Teen Titans, The New Generation.

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  1. Welcome to the new generation of the Teen Titans. It has been a while since we requited young fresh mutants like you! Now I hope you relies that if you do choose to except my

invitation be prepared the training and assignments will not be easy.

So please be ready and help save his planet!

Yours truly,



Aha! Welcome Follow Teen Titans Lover! I would like to inform you of the basic rules before we get to into this whole thing!

  1. Number one rule; is to Please follow the Rules of RpNation, no Rated 18A stuff, no god-modding and so on. If you really wish to do 18+ stuff please bring it else wear. No one needs to learn how to do the dance with no pants! Thanks! ?
  2. Number two rule; Please No Bi-posting. For those of you that do not know, it's 1x1 posting so wait until someone else has had a chance to post. Wait at least two hours or so, and if NO one has posted the feel free to go and post once again.
  3. Third rule; is please do not OOC (out of Character chat) In the RP thread, please ask questions here or PM the person! J
  4. Forth rule; is please keep the peace[If you have a problem do not lash out at them, either contact me and I can deal with it or talk with them in PM them.
  5. Rule number Five; is No one liner. This includes your Character, please be as detailed as you can!
  6. You can have up to 3-4 Characters, just make sure you can handle that many Characters!
  7. kLast but not least have fun, and If you have any troubles with your Charater creation or just want to say hi. Please do not be shy, PM, me and I can help you in any way I can!


Here is the Character Skeleton!


Code Name:*



Are you?: (Neutral, Evil or Good?)

Super Hero Appearance:**

Normal Appearance:**



Main Personality type:






*Code name: I found some good Code name Generators if you are stuck!

**Super and Non Super Appearances: Okay, well what I mean by this is that if say your character is like 'Megan'(From one of the Teen Titans show). Her Complexion is naturally green, so when she goes out in public and is not on a mission she has the ability to make herself have human colored skin. So it is optional to have both but I thought I'd give you the option to do so!

***Quirks/Mannerisms: For those who may not know/understand what this means, a Quirk is a type of habit that you may normal do. For example: I have a friend that when he is nervous his leg vibrates. So that would be considered a 'quirk'. Same with Mannerism, it is something you will normal do whether it be talking with your hands or eating with your month opened.


My Characters!

Name: Violet R.J

Code Name: Lady Death


Gender: Female

Are you?: Undecided.

Super Hero Appearance:


Normal Appearance:
Height: 5'5

Weight: 115 lbs

Main Personality type: Strang hearted, short tempered, goes into things without thinking about it first!

Flaws: She is very insecure about her 'regular' appearance (Meaning her superhero look), also hot headed. She is very distant with everyone she meets.

Quirks/Mannerisms: When she becomes nervous or scared she begins to bite her bottom lip.

Fears: Huge wear of oceans/lakes/pools/big bodies of water.

Bio/History: Violet grew up being different, looking different, getting bullied for the way she looked as a 'plant', green skinned with bright copper eyes. To her it seemed like the kids would purposely make it so she went home crying and after years of pain Violet soon became the bully herself. She got a watch that made her look different--look--human.. And by looking human she became the new girl in a new school and soon was known as the girl with the 'temper'. Though her appearance was different she never got powers until the 7th grade, they developed into plant controlling, plant creation and on top of that poison kisses. Any man or woman she kissed would instantly go into being paralyzed and the cure still is unknown.


Name: Crystal Frost.

Code Name: Snow

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Are you?: Good

Super Hero Appearance:

Normal Appearance:

Height: 5'7

Weight: 125 lb

Main Personality type: Kind, gentle, thinks before doing, strong hearted. Really soft spoken.

Flaws: Too much trust in people, confuses easily.

Quirks/Mannerisms: When she is confused she has a habit of moving her fingers as if she was trying to figure it out.

Fears: Dislikes bugs.

Bio/History: Crystal is now one of the teachers for the Titans, she grew up under the wing of killer frost. Learned evreything that Killer Frost knew, but instead of being evil she chose to be good and help the titans become great! Some don't trust her still but thats because they believe that she is going to backstab them. The Scary thing is about her past is that she had a brother, yet she doesn't know about him...


Name: Jace Smith

Code Name: Doctor


Gender: Male

Are you?: Evil

Super Hero Appearance: Doesn't have one.

Normal Appearance:


Height: 6'1

Weight: 156 lb

Main Personality type: Jace is cockey, he loves to feel like the higher party, if he feels threatened he feels like they are trying to 'hurt' his manhood.

Flaws: He's a power abuser, he will go and use whatever power he can get and use it till it's limits collapse. Threw his ability of controlling feelings he will go and create unending pain on you until you do as you are told.

Quirks/Mannerisms: He's a chain smoker, he will take one smoke after the other and not care. (Probably goes thru 2-3 packs a day.)

Fears: No one knows this but tight spaces freak him out and give him panic attacks.

Bio/History: Growing up in an orphanage, nothing went well. One house after the other, they kicked him out...one family after the other made him feel unloved and unwanted. Years passed, before his ability came through. It came to around his early teens(13), he got the ability of controlling Feelings, and from that moment on after finding out this ability he has used it to his advantage. From making girls fall in love with him, to making men kel over in pain crying.

Once he turned 18 and was out of the orphanage he began using his power for evil, looking for the 'family' that gave him away to make sure they suffer... He also knows that he as a twin.. a twin sister...


Accepted Characters!

  1. Lucille Kingsley

  2. Katrina Dracoanas

  3. Crystal Fain&Gem Fain

  4. Kleo Night

  5. Canes Lupa

  6. Katniss "Kat" Hart

  7. Luca Sevenson

  8. Kalious

  9. Spencer Clyde Terry

P.S I will be only allowing so many people! So please Join Now! Also! If I accept your Character I shall like it and then put your Characters name under the Accepted! :)

Forgot to mention, Yes, you can be other Superheros daughter/son. But please, not everyone be Batman's kid, it just really wouldn't be that enjoyable if everyone did that.
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Name: Lucille Kingsley

Code Name: Chameleon

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Are you?: Good

Super Hero Appearance: When 'incognito', Lucille wears a tight-fitting black suit that, if seen in the right lighting, appears to be made out of reptilian scales. The body suit has connected soles in place of shoes, as well as gloves so that her entire body is covered with the exception of her neck and head. She does not bother wearing a mask, due to her abilities. Her hair is always pulled into a high ponytail.

Normal Appearance: Lucy wears a worn out, black leather jacket over almost every outfit, no matter the occasion. Her naturally dark hair is typically down and falls right between her shoulder blades.

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 120

Main Personality type: Very opinionated and outspoken.

Flaws: She is quick to develop a hot temper, especially when she feels threatened in any way, mentally or physically.

Quirks/Mannerisms: It is a frequent habit of Lucy's to nibble or bite down on her bottom lip when she feels awkward or nervous.

Fears: tight spaces, due to her history

Bio/History: Lucille Kingsley was the name the young girl had given herself at the age of five. Lucy wasn't like other children, she was created...rather than born. In the early 1990's, the American government began a top secret program to physically create genetically enhanced mutants. The objective of the project was to combine both human and animal DNA to create a type of super solider containing the 'best of both worlds'. Project 15 was the only specimen to survive, a female with the qualities of both a human and a chameleon. The girl had the ability to completely change the color of her skin and hair whenever she chose, allowing her to blend in with surroundings. A small side effect of the biological alterations also resulted in Project 15 being able to climb walls and ceilings just like her sticky-fingered, reptile, counterpart. For the first seven years of her life, she was locked in a small, dark, room and was only allowed out for weekly medical tests. During that time, she became Lucille, or Lucy, Kingsley and began developing her hardened attitude. When she turned eight the project was shut down and during the transportation process, Lucy managed to escape. She lived on the streets for years, using her abilities to prevent petty crimes. That was how she met the Batman, who took interest in her abilities and decided to give her a small gift to help her out. That gift was her suit, it was specially designed for Lucille's body and changes color and appearance with her skin to allow her to completely disappear.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.987b35efb9ceac84467033987e6ddbe9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.987b35efb9ceac84467033987e6ddbe9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(ooh, seems interesting ^^)

Name: Katrina Dracoanas

Code Name: Dragon Girl

Age:(13+) 18

Gender: Female

Are you?: Good


Super Hero Appearance: Half dragon/human hybrid. She has the wings, tail, claws, and eyes of a dragon, and her more human-like state is an 18 year old girl with long black hair, and a rather muscular build. She wears normal clothes tailored specially by her to fit over her wings and tail.

Normal Appearance: When incognito, Katrina will wear hooded sweatshirts, blankets, or even a backpack to hide her wings. She wears baggy pants as well to hide her tail, keeping it curled around her leg. She may also put contacts in if she feels like she will be seen.

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 140lbs

Main Personality type: Brave, headstrong, and proud, as well as loyal to her friends.

Flaws: Being headstrong, Katrina likes to get into dangerous situations, sometimes with bad results.

Quirks/Mannerisms: Katrina likes to keep the peace between friends, but she does have a temper occasionally and she will occasionally snap if pushed too far.

Fears: Tight spaces, large bodies of water. She also has two weaknesses: Shiny objects, and beautiful, relaxing music. Both will make her go into a trance-like state, making her either vulnerable, or feral.

Bio/History: Katrina lived in a world known as Mythos, a world filled with wonderful creatures of all sorts. Dragons, fairies, unicorns, hybrids. During a battle within her own town, she was sent by her trusted friend into another world to protect her. Knowing little about the world she arrived in, she does her best to adjust, as well as protect it from any evil that may arise.
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Awesome ^^ Also, just to warn you, I do work overnights, so in an hour I'll be at work until tomorrow afternoon when I wake up. But I will definitely post whenever I can :) I usually am pretty active when I am on!
Name:Crystal Fain

Code Name:Sable



Are you?: Evil




Weight:120 lbs

Main Personality type:Cruel,Sadistic,Manipulative,Flirtatious

Flaws:Crystal attacks without question if she thinks your out to get her.

Quirks/Mannerisms:When she gets bored of talking to people,she tends to look off into to space,or do her nails.


Bio/History:Same as Gem's

Name:Gem Fain

Code Name:Gemini



Are you?: Good




Weight:224 lbs

Main Personality type:Gem is calm and collected.He rarely flies off the handle or gets angered easily.Gem is a bit strict when it comes to rules and/or protocol.

Flaws:He tries to see the good in all people,which could lead to them tricking him



Bio/History:Crystal was born a year after Gem,making her the youngest and spoiled child.Gem was not spoiled through out his childhood,but this did not lead to him being sour.His sister on the other hand,was spoiled to the point of always getting what she wants,even many martial arts and weapons training.One day it turned out that Gem and Crystal were born into a family with powers,from their fathers side,and magically ability,from their mother's side.After a year of getting a clear understanding of their powers and magic,Crystal killed their parents,making it appear as and accident.To this day Gem still believes that it was an accident,and that Crystal just went crazy from the trauma,and is currently trying to save her.
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Name: Kleo Night

Code Name: Zephyr

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Are you?: Evil

Super Villain Appearance: He also has white tiger ears and tail that are real.

No sword or belt and he has white hair and gold eyes.
Normal Appearance: When he goes out he wears a hat to hide is ears and he keeps his tail hidden.

This is what he actually looks like

Height: 6'0

Weight: 130

Main Personality Type: Curious, dominant, protective

Flaws: Is affected by everything that a normal cat is except water.

Quirks/Mannerisms: When he is comfortable he tends to purr and he is embarrassed by it.

Bio/History: Kleo is the dark secret that the superheroes tried to keep hidden. Their plan was to mix a heroes DNA with that of a villain's to produce the perfect hero that would have their sense of justice and the ability to think like a villain. When he was 'born' they delivered him to a nice human family that agreed to raise him to keep him hidden. Besides his heightened senses and balance they also learned that Kleo had an affinity for controlling air. When he turned 6 the heroes sent a scientist to take him back but the family refused so he killed them and tried to take him by force. That's when Kleo snapped and caused the air around the scientist to get so thin that he wasn't able to breathe. He was left alone crying until a woman with white hair and cat ears walked and picked him up saying that everything's okay. She was a villain and was later revealed as his mother so she continued to raise him. He never forgave the heroes for the murder of his adoptive family.
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Name: Canes Lupa

Code Name:* Lone Wolf

Age:(13+) 15

Gender: Male

Are you?: neutral with good tendency

Super Hero Appearance:**


Normal Appearance:**


Height: 5'11" out of armor 7'8" in armor

Weight: 152 Ib. out 2352 in armor

Main Personality type: silent Loner. he prefers to work by himself but will work with others if it is required

Flaws: overconfidance. he is confidant nothing can break into his suit after the latest modifications and will take any bet to prove it

Quirks/Mannerisms:*** he always folds his arms over his chest o fiddles with weapons and armor pieces that he carries on his person.

Fears:(Optional) of being seen for who he truly is. the visor he wears is capable of hiding who he is and he never takes it off.

Bio/History: As the son of a weapons and arms developer that works for the military Canes was always around high tech gear. when he was 12 he started to gather the spare parts and failed experiments and build a armor suit. when he was 14 he finally finished and powered it up for the first time. the suit runs off of a massive power turbine built into his chest that is covered with a plate. also the claw has the ability to sap energy from any source or powered wires it touches. the right arm supports a heavy bore auto-cannon but the rate of fire is extremely slow as the load system is somewhat cramped to fit into the armor plate. his shoulder bears a mortar with a firing rate just as slow for the same reasons. the armor also has a Jump Jet built into his back that allows him to fly for thirty seconds at a time and recharges in the same amount of time. he has seemed to be a rogue element sometimes helping sometimes fighting either side making many weary of his aid.
Name: Katniss "Kat" Hart

Code Name: ShadowKat*

Age: 18


Are you?: Good, but works by herself

Super Hero Appearance:

Normal Appearance:

Height: 5'7

Weight: 110

Main Personality type: Fair and doesn't judge people without first getting to know them. She believes in second chances and comes off as a independent girl. Her outward appearance is strong but she is actually very fragile inside.

Flaws: Sometimes too trusting of others.

Quirks/Mannerisms: When she feels nervous, she starts picking her nails and fiddling with her fingers.

Fears: alcohol, due to her childhood trauma with her father.

Bio/History: Kat was born under an abusive alcoholic father. She would deal with being beat up by him until her powers came to fruition at the age of 7. She had the power to become invisible and pass through any solid matter. Since then, every time her father tried to throw empty beer bottles at her, she would just phase through them. When she was 13, she finally mustered up the courage to run away and live as an orphan. She worked different part-time jobs to survive and studied hard to be a good student at school. When she sees crime floating about on the streets, she stops whatever she is doing and helps.
Name: Kalious ( last name unknown )

Code Name:* Korra

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Are you?: Neutral

Super Hero Appearance:**

Content to hide goes here[/


Normal Appearance:**

Content to hide goes here[



Height: 6'4

Weight: 120

Main Personality type: Very curious, slight crazy in a way. he sees everything as a wonder in the vast world

Flaws: He gets in peoples faces with curiosity, asks way to many questions.

Quirks/Mannerisms:*** Trails off often and when not in another world in his own mind he is very attentive.

Fears:(Optional) Anything he can't explain


He always lived on the streets but. When he learned he had so much luck he went gambling illegally and won huge. People started noticing him and he became insane with power for his age. He lives in his own mansion and works for any body, for big money off course.

(( I want many details to be a mystery if that is okay with chu :3 ))

Sorry the spoiler got funky xD
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Name: Spencer Clyde Terry

Code Name: Specter

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Are you?: Neutral

Super Hero Appearance:


Normal Appearance:


Height: 5'10''

Weight: 80kg

Main Personality type:

After what he has went through, he's become a perfectionist as well as an irritable person. He also likes showing off and he has a superiority complex. He also likes getting what he wants. A very cunning and headstrong person. He also dislikes owing anybody anything.


He has two superpowers. The first is the ability to use camouflage. He isn't completely invisible. It's just camouflage. His other ability is a pocket dimension. He creates portals where he could come in and out. The portals he makes are connected to a single location. His dimension is like a number of rooms connected in a small, maze-like manner. The exits will appear as locked doors and only he has the power to create keys and choose which room they are connected to. The limitations of his power is that he can't expand the area of his dimension. He can only make portals on shadows in the real world. The size of the portals are also limited by the shadow's size. He can only make portals on places he's been to or places he can see. There's a limit of three living things that can enter his portals. He can only make three entrances and he can only keep six exits.



None that anyone knows of.


Spencer was reared in a rich family. As a kid, he was a total brat that got everything he wanted though at a certain cost. He didn't get to spend much time with his parents since they were always away. He didn't have any friends aside from their servants because they live in a very secluded area. Growing up, his parents became stricter and stricter. He was raised to excel in both scholastic and athletic endeavors. He's well-versed with armed and unarmed combat. He's also skilled in gymnastics and parkour. Unknown to him, both his parents were actually spies and had every intention of training him to become one. He got his camouflage from his mom while he got his pocket dimension power from his dad. His parents died on a mission and he was left with everything they had. He continued his parents' legacy and became a spy himself.

(damn, something important came up while I was typing this. I'll finish this later. D:)

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Name: Luca Sevenson

Code Name: Lucky-7

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Are you?: Neutral

Super Hero Appearance:

Normal Appearance:

Height: 5'8

Weight: 103 Lbs.

Main Personality type: Luca has split personalities, One being a hyper, crazy, funny, and creative, while the other is more serious, logical, calm and unkind.

Flaws: Her slit personality, she tends to get annoying. She likes to gamble and make bets.

Powers/Abilities: She has slight telepathic ability, and inhuman strength. She is talented in martial arts.

Quirks/Mannerisms: Can't make a decision, talks and argues with herself.

Fears: The unknown, dying, darkness, bugs.

Bio/History: Little is known about Luca's past. She does know she was subject to government experimentation, as her father was in the military. This experimentation damaged her physical and mental state, also giving her split personalities. She is very intelligent, as well as creative. She is not good nor evil, she believes either is too much work, and picking a side is just too hard. She can be won over easily, and will do odd jobs for either side.
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I am Not Accepting anyone, who posts after this comment! I have to catch up and read the ones above! But you can create a character if you'd like! Just give me time to read them! (I've been really busy sorry, so I'm going to read most of theses and give feedback!)
this is your official warning i will be out of state from sunday to sunday. really sorry guys
Firelava said:
this is your official warning i will be out of state from sunday to sunday. really sorry guys
That okay! Don't cha worry, just PM me when you are back and I can fill you in on what happens! :)
done with all the necessary stuff. I guess I'll just find a quirk or mannerism as we go. :)

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