makes it even more cringe-y. But this cat was from one of the original Clans (before the four in the books) and died and went to StarClan. But then she kept reincarnating (as the same cat! With the same memories, which always surfaced through these cryptic dreams and visions, because that's totally normal...) to save the Clans and was always so sweet and wise, and I thought she was so mysterious... It was really bad...
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Well mine wasn't too bad...I hope. Let's see, it was around 3 years ago, so I was 14 maybe? It was for an original fantasy rp, where characters were separated into tribes holding elements all belonging to a kingdom in turmoil. The basic plot was for the tribes to work together in order to save the kingdom from falling, if I remember correctly. My character had been a wandering female wolf shifting dancer who was able to control the element of Earth with most of her skills relating to plant growth. I don't know why, but I also added she had two "sons" who were both bird shifters she picked up. I think I added them mostly for cuteness factor xD .
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My first OC was a warrior cat that was probably a special snowflake (I was like 12 and 12 year olds don't like being Mary Sues, or should I say "somethingtails"). But the first OCs I can actually recall names for were Frozenstar (leader of Riverclan) and Stoneclaw (Windclan warrior). Surprisingly enough my favorite was Stoneclaw because his lover died in a tragic flood that weakened Windclan heavily and he became a single dad of three kits (who I gave away to other roleplayers) and it turned out really fun to roleplay! I got roleplay a dad who had to raise kits through difficult times (the flood made a lot of prey/food drown and clans fight with them for Windclan territory cause they were weak) and slowly bonded/created a family with his kids. Those were the days!
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Wow! Those are all so varied! For some reason I was expecting everyone's OC to be kind of the same. Looks like I learned a new thing!
I think my first ever OC was something I made back when Stick Arena had an RP community. He was called Marsh Young, and he was supposed to be a partner of my friend's OC Grey Alwhite. While Grey Alwhite could travel from universe to universe, he couldn't travel through time. So Marsh Young, a timetraveling cowboy who could breathe fire and wielded a mithril gladius, would help him with the time travel.

However, the little community that went on was rather.... xenophobic and we just ended up playing with each other than with other players. Sad, really.

I made her when I had just got into watching anime and such. She was OP and I stopped using her years ago. She's really a cutie if you make her less OP and not such a Mary Sue.

[*]Gender: Female

[*]Height: 6'0

[*]Weight: 150lbs

[*]Species: Deathmaster

[*]Eye Color: Green

[*]Hair Color: Black

[*]Body Type: Slim

[*]Features: Horns

[*]Attire: Black robes, black clothing, dark colors

[*]Weapon(s): Scythe capable of splitting the soul
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First OC was around the age of 12-14 and I had just finished playing through Tales of Phantasia. Her name was Rin and she was 25 years old. She had waist long brown hair and was a dancer. She basically became a travel companion to the Tales of Phantasia cast and slapped many the back of a head... xD lol
My first OC was introduced by my cousin. Sheave me the skills and idea to draw. I basically drew my charter named Rico or Rioko. A rich twin tailed fox with a black beret in its fox form, sties almost everywhere and bells tied to her tails. She. Was a demon that for sure. She was suppose to be the opposite of my cousins character which in this case hers is a wolf, mine a fox, she wore red I wore blue, she was a tomboy, Rioko is girly. Rioko is a cheerful person with no struggle in life. I created her at a young age in middle school. During the beginning of an anime called Bleach. Now that I think about it. I never really gave her a background story. She was just there.
Oh lord, back in the start of rp. When i thought it was 'lame'.

I still use this char to, but the char is Axl Kerfor, a universe jumping man/woman that can only use their power randomly, and the family of it consists of trillions of cousins, a sister, Xal Kerfor, and a brother, named, K. Who awkwardly enough is the god of the multiverse. A few relevant cousins consist of G, The sexiest man on Planet Earth, Cornflower, a child sized dormouse that is most likely my cutest char, Lex Kerfor, the exact opposite of Axl, and Cell, who mysteriously cloned an entire planet, then died.
ohhhh boy. i started rping in 2006. i was 12ish at the time, so... you can probably imagine how crappy my ocs were.

the first one i ever made was a kid by the name of alister. he was 12. really badly written little waif who was sickly and had an unhealthy attachment to a stuffed animal. to be fair, i can totally go back and revamp this character but... i dunno. maybe it's best to let bygones be bygones.
a h man, back when i was a kid i used to write a lot of really awful short stories at school, so i guess my first ocs were technically whatever monstrous self inserts i came up with in childhood haha but... the first characters i can remember actually developing i think i came up with when i was eight or nine. i'd just started spending lots of (too much) time on the internet, i really liked cats, had also just discovered that halle berry catwoman film (i have no idea why i was allowed to watch that at that age christ) & i found out what catgirls were. so next time we got to write stories at school i wrote about a teenage girl (i think she was 14, which at my age back then was practically an adult) named sikumi (???) whose parents fucked off on an extended holiday & sent their kid camping in the woods... alone. like i said, i thought anyone older than like 13 was a fully capable adult human being LMAO ;; on her camping trip sikumi was pretty much accosted by a catgirl (a completely normal looking person but equipped, of course, with cat ears and a tail) who turned her also into a catgirl named nishu (idk how that worked. no idea. also no idea how i invented these names) & they went off on adventures together. it was wild. i still have the stories somewhere, printed off, decorated with cat clip art ;v;

my first actual ever roleplay oc is actually still going, though very much evolved lol.. i was 11 or 12 at the time, just discovered roleplaying, and it was also kind of the height (or maybe the tail end, depending where you were, probably) of the emo/scene fashion.. thing. so she was named katya (the cat theme is still going, apparently) and pretty much a fictional embodiment of everything i wanted to be; super skinny but still incredibly pretty, emo as
fuck, rude an sarcastic on the outside with a tragic past. she had snakebites and those stripy hair extensions and fingerless gloves and aghhh. she was a mess. over the years she's developed & changed a lot -- depending on who i wrote her with she's been a werewolf, a vampire, a vampire soldier part of this weird cult thing, a clone, a triplet, a mother...

these days she's pretty much consistently human, still just as much of a snarky asshole, but a slightly more believable one, now, with wildly different fashion sense -- though i still like to dress her like a grunge-y emo-y mess haha. she's kept some traits which make me nostalgic, developed others which make her more of a real, 3D character rather than just a projection of what i wanted to be. she's also become super gay
just like me! & turns into a mushy flustered puddle whenever a cute girl interacts w/ her ( ◡‿◡ *)

WOW what a saga!! sorry for flooding your thread omg (i'm enthusiastic about ocs lmao)
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My first was a dragon forced to be stuck in human form. I expieremented with him a lot, since he isn't technically human. He started out feral, striking out at everything and everyone who bothered him. Over time he became nicer, and even learned to speak. (Although he is a beast, he is quite intelligent.) he eventually ends up falling for a human girl, who's life he saved when she got lost in the wilderness.

I haven't used that character in a LONG time, and he was the first character i ever used for a RP. I have had many other characters in some way based off of him, but i'm not sure if I will ever bring back the original.
The only thing i can explain about how i haven't completely forgotten about my char is how hard i've tried to keep him/her alive.

Jesus christ, now that i look at it, they always end up almost knockin' on heavens door. (Hey, Hey, Hey Hey Yeah! - Ronnie Van Zant~)

But seriously, theres been way too many close calls of losing this char.
Besides the self-inserts (which is kind of a double-pun,) I think my first OC was this guy I called The Desert Merchant. He had no name, and it was on gaia before you could sell stuff on the marketplace (yes, THAT old.) So people would list stuff on forums that they wanted to trade. Yep, The Desert Merchant didn't have a lot. He rarely sold anything. But it was my first actual "character."

If I were to think in terms of actual RP? Shoot I can't remember my absolute first. But in the recent past, I remember this one guy I created for D&D 4E.

His name was Jett, a tiefling warlock who was sold into servitude to some sorceress. She had him doing all sorts of evil stuff, and they had a very very weird and creepy relationship. After she left him, he sorta wandered and occasionally had these episodes where he'd callously murder someone with eldritch energy. No one at my table liked him. I don't blame them. Oh wait, before that there was some other Tiefling warlord whose ambition was to reach the nine hells and take out his ancestors. Yeah, my characters were *terrible.* I like to think I've done a little better since then.
My first original character was named Billy. He was a ten-year-old boy. He typically wore a red baseball cap and a green jacket. He also had a red, blue and yellow backpack. I was eight years old when I made him up, and I wrote a story called The Adventures of Billy.
My very, very first OC I wrote about was in a little story I wrote (I made it into a "real book" by folding papers together) was a dog. But not just a dog. No, no. It was a superhero dog with a telephone-bone that transformed them into a superhero (I had a dog and I love Power Rangers)
Oh my gosh.. I totally thought my first OC was mildly respectable, but then I Remembered. In like, fourth grade (jk I have no idea when it was, whenever my little sister took gymnastics.. so elementary school), I was obsessed with Eragon and came up with an OC who basically just took Eragon's place, and found a green dragon instead of a blue one. She also had.. I think a cat best friend? As well as a horse? And a brother named Royal who was, in her words, a royal pain in the butt. I don't actually remember much about the actual main girl, other than "loves animals" and "is an undisclosed Young age.. Like 9". I actually wrote the beginning of the story, up to her finding the dragon egg, and remember being super proud about never using the word "said".

The first character I rped with.. unless you count basically larping as a were-lizard, or with barbie dolls who honestly had way too much drama going on, or as a warrior guinea pig, or as a pokemon in a cross-universe mystery dungeon setting with a new steam typing, or.. gosh, theres more than I can recall rn. Basically all my elementary school life was pretending to be various tragic characters irl. ANYWAYS the first text based rp I did was junior year of highschool with my OC Oz. She was a trans girl earth mage with anger management issues who was absolute shit at a) controlling her magic and b) socialising with people, as she'd spent multiple years alone in a cave. I still use her, and she's surprisingly similar to her initial state..
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OHHHH man my first OC is the basically...Well Moxi xD . He's a man who harnessed the special blood of "Natrualiam" from his ancestor and basically united all the continents of my world under one flag(And then proceeded to head to the moon for reasons unknown) He's basically the ancestor to all my current OCs(Some literally are his Grandkids/Great Grandkids.) and his world is where most of them exist. I built this character around middle school where I really wanted to travel the world and maybe rule a kingdom, so Moxi was born to travel and overthrow the oppressing rulers of the other lands to restore peace. Wow this made me realize how big I made his family tree when I finished his story....
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First OC was a chain smoking ageless 31 year old who looked 16 and was double jointed. Was a really big asshole. Was part of a Fairy Tail site. He had red hair, a polo and jeans. All he really did was fire and martial arts, and I god modded the hell out of it, almost getting banned because I was stupid back then.
Oh wow, now to see if can remember anything specific about him. he was a pyramid head without the pyramid instead he wore a rusted iron mask which was attached to a rusted iron chest plate, and he was the adopted dad of an child (i had an obsession with adoption stories). i oddly don't remember his or the child's name

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