Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Three Thousand Club
This roleplay will take place in an alternate Turtles Universe where the Triceratons have invaded the planet Earth. Their invasion has started in the city of New York where the Turtles reside. However, when the Triceratons invade, the Foot Clan is at large. The battle for New York starts with the Triceratons, and the Foot Clan engaging in a war, and the Turtles need to put a stop to it before all of New York is destroyed. What side will you choose? I'll only allow OC's for the Foot Clan, and the Triceratons, but not too many OC's until I get Karai, and Hun. I will be playing the Shredder. Also if at all possible, I want character images from the 2003 animated series.

Required Characters:





Shredder (Oroku Saki, in this universe he is a human)

Karai (In this universe she is not Shredder's adopted daughter, she is his woman)


My Characters:

The Shredder:

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A Ninja Turtles OC? I'll accept it. And I also see you chose Karai, she is accepted. You did read everything right?
She was only a minor character so they don't go into too much detail but I don't believe so the only villain I know she ever actually fought was the Dragon Lord. She was found in the sewer like the rest of the turtles but much later and in the china town district of New York she met Splinter when he was dying so he never trained her like the other turtles, she fight's with orbs mostly. It's easier if you read the entry on turtlepedia lol.
lol, I actually only know the basics about her. She may have met him but let's just say she hasn't because I'm not sure really she only talks to the other turtles, mainly Leo.
Sweet, can I get somebody to play at least one or two of the main four turtles please? I already have Leo.

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